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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Here's the kicker. Those bunkers are accessible to the common man as they are of no importance during peace times. You can stand inside them, take a picture standing next to them and even pretend that you're fighting off the invaders with your friends and have a jolly good time. I know, I've done these things. These bunkers can also be seen if you take the 'Jalo Park' route towards Wahga Border.

I'm in no way saying that Raymond Davis's actions were justified or that his photographs were merely taken as a tourist but whining about it as if he had images of 'Babur Cruise Missile', is a bit too much.

My 0.02$.

The Babur Cruise Missile theory has been circulated by only one newspaper. The thing no one is talking about is his activities in the Peshawar consulate, and the areas closeby. The interesting thing is, we have heard conflicting reports from the US embassy in Islamabad: first they said he was a part of the technical & administrative staff of the US embassy in Islamabad, then they said he was not part of the US embassy in Islamabad but of the US consulate in Lahore. We also know he served in the Consulate in Peshawar. The way I see it, this guy clearly has been dealing with a "lot of stuff inside Pakistan", a lot of "secret" and highly confidential stuff. He was also fluent in Urdu and Pashto. Now with the reports claiming his links to LeJ and South Waziristan, and how Hillary Clinton & the CIA chief are threatening Pakistan, this is no ordinary guy.

(From here, this is my personal opinion and speculation, the cynic I am) I would not be surprised if he helped orchestrate some of the terrorist attacks in Pakistan in some capacity. And maybe thats what he was trying to do, meeting up with some people in the most crowded part in Lahore when he got caught. Something is highly suspicious, & there is a lot of information that has to be extracted from this guy.
Here's the kicker. Those bunkers are accessible to the common man as they are of no importance during peace times. You can stand inside them, take a picture standing next to them and even pretend that you're fighting off the invaders with your friends and have a jolly good time. I know, I've done these things. These bunkers can also be seen if you take the 'Jalo Park' route towards Wahga Border.

I'm in no way saying that Raymond Davis's actions were justified or that his photographs were merely taken as a tourist but whining about it as if he had images of 'Babur Cruise Missile', is a bit too much.

My 0.02$.

The Babur Cruise Missile theory has been circulated by only one newspaper. The thing no one is talking about is his activities in the Peshawar consulate, and the areas closeby. The interesting thing is, we have heard conflicting reports from the US embassy in Islamabad: first they said he was a part of the technical & administrative staff of the US embassy in Islamabad, then they said he was not part of the US embassy in Islamabad but of the US consulate in Lahore. We also know he served in the Consulate in Peshawar. The way I see it, this guy clearly has been dealing with a "lot of stuff inside Pakistan", a lot of "secret" and highly confidential stuff. He was also fluent in Urdu and Pashto. Now with the reports claiming his links to LeJ and South Waziristan, and how Hillary Clinton & the CIA chief are threatening Pakistan, this is no ordinary guy.

(From here, this is my personal opinion and speculation, the cynic I am) I would not be surprised if he helped orchestrate some of the terrorist attacks in Pakistan in some way or the other. And maybe that is what he was trying to do, meeting up with some people in the most crowded part in Lahore when he got caught. Something is highly suspicious, & I bet there is a lot of information that has to be extracted from this guy.

Speculation is bad... I mean, really bad.

By the way, anyone who works at the a foreign mission, is no ordinary person. Visa officer's and Legal Attaché's are not here to sip tea and read newspapers...
Speculation is bad... I mean, really bad.

By the way, anyone who works at the a foreign mission, is no ordinary person. Visa officer's and Legal Attaché's are not here to sip tea and read newspapers...

Speculations are first step toward investigation or direct views toward different possibilities, nothing bad there. Even speculations must be replied as speculations. It is good idea if you will use your speculations to turn situation as you want. Being a good law obedient you are fail in international & domestic politics. Believe me.

We are just looking at the first casualty of this skirmish---our foreign minister Mr Qureishi is a gone----just like that---he didnot want to compromise.
He did not want to compromise on what exactly? Did he want to release Davis?
Can a Diplomat Really Get Away With Murder?

Essentially, yes. Diplomatic immunity exists to theoretically prevent local legal disputes from interfering with the high-minded work of statecraft. Embassy and consular staff who violate laws may in rare cases face consequences back home, but while in their host countries, they can walk away from a range of crimes:


Traffic fines: In New York—where the United Nations convenes this week for its 65th general assembly—foreign officials have racked up 200,000 unpaid parking tickets over the past 15 years. That's $20 million the city can't collect. It goes both ways, though: the U.K. isn't holding its breath for $5 million in traffic fines from U.S. diplomats working in London.

