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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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If there is a gun exposed---it doesnot matter---it does not need to be pointed---just the presence and intentional visibility is a death threat-----why---because of the reaction time of the other party---.

The man with the gun holds the fate of the other person in his hands---at his discretion and at his displeasure---.

In pakistan we don't have any resp[ect for police---but here in the U S----the safe distance in front of a cop is approximately 10 feet minimum---when a cop says stop you do that or you may get shot---why---any closer---the balance of power shifts from the cop to the other person---.

Similiarly---once the hand gun became exposed---in any form or way---it becomes a death threatening situation----seems like pakistabnis have not yet grown up to understand the significanc yet---.

It is amazing the police commander Mr Tareen is stating that there was no round in the chamber ( does that mean there was no threat )---I want to ask----do we have idiots throught and through our police dept even at officer level---no---let me call my fortune teller first and ask him---is there any round in the chamber---.

We are just looking at the first casualty of this skirmish---our foreign minister Mr Qureishi is a gone----just like that---he didnot want to compromise. You know that the U S is not in an easy position either----today EGYPT broke the shackles.

U S can push pakistanh so much----then it lands into an area of unpredictability---there are other issues that you have to look as well---I never thought I would be saying this after Bush----but Obam's presidency never took off---he judgement in recovering the economy failed miserably---he is a poorly rated a president as any other poorly rated leader in the U S of A----. The failures of his internal policies have a lots of pressure on him and that would make him do things in the outside world to get the support of the american public to regain his image.

Now this egypt issue has given us some breathing room----I believe that pak should ask for the release of Aafiya in exchange of Davis ansd other pakistanis at G bay---.
If there is a gun exposed---it doesnot matter---it does not need to be pointed---just the presence and intentional visibility is a death threat-----why---because of the reaction time of the other party---.

I already covered this point in an earlier post.
Was the victim's gun drawn prior to shooting, or did Davis walk over after the shooting, take out the victim's gun, and then take photos?
He seems to have been quite calm and have remarkable presence of mind after he shot two people in broad daylight in front of a hostile crowd.

As I mentioned before, this is a well known trick in the US to put a knife in the robber's hand after you shoot him in your house.

If there is a gun exposed---it doesnot matter---it does not need to be pointed---just the presence and intentional visibility is a death threat-----why---because of the reaction time of the other party---.

The man with the gun holds the fate of the other person in his hands---at his discretion and at his displeasure---.

In pakistan we don't have any resp[ect for police---but here in the U S----the safe distance in front of a cop is approximately 10 feet minimum---when a cop says stop you do that or you may get shot---why---any closer---the balance of power shifts from the cop to the other person---.

Similiarly---once the hand gun became exposed---in any form or way---it becomes a death threatening situation----seems like pakistabnis have not yet grown up to understand the significanc yet---.

It is amazing the police commander Mr Tareen is stating that there was no round in the chamber ( does that mean there was no threat )---I want to ask----do we have idiots throught and through our police dept even at officer level---no---let me call my fortune teller first and ask him---is there any round in the chamber---.

Exactly... It is called the "Force Continuum", it is taught in various services, particularly the police and security field.

One of the instructors on a course here was Ex LAPD, he recalled how he once shot a kid in a dark alleyway because he had something that looked like a gun and failed to comply and started to charge the officer.

Turned out the kid had a swiss roll in his hand and was scared of the police because he was autistic... Needless to say, that whilst the officer followed his training, Internal Affairs and the media, as well as the local hespanic community ripped him a new one.

So you see MastanKhan Bahi, idiot's are not confined to Pakistan alone.
[Yet, I do not believe Raymond Davis would have shot these men unless he felt some kind of 'danger' from them. So I believe there is a very good chance they were informants (if not ISI spies) of some kind. I know for a fact that the ISI keeps tabs on foreign officials (especially who they deem suspicious, and Davis was clearly doing suspicious stuff) in Pakistan, often by tapping their phones or having people follow them: the ISI is very sneaky that way. This is my personal opinion though, and it is pretty clear that Raymond Davis freaked out too and felt himself being followed, his activities under 'observation'.


