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Real reason why Modi govt has carried out surgical strike on your pockets

Common man suffers more when some terrorist uses the either black money or fake currency notes and carry out attacks in India ......
"SOME INCONVENIENCE"?? Does it look like some inconvenience? multiple deaths does not translate into "some inconvenience". There is no harm in accepting what is wrong, so please don't belittle the common man's sufferings
I answered this in my earlier post kindly read that..

Why you are sending me to a wild goose chase infant?
Cant you be little simple and unleash your one liner from that incubator that you are trapped into?


I pity your pony brain.
I am not belittling anyone's suffering, it's the opposition which is trying to cash in on people's misery. Instead of whining/rumor mongering had opposition tried to cooperate with the government people might have suffered a lot less.
Let's forget about Opposition leaders for a moment. Don't you think that people are suffering because of the inability of the government for provide enough cash in ATM/Banks? Can you explain me how opposition's co-operation will impact on people's suffering?

Common man suffers more when some terrorist uses the either black money or fake currency notes and carry out attacks in India ......
Well they do, but the present situation could have been avoided if it had been handled more efficiently.
No one is that dumb, poor people do vote right?

Why should an AAM Janta wait for 5 years to vent their frustration against the incumbent, which is the normal course of time in Indian politics?
Its not chalta hai attitude, its being realistic about what can be done.. just to compare, ATMs have run out of cash before too when rumour spread that ICICI bank is going down.... people queued and tried to take out as much cash as possible.. and our ATM to population ratio is not great... should govt expanded ATM network for this? should they have tested all the ATMs to see whether they can be re-calibrated as per govt rules? I doubt a populous and complex country like India can ever do such a thing without some pain.
We should also give kudos to bank employees, they deserve a bonus for this.

You are trivializing the issue by comparing it with a random one off incident. This is not an ordinary situation. The bottom line is that 85% of the cash became useless overnight and that needed better planning that this. Govt should have made sure that every ATM of every bank was in working condition and there was no cash shortage. Trust me you wouldn't be so calm if you had a family member in a hospital in a serious condition and you don't know how to pay the bill with your own hard earned white money that you have in the bank but can't withdraw. That's just an example, many people are facing such situations.
Let's forget about Opposition leaders for a moment. Don't you think that people are suffering because of the inability of the government for provide enough cash in ATM/Banks? Can you explain me how opposition's co-operation will impact on people's suffering?

Well they do, but the present situation could have been avoided if it had been handled more efficiently.

The impact in cities is superficial. Most can use card for transaction.

The real impact will be in villages. Especially remote villages where they do not have ready access to banks.

They will just have to suck it up and try to manage their lives till the dust settles. There is no short cuts and no easy way out. This HAD to be done even if it meant loss of votes.

All those crying Crocodile tears to cover up their hate for Modi can choke on their own hate.
You are trivializing the issue by comparing it with a random one off incident. This is not an ordinary situation. The bottom line is that 85% of the cash became useless overnight and that needed better planning that this. Govt should have made sure that every ATM of every bank was in working condition and there was no cash shortage. Trust me you wouldn't be so calm if you had a family member in a hospital in a serious condition and you don't know how to pay the bill with your own hard earned white money that you have in the bank but can't withdraw. That's just an example, many people are facing such situations.
govt made specific provision for hospital, air travel, train travel. All these places accept old money, and they have just extended the period for 3 more days. You cant withdraw money but most people in India have support network of the family and biradari.
I already agreed about poor people(urban poor specifically, rural poor can switch to bartering anytime) facing more hardship than middle class, its a huge gamble, and an unpopular move.. govt still seems to have the goodwill of the people and they will lose it, if they dont turn the situation around in next few days.
You are trivializing the issue by comparing it with a random one off incident. This is not an ordinary situation. The bottom line is that 85% of the cash became useless overnight and that needed better planning that this. Govt should have made sure that every ATM of every bank was in working condition and there was no cash shortage. Trust me you wouldn't be so calm if you had a family member in a hospital in a serious condition and you don't know how to pay the bill with your own hard earned white money that you have in the bank but can't withdraw. That's just an example, many people are facing such situations.

Why can't the man with a family member in hospital pay by card by simply depositing his old currency in the bank ? :coffee:
govt made specific provision for hospital, air travel, train travel. All these places accept old money, and they have just extended the period for 3 more days.
I already agreed about poor people facing more hardship than middle class, its a huge gamble, and an unpopular move.. govt still seems to have the goodwill of the people and they will lose it, if they dont turn the situation around in next few days.

Its not going to turn around for at least the next 3-4 weeks. India has 1.25 BILLION people.

Its foolish to expect anything to settle down by tomorrow or even this month.

The "secular" haters are going to have a field day crying Crocodile tears about the "poor". :tdown:
That much I agree with but dont you think here the main element is of surprise , minus surprise this whole efforts become futile ...I can understand people are facing difficulty , but the impact is long lasting , now people will tink twice before stashing the money , the fake currency pumped in by ISI also become less ..... they may copy the new notes but alway have a doubt when their currency become useless ..this action will also help in motivating the use of credit and debit cards....... once people start using the plastic money the tax theft will also become less ..... this is first step may many more in pipe lines
Well they do, but the present situation could have been avoided if it had been handled more efficiently.
govt made specific provision for hospital, air travel, train travel. All these places accept old money, and they have just extended the period for 3 more days.

Not private hospitals, and most people don't have stacks of old notes either.
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