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Raymond Davis Case: Does not have full diplomatic immunity: UK Experts - The Guardian

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Guys, March 3rd is only TWO days away. I am sure we can be patient till then for the process to move forward.

Define patience. What has exhibited impatience here?
Define patience. What has exhibited impatience here?

Apparently only he is impatient with growing popularity of this case.

Perhaps Craig Murray should not have bothered himself with explaining diplomat and reach of their immunity.
Define patience. What has exhibited impatience here?

Take your pick Sir: :D


1. the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like.
2. an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner.
3. quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence: to work with patience.
Take your pick Sir: :D


1. the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like.
2. an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner.
3. quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence: to work with patience.

Sounds like the description of our American friends, I'm content with the case, courts, investigators, politicians n all taking their time in this very important case.
As it explicitly states, this provision only applies to civil and administrative jurisdiction, not criminal. That means, for example, Pakistan could dun Davis for paying a gun license fee and ordinary Pakistanis sue him for causing property damage outside the course of his duties but charges of murder or manslaughter remain the jurisdiction of the sending country and therefore Davis has immunity from prosecution by Pakistani courts.

Sad to say, just because you read it in the Guardian doesn't mean what you read is true. Even if it comes from the pen of a former diplomat.

You have discounted the fact that Article 1 describes who has full immunity.
You have discounted the fact that Article 1 describes who has full immunity.
Non sequitur. Davis need not be a "diplomatic agent" with full immunity. He only needs immunity from Pakistani criminal prosecution, and that he has as admin. staff under Article 37.

I'm content with the case, courts, investigators, politicians n all taking their time in this very important case.
Except that under treaty this isn't supposed to go to court at all! The F.O. tells the police and Davis is let go. So it boils down to Pakistani politics or incompetence; you pick!
Sounds like the description of our American friends, I'm content with the case, courts, investigators, politicians n all taking their time in this very important case.

Please note I have never picked sides and thus you are correct that BOTH sides should express this virtue.
^^Both sides????
Do you meant family of victims?
If this guy is set free than anti Pakistan diplomats will come to the streets of Pakistan with guns and start killing civilians indiscriminately because of their diplomatic immunity.
^^Both sides????
Do you meant family of victims?
If this guy is set free than anti Pakistan diplomats will come to the streets of Pakistan with guns and start killing civilians indiscriminately because of their diplomatic immunity.

Exaggerate much? Nothing of the sort will happen Sir.
Exaggerate much? Nothing of the sort will happen Sir.

But technically it will be legalized once our hand picked judiciary acquit Raymond Davis under the cover of diplomatic immunity..
But technically it will be legalized once our hand picked judiciary acquit Raymond Davis under the cover of diplomatic immunity..

No Sir, it already is legal with the hundreds of US, and thousands of other nationals, in Pakistan will unquestioningly full diplomatic immunity. RD is but one individual.
Non sequitur. Davis need not be a "diplomatic agent" with full immunity. He only needs immunity from Pakistani criminal prosecution, and that he has as admin. staff under Article 37.

Except that under treaty this isn't supposed to go to court at all! The F.O. tells the police and Davis is let go. So it boils down to Pakistani politics or incompetence; you pick!

I dont know that u guyz know or trying to pretend to be ignorant about what kind of activities these kind of guyz like Raymond Davis r doing here or anywhere around the world...this is very sad that they are merciless murderers(sent by ure govt):woot::cheesy:..... If ure govt(actual mastermind of evilz within) didnt repent and continued to protect him or send more guyz like him to kill innocent pplz here ..Insha-Allah that govt has to pay the price with their lives too... I guess these evil pplz in ure govt wanna burry themselves alive... I guess they dont believe in God or dont know his powerz...They will find no place to hide in this world:coffee:
They believe that they can hide into their deep down underground nuclear bunkers /cities...Insha-Allah they will be formed their ultimate graves as a curse of God on them:eek::eek:...I hope they repent and come on right path and wont get decieved by this Lucifer/Devil for wealth/power....:agree:
No Sir, it already is legal with the hundreds of US, and thousands of other nationals, in Pakistan will unquestioningly full diplomatic immunity. RD is but one individual.

What is the fuss all about than?
Why Qureshi was asked to issue letter?
Now listen care fully to this vedio.

Shall i now suggest you to be patient with your verdicts.
He didn't had a passport.... forget the diplomatic status.
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You have spent a lot of time composing your analysis.

The simple International Law fact is you misunderstand the term "diplomat" which causes you to miss the point.

Mr. Davis was appointed a diplomat by the US Dept. of State which hired him through a holding company with State assuming all liability for the employee of the company retained, which in turn supplied Mr. Davis to State.


That is a good one---I never not heard of a diplomat hired through a holding company that operates out of a PO box or maybe a an empty space in a strip mall in miam with a forwarding address in las vegas---is that right---but I am not 'knowitall'----I guess there is a first time for everything---.

That would tell you a lot about the quality of that 'diplomat'---who he is and what does he do for a living---. We don't need college degrees anymore I guess---.

You know it is an amazing thing---a spineless country like pakistan sometimes grows character----when you are beaten and pummelled down to the worst---maybe sometime you say to yourself---I won't take it anymore---.

As I stated in my earlier posts---this is precedence setting---america has used and abused the power of the illegals hired through holding companies---now it is going to find out that what pakistan is going to do to Davis is going to change its way of operating in the rest of the world---.

Sir, the capture of davis---or the actions of Davis have done something good for pakistan----the PPP govt had smashed the identity of isi for many a years----bad mouthing them in public every oppurtunity they got---.

Truly---thanks to Davis----they are back to their previous position one more time----. Basically Zardari doesnot know what to say and do and Mr Gilani is between a rock and a hard place---.

Sir----Mrs Clinton and prsident Obama really screwed both these assets pretty good by their harsh public statements in the initials stages of the issue in question---both loud mouths just could not shut themsleves up for a while---.

To lose the president and prime minister of pakistan in one go----that was a wonderful piece of foreign diplomacy by Obama and Clinton----cheeron cheeron cheeron----way to go---then to get the foreign minister of pakistan fired----wow that was another master piece of diplomatic action---.

Eagle---we are a characterless dead nation---why are you trying so hard to wake us up and make us somebody that we don't want to be---why are you forcing upon us to strengthen our back bone and impressing upon us to take a stand----couldn't you just simply leave us to our miseries and miserable selves and let us be.

I guess not---character of strength, honesty and courage is an inherent quality in an american---and inadvertantly that is what it wants to see in the people of other races and nations when it deals with them---even though some of the times it clashes with their national interests---but still they believe that these inherent qualities must overtake everything else. I want to thank you for that.
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