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Recognition of Kashmir State.

hehe, lets come forward and talk Bilaterally about de-militarisation, although Pak side of Kashmir is as independent as ever with its own, the current one is Prime Minister Chaudhry Abdul Majid, Prime Minister of Azad State of Jammu & Kashmir, elected as Leader of House Legislative Assembly of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
Gilgit Baltistan????? Did you forget to read your own geography or you are born with delusions.

really , Azad jammu and kashmir has their own website too: Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Since when having your own website make a piece of land independent and that too with extension as .pk showing their truly independence status? Our Resident Welfare Society also has its own website, thus that make it an independent country? What a joke!!!
Azad Jammu and Kashmir introduction:

The state of Azad Jammu and Kashmir independently run, lies between longitude 73o – 75o and latitude 33o – 36o and comprises an area of 5134 square miles (13,297,000 square kilometers). The topography of the area is mainly hilly and mountainous with valleys and stretches of plains. The area is full of natural beauty with thick forest, fast flowing rivers and winding streams. Main rivers are Jehlum, Neelum and Poonch. The climate is sub-tropical highland type with an average yearly rainfall of 130000 mm. The elevation ranges from 360 meters in the south to 6325 meters in the North.

According to the 1998 population census, the State of Azad Jammu & Kashmir had a population of 22.973, which estimated to have grown to 33.4 million in 2004. Almost 100% population is Muslim. The Rural to Urban ratio is 88:12.The population density is 258 persons per Sq Km. The literacy rate has increased from 55% to 60% after 1998 census. Infant mortality rate is approximately 56 per 1000 live births, whereas the immunization rate for the children under 5 years of age is more than 88%.

The majority of the rural population depends on forestry, livestock and agriculture for its subsistence. Average per capita income is estimated to range from $ 600 US to $ 5000. Unemployment rate is from 35 to 50%. In line with the national trends, indicators of social sector improvement, particularly health and population welfare have not shown much proficiency. Efforts have been made during the recent past to make up this deficiency, which will bring the fruits of development to the common man.

The area under cultivation is around 166432 hectares (almost 13% of the total area) out of which 92% of the cultivable area is rain-fed. About 845 households have very small land-holdings between one to two acres per family. According to the agricultural census of 1990, the average farm size is only 1.2 hectares, The major crops are maize, wheat & rice whereas minor crops include vegetables, grams, pulses (red Lobia) and oil-seeds. Major fruits are apple, pears, apricot and walnuts. Income through household earnings ranges between 30-40% while remaining share comes from other sources including employment and business etc. Reduced agriculture productivity has adversely affected the traditional lifestyle and average per capita income of the rural household.

About 42% of the total Geographical area (0.6 million hectares approximately) is controlled by the Forest Department. Annual wood demand is 1.65 million cubic meters and sustainable production is 0.7 million cubic meter
hehe, lets come forward and talk Bilaterally about de-militarisation, although Pak side of Kashmir is as independent as ever with its own, the current one is Prime Minister Chaudhry Abdul Majid, Prime Minister of Azad State of Jammu & Kashmir, elected as Leader of House Legislative Assembly of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
Azad Kashmir is as independent as ever with its own Prime Minister Chaudhry Abdul Majid, who belongs to PPP (Pakistan Peoples Party)
'Azad J&K' is actually a giant middle finger to the concept of freedom/azaadi. Pakistan makes no bones about it either.

The Big protests World Wide, provide a very sound impetus to Jammu and Kashmirs to struggle for Recognition of Kashmir State.

The recognition of Kashmir Independent State has to be done on the lines of Palestine State, and South Sudan.

Already 4 countries has recognised Palestinian State, and its moving forward nicely.

Final Solution is the recognition of Kashmir State, and first two countries to accept will have to be India and Pakistan, followed by Muslim, Central-South Asians Countries, China, rest of Asian Countries, African continent, European states, Americas and Australians etc etc.

Pakistan has to play its Role to Recognise the Kashmir Independant state, and unite Azad Kashmir to Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Not gonna happen.
The powers of your 'Azad Jammu and Kashmir Government' is lesser than our Jammu and Kashmir State Government. :coffee:

So what is 700, 000 Indian Security Forces doing in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir ? If all is hunky and lovy, why 7 lakh Indian soldiers conducting anti-militant operations every day.
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The state of Azad Jammu and Kashmir independently run, lies between longitude 73o – 75o and latitude 33o – 36o and comprises an area of 5134 square miles (13,297,000 square kilometers). The topography of the area is mainly hilly and mountainous with valleys and stretches of plains. The area is full of natural beauty with thick forest, fast flowing rivers and winding streams. Main rivers are Jehlum, Neelum and Poonch. The climate is sub-tropical highland type with an average yearly rainfall of 130000 mm. The elevation ranges from 360 meters in the south to 6325 meters in the North.
Another eye wash, a tiny piece carved out of whole occupied J&K. Cleverly omitting the GB where as fooling the world that you care of Azadi. Do you really think world is that fool or India will fall to your trap?
Azad Kashmir is as independent as ever with its own Prime Minister Chaudhry Abdul Majid, who belongs to PPP (Pakistan Peoples Party)

I donot see any complaints from Kashmirs, do we? I donot see ever any Human rights violations recently in Azad kashmir? has it? I never see complaints against Military by kashmirs, infact our Prime Miniser of pakistan has origins from Kashmir....I donot see people coming on streets to free Azad kashmir which is already Azad.

But this is not the case of Indian illegally occupied Kashmir? thanks to UK march, it has truly shown Indian real picture of IOK.
So what is 700, 000 Indian Security Forces doing in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir ? If all is hunky and lovy, why 7 lakh Indian soldiers conducting anti-militant operations every day.
Its our land, its our wish where ever we place our troops. They are doing pest control by killing rodents and cockroaches coming from neighbors house.
So what is 700, 000 Indian Security Forces doing in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir ? If all is hunky and lovy, why 7 lakh Indian soldiers conducting anti-militant operations every day.
To allow Pakistan to invade and occupy the undefended rest of India. :sick:
To allow Pakistan to invade and occupy the undefended rest of India. :sick:

come on be brave, under Nuclear Umbrealla Pakistan has no intentions to invade poor India. infact, I say lets free Kashmir, lets recognise Indian Occupied jammu and Kashmir as an independent state...before its too late.

I donot see any complaints from Kashmirs, do we? I donot see ever any Human rights violations recently in Azad kashmir? has it? I never see complaints against Military by kashmirs, infact our Prime Miniser of pakistan has origins from Kashmir....I donot see people coming on streets to free Azad kashmir which is already Azad.

But this is not the case of Indian illegally occupied Kashmir? thanks to UK march, it has truly shown Indian real picture of IOK.
Just because you don't want to see it doesn't mean it doesn't exists.
Wake us up when Pakistan runs out of credit money and jihadi's.
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