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Real reasons of increasing rapes in the society


Actually it is India which has more rapes than Pakistan.

India is known as the rape capital of the world.
With the recent brutal rapes occurring in Pakistan, I find the similarities between the two nations( India and Pakistan) astonishing.
The real reason why rape is increaseing in the sub continent is because the police and bureaucracy is corrupt, incapable or simply don’t care about such cases.
Rate of conviction should increase.
Rape is a curse on human morality.
Mufti sahib is spouting bullsh*&.

This is a common claim by religious conservatives, of blaming ' media, movies, revealing clothing' etc as 'provoking men into committing rapes. It's essentially blaming the victim.

Regardless of how women dress on the street or on TV, men are solely responsible for their actions. Arguing that 'men get provoked into' or are 'incapable of controlling their inner animal because of sexualised images on TV' is just nonsense.

A vast majority of men don't commit sexual crimes despite being exposed to the very same images and content on TV, film, web etc.
Mufti sahib is spouting bullsh*&.

This is a common claim by religious conservatives, of blaming ' media, movies, revealing clothing' etc as 'provoking men into committing rapes. It's essentially blaming the victim.

Regardless of how women dress on the street or on TV, men are solely responsible for their actions. Arguing that 'men get provoked into' or are 'incapable of controlling their inner animal because of sexualised images on TV' is just nonsense.
Personally I see it as a two way street.

Yes the media plays a role.

Men should control themselves and women should not advertise themselves either.

Both genders should conduct themselves in a appropriate manner.
In society where conviction rate is low and the victim has to bear further harassment from authorities or society, the report is obviously lower.

In case of Delhi whatever media may report the crime rate is lower than adjoining districts of U. P. The case in metropolitan tends to garner more news then the similar type in Tier 2 or Tier 3 cities.
Personally I see it as a two way street.

Yes the media plays a role.

Men should control themselves and women should not advertise themselves either.

Both genders should conduct themselves in a appropriate manner.
Women are doing absolutely nothing that 'invites rape'. The ONLY issue here is that men need to be taught and learn that sexual assault of ANY kind, regardless of how a woman may dress or act, is unacceptable.
Women are doing absolutely nothing that 'invites rape'. The ONLY issue here is that men need to be taught and learn that sexual assault of ANY kind, regardless of how a woman may dress or act, is unacceptable.
Yes, no woman asks to be raped.

However women should dress modestly as Islam dictates to prevent teasing or harassment.
Its not increasing or decreasing, just that now things are more reported and discussed due to an active media. Other things are also involved like more educated and aware society etc who are now more open to discuss these things.
On point janab.
Spoken like a balanced, middle path muslim :-):-)
There is no 'middle path' on sexual assault/harassment. The culprit is solely responsible for his/her actions. How the victim dressed or acted or sexualized content in the media has absolutely no relevance on these crimes.

The root causes behind sexual assaults are (among others) in fact the very attitude displayed by Mufti Sahib, of deflecting attention from the lack of respect inculcated by parents, schools and the media towards others (women, Ahmadis, Jews, Shia etc etc) by blaming 'fahashi'.
Abey bhotni key.
I was talking completely about something else you fukin twit.
There is no 'middle path' on sexual assault/harassment. The culprit is solely responsible for his/her actions. How the victim dressed or acted or sexualized content in the media has absolutely no relevance on these crimes.

The root causes behind sexual assaults are (among others) in fact the very attitude displayed by Mufti Sahib, of deflecting attention from the lack of respect inculcated by parents, schools and the media towards others (women, Ahmadis, Jews, Shia etc etc) by blaming 'fahashi'.
There is no 'middle path' on sexual assault/harassment. The culprit is solely responsible for his/her actions. How the victim dressed or acted or sexualized content in the media has absolutely no relevance on these crimes.

The root causes behind sexual assaults are (among others) in fact the very attitude displayed by Mufti Sahib, of deflecting attention from the lack of respect inculcated by parents, schools and the media towards others (women, Ahmadis, Jews, Shia etc etc) by blaming 'fahashi'.
1. Minorities are supposed to be respected.

2. Nobody is saying punish the immodestly dressed woman for being raped, everybody is saying punish the rapist.
Only the rapist is responsible person for raping. It can be male or female.

Dressing/cloth has nothing to do with rape, but excuse for feeble persons.
reasons vary - lack of sex education, patriarchal culture, social stigma of rape victims, police cooperation in rape case etc

Yes for u these can be the reasons, i get that, but for us as muslims, we need to follow Islam, what Islam guides us about reasons of such crimes and how to eradicate such crimes, we have to follow this..
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