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RAW trained Crusader 100 in action in Bangladesh

After reading about the incredible control RAW has over so many countries, its safe to say RAW is the no 1 spy agency in the world.

No I'm joking, what i really meant is that the dude hiding behind the name ''jessica fox'' is a real pathetic loser who is obviously getting paid for making us these stories. That goes for jessica fox's lovers too.
These are valuable info. Thanks for posting these. Do you know anything about the origin of Awamy League and India's role in its creation?

Mujib may have had occasional streaks of independence, but once he has accepted the idea of getting India's help in agitation with Bengali nationalism, getting more autonomy and in a way demanding supremacy over Western wing using our numerical advantage, it was almost guaranteed that Western wing would try to eliminate him and his party or get a divorce from us. I think his whole strategy was wrong headed. Even if he did not want a breakup, once the ball started rolling, it was in India's hand and they made sure that their goal would be achieved.

It looks like Tajuddin was a more hardcore Indian agent than Mujib, from your description. [B]What about the other three who were killed in the jail killings, together with Tajuddin. Were they also aligned with him?

Creation and Origin of Awami Leaque

@ Muslim Leaque was very powerful political party in the then greater Bengal. Many a time it came to power in provincial govt in Bengal during the British times. In two to three occassions the Muslim Leaque candidate won even the Mayer of Calcutta. In the general election of 1937 and 1946 Muslim Leaque got the majority. Even during the war time cabinet AK Fuzlul Huq was selected as Chief Minister. During the partitioned times Shurwardy from Muslim Leaque was the existing Chief Minister. There was a little bit political conflict between Shurwardy and Jinnah. The Jinnah group was being led by Khaza Wasiuddin in Bengal. Both Wasiuddin and Shurwardy were Urdu speaking. In those days Sk Mujib as student leader was the right hand of Sharwardy. You heard the great saying that what " Bengal thinks today India thinks tomorrow", basing on this theory the Shurwardy(President) and Abul Hasham(GS) of Bengal ML were known as progressive. It was this group without the concent of Jinnah were making a secret dealing with Sarat Chandro Bose to make an independant greater Socialist Bengal under the Indian Dominion. Once it was leaked out Congress and Muslim Leaque vemently opposed it but later ML(Jinnah) supported it provided it remains true independant. The Khaza Wasiuddin group was dead against any coalition with Hindus. Soon this secret dealing was proved to be failer. However, soon an election was held at Dacca by the Constituent Assembly of proposed East Bengal(East Pakistan) regarding the future Chief Minister of East Bengal. In this election Shurwardy was bitten up miserably by Wasiuddin group. After this election Shurwardy and his group( Abul Hasham, GS and Sk Mujib) lost interest on the future politics of East Bengal rather they were deeply involved to stopped the riot between Hindu-Muslims along with Ghandhi Ji. This ML group remained at West Bengal till they were forcefully evicted after the killing of Ghandhi and frequent riot at Calcutta. Sharwady came to Pakistan just the dayafter Jinnah died in 1948. Still Hasham(GS) remained there for some more years till his house was burned. In the year 1949 Sharwardy at Karachi for the first times in Pakistan made the opposition political party named "Awami Muslim Leaque"

Some anti ML politicians and Unionist politicians of West Pakistan joined on it. In East Bengal mostly left oriented Mulim Leaquers joined on it. Soon in 1951/52 East Bengal Congress joined on it and thus it was re-named as Awami Leaque leaving Muslim. Slowly and gradually all left oriented party also joined on it. Now, the leftist became more strong in AL. After the language movement(1952) AL became more strong. The moment East Bengal Congress merged with Awami Leaque, the infiltration of Indian intelligence started. Soon in the general election of 1954 under the leadership of Awami Leaque it won the land slide victory and formed the Central Govt at Karachi. But the problem arose in East Bengal where the leadership went to AK Fuzlul Huq of Krishak Proja Party and he became Chief Minister. Initially Sk Mujib was not taken as State Minister in the Cabinet. So, he was highly annoyed on Fuzlul Huq and Sk Mujib even tried a futile attempt to boykot the ceremony. Sk Mujib never forget this treachery, soon once Chief Minister Fuzlul Huq went for a State visit to Calcutta, with the direct instigation of Sk Mujib a riot was staged at Adamjee Jute Mills among the Beharees and Bengalees where near about 1000 people died. It was staged only to make unpopular (Provincial Govt)to the Central Govt and since in the Central Govt AL was there it was soon taken into consideration and Presidential Rule was imposed. But in practice we always blame Pakistan for this ! What a political tric ??????? If you are interested more to follow ---------
Thank you Md. Akmal Bhai for the excellent description of Awamy League history, please continue.

