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Red Cross stops work in Pakistani cities

Very sad news Red Cross was much needed in Pakistan .

Most NGOs are running on direct american funding.USAID aid is now channelled through more than 1000 NGOs working in Pakistan,which was fine under normal circumstances.
But we all know that strings are attached to this aid.We will see more NGOs leaving the country in coming months as USAID will now diminish in response to Pakistan's stand on their WOT.
Western Media has been publishing and spreading false reports that 'Pakistan is the most dangerous country on earth'..... I wouldn't be surprised if many others (West based organizations) decide to leave.
Western Media has been publishing and spreading false reports that 'Pakistan is the most dangerous country on earth'..... I wouldn't be surprised if many others (West based organizations) decide to leave.

and thanks to the NGOs..The world media is flooded with each and every negative/Bad thing that happens in any desolated corner of Pakistan..More than anything else,the nation needs some encouragement,not insults thrown from all over the world,and NGOs only make it worse.
Giving a million dollar to an NGO for opening a Girls school in Quetta and then when their workers get killed/Kidnapped...It is used as tool to pressurize Pakistan to "Do more"...and thats why i am against the existence of the NGOs in the country...
Giving a million dollar to an NGO for opening a Girls school in Quetta and then when their workers get killed/Kidnapped...It is used as tool to pressurize Pakistan to "Do more"...and thats why i am against the existence of the NGOs in the country...

So it is better to keep the girls uneducated and everybody else unaware? What perverse logic!
:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:
Apparently in your world, if there were no NGOs in Pakistan, the nation would be the Garden of Eden? Typical Pakistani mentality.

The NGOs are doing more than what your doing spreading around conspiracies. Another typical Pakistani mentality.

If you dont want aid, wht happened to the Kerry-Luger Bill? Anyways, now that NGOs will no longer be funded by USAID, lets see how much better Pakistan becomes. Since only your brain can comprehend the magnitude of the Pakistani conditions. Please keep me informed about how Pakistan will become a shrine of enlightenment.

My flags are right, although I was born Faisalabad, Pakistan. I'm studying a semester in Turkiye now.
Me neither....
But the ground reality is that whichever area is troubled in Pakistan...Mainly American funded....used as a tool to justify their mad bad WOT including drone attacks..
"Oh we give you money,let us kill your people"...
TI-Pakistan: News
I already said that the actual people working for these NGOs are working in good faith,well most of them..But it is plausible that NGOs have their hands in the supply of terrorism equipment to Suicide bombers...
Just about any angry mullah cannot arrange 50Kg of Explosives and there has to be a supply chain which Pakistani security forces haven been able to crack....
Any area that is troubled needs to be cordoned off from all foreign intrusion and that's normal security procedure but the diaspora of NGOs in Pakistan wont let it happen...
Put them under scrutiny,they will cry rape....restrict their movement in the country again they will cry rape...

You the residents of Pakistan are the most confused people on the planet...You expect miracles from your army and security forces but will despise any effort from them to reach the root causes and improve security...
Didn't Pakistan ask the NGOs specially foreign NGOs to stay away from Baluchistan.? Then why they were stationed in Quetta?
You wont blame them,you will blame Pakistan army,wont you?

Again, your making conspiracy theories out of thin air.
I am an overseas Pakistani, surely you must've noticed the Dutch flag under my name.
Even though i'm not in Pakistan currently, still am well connected and my family is there too.

So far you've made yet another bunch of claims without credible evidence.
What, according to you, is the root cause of the problem? These NGO's?

Lol, I try not to smile, but it's hard. :)
Thəorətic Muslim;2923072 said:
:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:
Apparently in your world, if there were no NGOs in Pakistan, the nation would be the Garden of Eden? Typical Pakistani mentality.

The NGOs are doing more than what your doing spreading around conspiracies. Another typical Pakistani mentality.

If you dont want aid, wht happened to the Kerry-Luger Bill? Anyways, now that NGOs will no longer be funded by USAID, lets see how much better Pakistan becomes. Since only your brain can comprehend the magnitude of the Pakistani conditions. Please keep me informed about how Pakistan will become a shrine of enlightenment.

My flags are right, although I was born Faisalabad, Pakistan. I'm studying a semester in Turkiye now.

Thankyou Mr.American Mentality...
Pakistani mentality needs security and uplifting more than anything else.
The very presence of foreign NGOs is a security threat as too much resources are needed to safeguard them which at the moment the country cannot arrange and cannot afford..
Well at least i am calm and not showing my swearing skill unlike you and that TheoRetiacalMuslim or whatever he is......

So genius..why you think those NGOs are so desperately trying to enter every troubled area in Pakistan where eve NATO wont dare going?
Even the Mighty Zardari wont go to Baluchistan but Khalil Dale was stationed there...
Why so?

People Die of medical folly all over the world,your relatives weren't the only one.That doesnt mean the rest of the world call in cavalry from abroad..
Its only us Pakistanis who wont trust a thing inside their country but will give their heart and soul to an unknown foreigner...
Please get the hell out of this Slave mentality

People die of medical folly all over the world?
How ignorant and stupid is this comment? So it doesn't matter, because it happens in the rest of the world too?

What kind of logic is that? What kind of thinking is that? Disgusting, and also nice of you to brush the deaths off just like that, because "accidents" happen right?
Again, your making conspiracy theories out of thin air.
I am an overseas Pakistani, surely you must've noticed the Dutch flag under my name.
Even though i'm not in Pakistan currently, still am well connected and my family is there too.

So far you've made yet another bunch of claims without credible evidence.
What, according to you, is the root cause of the problem? These NGO's?

Lol, I try not to smile, but it's hard. :)

Why do you think the NGOs have mushroomed all over the country AFTER this WOT started/
Any answers?
Pakistani mentality needs security and uplifting more than anything else.

No. Pakistani mentality needs a complete and radical makeover, top to bottom, left to right, and every which way in between, if the nation is to survive the 21st century.
Why do you think the NGOs have mushroomed all over the country AFTER this WOT started/
Any answers?

Because these NGO's are evil and the doctors use poisonous needles to inject venom into poor Pakistanis. :)

Is that what your delusional mind wants to hear?

Or is it that because of the WoT, we've had immense loss of life, and the need for these NGO's is greater then ever?

No. Pakistani mentality needs a complete and radical makeover, top to bottom, left to right, and every which way in between, if the nation is to survive the 21st century.

Wanted to thank your post, but couldn't find the button??
What happened?
People die of medical folly all over the world?
How ignorant and stupid is this comment? So it doesn't matter, because it happens in the rest of the world too?

What kind of logic is that? What kind of thinking is that? Disgusting, and also nice of you to brush the deaths off just like that, because "accidents" happen right?

Ok i am not here to be thrown slurs at and called stupid in every other comment...
I will now leave this thread as there is no compulsion on me to keep arguing with your types.
After all this is another internet forum..We never know who we are talking to ..
Did your not learn to be civil?
Bails out............

Ok i am not here to be thrown slurs at and called stupid in every other comment...
I will now leave this thread as there is no compulsion on me to keep arguing with your types.
After all this is another internet forum..We never know who we are talking to ..
Did your not learn to be civil?
Bails out............


I'm saying how it is, some of the comments you've made are indeed ignorant, and quite stupid.
You speak as if you speak on behalf of all the Pakistani citizens, but do you also speak on behalf of those who need dire medical assistance? I wonder?

Also, your comments on medical follies was not something I could take lightly, but as I said earlier, you're only interested in your own point of view on this matter and do not care what anyone else says.

Have a good day.

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