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Refrain from cow slaughter on Eid, clerics appeal to Muslims.

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Lord Krishna was born into a dairy cow herding family and was very fond of cows as you may well know, yep in my view it is just that a sacred animal not a God or deity as i consider God to be just 1 the Supreme being.

I didn't get my answer.


In fact gestures like this make us into thinking that a common Hindu man/woman considers a cow to be a somewhat superior being than himself/herself.

Hari-Vishnu inscription found with Babri.

Ajay Mitra Shastri, Chairman of the Epigraphical Society of India and a specialist in epigraphy and numismatics, examined the Hari-Vishnu inscription and stated:

"The inscription is composed in high-flown Sanskrit verse, except for a small portion in prose, and is engraved in the chaste and classical Nagari- script of the eleventh-twelfth century AD. It was evidently put up on the wall of the temple, the construction of which is recorded in the text inscribed on it. Line 15 of this inscription, for example, clearly tells us that a beautiful temple of Vishnu-Hari, built with heaps of stone (sila-samhati-grahais) and beautified with a golden spire (hiranya-kalasa-srisundaram) unparalleled by any other temple built by earlier kings (purvvair-apy-akrtam krtam nrpatibhir) was constructed. This wonderful temple (aty-adbhutam) was built in the temple- city (vibudh-alaayni) of Ayodhya situated in the Saketamandala (district, line 17) (...). Line 19 describes god Vishnu as destroying king Bali (apparently in the Vamana manifestation) and the ten-headed personage (Dasanana, i.e., Ravana)."[9]

I didn't get my answer.

In fact gestures like this make us into thinking that a common Hindu man/woman considers a cow to be a somewhat superior being than himself/herself.

No my friend it looks like praying to you but for us that is just a Namaste which I can do to you also but that does mean you are God does it?
Yeti, we were looking at four points from you (four and a half, if we cout your allusion to 76 fights oveer the site, which means nothing by itsellf or in conjunction with anyything else). So far,, two points are devoid of any evidence that Rama was born at that spot, leave alone that he was born in Ayodhya in the first place. We are now down to the remaining two-and-half.

3. On June 18 th 1992, when the ground near the Ram Janma Bhoomi was being levelled, at a depth of 12 ft, several beautifully carved buff sandstone objects were found. These objects included images of Vaishnav divinities with one 'Chakrapurush' sculpture also showing 'Parashuram' and 'Balram', an image of 'Shiv-Parvati' (largely broken) and many carved stones such as corner were terrecotta Hindu images of Kushan period (1 st to 3 rd Century A.D.).

These and other objects found during subsequent excavations during July 1992, were found to be members of a Hindu temple complex of about 11 th Century A.D. by a team of 8 eminent archaeologists and historians. The team included Dr. Y. D. Sharma, former Deputy Director General of Archaeological Survey of India, and Prof. B. R. Grover, Director of Indian Council for Historical Research.

Nothing new, dear Sir.

Kushana period objects from the 1st to 3rd century AD, but not independent - part of a 11th century temple complex. So? Neither the Kushana dating nor the possibillity that this was also the site of a temple has anything to do with Rama being born in Ayodhya, or at the spot excavated.

Why did you include these three points?
Do not agree Lord Ram's temple will be rebuilt and next will be Kashi. Not to say the destruction of the Mosque was justified but it should of being handed over so such rioting would not occur.

What ever happened..Happened..hope we as a country dont make the same mistake again..I dont agree personally that demolition of a mosque to build a temple over a Mosque ..over a temple...over and over again makes sense...I like the concept of building a Mosque and a temple next to each other.

Even Mr Mcdonald is doing it :lol:
What ever happened..Happened..hope we as a country dont make the same mistake again..I dont agree personally that demolition of a mosque to build a temple over a Mosque ..over a temple...over and over again makes sense...I like the concept of building a Mosque and a temple next to each other.

I have no problem with a Mosque being built next to Lord Rams mandir at all

Yeti, we were looking at four points from you (four and a half, if we cout your allusion to 76 fights oveer the site, which means nothing by itsellf or in conjunction with anyything else). So far,, two points are devoid of any evidence that Rama was born at that spot, leave alone that he was born in Ayodhya in the first place. We are now down to the remaining two-and-half.

Nothing new, dear Sir.

Kushana period objects from the 1st to 3rd century AD, but not independent - part of a 11th century temple complex. So? Neither the Kushana dating nor the possibillity that this was also the site of a temple has anything to do with Rama being born in Ayodhya, or at the spot excavated.

Why did you include these three points?

What is your view on the Hari-Vishnu inscription found and the historic evidence such as that provided by Guru Nanak?
I agree, it would be a monumental step. But it would be even better if done without any feeling of pressure. It did bother me to read the Maulana's reasoning that this step would respect the feelings of Hindu brethren who are in the majority.

Why should they have to take this step, or in some way feel compelled to take this step, due to fear of much larger numbers?

perhaps it was just awkward wording. Now if he had said that this would asuage the feelings of very large numbers of fellow-citizens, that would not have been awkward. As it stands, it sounds like deference to a tyrannical majority.

I got the same vibe from the statement but I believe perhaps it was misinterpreted.
India is known for the harmony :)
Happy Eid mubarak :)

I remember posting this before, but I wanted to post it again.

Even the cows in India like to eat meat. :rofl:

you trolled before, now trolling again :woot:
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The second item:

Nothing about Rama, leave alone the precise spot. Only the same 11th century temple, and pottery from two thousand years earlier.

It is a big question that Ram was born at that very spot. Second big question, did Lord Ram exist at all.
Third big question, its illegal to build a mosque on a temple according to islam, so babri masjid was not a mosque at all.
May I say your analogy is flawed..?? While Jews and Muslims don't eat pork themselves they never mind other people's eating pork.

But why does it muslim countries themselves have banned pork?
Moreover, Cow is an sensitive animal for hindus in India !! Muslims respect that sentiment, and its what we need :) An understanding of faith and harmony which u can find only in india:)
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