Is it ok to ask how you know all this, from family or personal sources or is it from books or hearing from other people.
Popular opinion is the greatest lie in the world.
Thomas Carlyle
Scottish author, essayist, & historian (1795 - 1881)
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This book can be downloaded from the dipositfile link here: Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media - Free eBooks Download Could be a interesting book.

About Bengali nationalism, it was a fake idea, we should not have promoted it at India's instigation, after choosing Pakistan, believing in two nation theory. That was the height of hypocrisy. While people of West Bengal from 1947 were busy integrating with rest of India learning Hindi (very similar to Urdu), we had to reject Urdu, whereas West Pakistan accepted it although it was not their native language. After 1971, Bangla replaced English as medium of education, making a generation of Bangladeshi's weak in English, giving a competitive advantage to Indians. May be it is for the same reason India does not have English medium education in its restive regions and states. And this policy was implemented by idiot Mujib in Bangladesh.

Yes, I am thinking then why Bangalis choose to adopt Two Nation Theory forgetting their culture/norms of 800 years. And once they adopted then why they rejected to adopt that completely like not accepting Urdu. One the other hand the W. Bengal knows it well whom to join or what is the importance of power. Where is their Bangali nationalism and revolution for separate land/state that E. Bangal opted for?

But what upsets me is that India played the major role of puppet master to instigate this conflict in which a whole bunch of people lost their lives.

Yes this is the thing upsets me. Our independence has made us weak to India but achieved by the help of India. Dont know what would happen if India would not interfare.
Thank you Md. Akmal Bhai for the excellent description of Awamy League history, please continue.

Is it ok to ask how you know all this, from family or personal sources or is it from books or hearing from other people.

@ kalu_miah bhai you heard the great Indian movie/song "omanush", [/B]" kia sara dosh mera tha, then the hero replies, kuch mera tha, kush tumhara tha aur shahed ham dono ka tha". Similarly, regarding the history of Bengal so far we had been hearing one sided story for the struggle of Bengal but there is other side of the story which is much more strong and true. But most of them were killed by AL's gundas and their master RAW. In the thrue sense systematically all muslim oriented intellectuals and politicians were eliminated from our society and it is said that almost 19,000 of them were killed/abducted. Many were arrested and put on jailed. Many were even killed inside the jail. One such example was the poisoning of Fuzlul Kader Chow(father of Salauddin Kader Chow) in a central jail of Dacca by an Indian plotted compounder. In those days it was common inside the jail. AL cadres were at free hand to go to any jail. Many were killed in the name of Collaborroters in broad day light.

@ I give you one or two example, there was well known politician named Moulana Tamizuddin highly qualified Muslim Leaquer. During Pakistan times once he was even Speaker in the Pakistan National Assembly. During the Liberation War he supported the Pakistan Army or Pakistani cause. After independance he was kidnapped and tortured at Iqbal Hall of Dacca University and finally brutally killed and thrown his body on the street.

@ One MP of Muslim Leaque of Sylhet was caught , tortured and killed and his dead body was hanged on the pylon at the centre city of Zinda Bazar Sylhet. The roten body remained there for 3/4 days.

@ One ML leader of Coxes Bazar was killed and hanged at the pylon and kept there for some days at the gate of Coxes Bazar town. There are many many these sort of stories. The properties of these leaders were taken away and their girls/women were looted raped like a war booty. Common people have seen all these things from their eyes. Only thing it never came in the print media.

@ The president/GS of ML of Narranganj was killed on 27/28 March 1971. The leader of ML/Jammat of Munshiganj was killed on 1/2 April 1971. Similarly the president of Muslim Leaque of Narsindi was killed on 28 March 1971. In this way throughout the Liberation War and after the war many politicians were killed. It was the common affair of the society. " Ekta doi ta dhoro shakal bikal nash ta koro".

