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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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US Ambassy is referring to Article 37, which provides immunity to the accused. Below are all the paras of Artcle 37 of the Vienna covention 1961. Please read it and tell me, if Mr Davis enjoys the inviolability:

The members of the family of a diplomatic agent forming part of his household shall, if they are not nationals of the receiving State, enjoy the privileges and immunities specified in articles 29 to 36.

Members of the administrative and technical staff of the mission, together with members of their families forming part of their respective households, shall, if they are not nationals of or permanently resident in the receiving State, enjoy the privileges and immunities specified in articles 29 to 35, except that the immunity from civil and administrative jurisdiction of the receiving State specified in paragraph 1 of article 31 shall not extend to acts performed outside the course of their duties.[/I] They shall also enjoy the privileges specified in article 36, paragraph 1, in respect of articles imported at the
time of first installation.

Members of the service staff of the mission who are not nationals of or permanently resident in the receiving State shall enjoy immunity in respect of acts performed in the course of their duties,[/I] exemption from dues and taxes on the emoluments they receive by reason of their employment and the
exemption contained in article 33.

Private servants of members of the mission shall, if they are not nationals of or permanently resident in the receiving State, be exempt from dues and taxes on the emoluments they receive by reason of their employment. In other respects, they may enjoy privileges and immunities only to the extent admitted by the receiving State. However, the receiving State must exercise its jurisdiction over those persons in such a manner as not to interfere unduly with the performance of the functions of the mission.

Tell me what you are doing every single day to help families of those killed in automobile accidents all over Pakistan?

Your views are anarchist and ignore the root problem inside Pakistan today, growing lawlessness associated with violent acts of terrorism and acts of robbery designed to steal money and valuables to fund terrorism.

There is not and never will be a logic where the robber is guiltless and the American diplomat victum is to blame for the robber.

This starts to sound like a bunch of US trial lawyers trying to blame a person for defending themselves from death threats by armed robbers pointing guns at them.

See bullet holes again in pictures all over this Thread for days now dealing with shots fire into, from the outside, at a distance, into the American's windshield. The American diplomat defended himself against two armed robbers, open and shut.

American is entitled to diplomatic immunity and must be returned to the US Embassy for their processes to protect and remove him from a more and more lawless society there daily.

Taking up for robbers is just plain goofy and upside down logic. Sounds like blind effort to blame life's problems on a completely innocent American diplomatic victum of attempted with armed force robbery.
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Some of our diplomat should kill some US citizen and then ask for diplomatic immunity. :eek::frown:

Absolute BS
An American diplomat defending himself from two armed robbers while he is on duty in broad daylight is covered by diplomatic immunity. End of discussion.

The US Ambassador and the US Dept. of State have made their clear cut case to the Government of Pakistan and are absolutely right in saying that Pakistan has to honor diplomatic immunity and release the American diplomat to the US Embassy for it's protection and processes.
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An American diplomate defending himself from two armed robbers while he is on duty in broad daylight is covered by diplomatic immunity.

The US Ambassador and the US Dept. of State have made their clear cut case to the Government of Pakistan and are absolutely right.in saying that Pakistan has to honor diplomatic immunity and release the American diplomat to the US Embassy for it's protection and processes.

You will be of more help to Raymond Allen Davis the cold blooded killer aka terrorist who executed two innocent civilians in broad daylight when you go protest outside the court at his judicial hearing.

As for now the court will decide according to the law of the land
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Tell me what you are doing every single day to help families of those killed in automobile accidents all over Pakistan?

So we should release this guy coz of ur excellent logic?

your views are anarchist and ignore the root problem inside Pakistan today, growing lawlessness associated with violent acts of terrorims and acts designed to steal money and valuables to fund terrorism.

There is not and never will be a logic where the robber is guiltless and the robber is to blame for the robber.

How do u know they were robbers?
Wat about the guy US citizens crushed to death under their SUV with fake plates?
Why was this innocent american carrying arms?
Why was he roaming in a area he was not allowed to?
After murdering those men why did he try to run if he was innocent?
Who was he going to meet?
He is not a diplomat but a contractor of a company denied visa to Pakistan!?
Why was he not following security protocol?
Why was he driving a vehicle registered in the name of some local guy?
He was arrested in the past with sopisticated weapons along 4 other us citizens while trying to enter Cantonment area with sensitive military installation?
He was also on a buisness visa not official work?so no diplomatic immunity!
In any country u cant just kill people and get immunity!?

This starts to sound like a bunch of US trial lawyers trying to blame a person for defending themselves from death threats by armed robbers pointing guns at them.

The men shot by the david(FAG) were behind his car! So how did u know any threats were made?

See bullet holes again in pictures all over this Thread for days now dealing with shots fire into, from the outside, at a distance, into the American's windshield. The American diplomat defended himself against two armed robbers, open and shut.

Funny he stepped out of the vehicle after murdering them....Took the pictures of the dead victims and tried to run.......while another SUV carrying US citizens tried too rescue him and in the mean time killed anther innocent bike rider and ran without even caring abt the guy they had just crushed?

American is entitled to diplomatic immunity and must be returned to the US Embassy for their processes to protect and remove him from a more and more lawless society there daily.

Wat diplomatic immunity? we all know ur goofy crap........ United states of Hypocrites!

Ur recent example of hypocrisy is Joe biden supporting a tyrant(husni mubarak) in eygpt!

Taking up for robbers is just plain goofy and upside down logic. Sounds like blind effort to blame life's problems on a completely innocent American diplomatic victum of attempted with armed force robbery.

Instead of ranting tell us the reason for which ur american murderer was not following any law of the land?
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American Eagle,

Why are you defending this guy? We don't hate him because he's American. We hate him because he is a murderder of two young Pakistanis!
Court of law will decide his fate. Was he supposed to carry weapon. I don't think there any need to show emotions and arrogance by US officials. According to Pakistani foreign office Mr Davis was on visit visa and did not have diplomatic immunity. However US officials say, Davis was a diplomat. The way guy opened fired clearly show that he was a trained shooter who took a preemptive action
Mr. Davis commited no crime...he faced armed robbers who threatened him. That was the crime. He merely defended himself to protect and save his own life. He has diplomatic immunity.

Your failure to deal with robbers, Pakistani robbers, trying to rob and harm Mr. Davis is a bafflement to the entire world.
Mr. Davis commited no crime...he faced armed robbers who threatened him. That was the crime. He merely defended himself to protect and save his own life. He has diplomatic immunity.

Your failure to deal with robbers, Pakistani robbers, trying to rob and harm Mr. Davis is a bafflement to the entire world.

Forget everything just tell me why was he carrying an illegal weapon,somebdy elses vehicle and roaming in place he was not allowed to and not following proper protocol?

Also explain the fake number plated suv tht killed another innocent guy?
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Mr. Davis commited no crime...he faced armed robbers who threatened him. That was the crime. He merely defended himself to protect and save his own life. He has diplomatic immunity.

Your failure to deal with robbers, Pakistani robbers, trying to rob and harm Mr. Davis is a bafflement to the entire world.

Courts will establish fact but your last two lines are unnecessary.
Mr. Davis commited no crime...he faced armed robbers who threatened him. That was the crime. He merely defended himself to protect and save his own life. He has diplomatic immunity.

Your failure to deal with robbers, Pakistani robbers, trying to rob and harm Mr. Davis is a bafflement to the entire world.

This idea is a bafflement to the entire world
that any tom dick harry
can go on a rampage and kill innocent people

And then show his BLUE PETER BADGE as a get out of jail card.
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