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Rectal rehydration and broken limbs: the grisliest findings in the CIA torture report

Your superior tells you to do stuff, and you follow it. I doubt guys like you can hold a thought. The two psychologist made $81 millions of dollars by doing the job for CIA. Anybody with half a brain can see what really happened, the whole thing was just a money making scheme sold as intel gathering bonanza !!!

Lying to suspects ( what you were taught to call psychological) is an age old LEO tactics, its been okd by the Supreme Court. This is very different than physical torture or sleep deprivation.

Someone hooks live wire to your you know what, you will claim you saw Mother Teresa doing some real bad stuff. This is something you fail to understand.


Once again is promoting torture ok on the forum ?

This guy is

apprently you have not read what i wrote before and have no idea how military intelligence work.

May I ask, what is your expertise to claim this never works?

I worked for Mil-Intel for 2 years, do you know why there are no so called "evidence" that support tortures works? That becuase misleded individual like you make us classified intel op secret, of course you are not going to hear successful case because we are not allow to talk about those case.

If i am allowed to divluge classified information i would tell you how it work and when it worked, but i am not allowed to so i can only tell you it works

So mr human right, can you guide me on how to obtain intel if we are not allow to physically or psychologically torture people?

lol i have met a thousand people like you, yes you want the meat yet you dont want to know how meat was made from animal......
and lol, talk about truth as it happen is promoting torture

Then if i talk about terrorism, did i automatically promote terrorism lol....this @fallstuff guy is funny.

call whoever or whomever you want, you can call the ACLU while you are at it. it wont change the way mil intel gonna produce, unless there are brain scanner of sort we can extract information without forcefully get them out, torture will and still remain in the field, you can call whoever even the president on this subject it wont change a even a bit.

and thats the reality, dont like it? move somewhere else, but wait, as far as i know, every country have the same practices, even sweden...i dont know where you can move
I am surprised this is even news now, its been out in the open for a while.

Is promoting torture allowed in this forum ?

I think the guy is just ignorant of the law 8-)

Even if you buy an assassin for a murder for example, the instigator of the crime is still punishable by law. Also the "assassin contract" is rendered illegal and not binding on any person by law


In the United States, the United Kingdom, and many other countries, a contract to kill a person is void, meaning that it is not legally enforceable. Any contract to commit an indictable offense is not enforceable. Thus, if a hitman takes the money but then fails or refuses to perform, the customer cannot sue for specific performance or for damages for breach of contract. Conversely, if the hitman performs the killing as promised but the customer refuses to pay, the hitman cannot sue the customer for monetary damages.

both the actual killer and the person who paid the killer can be found guilty of murder. Indeed, the acts of merely negotiating and paying for a contract killing (that is never actually carried out) are themselves punishable as attempted murder, as they constitute the "substantial step" towards a crime which are essential for imposing liability for an attempted crime.

Contract killing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "
Torture will remain a useful and easy tool for law enforcement agencies
and intelligence agencies to get information

No amount of articles and documentaries are going to stop it

The bad guys have no real incentive to tell what they know

But when innocents get caught ; that is very sad
apprently you have not read what i wrote before and have no idea how military intelligence work.

May I ask, what is your expertise to claim this never works?

I worked for Mil-Intel for 2 years, do you know why there are no so called "evidence" that support tortures works? That becuase misleded individual like you make us classified intel op secret, of course you are not going to hear successful case because we are not allow to talk about those case.

If i am allowed to divluge classified information i would tell you how it work and when it worked, but i am not allowed to so i can only tell you it works

So mr human right, can you guide me on how to obtain intel if we are not allow to physically or psychologically torture people?

lol i have met a thousand people like you, yes you want the meat yet you dont want to know how meat was made from animal......

Pretty easy stuff. Its always about people.

Get rid off all the idiots that are currently involved in these programs. According to the Senate report, its filled with folks with anger management issues, and people under investigations for sexual misconducts. Hire some people who understands getting intelligence of value and beating people to pulp are two different issues.

That would be a good start.
Pretty easy stuff. Its always about people.

Get rid off all the idiots that are currently involved in these programs. According to the Senate report, its filled with folks with anger management issues, and people under investigations for sexual misconducts. Hire some people who understands getting intelligence of value and beating people to pulp are two different issues.

That would be a good start.

This is why i said you have no knowledge of how intelligence work, and you obiviously have not read the article i wrote.

You cannot compare Army intelligence to LEO intelligence or interrogation technique, cos the latter are after the fact, police will not question people to prevent crime and they only do so to investigate crime that had already happened.

