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Raymond Davis Case: Does not have full diplomatic immunity: UK Experts - The Guardian

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Read the comments below the Guardian article and you would find that most of the people are disgusted with the US's foreign policy, and how she conducts it. Sometimes i feel that the US policy makers are as disconnected and delusional about the world's opinion about them as Ghaddafi is with the Libyan people.
I still believe very firmly that they will let him go
...and the real name of Raymond Allen Davis is....Raymond Allen Davis!

Haven't you noticed that the same muck rakers ferited out Davis US Army military records...and that he was, is, and ever will be Raymond Allen Davis, whether in the Army or the US State Dept.
I still believe very firmly that they will let him go

It was clear the day when Fouzia Whab bid for his immunity on TV and next day both ruling party and opposition unanimously declared they will accept what (hand picked) judiciary will declare.
Next FM Qureshi was fired, and his follow-up statements unearth the end game of this case.
In further development concerned judge asking for same letter which FM qureshi refused to Clinton...so it has all come down to a letter, which hand picked foreign secretary will issue without hesitation.
I bet Pakistan foreign office cannot issue list of other US diplomats in country because they simply issued 10'000 business visas to US citizens.
It's quite possible when you have crooks like Mr. Ten Percent as the head of the state.
I still believe very firmly that they will let him go

It's quite possible when you have crooks like Mr. Ten Percent as the head of the state.
It was clear the day when Fouzia Whab bid for his immunity on TV and next day both ruling party and opposition unanimously declared they will accept what (hand picked) judiciary will declare.
Next FM Qureshi was fired, and his follow-up statements unearth the end game of this case.
In further development concerned judge asking for same letter which FM qureshi refused to Clinton...so it has all come down to a letter, which hand picked foreign secretary will issue without hesitation.
I bet Pakistan foreign office cannot issue list of other US diplomats in country because they simply issued 10'000 business visas to US citizens.

This incident will clearly show that the americans have turned Pakistan into a surrogate state and the lives of all Pakistanis are just as valuable to these so-called champions of human rights as the lives of the cockroaches.
It does not matter whether it's so call ed "full" or "partial" immunity - the concept and facility is not intended to shield what on the face of it looks like cold blooded murder -- yes, it's a giant mess, but Pakistanis and Americans deserve to have their questions about this answered, clearly and completely - will it happen? All along at least until last year, I have been wrong about the relationship with the US was about and how it might be to Pakistan's advantage - I understand now that this is not possible and that Pakistan and the US may well be openly engaged in armed hostilities against each other - there is just a level of hostility, mutual to be sure, beyond dangerous. The sooner Pakistan can disengage itself from US policy makers, the better for Pakistan and the US.
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