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Ready But Unarmed: Why India's defence budget 2019 is such a huge letdown

undercover JIX

Dec 6, 2008
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Ready But Unarmed: Why India's defence budget 2019 is such a huge letdown
The defence budget has seen no increase from the overall interim budget, which falls well short of weaponry and investments our armed forces desperately need, given our challenges.
| 3-minute read | 06-07-2019



The Indian defence budget was expected to balloon after Balakot when we had to call off operations on the second day of combat, even as Pakistan struck back viciously.

Had India taken care to keep its forces modernised, this was a golden opportunity to do Pakistan in for all its asymmetric adventurism of 30 years.

We had hoped that vital lessons would have been learnt and thoroughy ingested — but they have most obviously not been learnt. What we have seen is a marginal increase of some 8.1% over the last year, which barely covers the cost of inflation.

If the government was serious about modernising rapidly, the budget would have jumped up to 2% of overall GDP — it has hovered between 1.5-1.6% for nearly a decade. In fact, last year, it had fallen to 1.48%. Experts in the IDSA have calculated that the budget would have to grow by some 30% (or, to be exact, a sum of Rs 1,12,137 crore) to cater for most urgently needed weapon systems for all three services.

The most glaring gaps are in the Air Force — which is a critical factor for winning wars and responding to Pakistani terror a la Balakot.

We need an Air Force of 45 squadrons if we are to face a two-front war. Today, we are down to below 30 and by 2023, we will be down to 26 squadrons, that is, we will be on par with the Pakistani Air Force.

Ready to take off: Just about. The Indian Air Force is seeing a steady whittling of its squadrons. (Photo: Reuters)

The army needs about 3,000 artillery guns of the Bofors class — for which it has been waiting for over 30 years. We need helicopters, submarines, and minesweepers and night fighting equipment for our tanks. All these are vital to plug dangerous gaps — but our government does not seem unduly concerned.

This, after it won the national election on the plank of national security.

On paper, a budget of 3.19 lakh crore rupees sounds most impressive. In dollar terms, it works out to just 44.6 billion dollars.

By way of comparison, the USA spends 716 billion dollars a year — and China spends 200 billion dollars annually on defence.

We are happy that we spend more than Pakistan at 7.27 billion dollars.

Pakistan's economy is tottering: India could defeat them. Without firing a single shot. (Photo: Reuters)

The Pakistani economy is tottering and this is the opportune time to engage it in an arms race which will collapse that army without firing a shot.

However, despite all the aggressive rhetoric, we clearly have an abundance of Pakistan lovers in this country. To cover the non-allocation of badly needed funds, we are being told that our budget is seven times that of Pakistan.

What is glaringly left out of this equation is the need to also face a rising China.

We just had a landslide victory in an election fought primarily on issues of national security and a muscular response to Pakistan's terror. The present government has received a solid mandate to get tough. This defence budget however is a cause for serious disquiet.

The armed forces need a blood transfusion of vitally needed weapons and equipment. With the current outlay, these are nowhere in sight.

Frankly, this is a letdown.

Also read: Union Budget 2019: For the first time, the Union Budget encourages India's startup entrepreneurs in heartening detail

#Air force needs more squadrons, #Defence budget good on papers, #Modernisation of forces, #Defence budget 2019

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of DailyO.in or the India Today Group. The writers are solely responsible for any claims arising out of the contents of this article.

MAJ GEN (DR) G D BAKSHI SM, VSM (RETD) @generalbakshi
Retired Major General

tog4801 comments3 votes
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The RSS offered to send its cadre to the front lines on the Pak and Chinese borders. Mohan Bhagwat said he could mobilise his forces in 3 days to help the army. So why do we need to spend more money ? Rashtriya Swayam Sevak fellows are saviours of the nation and come forward for all national causes, free of charge. They train daily to defend India, they do not seek anything, they and do not cost us anything. These are the bravest Hindus and they work without budget for love of the nation.


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Maj. Gen. sahib, did I not tell you the army men should not be commenting on govt. affairs and policies ? You are supposed to keep your mouth shut.

As for your rant about the defence forces being starved of funds, don't you know that India is a poor country and does not have the money for expensive war machines ? Sitaraman touted some civilian schemes like Ayushman Bharat, more roads and infrastructure, without indication where the money would come from. The education budget has remain unchanged and so it is like a cut.

The Indian economy declined by 2% during Modi 1 due to demonetisation, banks are in trouble, investment has dried up, unemployment is high, exports are down. So where is the money for your pet defence projects ?

Due to the Rafale scam, IAF will get 26 planes instead of 135. You complain about decreasing squadron strengths now, but you did not shout then.

Instead of spending more on defence and creating an arms race, and posing as a regional power, it is better the Indian government sought good relations with Pakistan and China. Hindu extremism is wreaking havoc within India. Your Hindu extremism against Pakistan and China will only undermine India's precarious economy. If you proclaim your hawkish Hindu proposal for an arms race, Pak and China will also plan trouble for India.