@ For all these reasons once Zia came to power all these AL leaders were thrown in the dustbin. In the election of 1978 AL got only 39 seats in the parliament.

@ I came to know all these things from various articles of ex-Muslim Leaquers, Bengal Muslim intellectuals, Jammat Leaders, PDP leaders and ofcourse from the articles published on the papers. Only thing you need some interest. Awami and Indian propaganda is very strong in this regards. I also mate with old people and intimately talked about the whole process. Now-a-days you people neither you have seen the liberation nor you can co-relates the facts but we have seen all these things from our own eyes. Some we heard. The way the collaborators and Razakars are pictured in our society are not wholly true rather in some cases it was completely opposite.

@ About the four leaders who were killed at Jail in 1975, were out and out pro-Indian and pro-Russian. Infact in the AL there were two strong groups one is Dacca-Delhi-Moscow(pro-India) and other is Dacca-Delhi-Washinton(anti-India) Khondokar Mustaque and his group were pro-American and anti-Indians.

@ Few information about our great leader Sk Mujib:
1. He was the adopted child of his father. For three years he had no identification(1921-23).
2. He was the CEO of some Insurance Coy. Owner was one of 22 industrial families of Pak.
3. He used to get bags of money from the non-Bengalees so called Behires for their protection. But unfortunately most of them were buchered either by AL or RAW agents and armed volentiers from India specially in Southern and Northern Bengal. What ever left were again systematically killed after the independance. For your information around 25/27 lacs of non-bengalees came from India in 1947. 3/4 lacs were killed. 6/7 lacs left or merged with general population. 2/3 lacs awaiting to go to Pakistan. What about others ???? Infiltrated to Bihar and West Bengal districts.
So I recommend both Bangladesh and Pakistan to find and create their own unions in the West and East.

Won't be an issue from Pakistan side however problem lay with Hindu infused Bengali nationalists reside in Bangladesh(I called them Tagore loving Islamic named mushrik). Eliminate Bengali nationalists from scene and we have chance otherwise good luck.

Bangladesh as pure independent state is joke of the century.

In Short, it is very easy to play with ' Bangali emotion' ! Bangali lives on emotion, sentiment drives them crazy! Logic is secondary to them!

Bunch of short sighted stupids.
@ kalu_miah bhai you heard the great Indian movie/song "omanush", [/B]"
@ I give you one or two example, there was well known politician named Moulana Tamizuddin highly qualified Muslim Leaquer. During Pakistan times once he was even Speaker in the Pakistan National Assembly. During the Liberation War he supported the Pakistan Army or Pakistani cause. After independance he was kidnapped and tortured at Iqbal Hall of Dacca University and finally brutally killed and thrown his body on the street.


1.Maulavi Tamizuddin was born in 1889. I don't know when he died, but I have been seeing his grave South of BD Parliament Complex pre-1971. If he had been alive he would have been 90 in 1971. Even then he would have opposed the junta genocide, such a man of principles he was.

2. You are perhaps talking about Maulana Farid Ahmed od Cox's Bazar of Nizam e Islami Party. He along-with late Maulan Mannan of The Inquilab were taken away by the FFs from Ramna PS towards SM Hall. On the way Mannan was able to negotiate his release- and eventually a become Minister under Ershad. But Farid Ahmed was hanged from a ceiling fan in the hostel and killed.

Comments from various sources:

Sadeq Khan

The political scenario of Bangladesh is in deep turmoil. More than the principal actors at home, Bangladesh watchers from abroad are being profusely quoted in the vernacular media of the country about their detection of a geo-strategic hand of foreign agents entering the game. The purpose is hinted to be a “destabilisation agenda” being pursued by the neighbourly regional power, which may be finding the very existence and development potential of independent Bangladesh a threat by example, in effect encouraging the separatists in Indian northeast.
A pen-picture of such foreign geo-strategic interests fanning up troubles in peaceable Bangladesh has been painted (and reproduced in Bangla papers) on diverse grounds by various international reporters. The Sydney Morning Herald of Australia, for instance, saw in the border management policy of India with regard to its boundaries with innocuous Bangladesh inexplicably “aggressive”. Its correspondent Ben Doherty reported on April 21 (abridged):
“The Border Security Force soldiers are unfailingly polite and hospitable, but conspicuously armed and resolute. We go no further. ‘Why do you need to go to the border? There is nothing there,’ we are told over endless cups of chai (tea) with progressively more senior officers, all of whom refuse us permission to travel beyond their cantonment, or photograph ‘the fence’ a few hundred metres away.

