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Rape, torture by landlords forces Karnataka villagers to flee

Rape and torture is not defined in Hinduism. Its your false understanding.

Nobody is saying its promoted by Hinduism.

Where in any Hindu sect is it explained that high caste has to rape and torture people who are poor??? Please re-read you are missing this point for a long time!!!!

Who said that Hindu texts calls for rape of low casts hindus by high cast hindus?? dont try to throw dust in the eyes of the world by using the word "Sect" for hindus when its cast not sect. Its another ploy to be in denial mode about cast system

Where does it say in Hinduism people from one caste cannot marry from another caste???

The only fact known is about man skewing religion to use it for its own belief!!! The other fact?? You are ill-informed!
As far as the communities are defined in Hinduism, let me re type what I did, but you choose to ignore, it purely for better working of an entity!

Yes!! I condemn this act but I also condemn your stance of maligning Hinduism with your half baked knowledge

Do you want me to post about it ?? please make your mind that you wont up with complaining later.
The bolded part is incorrect, Jana. The Vedas, which are the earliest known texts of the Aryans in the subcontinent and the Hindus do not mention anything about the Caste system. Rig Veda has a text which goes - "I was a poet because my father was a farmer and he was a farmer because his father was a soldier." Now these are three different castes we are talking about. We know that caste system is rigid and shifting between castes wasnt allowed. But this system does prove that the caste system didnt exist initially but was developed much later.

But regardless of this, the incident is despicable. Its indeed true that landlords that are high castes in most cases tend to exploit their servants who are lower castes. It is shameful and their should be the harshest punishment for it.

Robbies the flip side of the truth is also that Hindus are NOT aryans.(Though many still harp about it and try to convince the world that hindus are aryans which is NOT the case)

So if you say that this cast system and social evils have been imposed upon Hindus by outsiders for their rule then i can consider it holding some truth.

Now shall we condemn the incident whether cast has anything to do with it or not but the crime is crime and should be highlighted
As a last piece of explanation about caste system in Hinduism I would like to bring out the differences between "jaati" and "varna". The scoial hierarchy defined is for "varna"!

A varna is a "role". A "role" is an amalgamation of duties and tasks or for a better analogy a "designation/position". Humans are mapped to "varnas" so any human can occupy one or multiple varnas.

People also bring out the well known "brahman is the mouth..shurda is the foot" analogy. Its important to understand this in detail! Everybody here knows what a "Hierarchy" is..in that sense if you wish to view say ..a hierarchy of positions in an organization..people would draw a flow chart that would take the shape of a tree(the mathematical one, a type of graph). Here the highest node is the CEO and the lowest one maybe a "watch man".

back in those days they did not have a chart or graph theory..A human body was used as an analogy for many things..this was very intriguing way of representing a hierarchy.
How it is relevant to pakistan defense forum?? is it for its strong resemblance for Sindh etc. or u have license to spam?

It is part of world affair. We can post news where unwanted incident arises. How come you are not condemning the act and calling then Bastards and stuff. Is it because it took place in mere mohan Bharat? :undecided:
Robbies the flip side of the truth is also that Hindus are NOT aryans.(Though many still harp about it and try to convince the world that hindus are aryasn which is NOT the case)

So if you say that this cast system and social evils have been imposed upon Hindus by outsiders for their rule then i can consider it holding some truth.

Hindus are Aryans and India is called aryavarta. Mind it there is no aryan/dravidan devide.

Arya means one who is intellectually superior.

Dravina Means one who is materialistically superior.

And with invaders some evils like parda system, so called honor killing etc. also came in India.
. .
Yes that is what I have been saying along since the very beginning.. When you have taken your medicine please come back and read everything again .. Maybe just learning to write english and having the ability to understand and comprehend what is written are two very different things. Maybe your species will have better luck in the future .. if it was upto me I would not let your species procreate but then that would be too harsh and would make me no better than you.

O.K. Thank you for the advice and be careful from my species. :lol::rofl:
It is part of world affair. We can post news where unwanted incident arises. How come you are not condemning the act and calling then Bastards and stuff. Is it because it took place in mere mohan Bharat? :undecided:

Can u tell me what do u mean by it??

