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Reasons why J-20 isn't PAF's requirement


Oct 11, 2016
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Look guys. First of all please dont delete thread. This is a very serious issue that i want to address. We people who have good knowledge of PAF and their requirement know that J-20 is not even required by us even though its export is not cleared. Now i want You all respected people to give reasons why it is not required by us . I will use the reasons to make an article with my already exisiting reasons on this issue and post the article on my FB page Pakistan Defence Command. You may start now :-)
@Horus @Bratva @MastanKhan @Zarvan @waz @Khafee @araz @HRK @BlueMarlin @Oscar @grey boy 2 @Windjammer @The Eagle
We people who have good knowledge of PAF and their requirement know that J-20 is not even required by us even though its export is not cleared.

Why don't you convince everyone why the J-20 doesn't fulfill our requirements? This statement in itself doesn't make any sense at all.

The J-20 is a long range air superiority fighter and the PAF has been looking for such an asset for a long time. I'm not buying the argument that the J-20 isn't required by the PAF. The only thing coming to mind would be the cost issue, but any long range air superiority fighter is expensive to maintain and acquire.
We people who have good knowledge of PAF and their requirement know that J-20 is not even required by us even though its export is not cleared.
and why dont you write the article straight away if you have a good knowledge of PAF requirements? or you just shooting in the air that somebody will come up with a good enough reason to support your argument and you will write an article on that argument.

Why don't you convince everyone why the J-20 doesn't fulfill our requirements? This statement in itself doesn't make any sense at all.
its so strange that everyone is starting a thread about aircrafts and militry hardware while in real they dont know shit.
You should first bring your own point of view about J-20 not being suitable for PAF. Why do you think J-20 is not required by Pakistan air force ? What are the issues with it ? Other will answer after viewing and reading your point of view.
You should first bring your own point of view about J-20 not being suitable for PAF. Why do you think J-20 is not required by Pakistan air force ? What are the issues with it ? Other will answer after viewing and reading your point of view.
ok 1 min i m writing

and why dont you write the article straight away if you have a good knowledge of PAF requirements? or you just shooting in the air that somebody will come up with a good enough reason to support your argument and you will write an article on that argument.

its so strange that everyone is starting a thread about aircrafts and militry hardware while in real they dont know shit.
ohh please u r our god...is thisur
and why dont you write the article straight away if you have a good knowledge of PAF requirements? or you just shooting in the air that somebody will come up with a good enough reason to support your argument and you will write an article on that argument.

its so strange that everyone is starting a thread about aircrafts and militry hardware while in real they dont know shit.
ohhhr god....did i invite u in this thread.....u keep urself busy in ur work and don't judge anyone. u have 0 knowledge about me. i just asked respected elders of this thread. not the on period members to come here and bark. u may leave and u will personally talk to horus bro to do some serious cleaup of this forum from pests

You should first bring your own point of view about J-20 not being suitable for PAF. Why do you think J-20 is not required by Pakistan air force ? What are the issues with it ? Other will answer after viewing and reading your point of view.
> It isn't available for export
> it is a fighter bomber and too much heavy in terms of weight and engine (it doesn't meet PAF doctrine of true multirole)
> It will be probably more expensive than its counterpart J31
> It isn't available for export
> it is a fighter bomber and too much heavy in terms of weight and engine (it doesn't meet PAF doctrine of true multirole)
> It will be probably more expensive than its counterpart J31
First You need to learn Forum Rules and manners ,

When you ask people for there opinion dont disrespect them just because you werent meature enough to discribe your opinion properly

Now Coming Back fo Your responds

1 Many things which werent for export are in Pakistani Arsenal
2 Fighter Bomber ? just because its bigger yes it will have more flight time but
It carries same amount of missiles as f22
So you are wrong
3 all 4 and 5th gen birds are expensive

Please enlighten us what is the current doctrine of Paf and
Why paf doesnt need it
Stop scolding him. He is allowed to open a thread and put forward his questions. He should just clarify his own position on why he thinks that PAF doesn't require J-20. That's all.
I don't know really. What else you want? No J10 No need for J20. And J20 is superior in all aspect to J31 at least by words of Chinese media. U keep buying JF-17 good? Happy now?
J20 ahmmmm.....

