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Real story of Kargil war

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Well.. at first the idea was to leave Pakistan alone..
Now the idea seems to be to sort the mess out once and for all to benefit the powers that be..whether Pakistan survives or millions in it die is irrelevant.

Well, like I have said it before, the mess will be cleaned up, one way or another.

It will be better if we do it for ourselves before others come to the conclusion that they need to do it themselves where we have failed.
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Well, like I have said it before, the mess will be cleaned up, one way or another.

It will be better if we do it for ourselves before others come to the conclusion that they need to do it themselves where we have failed.

Because when they do it.. they will use their perception.. and not ours for a cleanup.
Because when they do it.. they will use their perception.. and not ours for a cleanup.

Exactly correct. It won't be pretty if it comes to that.

I do believe there is enough time, but just barely, for like-minded sane people to prevent things from getting to that point.
i'm going to post only single link...

Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

read and draw the conclusion....

by the way..this thread is on 1999 Kargil war..not 1965 war..

For GOD Sake Read the refrences taken in your source, Almost all are taken from indian sources. Stop behaving like Fanboys.
Well.. at first the idea was to leave Pakistan alone..
Now the idea seems to be to sort the mess out once and for all to benefit the powers that be..whether Pakistan survives or millions in it die is irrelevant.

I don't think that it is irrelevant. I can't speak for the people within the borders, but just across the borders (for the decision-makers certainly) it is really an issue. Many events/actions that are taking place in the neighborhood, seem to have factored that in. I hope you may not find that surprising, Oscar.

BTW, around us the "baccha-log" seem to have descended in to the maelstrom of a Kabbadi match. Good for them :D
I'll only say this again: Pakistan ended up going "COMMANDO" in the worlds eyes because of that commando General Musharraf..
Any other comment on my part will only feed the "verbal commandos" on this forum. :)

That apart, I believe that India should thank that commando for Kargil, because he helped India to achieve a certain world stature that India did not get earlier. Most of all; finally India got de-hyphenated from Pakistan. For some (may be odd) reasons India and Pakistan (mostly in western eyes) were seen as some odd "siamese twins". That was ruptured and that was the biggest thing that India could hope for. Which is why I say, that Kargil has changed all the regional power equations for ever and there will never be a reversion.

Kargil did not de-hyphenate india and pakistan. India and pakistan stayed hyphenated till much later, specially during Op Parakram. It was only later with the taliban resurgence in afganistan that pakistan was clubbed into ****** and removed from indo-pak.

kargil surely embarrassed pakistan but the conflict between india and pakistan kept the hyphenation present. now the conflict between india and pakistan is far less, as portrayed by india when the army was not mobilised in response to the mumbai attacks. hence the affect pakistan has on afganistan cam further into the limelight.
Well, like I have said it before, the mess will be cleaned up, one way or another.

It will be better if we do it for ourselves before others come to the conclusion that they need to do it themselves where we have failed.

I earnestly hope that things do not come to that pass. I am willing to be optimistic, even if it seems futile. But if there is a genuine internal movement, then even external entities may help to sustain/support that in a genuinely constructive and objectively unbiased manner.

Living on the edge can affect many people; those living on the edge and those who might come in the way when somebody falls over the edge.
You can kill us as much as you want. Will that effect anything? The answer is a big NO. The funny thing is you will in fact bring Pakistanis together and you will raise our patriotic standard.
So tell me, didn't the Afghans loose a lot of people in war against the British, Soviets, and Americans? Are they losers? umm.. think again i really don't think so. You are forgetting the fact that we are the same as Afghans, we have the same ethnics. Even if the whole world has to declare war on us,i doubt anyone could take over us.

Keep living in dream world Indian. You certainly will not understand us. LOL what happened when you saw surprise attacks in 65 War, Khalistan movement, 98 Nuke Tests and 2008 Mumbai attacks? haha your so called 'best commandos' spent days to find just 1 guy hiding in an obvious corner of a building.:rofl:

cb4 that was really an unethical & uncalled for rant boasting about attacks on innocent civilians is as shameful as it gets period.
now on topic kargil should have never been initiated it, was a badly planed with no foresighted objectives defined where the air force & the navy was not even taken into consideration neither was the threat of a possible naval blocked by the IN on Karachi & its consequences, the worst impact of the kargil fiasco was the modernization of the Indian arm-force which has become a source concern for Pakistan one should never give its rival the chance to realize its own weak points thus accelerating a process whereby giving it an opportunity of strengthening them. tell me how can this be good for Pakistan ? by doing kargil musharraf did exactly that
Kargil did not de-hyphenate india and pakistan. India and pakistan stayed hyphenated till much later, specially during Op Parakram. It was only later with the taliban resurgence in afganistan that pakistan was clubbed into ****** and removed from indo-pak.

kargil surely embarrassed pakistan but the conflict between india and pakistan kept the hyphenation present. now the conflict between india and pakistan is far less, as portrayed by india when the army was not mobilised in response to the mumbai attacks. hence the affect pakistan has on afganistan cam further into the limelight.

I beg to disagree. Kargil was the beginning of the process. For the first time, Kargil did not see Uncle breathing down India's neck and India falling into line. Rather India did exactly the opposite, it simply upped the ante and pulled it off. Uncle (and nearly everybody else who mattered) told Pakistan to come down, they did not push for a 'cease-fire' which India would have thumbed its nose at anyway. That was the 'big difference'. That was among the diplomatic achievements (among others like 1971 etc.) that India got in its bag. What you describe is the closing of the process. Don't get taken in by the change of terminology, that is a mere technicality.

And there will be no going back.
Well, like I have said it before, the mess will be cleaned up, one way or another.

It will be better if we do it for ourselves before others come to the conclusion that they need to do it themselves where we have failed.

I hope and prey it does not come down to that, it will also effect India in more than one way.
Any more posts on other than Kargil.. and any more posts less than intelligent will be dealt with severely.
In terms of land:

1999 was a stalemate, as India recaptured its lost territory from Pakistan only through the persuasion of the US against Pakistan.

In terms of troops:

1999 war:

Indian troop strength: 30,000
Pakistan troop strength: 5000

Indian troops losses: 527
Pakistan troops losses: 626

India's injuries figures: 1,363 wounded
Pakistan's injuries figures: 665 wounded
Any more posts on other than Kargil.. and any more posts less than intelligent will be dealt with severely.

Originally Posted by Oscar
Because when they do it.. they will use their perception.. and not ours for a cleanup.

You really did a good sweep on this thread to effect a cleanup.

Just In Time. :)

In terms of land:

1999 was a stalemate, as India recaptured its lost territory from Pakistan only through the persuasion of the US against Pakistan.

Did the Pakistan need much persuasion from the US?? :) Just asking.
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