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Reforms or face a crisis, China told

...From what I have seen, Taiwan is much better. They have much more small to medium size companies. What that means is that the government can make friendly policies for them, but won't be controlled by them.
And the people have more access to competing products.

IMO, the backbone of a strong nation.

Ironically, places like the Eurozone are already on the brink of economic collapse, yet they still find so much time to lecture us.

They'll have much more time after the collapse.
fcuk the world bank and imf.

they are tools of the american regime.

any chinese leader that takes advise from these 2 institutions should be hung for treason.

the west knows, china is the biggest threat to their global empire, so they are trying their best to collapse the chinese economy or the chinese political system through divide and conquer and thus collaose the chinese economy.
the chinese military is rising due to our economic growth, the west wants to stop this.

this is the time china needs hawks in power, any weakling should be exposed and dealt with in no uncertain terms.

the west will never allow china to rise peacefully, they will try their best to collapse china in any way, shape or form so the west can retain their global christian empire.

ban all NGOs in china, its the number 1 tool of the west to collapse nation through revolutions.
ban all foreign jouranalists in china, another tool the west uses to spew anti-chinese propaganda to the world.
ban all churches.
ban all western institutions in china.

never trust the west.
BINGO! Today, China is at the stage where it is plain stupid to open markets to FAR LARGER, FAR STRONGER, FAR RICHER vertically integrated foreign companies to come into China that can pick off FAR WEAKER, FAR SMALLER, FAR POORER fragmented domestic Chinese companies who have no chance to fight them off. This garbage that it will create leaner meaner companies ONLY WORKS when there is a level playing field. The only reason current policy is debatable is because China needs to maintain employment for all the exporters. However, China's workforce has now stabilized and will begin a long and continuous decline from around 2014-2016 onwards. Ironically, I believe the developed world will become protectionist around that time once the US, EU and Japan finally enter phase II of the 2008 financial collapse. Good news for China, at least for the long run. Until then, China has to stop allowing what is basically foreign monopolistic behavior decimating China's domestic industries.

These multinationals have highly paid propaganda writers... er, "experts" and "commenters" like this one Michael Pettis, that might influence our government.

The developed world has always been protectionist. They're just better at hiding it. How do you think that Chinese products get inspected with a magnifying glass while US products just as bad get a free pass by the media?
And how exactly do Christians threaten you? :angry:

I don't like your little ugly red face.

---------- Post added at 06:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 AM ----------

Everyone has a feeling. It is odd enough that some people believe in stuff like Christ, why can't people feel threatened by that?

For me it is totally understandable that people feel threatened by something they can't understand.
These multinationals have highly paid propaganda writers... er, "experts" and "commenters" like this one Michael Pettis, that might influence our government.

The developed world has always been protectionist. They're just better at hiding it. How do you think that Chinese products get inspected with a magnifying glass while US products just as bad get a free pass by the media?
Depends on which media (China, US, Europe, etc) you're talking about and which products? When it comes to Chinese food and medicine, it's very understandable considering the amount of ongoing abuse that's happening. In that case, it's not a simple case of bias, those are real concerns. If you're talking about Huawei being effectively banned from Western government contracts, that's blatant protectionism. I don't think anybody questions Huawei quality within China but if you're talking the food and especially the medicines.... LOL

Interesting you bring up Michael Pettis. I just read some articles by him a few days ago about why China is about to collapse...here one of those articles...

Michael Pettis: China's Economy Is Headed for a Slowdown - WSJ.com

Here is a quote from the above article...

"This cheap borrowing comes at the expense of depositors. Low yields on deposits force them to sacrifice consumption, to save more."

...He thinks low bank deposit interest is "forcing" Chinese bank holders to save more! That is an incentive to SPEND more NOT save. This guy is a professor in China's premier university and he has this level of intellect, very sad. I find many of his other conclusions suspect because he has a pattern of making these sorts of comments and doesn't understand basic Chinese socio-cultural behavior even though he speaks Mandarin and has lived in China for years. If I were to make an assessment, I would say he holds right-wing neocon sentiment.
What he actually is saying is probably:

Because of China's rising property market, people are forced to save for houses. However, because of the low deposit interest rate, they are forced to save even more just to catch up with the market.