‘Berlin wall of Asia’

The border these men patrol is not India’s antagonistic front with Pakistan, nor its contested line with China. This is India’s quiet boundary with Bangladesh, a frontier that doesn’t attract the attention of its querulous colleagues, but one that, in recent times, is proving equally fractious. The fence they are so reticent to reveal is a rampart known in these parts as the ‘Berlin Wall of Asia’.
Over 25 years, India has been building, and reinforcing, a massive fence along its 4053-kilometre border with Bangladesh, each renovation pushing the barrier higher, an ever-escalating posture of aggression. It is due to be finished this year. But more than the simple fact of building a border fence, at issue has been India’s manner of policing it. ‘India and Bangladesh are friendly countries, they are not enemies,’ Kirity Roy, the secretary of the Indian human rights group Mausam, tells the Herald. ‘But the Indian government’s paramilitary organisation, the Border Security Force, they are … trigger happy, they are killing Indians and Bangladeshis without discrimination. And they are killing with impunity because they are never charged or given any punishment.’
A Human Rights Watch investigation found killings on both sides of the fence, as well as beatings, torture, kidnappings and rampant corruption. ‘The abusive methods used by the BSF are disproportionate to the problems that the Indian government faces on its eastern border. Numerous ordinary Indian and Bangladeshi citizens resident in the border area end up as victims of abuses, which range from verbal abuse and intimidation to torture, beatings and killings.’
In January the BSF director, Utthan K. Bansal, said soldiers should exercise restraint, but warned they would shoot if they felt threatened. As if to belie the director’s emphasis on restraint, just days later a brutal video was posted on YouTube showing uniformed BSF soldiers stripping naked a suspected Bangladeshi cattle smuggler, tying his arms to a pole and beating him with bamboo sticks for more than 10 minutes as he writhed on the ground and screamed for his mother.
India sees this imposing barrier as a panacea against the evils it believes lurk across the border, from the very real problem of people smuggling, to the less-likely threat of Islamist terrorists. But the fence’s fundamental purpose is far simpler: to keep out Bangladeshis. The xenophobe card plays strongly in Indian politics, and senior officials, like the Home Minister, P. Chidambaram, have lost no support lecturing that Bangladeshis ‘have no business to come to India’.
Yet, for all the cost of building the fence - upwards of a billion dollars so far - and the violence along it, both sides of the border know it is no border at all. Dozens of villages act as unofficial, illegal transit posts. At each, a “lineman”, handsomely remunerated, pays off the guards from both notoriously corrupt countries, and directs the illegal traffic, which can run into scores of people at a time, across the border.
In December last year, Suman says, he was walking just after dark near the Indian side of the border. ‘My family has a house there, and I go there often, it was not unusual. Suddenly, they flashed a torch on me and then they shot.’ Suman survived, dragged to hospital by family who heard the firing. He has lost all sight in his right eye.
Others do not survive, like 15-year-old Felani Khatun who was trying to cross into Bangladesh to be married. She was shot when her salwar kameez became caught in the wire. Her screams alerted the guards, who shot her as she struggled. Her body was left hanging on the fence for five hours before it was cut down.”

