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Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

Are you ready to fight this outbreak of coronavirus?

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Well , this part of our culture ... The only solution is mass execution but if it performed , you are the first one which will act against it ....
I'm the one who supported King Reza Pahlavi for throwing a baker who raised the price of bread into the oven. have you forgot the threads that I have said sometimes a dictatorship is far far better than a democracy.
and by the way mass execution is one solution another solution is rationing them ,its at least a decade that we have infrastructure to do that , just distribute it in pharmacy's , mosque , schools , chain stores ,... where ever its possible by national card . we have a comprehensive database of that and that card have the capacity for this . for example say each person can buy 60 mask a month or 200 glove a month . there be no need to start mass execution. (by the way we are now in emergency situation and honestly I prefer to call any body who hoard millions of mask and latex glove right now a traitor than somebody who has different political view)
I'm the one who supported King Reza Pahlavi for throwing a baker who raised the price of bread into the oven. have you forgot the threads that I have said sometimes a dictatorship is far far better than a democracy.
and by the way mass execution is one solution another solution is rationing them ,its at least a decade that we have infrastructure to do that , just distribute it in pharmacy's , mosque , schools , chain stores ,... where ever its possible by national card . we have a comprehensive database of that and that card have the capacity for this . for example say each person can buy 60 mask a month or 200 glove a month . there be no need to start mass execution. (by the way we are now in emergency situation and honestly I prefer to call any body who hoard millions of mask and latex glove right now a traitor than somebody who has different political view)

simply we can't produce 80,000,000 masks per day , so till there is demand for masks , there will be people who use this as their advantage ...
simply we can't produce 80,000,000 masks per day , so till there is demand for masks , there will be people who use this as their advantage ...
we can't produce 80,000,000 n95 mask per day but we can easily acqire that amount of surgical mask and n95 mask only encouraged for medical staffs and the ones who take care of infected person ,others specially infected ones must use surgical mask and follow normal protection and hand washing
we can't produce 80,000,000 n95 mask per day but we can easily acqire that amount of surgical mask and n95 mask only encouraged for medical staffs and the ones who take care of infected person ,others specially infected ones must use surgical mask and follow normal protection and hand washing

this is right , our health ministery should be able to give mask to meidcal staffs and people in nee , but generally , people want to buy musks , so there is shortage of musk and there are people who use this to make profit ...
به ما بگو
بپه ها نخبه :super:که به راحتی فریب دشمنان و تبلیغات فریب نمی خورند,با آخوندهای بت پرست جعلی,آخوندهای گرگ شارلاتان که در کاخهای خود پنهان می شونددر عین حال مردم ما را فریب می دهد.چگونه قصد دارید مردم را در برابر ویروس نجات دهید

علم در مقابل حماقت عصر سنگ

The regime's foreign masters and mouth piece
Coronavirus: Iran's deaths at least 210, hospital sources say

Image copyrightEPA
Image captionIran is the only country in the Gulf region that has reported deaths from Covid-19
At least 210 people in Iran have died as a result of the new coronavirus disease, sources in the country's health system have told BBC Persian.

Most of the victims are from the capital, Tehran, and the city of Qom, where cases of Covid-19 first emerged.

The figure is six times higher than the official death toll of 34 given by the health ministry earlier on Friday.

Ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour insisted it was being transparent and accused the BBC of spreading lies.

It comes after a member of parliament for Qom accused the authorities of a cover-up and the US expressed concern that they may not be sharing information.

"We have made offers to the Islamic Republic of Iran to help," US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told a congressional committee in Washington on Friday.

"Their healthcare infrastructure is not robust and, to date, their willingness to share information about what's really going on inside... Iran has not been robust."

Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi dismissed the offer of help.

"The claim to help Iran confront coronavirus by a country that has imposed expansive pressures on the Iranian nation through its economic terrorism and has even blocked the way for purchase of medical equipment and medicines is ridiculous and a political-psychological game," he said.

Growing lack of confidence in authorities
By Kasra Naji, BBC Persian

There are fears in Iran that the government, unsure of how to handle the outbreak, is covering up the extent of the spread of the new coronavirus disease.

Now, a tally of figures reported by BBC Persian's sources in several hospitals suggests at least 210 people had died across the country as of Thursday night.

The highest number of deaths were said to be in Tehran, where a disproportionately high number of officials have reportedly tested positive for Covid-19, including a vice-president, a deputy minister, and at least two MPs.

