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Don't equate Pakistan with Islam. It was no defeat of Islam, just the liberation of a population. Those people were being oppressed by distant colonialists.

You are no one to decide about Islam and Pakistan. Pakistan is the only ideological Islamic state of the world and it is known as ‘Fortress of Islam’.

You cannot understand Islamic brotherhood that’s the secret of a questions asked by Indians that ‘why Bangladeshis are not grateful to us?’
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Ok girls, lets get beyond the personal insults drinking, smoking, sniffing whatever...
why do you keep getting your panties in a bunch over my little hypothesis man? I was trying to imagine a scenario where for once we were on the same side, and that isn't so bad is it?

Did you really see 1 actually? Just qurious by the way.

Russia, ok, this time pay attention, diet coke to get 'high' not going to lie that was kinda funny, but you CANNOT get high of a drink. do yourself a favor, get drunk someday, like really really drunk, and then go buy some weed, roll it up (although I prefer bowls, makes it so much easier) and smoke it, and then come back and talk to me.

Looks who talking. Some one who cant even quote a proper example. 50 beers. Dude do you even know what is the meaning of having 50 beers or that even is it possible to have 50 beers. Eventhough you were quoting an example terminology you like to call it, still 50 lol, i dont need to say anything more on this issue atleast.

And hey don't go talking crap about our media, I know you watch Hindi movies, and atleast one female member of your household watches that sas-bahu crap, yeah, I don't get why they get so into those shows no idea, my grand mom will fight to the death to watch one of those soaps.

Dude let me get it straight to you since before that i thought you might have got some brains to do a simple calculation but it seems i am wasting time. But before i go there let me tell you to keep your debate of my family, you dont know nothing about me or my family so before you even get started on what i watch or my family does, i'll suggest you to remain on what the topic is and not on what my family watches. On a side note your movies are pathetic and really not me and not any one in my family wastes time in such crap, what ever the name of the show you mentioned above. Believe me when i say so, we do have better things to do in life then watching some cheap bollywood hero saving a pakistani girl.:tsk:

Ok with that done let me get back to your post:

Oh yeah, my bad, shouldn't have said you don't need them at all, but you think they need you more than you need them? you realize your computer is working because of the intl' community? you're able to afford your breakfast because of them, not to mention gas. what do they need you for? what makes you think the US can't just make you do it? like the WOT? The only thing Pakistan has to offer is its 'nuisance value', if you fall, that's going to be one hell of a mess for everyone else to clean up lest some retard gets his hands on the bomb. Kinda like the soviet union when they collapsed, you don't want those babies to end up on the black market. That would make life hell for the intl' community, but you'll end up worse than Somalia, so you need them more than they need you.

Your bad did i read it correct, what happened couldnt back that up so that turns to your bad. Ok now tell me how in the hell is my laptop (by the way) is working because of them, just because its HP? But anyways i still bought it from China and its made in China. Now for the break fast, i dont know where are you going with this but enlighten me on this one. Not to mention gas ahh right? dude seriously get a hold of yourself because what ever you are saying, none makes sense. How is gas related to them, are you out of damn freaking mind, are you telling me that gas comes from the US? If it was up to them(US) pakistan would have been blacked out long ago, dont believe me, well take indo/US nuclear accord for example, is Pakistan not suffering from electricity shortage, then why does India gets exempted and treated as if India is from heaven and not Pakistan and then when we tell them ok, get lost we will get it from some place else(China) they start whining. DO you have any clue at all or you just like to rant. What ever you said above, do you have anything to back it up, if yes let me know otherwise dont even bother wasting my time.

It is you who has the comprehension problem my friend, not I. If you are so capable of kicking India's behind and don't need any kind of intervention from anyone, what possessed you to not do so in '71 when you were partitioned, '65 yeah, whatever, did anyone lose anything? I think the time to prove your *** kicking abilities was in '71 when you were being ripped apart, I don't care if BD was in Australia, you could've taken Gujrat or something as a bargaining chip. The betrayal was engineered, you could've done the same with your a*s kicking superpowers right? btw, ever read any articles about Pakistan requesting China to stir things up on our eastern front so we don't give you such a hard time? India is messing with you again, what's stopping you from using your superior a*s kicking abilities?