More pungent story

A more pungent story of interventionist operations by the Indian security establishment in Bangladesh was circulated by Jessica Fox, presumably from London, on April 22 in the on-line ‘Free Press Release’ news service. The press release (abridged) said:
“Strictly scrutinized 100 armed cadres of the ruling Awami League in Bangladesh, who received 6-month long extensive commando training at Dehradun in India under the direct supervision of Indian espionage agency RAW are continuing various types of activities, including secret killing, abduction etcetera since June of 2010 with the mission of ‘clearing’ a large number of politicians, media personnel and members of the civil society in Bangladesh. The team codenamed ‘Crusader-100’ went to India during end September 2009 and stayed there till mid June 2010.
On return, the members of the ‘Crusader-100’ team from India were provided a hit list comprising names of opposition politicians, members of Bangladeshi media and some members of the civil society. According to information, the list contains names of more than 83 people, who are planned to be ‘cleared’ by the members of the ‘Crusader-100’ gang.”
A follow-up story was contributed by the same reporter in Sri Lanka Guardian, April 23 issue, as reproduced hereunder (abridged):
“Enforced disappearance in Bangladesh went on for past three and half years since Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina formed the government. The issue has now drawn attention of the global community, when recently a former MP and prominent leader of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party, M Ilias Ali disappeared along with his chauffer. The Prime Minister was cool, making jokes about the disappearance. Sheikh Hasina and her government has somehow become comfortably confident of being assured by New Delhi on remaining in power at least up to 2019. It is a substantial period for the ruling party in establishing much stronger grip over country’s civil and military administration, as well as the judiciary, thus bringing Bangladesh under one-party rule, which was the brain-child of Hasina’s father Sheikh Mujibur Rehman.

One party rule

Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, who is the founding-father of Bangladesh, introduced the one-party rule system named BKSAL, which he conceived from former Soviet Union. The era of Sheikh Mujibur Rehman came to a tragic end, when he was assassinated along with members of his family on 15th August 1975 in a military coup.
After 20 years of the tragic assassination of the founding father, the people of Bangladesh voted Mujib’s eldest daughter Sheikh Hasina into power in 1996, but her government had to finally face a huge defeat just after five years, because of its massive corruption, nepotism, state-patronized crime and bad governance. Prior to this election, Sheikh Hasina sought apology to the people for all wrong-doings of her father.
In 2008 again, Sheikh Hasina made fresh pledges to the people with renewed apology for the ‘mistakes’ during her tenure of 1996-2001, and promised ‘a better Bangladesh’ with the implementation of her Vision 2021 and establishment of ‘Digital Bangladesh’. It was already known in the political and media circles in India that, the pre-election propaganda strategy and the election manifesto of Awami League were drafted by a team of seasoned politicians and media personnel from India. Dr. Manmohan Singh and Mr. Pranab Mukherjee contributed in the election manifesto of Bangladesh Awami League by their inputs.
Awami League got a huge victory in the election and since it formed government in January-2009, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her cabinet are seen totally committed in implementing all of its commitments and pledges, made to India, without considering their impacts on Bangladesh or its people. For the people of Bangladesh, this is possibly one of their worst-ever period of national catastrophe of letting Awami League still being in power for another one plus year. No doubt the ruling party and its elites are fully aware of people’s grievance and anger. Sensing this as well as foreseeing possible revolt of the people either before or during the election, the ruling party is carrying out its well-planned agenda of political secret killings as well as forced disappearances, with the goal of eliminating most of the potential political opponents as well as leaders of the opposition parties, especially BNP and Jamaat. The case of forced disappearance became prominent when BNP leader and ex Member of Parliament (from Sylhet) M Ilias Ali went missing along with his chauffer few days back.
While Bangladeshi Sylheti community in London are very active and protesting the forced disappearance of M Ilias Ali, few pro-Awami League palls such as writer Abdul Gaffar Chowdhury and some of the business associates of Sheikh Rehana are trying to organize people to counter the protests of angered Sylhetis in London and the United Kingdom.”

The Guardian, London

The violence on the ground in Bangladesh ahead of the dawn-to-dusk general strike called by the main opposition in Bangladesh was portrayed by a despatch in The Guardian of U.K. (abridged as follows):
“Police in Bangladesh used baton charges, live bullets and teargas on Sunday (22 April) in clashes with demonstrators protesting against the alleged abduction of a senior politician. The violence was the most acute for many months in the unstable state.
In Dhaka, the capital, dozens of small devices were reported to have exploded and 20 arrests were made. In the north-eastern city of Sylhet, 12 people were reported to have been injured and more than 50 detained in running battles. On Sunday night a tense calm had been established, although tens of thousands of security personnel remained deployed across the country in anticipation of further clashes on Monday.
The crisis was sparked by the disappearance last Tuesday of Ilias Ali, a key organiser with the Bangladesh Nationalist party (BNP). Ali was the latest in a series of political activists who have apparently been abducted, raising fears of a concerted campaign of intimidation aimed at opposition politicians. At least 22 people have gone missing so far this year. In 2011, the number was 51. Many local and international campaigners have blamed security forces, accusing the paramilitary Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) and local police of eliminating opposition figures to benefit the administration of Sheikh Hasina, the prime minister. Spokesmen from the Rab have denied the charge.
In its 2012 annual report Human Rights Watch said ministers have denied that such incidents occur, even when the government’s own investigations found evidence of wrongdoing.”

