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RAW trained Crusader 100 in action in Bangladesh

Another case of sticking you read in the sand and relinquishing any blame for the government. India, for whatever reason (maybe because of its enormous power in comparison to the weaker nations in the region), is looked upon as the region's "bogeyman" responsible for all the regions ills. This is evident in Pakistan, now BD and in some cases SL and Nepal. It is such nonsense but is convenient for all involved it is easier to blame some mythical "Crusader" team trained and controlled by RAW then look at the sinister fact that the BD government is killing off their own people (without any involvement from India). Similarly it is more favourable to blame any sort of economic /social woos on India and not address the real cause ie issues with the BD economy and social issues.

You guys keep creating this fiction while India gets on with the real work of pulling its citizens out of poverty and becoming a major global power.

This article is written by a Pakistani with Pakistan in mind but it applies just as well to you guys (same sort of inferiority complex I suppose):

A tale of conspiracy: Why can’t we handle the truth? – The Express Tribune Blog
Another case of sticking you read in the sand and relinquishing any blame for the government. India, for whatever reason (maybe because of its enormous power in comparison to the weaker nations in the region), is looked upon as the region's "bogeyman" responsible for all the regions ills. This is evident in Pakistan, now BD and in some cases SL and Nepal. It is such nonsense but is convenient for all involved it is easier to blame some mythical "Crusader" team trained and controlled by RAW then look at the sinister fact that the BD government is killing off their own people (without any involvement from India). Similarly it is more favourable to blame any sort of economic /social woos on India and not address the real cause ie issues with the BD economy and social issues.

You guys keep creating this fiction while India gets on with the real work of pulling its citizens out of poverty and becoming a major global power.

This article is written by a Pakistani with Pakistan in mind but it applies just as well to you guys (same sort of inferiority complex I suppose):

A tale of conspiracy: Why can’t we handle the truth? – The Express Tribune Blog

No just shows the level of your ignorance about South Asian affairs .......
Alien invasion of Bangladesh

Over the last few years, mysterious things started happening in Bangladesh. In absence of any earthly explanation of those incidents, informed people of Bangladesh are seriously concerned that the country is at the receiving end of an alien invasion.

The description of the following events will prove, beyond an iota of doubt in anybody’s mind, that a barrage of attack has been unleashed on the people of Bangladesh.

It first started with a kidnapping by aliens. The first notable victim of such kidnap was an elected official of Dhaka city local government Mr. Chowdhury Alam. Ever since he went missing from Dhaka nearly two years ago, he has never been seen again.

A closer look revealed that Mr. Alam was not the only one who has been kidnapped by aliens. Many young men, opposition activists, students from Sylhet and other areas also went missing. Except for one, none came back. The only lucky one, who could come back alive, sans all the memory of the time of confinement, was the son of a fiery religious figure Mr. Fazlul Haque Amini. It was not clear why the aliens let Mr. Hasnath, son of Maulana Amini let go. However, this event may make a strong case in support of the theory that aliens worship the same God and they had some soft corner for the pastor Mr. Amini.

Very soon, along with kidnappings, killings started to take place. This time another local government level leader of Dhaka city from the opposite political spectrum got killed very mysteriously. The aliens were so intrusive and invasive that they could easily penetrate inside the sport utility vehicle (SUV) of a powerful ruling party MP within the compound of Bangladesh’s national parliament building and kill one Mr. Ibrahim in point blank range.

Not only known faces like Ibrahim or Chowdhury Alam were being killed/ kidnapped in high profile places, mysterious killing started taking place in remote corners of Bangladesh like the Bay near Borguna, Joydevpur, Bhanga region of Faridpur district, Dhaleshwari River near Munshiganj district, Ashulia/ Kuril, Pabna etc.

However one of the most daring actions of the alien commando forces was that of Sanaullah Babu killing. Sanaullah Babu was another elected local government leader in a northern district called Natore. In this attack the aliens showed Hollywood’s Terminator 2 famed ‘T – 1000 the Nanomorph’ like ability to take other peoples’ shapes and looks. During this event, which was widely recorded by multiple video cameras, the aliens took the shape and look of many ruling party members of that district. Specifically, the lead killer took the shape of a popular local Awami League leader Zakir.