Friday prayers in Tehran and 22 other cities were cancelled, and schools and universities closed.

Thousands of Iranians have also been stranded inside and outside the country as many flights have been stopped to and from Iran.

There have been more than 83,000 reported cases of Covid-19 worldwide and 2,800 deaths since the disease emerged late last year - the vast majority in China.

At midday on Friday, the Iranian health ministry reported eight new deaths related to Covid-19, increasing the official toll to 34.

It also said 143 new cases had been detected, bringing the total to 388.

"Staying home, restricting traffic, reducing movement and interactions, avoiding unnecessary travel, cancelling any nationwide gatherings along with observing individual health tips are the only ways to control Covid-19," Mr Jahanpour tweeted.

Later, Health Minister Saeed Namaki announced that all schools would be closed for at least three days from Saturday as a precaution.

"We have a relatively difficult week ahead... as we see the trend, the main peak of the disease will be in the next week and coming days," he told state TV.


Media captionCoronavirus: Five countries, five responses
A member of the Tehran City Council told Ilna news agency that "the number of infected patients may rise to 10,000 or 15,000" in the coming weeks.

The head of the World Health Organization's emergencies programme, Dr Michael Ryan, said on Thursday that the apparent high mortality rate in Iran indicated its outbreak might be more widespread than realised.

A WHO mission is due to arrive in Iran on Sunday or Monday to help.

Dr Ryan said on Friday that its departure had been delayed due to "issues with getting flights and access to Iran", but that the United Arab Emirates was helping.

Image captionThe outbreak has affected high-profile politicians, including Vice-President Masoumeh Ebtekar
Some health experts have questioned the actions of the Iranian authorities since the first cases of Covid-19 were reported nine days ago.

President Hassan Rouhani has ruled out placing any cities or areas in quarantine, despite the head of the joint WHO-Chinese mission on Covid-19 saying such measures had helped "changed the course" of the outbreak in China.

There has also been concern about the decision not to close the Shia Muslim shrine of Hazrat Masumeh in Qom, which is visited by millions of pilgrims every year.

Image captionThe Hazrat Masumeh shrine in Qom is being disinfected regularly, but not closed
Some restrictions on access have nevertheless been imposed in recent days.

Mr Namaki told state TV that people would be allowed to visit the shrine once they had been given hand-sanitising gels, health information and face masks.

"[They must] not gather together in groups - just pray and leave," he said.

The shrine's custodian, Ayatollah Mohammed Saeedi, has said that it should be kept open as a "house for cure" and that "people should be encouraged to come".


Media captionDeputy Health Minister Iraj Harirchi mopped his brow at a news conference before testing positive for coronavirus disease
Vice-President for Women's and Family Affairs, Masoumeh Ebtekar, and Deputy Health Minister Iraj Harirchi are among several senior officials who have been infected.

The Hamshahri Online website reported that Ms Ebtekar - the highest-ranking woman in the Iranian government - had attended a meeting with President Hassan Rouhani and a number of ministers shortly before testing positive on Thursday.

Iran has also been the source of dozens of cases in neighbouring countries, including Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman and Pakistan.
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The Supreme Leader should be guarded at all times and no guests or government officials should visit him.

The risk is too great right now. The likelihood of Iran have thousands of cases is high given the rising death toll by the day.
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How come they haven’t quarantied Qom yet?
Coronavirus: Misinformation and false medical advice spreads in Iran
By Shayan Sardarizadeh BBC Monitoring
  • 29 February 2020
Iran has been scrambling to control the outbreak of the coronavirus this week, but the spread of online misinformation is presenting a new challenge to the authorities.

False or misleading medical advice, fake letters or remarks attributed to senior officials, and a number of conspiracy theories about the origin of the virus have appeared on Iranian social media and messaging apps in recent days.

Officials have so far reported 388 confirmed Covid-19 cases and 34 related deaths in the country, more fatalities than anywhere else outside China.

But sources in the country's health system have told BBC Persian that the death toll currently stands at 210.

According to Cyber Police Chief Vahid Majid, 24 individuals have so far been arrested for spreading rumours about the virus, with 118 receiving a warning.

'Totally fabricated'
Misleading posts linked to senior officials have gone viral on Iranian social media in recent days.

A fake letter attributed to Health Minister Saeed Namaki claimed he had tendered his resignation to President Hassan Rouhani due to the ministry's "inability to manage" the outbreak.

Mr Namaki said in a statement that the letter was "false".

