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Red Cross stops work in Pakistani cities

Ok i am not here to be thrown slurs at and called stupid in every other comment...
I will now leave this thread as there is no compulsion on me to keep arguing with your types.
After all this is another internet forum..We never know who we are talking to ..
Did your not learn to be civil?
Bails out............


You should read your posts, I have no regrets with what I posted.
So sad to read the coments in this thread, the coments of we dont need them and all NGO's are cia spies, kick all the bastards out and worse, children waving their internet testicles at us screaming look how tough i am, while sitting in warm houses with computers, presumably enough to eat and good health.

How soon people forget the work or the IRC perhaps a little remonder is needed?

The floods, while your politicians were pocketing money and shipping the remainder to selected friends.



Food for familes in Sindh and Punjab

So stop and think before you shout F*** the IRC its children like these you are taking the help away from

So sad to read the coments in this thread, the coments of we dont need them and all NGO's are cia spies,
Responsibility for those attitudes lies with the US Government, military and intelligence Establishment as well, for using NGO's to conduct espionage operations.
You live in Michigan? Look out if you go to the Doctors! They will probably implant a joo tracking device in your brain!

(my dad is from Michigan, he would be pleased at the level of intelligence that prevails there now)

(Ps...I do agree a little, the Government has very seldom used NGO workers in low level work, in bad taste)
Believe it or not, the fact is some so called 'NGOs' go as missionaries.... We've seen them caught in Haiti...
Oh no....Christians preach their religion? You would NEVER see a Muslim do that...
Oh no....Christians preach their religion? You would NEVER see a Muslim do that...

Well if Muslims want to preach their religion, they do it openly.

At least not like Christians that are doing it secretly. We've seen that in the past. i.e. to Spain and African countries. ;)
Spain? Seriously? They have been rabid Christian LONG before Islam existed...
(Africa too, ask the copts, guess where St. Augustine is from, Africa)
Pakistanis find it hard to fathom the fact that there are genuinely philanthrophic organizations that serve humanity irrespective of nationality, religion and class. One cannot blame them. But the comments here are cruel even for Pakistani standards.
Believe it or not, the fact is some so called 'NGOs' go as missionaries.... We've seen them caught in Haiti...

dear sir what do our guys do? dont they do the same? the Saudis have generously contributed towards making impressive Mosques there are bound to be strings attached as well to advocate their Islamic version. Same goes with the Tableegi Jamaat... the very name is translated as preaching organisation.

Christian missionaries and doctors went all around the world including sub continent and helped and supported the people who are normally dismissed and discarded by the society, now if the grateful poor and needy convert to Christianity in the end then its the society at large to blame that missed its chance.

never hesitate to praise the charity and goodwill of the non-Muslims because our Prophet PBUH never hesitated, Hatim Tai a Christian lives on till today due to his extreme generosity and charity acknowledged & praised by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

indeed there is abuse of trust and there are people who have other ulterior motives but lets not totally dismiss these causes.
remember, it is these organisations in the end that rush to rescue people even in Muslim countries when the fellow Muslims are killing each other or standing back totally indifferent.
While it's sad that the Red cross is leaving.
What I find more interesting is the reaction of the Americans/westerners
Normally the death of a dark skinned person is not a big deal to them, heck they even call it "collateral damage"
But when it can be used as propaganda then all of a sudden they are all bleeding hearts.

Interesting how they view the death of us sub humans according to their own desires.
Cristian missionary hospitals have been preaching Christianity,they aren't there JUST for humanity's sake as many here have said.....
Bach Christian hospital in Mansehra was where i frequently went at one time...Every patient room has Bible and christian books,and nuns will visit you every Sunday and preach you if you are there on long term sickness.
Poor women who died during child birth and if the children survived,the nuns would take the child and bring him/her up as Christians...That hospital is there since before Pakistan and is run by some German church,and missionaries and doctors from Germany come there....Many German doctors have been coming there all their lives and are well known among the people,same goes for the Christian missionaries.
Ok i never had problem with them preaching their religion in return to a service,but just mentioning here for those who say that these organizations have no other motives than Humanity,well actually they do.

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