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Raymond Davis Case: Diyat Paid by Saudi Arabia? US Denies Payment.

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And when a hundred Faisal Shehzad and Bin Ladens bomb America I'll be here doing the same. Don't worry son, the blood of ******** american cia kuttas will be consumed in every part of Pakistan.
This event has broken the straw on the camel's back.

Bin Laden screwed over the Muslim world. Now in return of attacking our towers, we conquered two countries, killed Hundreds of thousands of Muslims and just owning the middle east. Guess I could laugh?

I don't think another terrorist attack on our country would happen, i'm never wrong ;)

But lets not get off topic, the courts couldn't find Davis guilty so all in all, it was self defense NOT murder
Yes let this govt continue and complete its tenure. thats how you are going to get mature. coups and immature breaking down every govt is not the solution =. Let the public decide in the elections
Yes, and don't forget one usually needs freedom of speech for the results to be good. I mentioned the American Civil War earlier. Not many people realize that the South became radicalized to war only after three decades of restrictions upon freedom of speech, rights that the Federal government was too weak to enforce.
Would you rather Pakistan become an Iran or a Germany? Sure, we act selfishly. Under Bush II we had an ideology for it: Democratic Realism.

I think serving American interests serves disastrous consequences to that particular country as well as to the whole region, & this has been proven time & time again in history.
Liaqat Ali Khan refused to sell us to America and he paid for it by getting assassinated. These American maa ke.... have been after us since 1947. We need to get united and kick Ghaddari out of Pakistan.

I'm not a huge fan of Imran Khan but his words starting to make sense. He is the only hope for us.
I think this incident has lowered the morale of Pakistani nation.

yes it did, the way things unfolded...secretly...plus we all know involvement of different institutions played their role in doing so. had it been the other way around it would have created a lesser impact....tomm and days to come will show the real picture.
@ Imran khan
You lost my respect today. I always admired you on this forum.

It is not my nature to hit someone personally but i was forced to point out these idiots.

as i think i dont deserve respect now because pakistan lose respect today so i dont care today what right wrong.
I am angry too but it has nothing to do with liberalism. I am a liberal person too and i could never even think of cursing my country. Some members have lost their mind and they include both (conservatives and liberals). Though i don't know them personally but i think fida jan is not a liberal person and look at him. Changing flags and posting nonsense.

@ Imran khan
You lost my respect today. I always admired you on this forum.

You better come back to your senses. I never knew that you could descend so low.

It is not my nature to hit someone personally but i was forced to point out these idiots.

when RD murdered two Pakistanis i was harsh on him in threads posted here that was one stand based on facts. Now when he is released i am supporting it because thats what the families have decided and a good decision besides its according to the law of the country so RD or US is in no way responsible for it.

does it mean i am not a patriot ? should i change my flag to pathetic ones just because i dint like the decision of the families? should i post disgusting pictures degrading my country leaders ? should i abuse my own country ? NO indeed Not because i am not an emotional goon.

some people here had stooped too low and making all of us look bad.
Hmmm, we flaming now? I'm just throwing our facts :)

Let me tell you a fact-

Diyat is applied when a person kills some one- the courts convict him- sentence him to death- then the murderer beg for mercy from the victims family and offers Blood Money-

Lets start from fact1- Do you think Davis acted in self defence?-
fact2- was he sentenced to death?- meaning he did kill two innocent men-

As i have stated a fact before in my first post on this thread- Raymond Davis agreement to pay blood money to the victims families- confirms the fact that he accepted his guilt of murdering two innocents in cold blood-

Are these facts enough for you?-
obsession with india at its peak. not good for health.:disagree:

just to score some brownie points, you should not support this evil blood money concept.
Please spare Indians(any relgion). We are better off without this law. Thank God.

Yes, you release an American (Warren Anderson) without him facing any consequences for being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Indians in the Bhopal Disaster. At least the families of the victims were compensated here, they were the ones that accepted it. If they hadn't accepted the compensation, Davis's trial would continue as usual.
I think serving American interests serves disastrous consequences -
Do you only serve your own interests, then, like corrupt politicians who put themselves first, their country second, and their countrymen third? France or Iran, bub!
@ jana
This government has no right to complete its tenure. They are only load on the country. What good they had done for the country?
The only people Pakistan Army is capable of killing apparently is its own people nowdays anyway... tsk tsk

It has been 60 years this Army has not even been able to free Kashmir... we still remember what it has done in east Pakistan... what Generals like Ayub, Yahya, Zia and Musharaf have done... One only wonders where does all this sickness come from?? Is it something they eat after being promoted to the rank of Brigadier??

sell outs at the top... ordinary soldiers must be shedding tears of disgust and rage today...
I'm feeling that democracy in not favourable for Pakistan...

Where is the democracy?
People of pakistan is opposing the release of RD.
Its known as political dictatorship not democracy.
Liaqat Ali Khan refused to sell us to America and he paid for it by getting assassinated. These American maa ke.... have been after us since 1947. We need to get united and kick Ghaddari out of Pakistan.

I'm not a huge fan of Imran Khan but his words starting to make sense. He is the only hope for us.

Imran Khan is a joke. He talks nonsense because he is not in the government.
I remember this idiot rallied for that chief justice thug and today he is resting at home while zardari is pimping around.
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