An examination of the letter using an image verification tool also shows basic manipulation techniques were used to create it.

An audio clip attributed to deputy health minister and head of Iran's taskforce on Covid-19, Iraj Harirchi, was shared on the Telegram messaging app.

Mr Harirchi had previously declared that "quarantines belong to the Stone Age", before admitting that he had tested positive for the disease.

In the audio clip, a man who sounds like Mr Harirchi claims there are more than 10,000 confirmed cases and 1,400 deaths in the country.

But the clip is actually a voice impression, and is different from Mr Harirchi's local accent.

A ministry official tweeted to say the clip was "totally fabricated".

Masoumeh Ebtekar, vice-president for women and family affairs, is another high-ranking official who tested positive for the virus.

An image of Ms Ebtekar in a hospital bed was shared on Twitter, with criticism that none of the visitors wore masks or kept their distance from her.

But a reverse search shows the photo was taken in 2014, after Ms Ebtekar sustained injuries in a car accident.

'Kill the virus'
From the outset of the coronavirus outbreak in Iran, false advice on prevention and treatment has been shared on digital platforms.

The Isna agency spoke with a "Persian medicine expert" at the health ministry who suggested "gargling vinegar and rosewater or vinegar and salt" would protect against the Covid-19.

The Khabar Online news website tweeted that drinks containing mint or white willow, and spices like saffron, turmeric, and cinnamon would strengthen the lungs and the immune system against the virus.

A fabricated post attributed to Iranian-German neurosurgeon and medical scientist Majid Samii claimed consuming dates, honey or garlic would "kill the virus".

And actress Behnoush Bakhtiari faced criticism for an Instagram video in which she suggested to her 8.1 million followers that a product "made from herbs based on traditional medicine" would help with the prevention of a number of viral diseases.

Following a wave of criticism, she said she had not claimed the product would cure the virus.

None of these suggestions can be seen in the World Health Organization's official advice for the public on protective measures against the virus.

'Hybrid warfare'
Conspiracy theories have also found their way onto social media.

Ali Akbar Raefipour, a public speaker and conspiracy theorist with a huge following among young hardliners, claimed that the virus was part of a "hybrid warfare" programme waged by the US on China and Iran.

He had also suggested the virus might be an example of "biological warfare".

Baseless suggestions that the Covid-19 might be a "bioweapon" or "planned" had previously appeared on the internet.

The virus is believed to have emerged from illegally traded wildlife at a seafood market in the Chinese city of Wuhan.
Official: 70,000 Nano Masks Produced in Tehran Each Day

TEHRAN (FNA)- Secretary-General of the Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council (INIC) Saeed Sarkar said that at present 70,000 nano masks are produced in Tehran province on a daily basis as the country continues its fight against coronavirus, adding that the capacity can further increase.
“At present, we produce nearly 70,000 masks in Tehran every day and around 1,000 more are also produced in Mashhad,” Sarkar told FNA on Sunday.

He also said that talks have been held with the companies which produce nano filters to change their lines to produce nano masks, adding that they enjoy the capacity to manufacture 100,000 masks each day.

Sarkar expressed the hope that the capacity to produce nano masks would increase to 300,000 in the next 10 days.

Sarkar had announced on Tuesday that that the Iran-made nano masks are of N94 and N99 types with high filtration power, noting that they will be first provided to the medical staff who are in direct contact with the patients.

Sarkar said that there are a few countries in the world which enjoy the capability to produce such masks, adding that even Japan, Britain and Germany are not able to produce them (shit Merkel, shit leftists, shit EU, shit money sucking migrants, shit US, shit shit shit, this shit has and will be end by force!) and Iran has exported its nano masks to South Korea, Malaysia, Czech and other states so far due to their high quality.

The Iranian health ministry announced on Saturday that the number of people diagnosed with infection to COVID-19 virus had increased to 593, adding that 43 patients had also died.

It said that 123 patients firmly infected with COVID-19 virus had been treated in Iran so far.

we can't produce 80,000,000 n95 mask per day but we can easily acqire that amount of surgical mask and n95 mask only encouraged for medical staffs and the ones who take care of infected person ,others specially infected ones must use surgical mask and follow normal protection and hand washing

masks should only be used if you are medical personnel or already infected. Non infected should not wear masks unless he can use a new mask everyday
How come they haven’t quarantied Qom yet?
Shrine in Qom is still open, They didn't close it because mullahs are saying it has healing power, So you expect that the holy Qom to be quarantined?!
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