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As a veteran, let me be blunt. I had a lot of expectation from the BJP when it came to power in 2014, as far as the Armed Forces went. Five years down the road, they have proved to be a SORE LET DOWN as far as the Forces and it's veterans are concerned. Beyond tall rhetoric, they have scored ZERO. Also, one gets the sneaking and sinking feeling that they are Anti Armed Forces. Take the examples of OROP, two years after the One Man Judicial Commission submission of it's report on OROP, Babudom is STILL examing the recommendations,opening of Cantonment Roads, restrictions on buying motor vehicles from CSD Canteens, tasking the Army to act as garbage cleaners on mountains, laying yoga mats for Yoga Day, and the CRUEL taxing of Disability Pension for superannuated disabled personnel. No Sir. BJP is definitely Armed Forces. And for the record, as a % of GDP, the Nationalistic BJP's Defence Budgets fall below the 1962 Defence Budget. History is waiting to repeat itself ?

Seema Seema

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Seema Seema
Wow. The raving major actually disappointed with the government that he adored? Only a Raj Bhawan tenancy or a Rajya Sabha nomination can assuage that hurt.


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Seema Seema12h

You mean he needs something higher than being called to vent fury on Republic channel and show off his patriotism !

Seema Seema

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Seema Seema
Of course.

Every dog will now demand its pound of flesh in exchange for the blind loyalty shown hitherto.


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Seema Seema2h
Many who showed blind loyalty can be shunted aside like Advani...

Same with Bakshi who barked like an Alsatian for them....he was the very caricature of Hindutva pseudo-nationalism. Pulwama was a special event near election time, and then they needed Bakhsi to go beserk to mobilise anger and support - which he duly did. Now, he is not needed for another 5 years. His credibility as a professional soldier of class is gone and the people he barked for him do not need him.


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Couldn't agree more.


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Yes sir. I am a BJP supporter. Worked hard during elections and before. But defence budget is a complete let down like the muslim appeasement policies of Modi. Let down on multiple fronts. But TINA....There is No Alternative. A new party is needed which is truly committed to nation security.


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Basically pumping more money into defense is not good idea. Army & defense industry should be asked to more with less i.e. improve it's effectiveness & efficiency.

There is need of massive purge in defense industry to get rid of non-innovative people in top ranks. HAL should be able to produce at fraction of price that India pays to foreign companies, but instead it is cheaper to import that to manufacture locally.


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For once, you have written something sensible I can agree with !!!

"Basically pumping more money into defense is not good idea. Army & defense industry should be asked to more with less i.e. improve it's effectiveness & efficiency. "

Why do we need to spend more on army when we have RSS and many senas like Shiva Sena, Ramasena ? Mohan Bhagwat offered to send his cadre, within 3 days.


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What are the muslim appeasement policies of Modi that you complain about ? You did not get your chance for lynching yet ? Or a chance to rape a 8 year old Muslim ?


After recent yet another military humiliation at our hand, indians are reeling. You almost feel pity for these inferiority-complex suffering losers of history.

Last time we humiliated them and forced them to retreat after losing 2000 soldiers in 2001-02 stand off, they came up with the joke of 'cold start' and gullible indian masses will come to this forum and tell us how its really over for Pakistan this time blah blah.

Then their 'quick response with use of air power' doctrine was put into play on 26th Feb....Result?

Pakistan struck back within hours, launched six air strikes in indian Kashmir in response to one failed air strike, and shot down indian jets, arrested indian wing commander, and caused so much panic and hysteria in indian ranks that they end up shooting down their own helicopter and killing 7 iaf personnel :lol:

Now here we are again :) What's next?

After recent yet another military humiliation at our hand, indians are reeling. You almost feel pity for these inferiority-complex suffering losers of history.

Last time we humiliated them and forced them to retreat after losing 2000 soldiers in 2001-02 stand off, they came up with the joke of 'cold start' and gullible indian masses will come to this forum and tell us how its really over for Pakistan this time blah blah.

Then their 'quick response with use of air power' doctrine was put into play on 26th Feb....Result?

Pakistan struck back within hours, launched six air strikes in indian Kashmir in response to one failed air strike, and shot down indian jets, arrested indian wing commander, and caused so much panic and hysteria in indian ranks that they end up shooting down their own helicopter and killing 7 iaf personnel :lol:

Now here we are again :) What's next?
new hopes for sanghis to troll the universe.
These guys are out to conquer the entire galaxy. Hehehehe.
This article is some next level Guardians of The Galaxy sh!t

After recent yet another military humiliation at our hand, indians are reeling. You almost feel pity for these inferiority-complex suffering losers of history.