It is a highly classified project as much of here dont know even its basic specs...
J-20 is a heavy weight aircraft and such aircraft has never been enter into PAF service ... you may look at the history... Even twin engine fighters are still not preferred to be inducted...

But for the 5th Gen PAF has two options:
1- F-35 From Lockheed, America:
"It has been revealed by Chief of the Air Staff (CAS) Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman while talking exclusively with The News here on Wednesday evening. He said that Pakistan wouldn’t lag behind the countries of the region in obtaining the fifth generation planes and it has opened negotiations with the US manufacturers for exploring options of buying single engine multirole F-35 viewed as the plane of the next decade."
Source: https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/78024-pakistan-to-get-fifth-generation-fighter-jets

2- J-31 possibly..
China is making its J-31 (other name FC-60) for a an export competitor to the nations who cannot afford Lockheed F-35....
Reports were that Pakistan is Interested in buying 36-40 of these fighters back in 2012 at ZHUHAI.
J-31 prototype 2 has made many nations under consideration too wait and watch its capabilities......

!Now As fanboys were saying Pakistan will surely buy J-20 fighter...Its my humble request that First oF all CHINA STATED A LONG TIME AGO THIS IS A NON-EXPORT VERSION...NO matters how close freinds are but a country never changes its own policy and dont sacrifice it for freindship...




Sala Why PAF don't need J10 why u don't need J20

Sir, if you could kindly tone down your rancor and factor in more tolerance then your point of view will be received more positively. Although the OP is new and enthusiastic, but he has good basic understanding which when cultivated with a bit more research is quite likely become one of the better members of our forum.

Just my humble opinion.
ok 1 min i m writing

> It isn't available for export
> it is a fighter bomber and too much heavy in terms of weight and engine (it doesn't meet PAF doctrine of true multirole)
> It will be probably more expensive than its counterpart J31

1. China-Pakistan have brotherly relation,China will not deny to Pakistan sales of J-20 if Pakistan is interested in the multi role fighter jet.

2. No its a multi-role platform not a fighter bomber. Yup its Heavy in weight but it can super cruise aswell due to delta wings and can also reach high altitude plus its a stealth fighter so no worry about being detected that easily.

3. FC-31 is still being tested and not ready yet till 2019 but J-20 is being in development since 1990s and will be ready very soon. J-31 has also less hard points as compared to J-20. The ratio is 6 to 8. So J-20 can carry more weapons(missiles etc) than FC-31.J-20 also have a better engine Saturn S-117s as compared to the RD-93 being used in FC-31. So FC-31 have nil super cruise ability and its also make FC-31 a 4th Gen Fighter not a 5 Gen Fighter. JF-17 also use the RD-93 Engine and JF is 3rd Gen fighter (3rd Gen according to Chinese means 4th Gen fighter) So your argument about J-20 being more expensive than the FC-31, i find it reasonable because J-20 has more pros than cons as compared with FC-31.
First You need to learn Forum Rules and manners ,

When you ask people for there opinion dont disrespect them just because you werent meature enough to discribe your opinion properly

Now Coming Back fo Your responds

1 Many things which werent for export are in Pakistani Arsenal
2 Fighter Bomber ? just because its bigger yes it will have more flight time but
It carries same amount of missiles as f22
So you are wrong
3 all 4 and 5th gen birds are expensive

Please enlighten us what is the current doctrine of Paf and
Why paf doesnt need it
thank you for ur kind answer sir ...and as for manners , sir i give respect to all and i expect respect in return but benign persona started thinking himself as a scholar and i was offended by his whole message as it insults me. i am an aeronautic student and i have good knowledge too and my own websites like www.fjets.info and one more blogspot and also i have 3 classy fb pages on these defence related things...how could someone without knowing other start scolding him. proof is the above thread and i havent even edited my any comment so u can check sir...thnx very much for ur reply

