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Recently Released Shocking Pictures of 9/11

Surah Baqara: Ayah
6 (Surely, as to those who are destined to infidelity, it is alike whether you warn them or warn them not, they will never believe.)
Ayah 7 (Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their ears, and over their eyes there is a dark covering, and for them is great torment. )

what can we do
but the time is near
ALLAH is the best planner
we have seen it in Russain time and now one again its very near.
Oh one thing more su-47... aside from this topic...your nation disgust us instead of spending 10 billion dollars on Jets try spending it on those poor millions of Indians who live on the streets perhaps you can bring smiles to them and brighten their faces that one matters the most you people are in no danger from China or Pakistan neither are we aggressors!
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Why jews on leave on 9/11 day ??? hearing this BS news since last 7 years that Al-qaida making plan to attack on US but still havnt see any single attack. Thats all bullshit about this!

this activity done by US govt for

Oil, Killing muslims, Counter Pakistan Nuclear thats it ...

so called most powerfull SO CALLED SUPER DUPER SUPERPOWER America and thr infrastructure and thr controller sleeping that day ???? when 3 aircrafts hijacked by terrorist in 1 single day and with in 3 - 4 hours and whole US secuirty sleeping at that moment ???


Read my post again. I never said Al Qaeda was behind 9/11. There are a lot of theories about 9/11, and though i am inclined towards the official version, there are still many gaps that throw doubt on the official version.

Whether the terrorist responsible are Al Qaeda, US govt, Zionists or Martians, I don't know. What I am debating is that the victims deserve sympathy. The people who died that day are not the ones causing problems in the world. Problems are caused by politicians. Innocents die due to those problems.

su-47... whether i disgust you or not see the other side of the story 42 Years Palestinians land and lives ruined the destruction of their land estimates in more than 30+ billion dollars, the ruins of Afghanistan, Iraq and not a single TV shows those images of ruins over and over again and exclusively to the world as people show sympathy of that twin towers!

the occupation of Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine are great tragedies, and the civilian deaths there deserve as much sympathy as civillian deaths anywhere in the world.

Also, these regions have been covered in the media before. But yes, I agree, the news was not given the same priority as 9/11.

The media exists to sell itself. They will report all this if they feel it will get them revenue. The biggest thing when it comes to news is sensationalism.

Now I am not defending the media. Just stating the facts. But the fact that the media gave more coverage to 9/11 doesn't mean the victims of 9/11 don't deserve any less sympathy than those victims in other parts of the world.

When the west truly by all means comes to Afghanistan/Palestinians and Iraqis, Lebanon and Kashmir that would be the day i might start showing sympathy for others for now i keep my love and sympathy for Muslims only you don't like it live with it for that even you call me Nazi i would gladly accept it...

Don't you think you are being hypocritical? According to your profile, you are in Canada. So if any of your Canadian non-muslim friends (I am assuming you do have non-muslim friends) were to be killed in a terrorist attack, you wouldn't have any sympathy for them?

I have seen how all members here come together to give their condolences when a terorist attack occurs in Pakistan or Iraq. How would you feel if someone says, "Ha, they are muslims, they don't deserve any sympathy."?

Next time you have some hate message, just keep it to yourself, instead of disgracing the forum with your spite and narrow-mindedness.
Nope absolutely i am not hypocritical no i won't have no sympathy but perhaps apathy.. I'm all clear "My sympathy and love is for Muslims Only"...if you throw the words ur in a non Muslim country for that too i have an answer..and why i am in this country that is my personal matter i don't let others ask or interfere with my personal life next thing everyone has mutual interests not friendship when it comes to jobs/works/living and i quote reality) so live with it your gonna get no positive feedback from me about new york..
Last thing I'm broad minded tit for tat this is the reality of today learn to live with it...as long as western media over drive negativity of my religion and Muslims and do not address their grave concerns and matter and show the reality of this stupid channels i have right to chose my way...yeah ur one positive guy did u donate for the people of Gujarat? how much? any proof?did you visit them? any proof? did you organize a rally to denounce terrorist acts by those in Indian Gujarat? nah your too occupied with bollywood life..my people die and i cheer for their people that you don't expect from me atleast read below my signature i come hard upon many but that does not mean i am totally against non Muslims someone comes in peace i say peace but Yet don't expect sympathy from me unless everything is resolved for which those people are accountable! End of Discussion!
over and Out!
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not a bit saddened its nothing compared to the destruction of Palestine and Lebanon for the past 42 Years! or millions killed in afghan war or the thousands of murdered and butchered by terrorist in Pakistan...I've sympathy for all those Muslims who died on that day else i have not a bit of sorrow or sadness for any other person!

loss of life anywhere in the world is deplorableand a sad affair.Just because they were not ours does not make it any less sadder.
The Prophet(PBUH)was once walking on a road when a funeral procession went by.He stopped in respect. The accompanying Sahaba asked him(PBUH) why he had stopped , when the procession was the funeral of a jew. He said "Is he not a human being and does he not belong to the Ummah of the prophet Dawood(PBUH)"?. A very srtrong lesson that we have forgotten today dont you think!
Interestingly one of the released photographs shows the sparks coming from 2-3 floors belowwhich have given rise to the conspiracy theory. Also note Ground Zero where the buildings have collapsed on themselves in a shape typical of ones that are demolished by detonation.
I almost cried that day.I was quite young and it was sad to see soo many people crying as i was seeing live footage.
araz...read my posts no where in my post did i say i cheer at the death of those non Muslims...great advise i've noted that one...my approach towards them would still be apathy not sympathy..note one of my post if they come in peace say peace to them...i think i have explained in my previous posts clearly..

The day that changed the lives of billions.

We will never forget what the US of A did to her own people.

My dad was in Washington DC when the Pentagon was hit.
Sanchez young gun anyone else rates it high or not i rate your comment all above..
22 days of Ariel and ground fire power used in and over gaza destroying much of the infrastructures buildings amazingly 9/11 is more important but Palestine/Lebanon and Iraq and Afghanistan or Pakistan is not! wow claps for the show stoppers!
Where the new born babies facility was destroyed by US bombing in Iraq virtually evaded over the world's news channels 9/11 is shown daily like these were the only human beings rest whatever happened in the middle east/asia were roaches!
US killed it's own citizen just to achieve their goals. How sad & what * up government. They killed the very same people who elected them to power. And those who believe it was AQ who was behind the attack need their heads examined.

Whole buliding came down within minutes after getting hit by a plane right? WOW! Seriously how the f on earth is that possible? Open your eyes and accept the fact that it was controlled demolition. People lack some serious common sense nowdays, specially Yanks who just believe everything their government tells them even though any person with a bit of common sense would be able to differentiate between the right & wrong.

Sad world we live in.
I almost cried that day.I was quite young and it was sad to see soo many people crying as i was seeing live footage.
When i saw all that live on CNN, 1st thing that came to my mind was that it had to be an inside job.... I had NOT even herd the term "inside job" at that time...
bush family and dick chainy, the biggest known worldwide terrorists on earth.. that's all i gotta say...
No one can "prove" how any of the buildings came down. It is not possible to do an experiment that would satisfy people with a paranoid predisposition to believe in the evil intent of the Jews or the
Americans. Just like no one can "prove" that Americans landed on the Moon. No one can "prove" that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated John F. Kennedy.

For the 9-11 deniers, stupidity or craven paranoia are the ONLY possible explanations.

can u tell me how many FBI chiefs have said 9/11 is an inside job????
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