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Rearranging the Subcontinent

Insurgency in Karachi. Interesting.
Sindh moving closer to India. Ever more interesting.
Pakistan dissolving. ενδιαφέρων
no different than what India has been doing since 1947.

Please do not be so biased as to ignore the basic facts.

You do realize that there were 10 million refugees on our soil in 1971. I hope whatever else you dispute, you don't dispute that figure. Explain to me you esteemed highness....what exactly did you expect us to do? Twiddle our thumbs and sit around? Do you know what will happen if you flood the US or UK with 10 million refugees? The would disembowel the perpetrators of such aggression. Of you would defend their actions as understandable, but if we do the same you call us conspirators and back-stabbers. You know what your problem is? You're problem is that we didn't behave like the pushovers your mustachioed generals portrayed you.
Mr. Kaplan has kost his perspective. What he misses is that while 500 years ago the states in the south was different from the north, starting in the late 19th century, the machine of nationalist organizations like the INC had started working to create POLITICAL CONSENSUS of a united India. Since state is a political entity, the concept of south versus north axis vanished completely. And no, this was not because of the British (who introduced more divisions than unity), this was the work of Indian Nationalist organizarions.

screw you

British did not introduce divisions. Changes in technology, western education/ideas introduced the divisions.

The unified response to the Peshawar massacre puts to rest this article's main premise. It showed that Pakistanis are actually a nation who are unified on more than just religion. In fact, I don't think religion is the strongest bond keeping Pakistan together; Pakistan is keeping Pakistan together.

And there are no insurgencies in Karachi or the tribal areas. The only area where people, a small number of them are fighting for separation from the state are Baluchistan. Compare that to the countless separatist insurgencies in India and one would think that it is India's future we should be more worried about.

in the long run being pakistani is more important than being muslim or islamic
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