Now the obvious solution is to rent as the buy:rent ratio is 30:1, one of the highest in history and renting is essentially arbitrage when you consider inflation. If I can think of this, millions of others can too.

Chinese food and medications may have quality problems but US food has equally as many problems. Canteloupe just killed 21 people in the US. If that happened in China, there'd be outrage and it would be on the media 24/7 for years. It faded out of US media within days.
michael pettis and patrick chovanec are 2 china hating arseholes.

why are these 2 china hating scum allowed to live in china
why are our leaders allowing this sort of thing?

why are they allowed to take jobs from chinese people, use our resources and hate on china on our great land.

What he actually is saying is probably:

Because of China's rising property market, people are forced to save for houses. However, because of the low deposit interest rate, they are forced to save even more just to catch up with the market.

Now the obvious solution is to rent as the buy:rent ratio is 30:1, one of the highest in history and renting is essentially arbitrage when you consider inflation. If I can think of this, millions of others can too.
He wasn't talking about saving to buy property, he was talking about how China should increase the share of domestic consumption. In this context, what Pettis said about needing to save more because interest rates are low flat out doesn't make sense. Michael Pettis is a finance professor and he said something like this? Nobody is that dumb unless they are doing it on purpose. His intellectual dishonesty turns me off. In his other articles he talks about the worldwide recession and how low interest rates stimulated spending while saying the opposite concerning China. He has some sort of agenda. He should be removed just on the fact that he's probably teaching garbage to his students.

Chinese food and medications may have quality problems but US food has equally as many problems. Canteloupe just killed 21 people in the US. If that happened in China, there'd be outrage and it would be on the media 24/7 for years. It faded out of US media within days.
You have to admit, it happens alot more in China than the US and the scale is also usually bigger. It doesn't help that China commonly uses grade III or worse quality water for its agriculture.
michael pettis and patrick chovanec are 2 china hating arseholes.

why are these 2 china hating scum allowed to live in china
where are our leaders allowing this sort of thing?

why are they allowed to take jobs from chinese people, use our resources and hate on china on our great land.


Because we have the traitor who works for the Freemason.

Do you mean Xi Jinping or Wen Jiabao?

Xi Jinping

??????????????????? -

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Wen Jiabao


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¼??? ????-

Now, is it clear to you who is the traitor between these two guys?
michael pettis is a china hater, john ross exposed pettis' bulls**t in his blog.

pettis said china will be the last to emerge from the 2008 recession while america will be one of the first.
lol the exact opposite happened, china was first and america one of the last.

pettis should be deported at worst, at best should get a bullet in the head.

spewing anti-chinese propaganda should face severe punishment in china, especially by foreigners.
michael pettis is a china hater, john ross exposed pettis' bulls**t in his blog.

pettis said china will be the last to emerge from the 2008 recession while america will be one of the first.
lol the exact opposite happened, china was first and america one of the last.

pettis should be deported at worst, at best should get a bullet in the head.

spewing anti-chinese propaganda should face severe punishment in china, especially by foreigners.

Yeah, but before dealing with those scums, we should eliminate the traitor first.
michael pettis is a china hater, john ross exposed pettis' bulls**t in his blog.

pettis said china will be the last to emerge from the 2008 recession while america will be one of the first.
lol the exact opposite happened, china was first and america one of the last.

pettis should be deported at worst, at best should get a bullet in the head.

spewing anti-chinese propaganda should face severe punishment in china, especially by foreigners.
I wouldn't go so far to call Pettis a China hater since he hasn't displayed any overt crusader type tendencies. Alot of these anti-China types are actually self-described do-gooders with an Entitlement Attitude. That's why you see them completely ignore the gross problems in their own countries right in front of their eyes while concentrating on the lowly foreigners for their righteous liberation.
private capital will destroy china, especially when its foreign capital.
especially in strategic sectors.

fcuk wen jiabao and his bulls**t privatization.

i still dont trust xi jinping, too much on an american lover.
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