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Reasons why Bangladeshis dislike India.

The reasons for Political muslims to hate non muslims are many, but it will become a religious discussion.

Our expectation from BD is simple

1) Stay in your islamic country
2) Don't provide support to militants attacking India

Now that expectation is very very basic, infact one that almost every nation expects of their neigbors. So I don't know why the Bangladeshis are crying now. I mean where was their rona dhona when in the 60s they were supporting NE rebels and now doing this tamasha when India tries to safeguard her self interest.
I don't know if there is a term for it in classical psychology. For the condition afflicting Bangladeshis. Which is the torment and the disgust and the sense of self loathing of being rescued from the rape and genocide of their so-called coreligionist brothers by the hindus who they joined hands to leave behind just 24 years prior. And then not even given the fig leaf of dignity of having the opportunity of maintaining their self respect by a (token) refusal to re-join because India never asked for such in the first place. Just performed the surgery and walked away. Leaving the two halves flailing in their wake.
A pakistani telling us (Indians and in particular @Blue_Eyes ) to study History. This is something hilarious.
perhaps He doesn't know where I am working :D
I didn't answered his question because I know he was indicating about "DNA statement" , and thats not the GoI's official statement.
And that statement was also given in the past, and who knows better than us about their statements history :D
oh come on don't be the owner of this forum :P
If someone ask question, then you have to give answer, and thats what I was doin
a couple of lines won't take more than 2 kb server space and I don't think pdf is such a cheap website to restrict such talks.
Yeah It may be a wrong thread but your intention looks worst to me :P , KINDLY STAY AWAY FROM ME.
@idune stay away or else you will be burnt and PDF is not in mode to loose a Bengali member.
perhaps He doesn't know where I am working :D
I didn't answered his question because I know he was indicating about "DNA statement" , and thats not the GoI's official statement.
And that statement was also given in the past, and who knows better than us about their statements history :D
U even dont know where i work :D .....
A pakistani telling us (Indians and in particular @Blue_Eyes ) to study History. This is something hilarious.
Pakistani ... zada history parrne wale log hein :)
May be but align mat kar ISI will be following you Indian public fears ISI more then we feared KGB.
Utter BS... don't over-react, no none in India frears the ISI. They can try to carry out terror activities inside India but that does not mean we will fear an economically, technologically and training-wise inferior spy agency..... do not try to portray yourselves as some valiant bravehearts and big-heroes which you are certainly not
With out India, Bangladesh would not have got Independence, and would have remained a Pakistani colony. There is no reason why they should hate India.
With out India, Bangladesh would not have got Independence, and would have remained a Pakistani colony. There is no reason why they should hate India.
in 1947 East Bengal became Pakistan, not Pakistani colony
in 1947 East Bengal became Pakistan, not Pakistani colony

Then why did Bangladesh became independent and from whom it got independent? What do you celebrate on Dec 16?
Why are so many Jamatis being labelled traitors by your courts and are being hanged?
With out India, Bangladesh would not have got Independence, and would have remained a Pakistani colony. There is no reason why they should hate India.
hahaha without India! .... India just finds a reason to oppose Pakistan! It was taking advantage to to break the country
In this thread Why do most Bangladeshis extremely hate India and Indians? it seems like Indians seem to force down upon the throats of the other PDF users that Bangladeshis love India. I decided to give them a few reason for our dislike towards India.

1) The Indian government have set-up a puppet regime in the form of Awami League by rigging votes in Bangladesh.

2) They help the Government silence opposition leaders, helped Hasina corrupt the RAB, something that was once our top crime and terrorism fighting agency, now assassinate opposition leaders, by either killing them or making them disappear.

3) They control water flows into Bangladesh and refuse to come to terms about water sharing no matter how friendly we try to act.

4) Smuggle drugs and fake money into Bangladesh.

5) Decides our foreign policies, thanks to them and Hasina Bangladesh's relations with Middle Eastern nations has deteriorated, thus fewer workers get working visas there.

6) Indians believe that Bangladeshi's owe them their loyalty for the 1971 war, a war India wouldn't enter if they had no benefit from it. Thus view themselves as the masters of Bangladesh.

7) Indian PM's talk crap publicly about Bangladesh whenever they want, even Manmohan Singh did.

8) They believe that any Bangladeshi who opposes India or dislikes them is a terrorist.

9) India is trying to make Bangladesh economically rely on India, by involving themselves into joint ventures (50/50 or even more in favour of India), which is funded by the Indian government and setting up Bangladeshi power plants in India.

10) Recently it decided to fly drones over Bangladesh part of Sundarban, that is spying on Bangladesh.

11) India's RAW was behind the BDR mutiny to weaken the Bangladesh Army so that it can't challenge the government whenever it goes crazy (which is right now) like it did with the previous government.

@BDforever @Luffy 500 @idune Did I miss any?

Today you say HAsina is a corrupt leader planted by GOI, tomorrow if Khaleda comes to power, you'll find her also corrupt and you'll say GOI has installed her by rigghing elections. Tum logon ka kuch nahi ho sakta.
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