Davis was obviously under a great deal of stress---everyone he looked at would seem to be following him---he carried the guilt of a criminal---he had a gun on him---that made him jumpy---he had pictures in his camera----that made him nervous---ammo and knives and other stuff---all that which he was carrying showed that he had been away from the consulate for a few days---.

Seems like had been on the prowl for a while----and not been back to the base---that is why he still had the pictures on his camera---if he was just coming out of the consulate---the memory card would have been empty----.

Is it a possibility that he was coming to an end of his mission and nearing close---he was very nervous as any other operator would be and just got a hair trigger nerve in his finger---. They came close in the traffic---exchanged glances----he saw the gun---as he was riding high on guilt of spying---he pulled the trigger---thinking that he has been neutralized and was about to be taken out.
friday finished is haqani kicked out. when i was sleeping last night i was thinking ohhhhhhhhhh thank god morning we have no US consulate here.
I already covered this point in an earlier post.
Was the victim's gun drawn prior to shooting, or did Davis walk over after the shooting, take out the victim's gun, and then take photos?
He seems to have been quite calm and have remarkable presence of mind after he shot two people in broad daylight in front of a hostile crowd.

As I mentioned before, this is a well known trick in the US to put a knife in the robber's hand after you shoot him in your house.


First of all you know that it is not the first time Davis killed someone---with his background---he has many a notches on his gun---secondly----he is operating all by himself---in a hostile land----this guy has ballz and nerves of steel---he is a super operator---so---for him to show and act normal is a part of his training and experties---.

To plant a gun under those circumstances is not easy---and close to impossible that he was carryinbg to spare guns to plant---. If som---the guns may have a part of his DNA or fabric from his clothing on it as well----so that might not be the case.
Alhamdolillah everything is going great in this case....and insha-Allah these evil pplz/powerz and their rings will find no way to escape from their own built trap for otherz....:)
To plant a gun under those circumstances is not easy---and close to impossible that he was carryinbg to spare guns to plant---. If som---the guns may have a part of his DNA or fabric from his clothing on it as well----so that might not be the case.

The gun surely belonged to the victims but do we have any witnesses to say the gun was drawn before Davis' shooting?
And, I agree, he is too much of a professional to leave his prints on any part of the victim.
I wish and hope that Haqqani from Allah(sbwt) be kicked out and US consulates shut down here so that there are no chances of terrorism anymore..and insha-Allah it will be done very soon...and we be free of these evil/terrorist powerz internally for good....:coffee:
New twist in Davis saga, victims were ISI agents

While Washington and much of the world continues to be transfixed by the drama over democracy in Egypt, an ugly sideshow involving spooks and spying in Pakistan is consuming the Obama administration, redrawing the security contours with regards to what was once regarded as a stalwart ally.

The Raymond Davis affair, as the episode has come to be known, has become not just curiouser, but also messier. The alleged private security contractor, who was on the rolls of the US diplomatic mission in Pakistan when he shot dead two Pakistanis in what he said was in self-defense after they attempted to rob him, is still incarcerated despite US demands that he be freed because he enjoys diplomatic immunity.

But it turns out that even as Islamabad is publicly resisting American pressure, a section of the Pakistani establishment has revealed that the two men who were shot were in fact agents of the ISI.

Meanwhile, Shumaila Kanwal, the wife of one of alleged robbers/spies died under mysterious circumstances in a Pakistani hospital after consuming poison, but not before she met journalists and issued a revenge call, demanding "blood for blood."

Pakistani officials told the Express Tribune in Lahore that the Pakistani government's "tough stance" on the whole issue was also a "reaction to the attempts by certain elements in Washington to implicate...the ISI in the November 2008 Mumbai attacks," including the decision by a US court to summon top ISI officials in connections with the attacks.

The incredible drama has greatly soured ties between US and Pakistan, with the growing feeling in Washington that its once-famed ally is now turning rogue. There is now a demand in some quarters in Washington to turn off the aid spigot vital for Pakistan's survival, even as there is pressure on the government in Islamabad to hold to account the US whose lifeline to its troops in Afghanistan runs through Pakistan.

New twist in Davis saga, victims were ISI agents - The Times of India

some sources within pakistan also confirm this!
If they were ISI agents and the government tries to save the accuse, --

Will see what happens to the government.

Protests and resignation will be a first step with many to follow.
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