Wall Street Journal

The finale of this phase of hartals has been described in a report published by The Wall Street Journal of U.S.A. as follows:
“At least five people have been killed and scores of protesters and security officials injured in Sylhet and Dhaka, the capital, over the past week as tens of thousands joined demonstrations. Dhaka ground to a halt as people stayed in their homes Tuesday. Shops remained closed and thousands of security personnel fanned out across the city of 12 million.
The clouded economic picture, coupled with the return of violence, shows that Bangladesh may be slipping back toward instability.
Bangladesh for decades has been unhinged by political vendettas, largely stemming from deep animosity between the supporters of Ms. Hasina’s Awami League and the Khaleda Zia-led BNP.
On a visit in February, Robert Blake, U.S. assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asia, raised concerns, though, about media freedom and a draft law that would impose restrictions on nongovernmental organizations. More recently, the government has been hit by a number of corruption scandals. Earlier this month, railways minister Suranjit Sengupta resigned on allegations he took bribes from applicants seeking jobs. He denies wrongdoing. Ordinary people remain hit by high inflation and daily power outages that have dented the government’s popularity since its landslide victory in 2009.
Now, the BNP is threatening to call for strikes until the return of Mr. Ali.
‘The government has pushed us to the wall,’ said Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, a BNP spokesman.”
Investigations reveal Sri Lanka Guardian Editor R&AW spies in New Delhi and Chennai

Sun, 2008-03-23 10:57 — admin


By a Special Correspondent in Colombo
Colombo, 23 March, (Asiantribune.com): Investigations done by Asian Tribune shows that the Colombo based editor of the Sri Lanka Guardian who has taken a new contract of defending allegedly corrupt diplomats at the Sri Lanka High Commission in London has traveled to Chennai and New Delhi last January for detailed discussions with India's Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) operators who are in charge of Sri Lanka.

The investigations show that the chief operator of the Sri Lanka Guardian, Nilantha Illangamuwa traveled to India to meet the R&AW spy B. Raman, and held a four hour long discussion in the Tamil Nadu capital of Chennai about ways and means of how to impose the research and analysis plan to install politicians using diplomats, local politicians and "Human rights activists" to form pro-Indian power cells especially in the North and Eastern Provinces of the country.

To use London based Tamil groups with the help of Sri Lankan diplomats to fill the vacuum by creating another Vardharaja Perumal generation of politicians was the main topic of the discussions they have had, informed sources said.

" (He) took dinner with B.Raman at residential Tower hotel, one of the best hotels in Chennai. It was serious meeting (that lasted) four hours (and centered on the) next R&AW's plans in Sri Lanka", the source told the Asian Tribune.

Two notorious spies, B. Raman and R. Hariharan are two main columnists of the shadowy website called Sri Lanka Guardian that was specially setup to serve the R&AW, that had been in charge of India's dirty work in the island nation during the long drawn terrorist uprising led by the LTTE. RAW slowed down when their Frankenstein Monster back fired after LTTE Supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran and his intelligence chief Pottuamman successfully conspired to assassinate India's Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, utilizing the privileges granted to them by the R&AW.

While Hariharan served as the intelligence chief of the Indian Peace Keeping Forces in Sri Lanka Raman personally planned some of the biggest civilian massacres like the Anuradhapura Sri Maha Bodhi massacre and Pettah Bus Stand massacre to bring down the then regime of J.R.Jayewardene to its knees bringing him under pressure to sign
the ill fated Indo-Lanka agreement. Hariharan few weeks ago was scheduled to fly to London to have detailed discussions with the LTTE elements but had to turn back when his visa was denied at New Delhi.

In January Illangamuwa , the editor of the shadowy website, Sri Lanka Guardian went to New Delhi from Colombo on a special invitation by the Research and Analysis Wing, our informants alleged.