Similarly got killed another local government leader, again this time from the opposite political base, Mr. Lokman Hossain.

The aliens did not stop at killing political activists and local government leaders only. An influential couple — a senior TV news editor and the other a TV journalist — was stabbed to death inside their apartment bedroom. The government could not give any earthly explanation of this gruesome murder – making it one of the highest profile cases of the series of mindless alien assassinations taking place in Bangladesh.

Within a very short interval, the aliens, without any known reason, abducted a diplomat of Saudi Arabia stationed in Dhaka, Bangladesh and killed him in a highly professional manner. This specific killing heralds a new front of attack unleashed by the aliens. The clever war planners of the alien empire knew it very well that killing of a Saudi diplomat in Bangladesh may seriously weaken the position of Bangladeshi migrant labours in Saudi Arabia and harm Bangladesh economically. So it seems the aliens are hell-bent on destroying Bangladesh economically as well.

Another recent incident involving the invading alien force in Bangladesh resembles robbery of Fort Knox. This time the aliens looted a big chunk of money (70 lakh taka to be precise) from within the car heading to the home of a powerful minister of Bangladesh. And this brazen loot took place within the highly fortified compound of a paramilitary force of Bangladesh. This specific operation suggests two things, first, the growing confidence of the aliens in hitting anyone at any place anytime in Bangladesh and, secondly, their need for cash. The money has not been located ever since.

And while this piece was being processed for press, the aliens striked again. In a blood chilling raid at the middle of busy upscale business and residential district of Dhaka, the aliens abducted a senior political figure, the organising secretary of main opposition political party and an ex-member of parliament from north eastern Sylhet district, Mr. Ilias Ali. The raid was so sophisticated and technically advanced that Mr. Ilias Ali and his driver, simply vanished. Their empty car was found abandoned roadside. Hundreds of witness living in nearby apartments, CC TV of government security agencies could not provide any clue of the abduction.

Ever since this abduction, the whole nation is living in intense fear. Everybody has the same question in mind, what will be the next mode of alien attack and who is the next victim.

Alien invasion of Bangladesh | Opinion
We never gained independence (shadhinota) in 1971, I think the opposite actually happened. What could the people from Western wing do, they are almost as poor or maybe slightly better and they never had capacity of power projection from a thousand miles away by sea. This whole thing was a hoax whipped up by RAWamy League using some real excuse of course, so we could be under the clutch of this "shining" monster that surrounds us from all three sides, and now attempting to strangle us.

If we cannot understand geopolitics, then we will eaten alive as a people. We failed at geopolitics in 1947 and in 1971, and many decades leading to those seminal turning points.

@ Wise and old people says, "The struggle for independance in 1971 against a state which is already an independance and sovereign state".
this was not directed to an indian and it shouldn't be an indian's business.

I think you are talking bullshit and your Jamatis are always doing propaganda against India for cheap political gain. Anyway, Tipaimukh Dam would be a reality soon because our country need electricity to maintain high growth rate and India don't need to do anything in Bangladesh and you can move with your cheap politics.
I find this kind of posts rather hypocritical , one cannot use the flag of
BD and then question the independence for which common people paid dire consequences.

In our struggle for our individualism this kind of characters had been propagating
petty theories against the Muktis before the war, when finished change the
color and started airing how this country would cease to exist in 24 hrs.

But hey! It's been 40 years now.

Anyone who believes in liberation shall also take care of someone involved with
RAW/RAWAMY not the ones who question it, I’m pretty much sure.
The recent abduction of Elias has literally showed the naked
truth of foreign intermingling’s and people are not foolish.
They'll realize what to throw out, in the right time, which isn’t far.
Mate, it takes a few clicks to change the flag but an honest and sometimes 'life-long soul searching' requires to find, admit the bitter truth; especially when growing in opposite camp with comforts. And if Kalu Bhai's type brilliant man carries BD's flag then it’s for our salvation but not to be traitorous. So instead of calling as hypocrite, your type should bow for deconstructing the myth of Vhua/Feel Good independence.