You dont care because you know nothing about warefare, nothing at all. Let me suggest you something, go read something about strategic locations and their implications before even coming out with such nonsense. 71 was a loss and no sane Pakistani can deny that and that is the point, this whole debate thing started, you actually in your hypothesis think that after 71 Pakistan would actually like to join India and the US and show a middle finger to China, you couldnt be more wrong. 65 well no one lost, yeah rigth that is why India was running towards the UN for a cease fire. Ohh i forgot almost didnt your generals made plans to have a drink at PC in Lahore:woot:

And yes we would have done the same thing If it was India instead of us and believe me, ask any military personal, you would have suffered the same specially when all odds were against you.

Ah, why don't you get anything?, the part about 'stepping up their drug terminology game', didn't get it did you? if I'm asking them to step up their game, then I must be doing something right, right? how do you get your terminology right you ask? well by doing the things the terminology pertains to. have you always been slow or were you dropped on your head when you were a little girl? :)

Yeah right like the part where you quoted having 50 beers. Right.:disagree:
You are no one to decide about Islam and Pakistan. Pakistan is the only ideological Islamic state of the world and it is known as ‘Fortress of Islam’.

You cannot understand Islamic brotherhood that’s the secret of a questions asked by Indians that ‘why Bangladeshis are not grateful to us?’

Yes, you are`right..most ppl cannot comprehend "Islamic Brotherhood" simply coz of :

1. Iran - Iraq wars.
2. Invasion of Kuwait by saddam.
3. Presence of US troops ( infidels ? ) in the holy land.
4. Shia - sunni probs.
5. Amedias being treated the way they are.
6. Treatment of E Pak by W Pak.
8. .. and so many more.

By the way the" Fortress" is under siege & none of the "Islamic " friends are rallying around to save the "fortress" by putting money where the mouth is .. wonder why ?
Yes, you are`right..most ppl cannot comprehend "Islamic Brotherhood" simply coz of :

1. Iran - Iraq wars.
2. Invasion of Kuwait by saddam.
3. Presence of US troops ( infidels ? ) in the holy land.
4. Shia - sunni probs.
5. Amedias being treated the way they are.
6. Treatment of E Pak by W Pak.
8. .. and so many more.

By the way the" Fortress" is under siege & none of the "Islamic " friends are rallying around to save the "fortress" by putting money where the mouth is .. wonder why ?

That’s what I am telling you the beauty of Islamic brotherhood is it keeps you united despite of differences amongst Muslims.

By the way Ahmadis are not Muslims.
You are no one to decide about Islam and Pakistan. Pakistan is the only ideological Islamic state of the world and it is known as ‘Fortress of Islam’.

You cannot understand Islamic brotherhood that’s the secret of a questions asked by Indians that ‘why Bangladeshis are not grateful to us?’

Salman, we have all seen the "Islamic brotherhood" multiple time in action. In 1971 by Western Pakistan in East Pakistan, Iraq Iran war (with use of chemical and nerve gas and Saddam equating Persians with flies and Jews as species not worthy of living), your own and other members love for Muslim Afghans is apparent on numerous posts in this forum.

No one is getting fooled by this. Don't bother.

That’s what I am telling you the beauty of Islamic brotherhood is it keeps you united despite of differences amongst Muslims.

By the way Ahmadis are not Muslims.

How do you define a Muslim. I have read Shias and Sunnis say that about each other. You all say that about Ahmadis, Deobandis say that about Barelavis and vice-versa, A village is pronounced as kaafir because they attend a prayer for a dead person led by a Sufi (and its claimed that Sufis converted most people to Islam, so what does it make all those converts)!

You have a lot to sort out internally. We are all ears once you are done.
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Salman, we have all seen the "Islamic brotherhood" multiple time in action. In 1971 by Western Pakistan in East Pakistan, Iraq Iran war (with use of chemical and nerve gas and Saddam equating Persians with flies and Jews as species not worthy of living), your own and other members love for Muslim Afghans is apparent on numerous posts in this forum.

No one is getting fooled by this. Don't bother.

How do you define a Muslim. I have read Shias and Sunnis say that about each other. You all say that about Ahmadis, Deobandis say that about Barelavis and vice-versa, A village is pronounced as kaafir because they attend a prayer for a dead person led by a Sufi (and its claimed that Sufis converted most people to Islam, so what does it make all those converts)!

You have a lot to sort out internally. We are all ears once you are done.

Difference in opinion in different school of thaught in islam is healthy sign.

Remember all rivers fall in sea.Actually sea of faith

Islam is religion of peace and brotherhood,if some body has believe on five basic principles of islam : Qalma,Salah,Zakat,Haj and Final day of judgement(QAYAMAT) he is muslim.

Islam is not only for muslim it is for all human being who want eternal peace in this life and after death.

Islam teaches us the rights of non believers also.