But if Indian starts posting thread many will feel hot coals or thread will be deleted.

How a local law and order issue or theft or rape or accident a international stuff to discuss on a international forum??
If it is case then it has been done by Individual and criminal but here we are taking about caste system that is intergal part of Hindu religion.

When will you guys leave your caste system and promote yourself to human level? :coffee:

well mr fool you have percieved the article itself in a wrong way, jana wrote it to show the satanic ways of landlords and not to degenerate any religion, so why dont you stop giving this a religious angle fool, coldhearted people are there in every religion, i can give hundreds of examples of inhumanity of arabs on maids from india, but iam not doing it because iam a secular person not that oldminded fool like you:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
There is only one solution of this problem. Government should try to make dalits economically independent from landlords because that is the only reason they are exploited . So urbanisation and industrialisation are two important process which can make them economically independent.
Robbies the flip side of the truth is also that Hindus are NOT aryans.(Though many still harp about it and try to convince the world that hindus are aryans which is NOT the case)

So if you say that this cast system and social evils have been imposed upon Hindus by outsiders for their rule then i can consider it holding some truth.

Now shall we condemn the incident whether cast has anything to do with it or not but the crime is crime and should be highlighted

jana not all hindus are aryans , only some sects of north indians are aryans, the caste system was introduced by brahmans and not by vedas, but let us go ahead now people here are creating a whole new religious angle here rather than posting something useful
India's "Untouchables" Face Violence, DiscriminationHillary Mayell
for National Geographic News

June 2, 2003
More than 160 million people in India are considered "Untouchable"—people tainted by their birth into a caste system that deems them impure, less than human.

Human rights abuses against these people, known as Dalits, are legion. A random sampling of headlines in mainstream Indian newspapers tells their story: "Dalit boy beaten to death for plucking flowers"; "Dalit tortured by cops for three days"; "Dalit 'witch' paraded naked in Bihar"; "Dalit killed in lock-up at Kurnool"; "7 Dalits burnt alive in caste clash"; "5 Dalits lynched in Haryana"; "Dalit woman gang-raped, paraded naked"; "Police egged on mob to lynch Dalits".

"Dalits are not allowed to drink from the same wells, attend the same temples, wear shoes in the presence of an upper caste, or drink from the same cups in tea stalls," said Smita Narula, a senior researcher with Human Rights Watch, and author of Broken People: Caste Violence Against India's "Untouchables." Human Rights Watch is a worldwide activist organization based in New York.

India's Untouchables are relegated to the lowest jobs, and live in constant fear of being publicly humiliated, paraded naked, beaten, and raped with impunity by upper-caste Hindus seeking to keep them in their place. Merely walking through an upper-caste neighborhood is a life-threatening offense.

Nearly 90 percent of all the poor Indians and 95 percent of all the illiterate Indians are Dalits, according to figures presented at the International Dalit Conference that took place May 16 to 18 in Vancouver, Canada.

Crime Against Dalits

Statistics compiled by India's National Crime Records Bureau indicate that in the year 2000, the last year for which figures are available, 25,455 crimes were committed against Dalits. Every hour two Dalits are assaulted; every day three Dalit women are raped, two Dalits are murdered, and two Dalit homes are torched.

No one believes these numbers are anywhere close to the reality of crimes committed against Dalits. Because the police, village councils, and government officials often support the caste system, which is based on the religious teachings of Hinduism, many crimes go unreported due to fear of reprisal, intimidation by police, inability to pay bribes demanded by police, or simply the knowledge that the police will do nothing.

"There have been large-scale abuses by the police, acting in collusion with upper castes, including raids, beatings in custody, failure to charge offenders or investigate reported crimes," said Narula.

That same year, 68,160 complaints were filed against the police for activities ranging from murder, torture, and collusion in acts of atrocity, to refusal to file a complaint. Sixty two percent of the cases were dismissed as unsubstantiated; 26 police officers were convicted in court.

Despite the fact that untouchability was officially banned when India adopted its constitution in 1950, discrimination against Dalits remained so pervasive that in 1989 the government passed legislation known as The Prevention of Atrocities Act. The act specifically made it illegal to parade people naked through the streets, force them to eat feces, take away their land, foul their water, interfere with their right to vote, and burn down their homes.