Theft: The next most common offense of foreign agents in Washington? Sticky fingers, according to one State Department review. When the Secret Service arrested a Mexican diplomat in New Orleans in 2008 for allegedly stealing White House staffers' BlackBerrys and other technology, the man cited his immunity, got on a plane, and left the country scot-free.

Tax and rent evasion: In 2005, diplomats from Zaire argued they didn't have to face a lawsuit over $400,000 in unpaid New York rent—and the U.S. agreed. Not long after, Philippine diplomats in Manhattan turned their untaxable office space into a restaurant, a bank, and even a travel agency, ignoring a $1 million tax bill.

Drunk driving: A Marine stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Romania was protected after a 2004 crash that left a famous musician dead. But in 1997, after a Georgian diplomat killed a 16-year-old girl in Washington, D.C., his government took the nearly unheard-of step of waiving immunity. He served time in a U.S. prison.

Murder: It's rare, but it happens. In 1984, Libyan diplomats shot and killed a police officer from the window of their embassy in London. The country didn't admit responsibility until 1999. The shooter was never charged.

Can a Diplomat Really Get Away With Murder? - Newsweek
Capital City Police Officer (CCPO)Tarin told the media Davis shot at the fleeing boy and the motorcyclists did not point guns at him, adding that the gun recovered from the deceased was not loaded. He refused to comment on the diplomatic status of Raymond, saying his job was only to investigate the killing incident.

Tarin said eyewitness accounts and forensic reports showed that Davis did not shoot the men in self-defence. “His plea has been rejected by the police investigators,” he said, adding that Raymond gave no chance to them (deceased persons) to survive which implied that it was not in self-defence. The CCPO also quoted eyewitnesses as saying that Raymond had directly shot at the two boys and kept shooting even when one of them was running away.

To a question, the CCPO said no fingerprints had been found on triggers of the pistols found on the bodies of the two men and that tests showed the bullets remained in the magazine of their gun, and not the chamber.

Davis act was clear case of murder: police

Height Of Ignorance, stubbornness ,

Eyewitness accounts ignored, says US

We understand that eyewitnesses at the scene said Ray acted in self-defence when confronted with two armed men on a motorcycle. We also understand that these men were found with stolen property and, ‘as the police stated today’, a loaded gun. We regret that authorities did not consider these eyewitness accounts and physical evidence when they stated that this was not a case of self-defence,” said Camela Conroy, Consul General, Lahore

Washington regretted that the Lahore court did not consider eyewitness accounts and physical evidence when they stated that this was not a case of self-defence

Eyewitness accounts ignored, says US
It is Crystal clear at this point that those two were not robbers, Police Investigations have declared them innocent, Where are American Eagle, Solomon-2? Their whole theory was based on that those two people Were Robbers, I Know, Still they will deny the Investigations of our Police, But they should at least know, that Pakistani Police has declared them Innocent, And DAVIS a MURDERER
the US should just stop bull shitting around with their nonsense that Raymond Davis is some innocent puppy who can just be let off since he was a consultant with the US consulate , he is a murderer , a spy , a blackwater-type agent

He CANOT be released!

There will be backlash and political fallout for the sitting gov ( or for that matter any institute ) seen to be responsible for the release of this scoundrel. There will be a flood of people on the streets of Pakistan that will totally bring down the menace of US emabassy and it associated consulates.

He needs to be hanged in the same place where he committed these murders.

And also the US and their new found chamchas should shut their traps about aid, giving aid helps them more than it helps us

You can view giving of AID like that of a Car dealer arranging for quick finance, it benefits the car dealer more than the car buyer in the longer run. To this end car makers like Volkswagen even have their own banks

So the point is that this bullcrap about 'we give billions of dollars in aid' cannot held against Pakistan and frankly we don’t even need this aid, it hasn’t helped us
Now comes the next danger phase: all sorts of bullshit speculation and conspiracy theories from both sides.

Everybody will try to muddy the waters as a pre-emptive move in case the final decision goes against their wishes.
Well, it appears to be true that Qureshi was removed because he refused to bend the rules to accommodate American demands over Davis.

Honestly, when you have this kind of so called 'liberal' political leadership, no wonder Pakistanis look favorably upon 'revolutions' and 'Islamic System'.