Our informants said that after the meeting with Raman he traveled together with the spy Raman and visited Subramaniyan Swamy, the maverick Indian politician and the leader of the Janata Party.

The sources said, Illangamuwa had also taken a domestic flight to New Delhi to meet certain other officials of the Research and Analysis Wing, India's equivalent of the CIA.

The informant said, "While there had been spies who have been doing this kind of dirty work all throughout history to sell their motherland it is regretful that now corrupt diplomats paid by our own tax payers have retained those traitors."

The main purpose of the noble campaign instituted by Asian Tribune is not to defend the traitorous distracters and their vituperative and machination’s but to continues with the aim of containing the march and propaganda disinformation campaign let loose by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam against Sri Lanka and its elected government through the newly found deceptive operatives R&AW agents and LTTE’s double agents.

Investigations reveal Sri Lanka Guardian Editor R&AW spies in New Delhi and Chennai | Asian Tribune
Investigations reveal Sri Lanka Guardian Editor R&AW spies in New Delhi and Chennai

Sun, 2008-03-23 10:57 — admin


By a Special Correspondent in Colombo
Colombo, 23 March, (Asiantribune.com): Investigations done by Asian Tribune shows that the Colombo based editor of the Sri Lanka Guardian who has taken a new contract of defending allegedly corrupt diplomats at the Sri Lanka High Commission in London has traveled to Chennai and New Delhi last January for detailed discussions with India's Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) operators who are in charge of Sri Lanka.

The investigations show that the chief operator of the Sri Lanka Guardian, Nilantha Illangamuwa traveled to India to meet the R&AW spy B. Raman, and held a four hour long discussion in the Tamil Nadu capital of Chennai about ways and means of how to impose the research and analysis plan to install politicians using diplomats, local politicians and "Human rights activists" to form pro-Indian power cells especially in the North and Eastern Provinces of the country.

To use London based Tamil groups with the help of Sri Lankan diplomats to fill the vacuum by creating another Vardharaja Perumal generation of politicians was the main topic of the discussions they have had, informed sources said.

" (He) took dinner with B.Raman at residential Tower hotel, one of the best hotels in Chennai. It was serious meeting (that lasted) four hours (and centered on the) next R&AW's plans in Sri Lanka", the source told the Asian Tribune.

Two notorious spies, B. Raman and R. Hariharan are two main columnists of the shadowy website called Sri Lanka Guardian that was specially setup to serve the R&AW, that had been in charge of India's dirty work in the island nation during the long drawn terrorist uprising led by the LTTE. RAW slowed down when their Frankenstein Monster back fired after LTTE Supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran and his intelligence chief Pottuamman successfully conspired to assassinate India's Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, utilizing the privileges granted to them by the R&AW.

While Hariharan served as the intelligence chief of the Indian Peace Keeping Forces in Sri Lanka Raman personally planned some of the biggest civilian massacres like the Anuradhapura Sri Maha Bodhi massacre and Pettah Bus Stand massacre to bring down the then regime of J.R.Jayewardene to its knees bringing him under pressure to sign
the ill fated Indo-Lanka agreement. Hariharan few weeks ago was scheduled to fly to London to have detailed discussions with the LTTE elements but had to turn back when his visa was denied at New Delhi.

In January Illangamuwa , the editor of the shadowy website, Sri Lanka Guardian went to New Delhi from Colombo on a special invitation by the Research and Analysis Wing, our informants alleged.

Our informants said that after the meeting with Raman he traveled together with the spy Raman and visited Subramaniyan Swamy, the maverick Indian politician and the leader of the Janata Party.

The sources said, Illangamuwa had also taken a domestic flight to New Delhi to meet certain other officials of the Research and Analysis Wing, India's equivalent of the CIA.

The informant said, "While there had been spies who have been doing this kind of dirty work all throughout history to sell their motherland it is regretful that now corrupt diplomats paid by our own tax payers have retained those traitors."

The main purpose of the noble campaign instituted by Asian Tribune is not to defend the traitorous distracters and their vituperative and machination’s but to continues with the aim of containing the march and propaganda disinformation campaign let loose by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam against Sri Lanka and its elected government through the newly found deceptive operatives R&AW agents and LTTE’s double agents.

