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Real Face of Two Nuclear Powers: Ready To Blast Each Other

Spy Master

Aug 11, 2014
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A picture is worth a thousand words. This picture melts my heart.This is the real face of both countries. Deep down people of both countries are living in same style, oppressed under status quo. Instead of killing each other we should resolve our disputes "Peacefully" and we should resolve them immediately.

War is not a solution. It will only produce more widows, more mothers who lost their sons and children's without fathers.


@Windjammer @Kaptaan @notorious_eagle @Arsalan @Joe Shearer @MilSpec @hellfire @Oscar @MastanKhan
A picture is worth a thousand words. This picture melts my heart.This is the real face of both countries. Deep down people of both countries are living in same style, oppressed under status quo. Instead of killing each other we should resolve our disputes "Peacefully" and we should resolve them immediately.

War is not a solution. It will only produce more widows, more mothers who lost their sons and children's without fathers.

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@Windjammer @Kaptaan @notorious_eagle @Arsalan @Joe Shearer @MilSpec @hellfire @Oscar @MastanKhan
some dont think this way perhaps war`s atrocities can make some realize that in wars nobody wins but the apathy and destruction.
We should leave the concept of conquer and defeat and look to our future.
I have written in my several posts that we both countries will face the nuke war Today, tomorrow, after week, after month, after year or after decade, definitely.
but who will give sense to modi and bjp?
We are ready for peace, resolve the Kashmir issue properly to the satisfaction of all parties and we are ready to call a truce.
@Spy Master true that, maybe national leadership on either side needs to see that!

I don't think they are blind to this. They are well aware how backward both Nations are as compared to the west and how much development is required however they are willful ignorant of this. The thing is that its not just the leaders the people are also at some levels ignorant of this.

Recently amongst social media I have seen a dangerous trend of romanticizing war. It was the same trend that over militarized powers in world war 1 were going through leading to millions of death.

Pakistan and India are also going through this image of fighting the enemy, outsmarting them, taking their land ( or in pak-india case Kashmir) and conquering them and coming home to full cheers and laurels ignoring what war brings.

I have again and again repeated that if pakistan and India fight a war even a limited locked in Kashmir war, no matter what there will be no winners. The nuclear bombs will be deployed the moment a side will realize they are losing. Whether its Indian army marching all the way to chitral or pakistan army entering ladakh.

This creates a required need to solve our issues.

In kashmir issue I often find myself moving towards the musharraf idea which would have ended this. With a bit of tweaking, it can really work well but alas prospect of a negotiated settlement looks lost considering the current situation.

The fact that both sides need to understand is that neither pakistan is going anywhere nor India is going anywhere. Both nations are here to stay. In 30 years both nations will celebrate a 100 years of creation and what will they have to show for that. A hundred years of animosity while poverty increases.

India recently agreed to buy 36 Rafael for the price of ( not sure but read it in an article) 8.8$ billion. Now let's imagine putting all that money in reforming the education system.

Unfortunately I don't see any peace prospects happening.

@Oscar @notorious_eagle @Joe Shearer

What do you guys think?
Who said about war here ?
There is a reason for silence from GoI after the recent moves .They dont interested in hyphenation with Pakistan.
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