Last time we humiliated them and forced them to retreat after losing 2000 soldiers in 2001-02 stand off, they came up with the joke of 'cold start' and gullible indian masses will come to this forum and tell us how its really over for Pakistan this time blah blah.

Then their 'quick response with use of air power' doctrine was put into play on 26th Feb....Result?

Pakistan struck back within hours, launched six air strikes in indian Kashmir in response to one failed air strike, and shot down indian jets, arrested indian wing commander, and caused so much panic and hysteria in indian ranks that they end up shooting down their own helicopter and killing 7 iaf personnel :lol:

Now here we are again :) What's next?

Looks like Indians will make an excuse of lack of equipment when they lose their next war to Pakistan.
The Pakistani economy is tottering and this is the opportune time to engage it in an arms race which will collapse that army without firing a shot.

they been saying that for two decades now :disagree:
The Pakistani economy is tottering and this is the opportune time to engage it in an arms race which will collapse that army without firing a shot.

they been saying that for two decades now :disagree:

Indian pride will not let them admit that Indian economy has been bankrupt.
the entire south Asian region is such sh#t show it makes me laugh

Because if didn't laugh i would cry its so depressing

Indians have been working on their MMRCA deal for 2 decades now. Do we need any further proof?
kia koi randi khanay may itnay paisay lagata howa! sabh jahan is budhay fauji ko dawaye kha keh annay parrayahan
Ready But Unarmed: Why India's defence budget 2019 is such a huge letdown
The defence budget has seen no increase from the overall interim budget, which falls well short of weaponry and investments our armed forces desperately need, given our challenges.
| 3-minute read | 06-07-2019



The Indian defence budget was expected to balloon after Balakot when we had to call off operations on the second day of combat, even as Pakistan struck back viciously.

Had India taken care to keep its forces modernised, this was a golden opportunity to do Pakistan in for all its asymmetric adventurism of 30 years.

We had hoped that vital lessons would have been learnt and thoroughy ingested — but they have most obviously not been learnt. What we have seen is a marginal increase of some 8.1% over the last year, which barely covers the cost of inflation.

If the government was serious about modernising rapidly, the budget would have jumped up to 2% of overall GDP — it has hovered between 1.5-1.6% for nearly a decade. In fact, last year, it had fallen to 1.48%. Experts in the IDSA have calculated that the budget would have to grow by some 30% (or, to be exact, a sum of Rs 1,12,137 crore) to cater for most urgently needed weapon systems for all three services.

The most glaring gaps are in the Air Force — which is a critical factor for winning wars and responding to Pakistani terror a la Balakot.

We need an Air Force of 45 squadrons if we are to face a two-front war. Today, we are down to below 30 and by 2023, we will be down to 26 squadrons, that is, we will be on par with the Pakistani Air Force.

Ready to take off: Just about. The Indian Air Force is seeing a steady whittling of its squadrons. (Photo: Reuters)

The army needs about 3,000 artillery guns of the Bofors class — for which it has been waiting for over 30 years. We need helicopters, submarines, and minesweepers and night fighting equipment for our tanks. All these are vital to plug dangerous gaps — but our government does not seem unduly concerned.

This, after it won the national election on the plank of national security.

On paper, a budget of 3.19 lakh crore rupees sounds most impressive. In dollar terms, it works out to just 44.6 billion dollars.

By way of comparison, the USA spends 716 billion dollars a year — and China spends 200 billion dollars annually on defence.

We are happy that we spend more than Pakistan at 7.27 billion dollars.

Pakistan's economy is tottering: India could defeat them. Without firing a single shot. (Photo: Reuters)

The Pakistani economy is tottering and this is the opportune time to engage it in an arms race which will collapse that army without firing a shot.

However, despite all the aggressive rhetoric, we clearly have an abundance of Pakistan lovers in this country. To cover the non-allocation of badly needed funds, we are being told that our budget is seven times that of Pakistan.

What is glaringly left out of this equation is the need to also face a rising China.

We just had a landslide victory in an election fought primarily on issues of national security and a muscular response to Pakistan's terror. The present government has received a solid mandate to get tough. This defence budget however is a cause for serious disquiet.

The armed forces need a blood transfusion of vitally needed weapons and equipment. With the current outlay, these are nowhere in sight.

Frankly, this is a letdown.

Also read: Union Budget 2019: For the first time, the Union Budget encourages India's startup entrepreneurs in heartening detail

#Air force needs more squadrons, #Defence budget good on papers, #Modernisation of forces, #Defence budget 2019

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of DailyO.in or the India Today Group. The writers are solely responsible for any claims arising out of the contents of this article.

MAJ GEN (DR) G D BAKSHI SM, VSM (RETD) @generalbakshi
Retired Major General

Randi khana ka budget kum hogya. Ab nayi prostitutes (i mean weapons) kese ayengi

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