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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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The real pressure on Pakistan will not be diplomatic, but economic, in a sustained and damaging manner, with other agencies being the face, not the USA. That will be the real test of Pakistani resolve.

I fear the real pressure will be increased covert support for TTP and BLA.
The whole rationale behind supporting TTP is to galvanize Pakistani public opinion against terrorism.
You need to galvanize people opinion to oppose terrorism?
I’m sorry, but that report doesn’t look credible to me at all.

What do you think, what possible reason can be there for a foreigner to kill two complete strangers in a foreign land?
About the bunkers, why would India require info from an American, when India already gets detailed maps, positions of all the bunkers by "many" means. Has it been established that the two men killed were really ISI men?
Exactly, what kind of military installations" pics did he have in his camera.

woow, so u admit, raw is operating and thriving in pakistan, and on other hand u mock pkistani beliefs hahahahahaha

your 'means' are also arming balochs in afghanistan and all those 'means' in bharti consulates in afghanistan border, stop terrorising pakistan, u saffron terrorist scums...

stop bharting around
As being a diplomate in pakistan Davis got protection of Geneva Convention.
if they were intelligence agents, they wouldnt have been so close in proximity to the vehicle

they'd be several car lengths BEHIND the car -- not in front of it. They'd probably be a lot more inconspicuous too.

only the arm chair conspiracy theorist wallas are making such empty claims without proof

They don't have to be ISI agents. They could be informers asked to keep an eye on Davis.

Excerpts from Time magazine for all it is worth,

Equally misleading, say Pakistani officials, is the claim in Pakistani media that Davis' victims had been "ordinary men", or even as "robbers," as the State Department has suggested. "They were from the ISI," says a government official, referring to Pakistan's military intelligence agency. It isn't clear, the official says, whether they were full paid-up agents or local informants. The two men had been tasked with tailing Davis, Pakistani officials say. "He had been traveling to Waziristan and meeting with people that the army doesn't approve of," says a Pakistani official, implying that Davis had met with Pakistani militants. While U.S. contractors and intelligence agents operate in Pakistan with the military's approval and often in cooperation, it insists they operate within strictly circumscribed parameters. Davis, according to some Pakistani accounts, had crossed a red line, and was being shadowed in a crude effort at intimidation

Read more: Why the Fate of a U.S. Diplomat Could Bring Down Pakistan's Government - TIME
well if true, then I (a civilian) would even be extremely suspicious of him

what in God's name is a contractor for US embassy doing in those war-affected areas?

sight-seeing? bird-watching...in this dubbed "most dangerous place to be on earth"

he's lucky to even be breathing
despite my known contempt for ToI, i did manage to stumble across this excerpt:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and CIA chief Leon Panetta are among those who are said to have spoken to the Pakistani leadership to convey Washington's displeasure, which is expected to manifest itself with the cancellation of a trilateral Am- meeting scheduled for later this month in Washington if the matter is not resolved by then.

Read more: Pak defies US and jails Davis - The Times of India Pak defies US and jails Davis - The Times of India

i wonder why the US Intelligence Chief is speaking out over this matter?

to me, it's some telling signs. Again, speculation of course.
You need to galvanize people opinion to oppose terrorism?

Public opinion is always stronger about a local problem affecting their own lives, as opposed to a news story in a foreign land.
People knew about Taliban barbarity in Afghanistan almost as an abstract fact, but it was the video of a girl begin flogged in Swat that changed the mood.
I fear the real pressure will be increased covert support for TTP and BLA.
The whole rationale behind supporting TTP is to galvanize Pakistani public opinion against terrorism.

Yes, we have been hearing this long times, India supported TTP/BLA or other groups we know that. We wouldn't be surprised if US's changing position to use covert support.
well if true, then I (a civilian) would even be extremely suspicious of him

what in God's name is a contractor for US embassy doing in those war-affected areas?

sight-seeing? bird-watching...in this dubbed "most dangerous place to be on earth"

he's lucky to even be breathing

This article from Time magazine seems like the real one from all the other stories that are out there in circulation. This article makes sense that why he(Davis) acted the way he did. A diplomat doesn't go around shooting folks cause they looked menacing, no one does that.
Originally Posted by twoplustwoisfour
Why are we denying the fact that the two men murdered were also intelligence agents? There is much more to this story than what is being played in the open.

Why are we denying the fact? We is who Indians? There is no evidence to support your statement.

My personal opinion/speculation is that the people killed were not robbers, and the evidence (shot at the back) pretty much supports that. Yet, I do not believe Raymond Davis would have shot these men unless he felt some kind of 'danger' from them. So I believe there is a very good chance they were informants (if not ISI spies) of some kind. I know for a fact that the ISI keeps tabs on foreign officials (especially who they deem suspicious, and Davis was clearly doing suspicious stuff) in Pakistan, often by tapping their phones or having people follow them: the ISI is very sneaky that way. This is my personal opinion though, and it is pretty clear that Raymond Davis freaked out too and felt himself being followed, his activities under 'observation'.
It doesn't matter if the two dead guys were displaying ISI badges on their chest, or were wearing stolen merchandise around their necks.

The only thing that matters is whether Raymond Davis's life was in danger when he shot those two men. Even if someone is a spy or a robber doesn't mean you can go around shooting them in the back.
Detained US official 'in telephone contact with terror group' - Telegraph

Sources close to the investigation said Raymond Davis, 36, had made a series of telephone calls to South Waziristan, a tribal area along the border with Afghanistan synonymous with militant activity.

However, security sources have leaked a series of details suggesting that he may have had a clandestine role.

"His phone records clearly show he was in contact with Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, for what reason we can only speculate," said a police officer, referring to a terrorist group with close links to the Pakistani Taliban.

for what reason would this guy be in contact with the militants ?
End of the day, Raymond will walk free. Pakistani govt right now is a US lapdog, it can growl but it can't bite the hand which feeds them billions of dollars.
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