1. China-Pakistan have brotherly relation,China will not deny to Pakistan sales of J-20 if Pakistan is interested in the multi role fighter jet.
2. No its a multi-role platform not a fighter bomber. Yup its Heavy in weight but it can super cruise aswell due to delta wings and can also reach high altitude plus its a stealth fighter so no worry about being detected that easily.
3.j-31 is still being tested and not ready yet till 2019 but J-20 is being in development since 1990s and will be ready very soon. J-31 has also less hard points as compared to J-20. The ratio is 6 to 8. So J-20 can carry more weapons(missiles etc) than FC-31.J-20 also have a better engine Saturn S-117s as compared to the RD-93 being used in FC-31. So FC-31 have nil super cruise ability and its also make FC-31 a 4th Gen Fighter not a 5 Gen Fighter. JF-17 also use the RD-93 Engine and JF is 3rd Gen fighter (3rd Gen according to Chinese means 4th Gen fighter) So your argument about J-20 being more expensive than the FC-31, i find it reasonable because J-20 has more pros than cons as compared with FC-31.
thnx for ur reply

J20 ahmmmm.....

It is a highly classified project as much of here dont know even its basic specs...
J-20 is a heavy weight aircraft and such aircraft has never been enter into PAF service ... you may look at the history... Even twin engine fighters are still not preferred to be inducted...

But for the 5th Gen PAF has two options:
1- F-35 From Lockheed, America:
"It has been revealed by Chief of the Air Staff (CAS) Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman while talking exclusively with The News here on Wednesday evening. He said that Pakistan wouldn’t lag behind the countries of the region in obtaining the fifth generation planes and it has opened negotiations with the US manufacturers for exploring options of buying single engine multirole F-35 viewed as the plane of the next decade."
Source: https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/78024-pakistan-to-get-fifth-generation-fighter-jets

2- J-31 possibly..
China is making its J-31 (other name FC-60) for a an export competitor to the nations who cannot afford Lockheed F-35....
Reports were that Pakistan is Interested in buying 36-40 of these fighters back in 2012 at ZHUHAI.
J-31 prototype 2 has made many nations under consideration too wait and watch its capabilities......

!Now As fanboys were saying Pakistan will surely buy J-20 fighter...Its my humble request that First oF all CHINA STATED A LONG TIME AGO THIS IS A NON-EXPORT VERSION...NO matters how close freinds are but a country never changes its own policy and dont sacrifice it for freindship...




Now as for future , Allah knows better but some points i have made that give FC-31 edge over F-35 in PAF
□ F-35 is extremely expensive platform currently while FC-31 when completed wont be that costly and most probably be half price of F-35
□ PAF wont risk its money anymore with USA as what USA did with the peacegate ll F-16s which are currently operated in US navy . Also there is strong indian lobby in USA which will surely get successful in blocking the sales while FC-31 when needed will easily be license transfered to PAC
□Pakistan is always at risk of sanctions from USA and this way the existing fleet in paf will be very risky to it while there are no risk but more advantages of getting the chinese counterpart.
□FC-31V2.0 looks like a very promising design plus the bubble canopy will interest our pilots very much
□ During the time of first F-16 purchase ,china didnt have much to offer especially in terms of avionics and munitions but now if we take the example of ZHUHAI air show then not only me but most will say that CHINA has most that we require and we can get any time and also we can get them on long term loans plus the newest chinese A2A missiles are really deadly for example CM-302 and CM-400AKG as well as the under development PL-21BVR reportedly uses ramjet at termianl phase and has a rumored range of 300km above which is even better than the best of its kind currently meteor. So FC-31 would allow us to mount 6 PL-21 or maybe 4 in internal bays.
□ For FC-31 we have the option to tailor make the jet and source avionics from other countries especially italy if needed whereas engine from RUSSIA
? No J10 No need for J20. And J20 is superior in all aspect to J31
Ok write a letter to your government to consider this for your airfroce...

THIS thread is made for "Why PAkistan dont need J-20" IF you cant reply on topic ..... I think you know about the "BAckSPace" Key on your keyboard PRESS it and GOH.

engine from RUSSIA
I think WS-15A will be ok In coming years...IT gives advantage over SAturns.....
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