The meeting, convened by the president was attended by Prime Minister Gilani Babar Awan, Rehman Malik, Shah Mehmood Qureshi and the DG ISI Gen Shuja Pasha. The president was given an exhaustive overview of the entire situation but quite early in the meeting it became evident that two of the men were standing on the wrong side of the prevalent dominant wisdom and desire of somehow finding a way to retrospectively cough up diplomatic immunity for Davis and to just wish away all the four deaths and the lingering crisis. But since one of the ‘erring’ two dared not be arbitrarily fired, poor Qureshi’s fate stood sealed.

Extreme pressure was exerted in the meeting on the former foreign minister to renege from his earlier stance and simply tell the court that the Foreign Office was in consonance with the American interpretation of Davis being a genuine diplomat and enjoying full immunity under Vienna Convention 1961. Facts be damned According to highly reliable sources, interior ministry’s immense resources were also offered to cause any necessary change of documentation or any exceptiona service warranted under these exceptional circumstances.

An adamant Qureshi, who had strongly argued the case that Raymond did not enjoy unlimited diplomatic immunity under law, flatly refused and even said that if need be, he’d rather resign than become an accessory to multiple murder. The meeting ended on a rather unsavoury and unexpected note. It was a surprising outcome for all the others because Qureshi had always been perceived, and even outcome for all the others because Qureshi had always been perceived, and even pilloried by the media, as being an American lackey and was not expected to dig in his heels over an issue so vital for the US administration. pilloried by the media, as being an American lackey and was not expected to dig in his heels over an issue so vital for the US administration.


If there is a gun exposed---it doesnot matter---it does not need to be pointed---just the presence and intentional visibility is a death threat-----why---because of the reaction time of the other party---.

The man with the gun holds the fate of the other person in his hands---at his discretion and at his displeasure---.

In pakistan we don't have any resp[ect for police---but here in the U S----the safe distance in front of a cop is approximately 10 feet minimum---when a cop says stop you do that or you may get shot---why---any closer---the balance of power shifts from the cop to the other person---.

Similiarly---once the hand gun became exposed---in any form or way---it becomes a death threatening situation----seems like pakistabnis have not yet grown up to understand the significanc yet---.

It is amazing the police commander Mr Tareen is stating that there was no round in the chamber ( does that mean there was no threat )---I want to ask----do we have idiots throught and through our police dept even at officer level---no---let me call my fortune teller first and ask him---is there any round in the chamber---.

I agree that exposing a gun in place like that is a threat but if that was the case he should have contacted the police rather than firing 9 bullets, even pakistani law doesn't allow anyone to kill someone, unless it is a real threat to your life or property, so the question is did they point the gun at Mr. John Rambo? i guess not
Well, it appears to be true that Qureshi was removed because he refused to bend the rules to accommodate American demands over Davis.

Honestly, when you have this kind of so called 'liberal' political leadership, no wonder Pakistanis look favorably upon 'revolutions' and 'Islamic System'.

The meeting, convened by the president was attended by Prime Minister Gilani Babar Awan, Rehman Malik, Shah Mehmood Qureshi and the DG ISI Gen Shuja Pasha. The president was given an exhaustive overview of the entire situation but quite early in the meeting it became evident that two of the men were standing on the wrong side of the prevalent dominant wisdom and desire of somehow finding a way to retrospectively cough up diplomatic immunity for Davis and to just wish away all the four deaths and the lingering crisis. But since one of the ‘erring’ two dared not be arbitrarily fired, poor Qureshi’s fate stood sealed.

Extreme pressure was exerted in the meeting on the former foreign minister to renege from his earlier stance and simply tell the court that the Foreign Office was in consonance with the American interpretation of Davis being a genuine diplomat and enjoying full immunity under Vienna Convention 1961. Facts be damned According to highly reliable sources, interior ministry’s immense resources were also offered to cause any necessary change of documentation or any exceptiona service warranted under these exceptional circumstances.

An adamant Qureshi, who had strongly argued the case that Raymond did not enjoy unlimited diplomatic immunity under law, flatly refused and even said that if need be, he’d rather resign than become an accessory to multiple murder. The meeting ended on a rather unsavoury and unexpected note. It was a surprising outcome for all the others because Qureshi had always been perceived, and even outcome for all the others because Qureshi had always been perceived, and even pilloried by the media, as being an American lackey and was not expected to dig in his heels over an issue so vital for the US administration. pilloried by the media, as being an American lackey and was not expected to dig in his heels over an issue so vital for the US administration.


Interesting, it means Army also desires to release RD? If Mr.Shuja Pasha attended meeting then why Qureshi replaced? I know one thing if Army didn't want to release RD then FM couldn't be changed. Second it seems like all mess of government & court trails loaded on Qureshi, if i am right!

Qureshi sacrificed his job for his Bosses?
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