Since then, the violence has escalated, largely as a result of the emergence of a grassroots human rights movement among Dalits to demand their rights and resist the dictates of untouchability, said Narula.

India's "Untouchables" Face Violence, Discrimination
I rest my case. :smokin:

"Dalits are not allowed to drink from the same wells, attend the same temples, wear shoes in the presence of an upper caste, or drink from the same cups in tea stalls,"

DaRk WaVe said:
lol Al-Zakir you troll Systematically LOL, seriously what a hypocrite...

A one line troller with troll fatwa......:no:
There is only one solution of this problem. Government should try to make dalits economically independent from landlords because that is the only reason they are exploited . So urbanisation and industrialisation are two important process which can make them economically independent.

To make them economically independant you need infrastucture in the affected areas. Due to negligence and corruption most projects do not see the light. Then there is the wall called population itself. The plans are already drawn up, all it needs is micro managing which requires a lot of man power to drum up support on the small scale. The gap between the rich and poor keeps growing and the affected feel more helpless.
India's "Untouchables" Face Violence, DiscriminationHillary Mayell
for National Geographic News

June 2, 2003
More than 160 million people in India are considered "Untouchable"—people tainted by their birth into a caste system that deems them impure, less than human.

Human rights abuses against these people, known as Dalits, are legion. A random sampling of headlines in mainstream Indian newspapers tells their story: "Dalit boy beaten to death for plucking flowers"; "Dalit tortured by cops for three days"; "Dalit 'witch' paraded naked in Bihar"; "Dalit killed in lock-up at Kurnool"; "7 Dalits burnt alive in caste clash"; "5 Dalits lynched in Haryana"; "Dalit woman gang-raped, paraded naked"; "Police egged on mob to lynch Dalits".

"Dalits are not allowed to drink from the same wells, attend the same temples, wear shoes in the presence of an upper caste, or drink from the same cups in tea stalls," said Smita Narula, a senior researcher with Human Rights Watch, and author of Broken People: Caste Violence Against India's "Untouchables." Human Rights Watch is a worldwide activist organization based in New York.

India's Untouchables are relegated to the lowest jobs, and live in constant fear of being publicly humiliated, paraded naked, beaten, and raped with impunity by upper-caste Hindus seeking to keep them in their place. Merely walking through an upper-caste neighborhood is a life-threatening offense.

Nearly 90 percent of all the poor Indians and 95 percent of all the illiterate Indians are Dalits, according to figures presented at the International Dalit Conference that took place May 16 to 18 in Vancouver, Canada.

Crime Against Dalits

Statistics compiled by India's National Crime Records Bureau indicate that in the year 2000, the last year for which figures are available, 25,455 crimes were committed against Dalits. Every hour two Dalits are assaulted; every day three Dalit women are raped, two Dalits are murdered, and two Dalit homes are torched.

No one believes these numbers are anywhere close to the reality of crimes committed against Dalits. Because the police, village councils, and government officials often support the caste system, which is based on the religious teachings of Hinduism, many crimes go unreported due to fear of reprisal, intimidation by police, inability to pay bribes demanded by police, or simply the knowledge that the police will do nothing.

"There have been large-scale abuses by the police, acting in collusion with upper castes, including raids, beatings in custody, failure to charge offenders or investigate reported crimes," said Narula.

That same year, 68,160 complaints were filed against the police for activities ranging from murder, torture, and collusion in acts of atrocity, to refusal to file a complaint. Sixty two percent of the cases were dismissed as unsubstantiated; 26 police officers were convicted in court.

Despite the fact that untouchability was officially banned when India adopted its constitution in 1950, discrimination against Dalits remained so pervasive that in 1989 the government passed legislation known as The Prevention of Atrocities Act. The act specifically made it illegal to parade people naked through the streets, force them to eat feces, take away their land, foul their water, interfere with their right to vote, and burn down their homes.

Since then, the violence has escalated, largely as a result of the emergence of a grassroots human rights movement among Dalits to demand their rights and resist the dictates of untouchability, said Narula.

India's "Untouchables" Face Violence, Discrimination

Where does it say that Religion told them to go Jihad against the Dalits? Dont get high off your own supply.

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