Investigations reveal Sri Lanka Guardian Editor R&AW spies in New Delhi and Chennai | Asian Tribune

Good work Munshi Bhai, thanks for pointing it out. I was puzzled by some activities on a thread. I will mention the details here to show what I mean.

First, I think this web forum has some relationship with RAW. Why would RAW propaganda run rampant here? Why would a Pakistani site allow it which is against their national interest?

Secondly, I just saw one interesting incident in a thread, which needs attention from fellow concerned Bangladeshi's, and it may indicate that this site is infested with RAW operators who are going full-court press to go ballistic on anyone who is trying to puncture their balloon of false reality they have created in Bangladeshi people's mind.

May be I am wrong, but lets look at it in detail and I want all of your opinion on this:

The main thread started by an Indian:

My response was that this is an attempt to create bad blood between Buddhist and Muslims. Now this thing about Buddhist-Muslim relation is not just a huge historical issue for India, where Brahmins have subverted and co-opted Buddhism and eventually destroyed it in South Asia, but also Hindu Nationalists with their use of revisionist history as political tool, blame Muslims for the destruction of Buddhism in South Asia. While destruction of Vihara's were done by Turkic warriors, this was only the final nail in the coffin, which helped Brahmanists to eliminate Buddhism. Hindu revivalism was responsible for the destruction of Buddhism in a thousand year long process (note Muryan Ashoka was a Buddhist and spread Buddhists around the world, around 0 AD, South Asia was majority Buddhist, I think) and the arrival of Muslims just helped Brahmanists to complete their job or eliminating Buddhism from India (by India I mean South Asia region). Many, I would say majority Muslims of South Asia were former Buddhists and did not like their being put into Shudra/Dalit/Untouchable class and converted to Islam to escape from this Brahmanic hegemony of 4-color Chatur-Varna caste system.

Outing of this well hidden historical fact has implications for Hindu-Buddhist relations. Buddhist-Muslim relations also have huge strategic implications for Muslims of Bangladesh and ASEAN countries as well as the entire 1.6 billion Muslims of the world.

Guess what happened next, an article popped up in SriLankanguardian:

And the posters started using this article to establish that Muslims in Sri Lanka were gravely hurt etc. etc. Yes there was an untoward incident, some Buddhist monks did some funny and disrespectful incident inside the mosque, I guess there are idiot fanatics in all populations. But this is obviously no 400 year old Babri mosque of huge historical significance and the Indian posters tried to make it look like these two incidents Dambulla and Babri were the same or equivalent.

A poster surfaced in this thread, tamsel, probably a Buddhist, atheist probably of Dalit/Shudra origin. He pointed out some very interesting facts about history of elimination of Buddhist by Hindu's, which became a cause for concern for some Indian posters.

Please study this thread in detail and please let me know your kind opinion. Hope I am not becoming a conspiracy theorist, but something does not smell right in this, the starting of this thread, showing up of this extra-ordinary character tamsel and then other Indians bashing him and then this article popping up in Sri Lanka Guardian. Is this a real life example of "Manufacturing Consent"?
reading this thread , one would believe that RAW is the number one spy agency in the world.:)
RAW was effective in breaking Pakistan, that was its great achievement and keeping RAWamy League in power in Bangladesh is another achievement. But in the long term it is a strategy of failure. When the truth finally comes out about manipulation and interference, it makes people mad and that cannot be good for mutual relations.

RAW has substantial resources, if India can spend tens of billions for arms, it can definitely spend a few billion for vital intelligence, but the focus is probably mostly in South Asia.
1.Maulavi Tamizuddin was born in 1889. I don't know when he died, but I have been seeing his grave South of BD Parliament Complex pre-1971. If he had been alive he would have been 90 in 1971. Even then he would have opposed the junta genocide, such a man of principles he was.

2. You are perhaps talking about Maulana Farid Ahmed od Cox's Bazar of Nizam e Islami Party. He along-with late Maulan Mannan of The Inquilab were taken away by the FFs from Ramna PS towards SM Hall. On the way Mannan was able to negotiate his release- and eventually a become Minister under Ershad. But Farid Ahmed was hanged from a ceiling fan in the hostel and killed.

@ You are absolutely right he was Maulvi Farid Ahmed. Thanks for the correction.
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