And I didn't know the name who stated obvious on BD's independence. As it was given birth to be a 'Slave entity' and let LAND/MASS open to be exploited, it lost its independence as it had in the form of 'East PAK'. So, the land's independence indeed didn't last for 24 hours. On a related note, sovereignty is directly correlated with security and power projection. Being Pakistani-Bengali we had it much more than being Bangladeshi-Bengali, thanks.
This news ' 100 crusader' went viral on my face book page! Everyone quoting lankan news paper. Lolla! Jessica fox aka sunita paul aka Salah shoaib chowdhury is a genius !
We should create a facebook page called PDF Bangladeshi's and spread the message, or use other Bangladeshi facebook pages. facebook pages are excellent for spreading the word.
We should create a facebook page called PDF Bangladeshi's and spread the message, or use other Bangladeshi facebook pages. facebook pages are excellent for spreading the word.

people will ridicule it once they find out what pdf stands for.
This thread is too funny. I love the back and forth banter between Indian and Bengali posters. :D
So instead of calling as hypocrite, your type should bow for deconstructing the myth of Vhua/Feel Good independence.

Desh ta jodi amar moner moto hoto tahole desh ta ke onek valobastam. But it's full of misguided people who feel false independence in a country where there is no independence right now. Moner moto desh means a country without Dalals/traitors. And I have made myself distinguished from those people by claiming myself as some another type.
Bangladesh: Authorities must account for deaths amid spate of disappearances

Fatalities during protests about the disappearance of a key opposition figure seven days ago in Bangladesh must be thoroughly investigated by the authorities, Amnesty International said.

Ilias Ali, secretary of the Sylhet Division of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) disappeared together with his driver Ansar Ali on 17 April.

His is the latest in a spate of disappearances in which security forces, including the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), have been implicated, though they deny detaining those missing.

During clashes over the disappearances between the BNP protesters and the police, two men were killed – both on 23 April.

Monawar Hossain was found dead in the Biswanath area of Sylhet with gun shot wounds, and a second man died in a Sylhet hospital of bullet wounds. According to witnesses, police had opened fire on demonstrators after being attacked with stones.

"The Bangladesh authorities must establish an independent investigation to determine how these men died and who fired the bullets, and bring to justice those responsible for these deaths,” said Abbas Faiz, Amnesty International’s Bangladesh Researcher.

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has called on police to investigate the disappearance of Ilias Ali and his driver. Paradoxically she also stated the two men chose to go into hiding to "create an issue".

“Why did the prime minister order an inquiry, but then claim she knows what has happened? Any inquiry will be credible only if it is independent and free from police and political involvement – otherwise it risks simply towing the police line,” said Faiz.

“There appears to be a pattern of enforced disappearances - a concerted effort to eliminate people deemed undesirable.”

One trade unionist has been killed, and more than 20 people have disappeared this year.

On 4 April, Aminul Islam, a trade union leader went missing. He was found dead a day later in Ghatail, north of Dhaka.

His family saw evidence of torture on his body and suspect he was abducted by security forces. He had been previously subject to arrest and beaten by members of the National Security Intelligence for his trade union activities.

“Aminul Islam was an outspoken leader known for his ability to mobilise workers for better conditions, which made him a target,” said Faiz.

Two other BNP members, Iftekhar Ahmed Dinar and Junaid Ahmed, went missing on 2 April. Iftekhar Ahmed’s family say they were taken from their homes by plain clothes officers. Their whereabouts remain unknown.

Al Mukaddas and Mohammad Waliullah, members of the student organisation Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir, went missing on 4 February. They have not been heard from since.

Amnesty International has spoken to family members of many of the victims, who say abductions are usually carried out by plain clothes security officers who are easily identified because they wear similar clothing, including heavy duty shoes unusual for the hot Bangladesh climate. They also have short hair.

Amnesty International has documented abductions and killings by Ban

gladesh security forces, especially the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), for years.

“These disappearances cannot be simply brushed off - it is the government’s responsibility to bring the perpetrators to account, and ensure justice for the victims,” said Faiz.

Bangladesh: Authorities must account for deaths amid spate of disappearances | Amnesty International
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