That is why they have a larger timeframe (virtually) infinite amount of time to sit and talk using deductive reasoning and reid technique to get information out of a suspect

in case you are wondering, we, military intelligence people also trained with REID and all civil LEO technique, however we do not do it after the fact and mainly we want to prevent thing that will happen SOON. I highlighted the word soon because there is a flaw for the LEO technique, thats if the prep or detainee just sit there for 2 days, it will render him irrevelent as whatever supposed to go down would have gone down already, the "intel" would instantly turn into toilet paper after the sensitive timeframe.

If we are hire to talk to the detainee in war, you may as well have a bunch of old lady to work mil-int, well at least they can make tea lol

seriously read the article i wrote, dont get biased information because i can still sensed that you think what we did was only beat someone senseless and pull people finger nail out. We dont do that

I can argue with you only you are on the same level as mine, otherwise it wouldhave been useless to even talk to you as you are thinking what we did was wrong even tho you have no idea what we did

I think the guy is just ignorant of the law 8-)

Even if you buy an assassin for a murder for example, the instigator of the crime is still punishable by law. Also the "assassin contract" is rendered illegal and not binding on any person by law


In the United States, the United Kingdom, and many other countries, a contract to kill a person is void, meaning that it is not legally enforceable. Any contract to commit an indictable offense is not enforceable. Thus, if a hitman takes the money but then fails or refuses to perform, the customer cannot sue for specific performance or for damages for breach of contract. Conversely, if the hitman performs the killing as promised but the customer refuses to pay, the hitman cannot sue the customer for monetary damages.

both the actual killer and the person who paid the killer can be found guilty of murder. Indeed, the acts of merely negotiating and paying for a contract killing (that is never actually carried out) are themselves punishable as attempted murder, as they constitute the "substantial step" towards a crime which are essential for imposing liability for an attempted crime.

Contract killing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "

and i think you are just ignorant on how we work, and the principle of rendition, probably best get a dictionary, then probably we can talk.

PS you cannot "buy" an assassin, you hires them
and i think you are just ignorant on how we work, and the principle of rendition, probably best get a dictionary, then probably we can talk.

PS you cannot "buy" an assassin, you hires them

rendition has no principle

I am making a good example of how much ignorant your are in saying you will contract out the "torturing" job to an outsider when you are equally guilty of the offence as an instigator!
you can buy almost anyhing. "hire" is another term for the same motive.8-)
rendition has no principle

I am making a good example of how much ignorant your are in saying you will contract out the "torturing" job to an outsider when you are equally guilty of the offence as an instigator!
you can buy almost anyhing. "hire" is another term for the same motive.8-)

lol should I reply to you when you put "rendition does not have a principle" in the first sentence?

buy the way, i know in Chinese you buy a killer 買兇 that does not literate translate in English, i understand what you said aimply because i speak Chinese too, but other people may not

you cannot BUY a person when you want to get his or her service, you can not buy a hooker, you hire them...
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lol should i apply to you when you put "rendition does not have a principle" in the first sentence?

buy the way, i know in Chinese you buy a killer 買兇 that does not literate translate in English, i understand what you said aimply because i speak Chinese too, but other people may not

you cannot BUY a person when you want to get his or her service, you can not buy a hooker, you hire them...

Get out of here, you ignorant!
If you are caught with entering into a contract with an outsider who carries out the human "torture" under your order you are in jail now! :dirol:
Get out of here, you ignorant!
If you are caught with entering into a contract with an outsider who carries out the human "torture" under your order you are in jail now! :dirol:

highlighted your word IF

Thats a very big condition and this is where the principle of rendition lies, which means you are not to associate yourselves with the person you hires.

That would allow you to have possible denialibility, of course when i hire those people i would not write down the reason for hiring is to torture people. If you actually do that then i guess you are stupid enough to derseve to be in jail lol

Hence, in the first post, i said if you say there are no principle of rendition, then we shoupd not talk anymore.

Is promoting torture allowed in this forum ?
Take a chill pill. You have someone who, not only had military experience, but also was in a position very related to the subject under discussion. This is not about 'promoting' torture, although I now wonder if you even understand the proper context of 'promoting'.
Take a chill pill. You have someone who, not only had military experience, but also was in a position very related to the subject under discussion. This is not about 'promoting' torture, although I now wonder if you even understand the proper context of 'promoting'.

Yup you are somebody in the internet, a loser who could not make it anywhere else ended up as a private in the military. My microwave probably have more brains than you and the other private put togather.

In any event I can assure you what you do all day long I will do it by accident.
Yup you are somebody in the internet, a loser who could not make it anywhere else ended up as a private in the military. My microwave probably have more brains than you and the other private put togather.

In any event I can assure you what you do all day long I will do it by accident.
Then please get the microwave oven into this discussion because you ain't cutting it.
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