Even non belivers living in islamic state are free to worship their faith and do buisness , live as they wish.Islamic state is responsible for their protection of life and wealth.
You have a lot to sort out internally. We are all ears once you are done.

Not "You". Actually "We" would have been more appropriate here.

Don't forget Hindu fanatics killing minorities and demanding India to be declared as "Hindu" state rather than secular.

If fanatics present in India don't represent all of India, same is the case with fanatics present on this side. They are not representation of what Islam is. And these fanatics include those who create divisions in intra-religion and inter-religion affairs and use violence as a tool to justify their so called "righteous thinking".
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Not "You". Actually "We" would have been more appropriate here.

Don't forget Hindu fanatics killing minorities and demanding India to be declared as "Hindu" state rather than secular.

If fanatics present in India doesn't represent all of India, same is the case with fanatics present on this side. They are not representation of what Islam is. And these fanatics include those who create divisions in intra-religion and inter-religion affairs and use violence as a tool to justify their so called "righteous thinking".

I agree with the "We" part. Just wanted to keep the reply within the context.

And again I never said that Hinduism doesn't have its issues that need to be sorted out.
Salman, we have all seen the "Islamic brotherhood" multiple time in action. In 1971 by Western Pakistan in East Pakistan, Iraq Iran war (with use of chemical and nerve gas and Saddam equating Persians with flies and Jews as species not worthy of living), your own and other members love for Muslim Afghans is apparent on numerous posts in this forum.

No one is getting fooled by this. Don't bother.

How do you define a Muslim. I have read Shias and Sunnis say that about each other. You all say that about Ahmadis, Deobandis say that about Barelavis and vice-versa, A village is pronounced as kaafir because they attend a prayer for a dead person led by a Sufi (and its claimed that Sufis converted most people to Islam, so what does it make all those converts)!

You have a lot to sort out internally. We are all ears once you are done.

We have enough discussion on this forum about East Pakistan issue and it has been proved that no genocide took place then, specific situation cannot be generalized and I fully agree with Warraich that different school of thoughts are healthy signs. My question is still the same that why Bangladeshi and Pakistani people still have soft corners for each other????????

There are different situations; you cannot say that all Indians are loyal to India and if someone is not loyal to India and he is an Indian what would you do with him? Will you spare him by saying that he is an Indian even though he is dangerous for the integrity for your country????

Similarly bad rulers do some wrong things which are not in accordance with Islam and no one justifies them. There is a fundamental requirement of a Muslim that he must believe on the finality of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) which must be satisfied and Ahmadis don’t satisfy this plus this is agreed upon.

Nothing is perfect and Muslims are also not perfect but surely Islam is perfect!
We have enough discussion on this forum about East Pakistan issue and it has been proved that no genocide took place then, specific situation cannot be generalized and I fully agree with Warraich that different school of thoughts are healthy signs. My question is still the same that why Bangladeshi and Pakistani people still have soft corners for each other????????

There are different situations; you cannot say that all Indians are loyal to India and if someone is not loyal to India and he is an Indian what would you do with him? Will you spare him by saying that he is an Indian even though he is dangerous for the integrity for your country????

Similarly bad rulers do some wrong things which are not in accordance with Islam and no one justifies them. There is a fundamental requirement of a Muslim that he must believe on the finality of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) which must be satisfied and Ahmadis don’t satisfy this plus this is agreed upon.

Nothing is perfect and Muslims are also not perfect but surely Islam is perfect!

For you it surely is. I am sure you mean every word of what you write here.

Everyone judges his country/religion by its highest ideals and others by their actions (often picking the worst ones). So you see many Pakistani members looking for and posting every negative bit from the internet and may be reverse is happening too.

For non-Muslim, Islam is simply what Muslims do. Its not what you say, its what you do. Same as it is for all other religions.

If casteism is present in the Hindu society, its a net negative that we have to deal with. If there has been a discrimination of people, one just can't look in the other direction and say Hinduism is perfect, Hindus are not. The forced difference may help us to avoid looking the issues in the eye but does little more than that imho.

And please don't say that it has been "proved" that no genocide took place. Though there is no need to discuss that here, nothing has been "proved" or "disproved" here, nor it can be. This needs to be "proved" in the real world not on some forum thread in the virtual world.
And please don't say that it has been "proved" that no genocide took place. Though there is no need to discuss that here, nothing has been "proved" or "disproved" here, nor it can be. This needs to be "proved" in the real world not on some forum thread in the virtual world.

Bangladeshis approval of the facts are enough, there is no need to prove it in front of the world it’s a matter b/w us and we know the facts.
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