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Rape, torture by landlords forces Karnataka villagers to flee

Robbies the flip side of the truth is also that Hindus are NOT aryans.(Though many still harp about it and try to convince the world that hindus are aryans which is NOT the case)

So if you say that this cast system and social evils have been imposed upon Hindus by outsiders for their rule then i can consider it holding some truth.

Now shall we condemn the incident whether cast has anything to do with it or not but the crime is crime and should be highlighted

Jana, Aryan component in Indian Hindus is debatable as till date nobody has solidified the definition of an Aryan. The Germans believed they were Nordic, the Persians call themselves the real Aryans whereas some nationalistic Indian historians believe that the Aryans were essentially indigenous to the sub-continent. And mind you, the Vedas do not provide a description of the Aryans, just their rituals, hymns and daily practices. They dont say if they were taller, whiter or blue eyed. This is a debate that we could go into later. What I wanted to point out, without defending the Caste system is that its wrong to blame a whole religion for this evil practice.

And I cant argue about caste system being brought to India by outsiders as we do not know anything about the social structure of the Harappan society. The day we can decipher their script, may be we will know if they already practiced the Caste system.

But again, regardless of our debate into the Aryan connection, I wish all hell for the perpetrators of this incident. And I dont think any Indian would disagree with that.
well mr fool you have percieved the article itself in a wrong way, jana wrote it to show the satanic ways of landlords and not to degenerate any religion, so why dont you stop giving this a religious angle fool, coldhearted people are there in every religion, i can give hundreds of examples of inhumanity of arabs on maids from india, but iam not doing it because iam a secular person not that oldminded fool like you:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

This land lord happen to be higher caste hindu and a dalits can never be landlord under caste system. Thus it is a irreversible process of descrimination against dalits. :angry:

your secular non sense is not going to work unless you completely wipe out this monkey level practice. :tdown:
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India's "Untouchables" Face Violence, DiscriminationHillary Mayell
for National Geographic News

June 2, 2003
More than 160 million people in India are considered "Untouchable"—people tainted by their birth into a caste system that deems them impure, less than human.

Human rights abuses against these people, known as Dalits, are legion. A random sampling of headlines in mainstream Indian newspapers tells their story: "Dalit boy beaten to death for plucking flowers"; "Dalit tortured by cops for three days"; "Dalit 'witch' paraded naked in Bihar"; "Dalit killed in lock-up at Kurnool"; "7 Dalits burnt alive in caste clash"; "5 Dalits lynched in Haryana"; "Dalit woman gang-raped, paraded naked"; "Police egged on mob to lynch Dalits".

"Dalits are not allowed to drink from the same wells, attend the same temples, wear shoes in the presence of an upper caste, or drink from the same cups in tea stalls," said Smita Narula, a senior researcher with Human Rights Watch, and author of Broken People: Caste Violence Against India's "Untouchables." Human Rights Watch is a worldwide activist organization based in New York.

India's Untouchables are relegated to the lowest jobs, and live in constant fear of being publicly humiliated, paraded naked, beaten, and raped with impunity by upper-caste Hindus seeking to keep them in their place. Merely walking through an upper-caste neighborhood is a life-threatening offense.

Nearly 90 percent of all the poor Indians and 95 percent of all the illiterate Indians are Dalits, according to figures presented at the International Dalit Conference that took place May 16 to 18 in Vancouver, Canada.

Crime Against Dalits

Statistics compiled by India's National Crime Records Bureau indicate that in the year 2000, the last year for which figures are available, 25,455 crimes were committed against Dalits. Every hour two Dalits are assaulted; every day three Dalit women are raped, two Dalits are murdered, and two Dalit homes are torched.

No one believes these numbers are anywhere close to the reality of crimes committed against Dalits. Because the police, village councils, and government officials often support the caste system, which is based on the religious teachings of Hinduism, many crimes go unreported due to fear of reprisal, intimidation by police, inability to pay bribes demanded by police, or simply the knowledge that the police will do nothing.

"There have been large-scale abuses by the police, acting in collusion with upper castes, including raids, beatings in custody, failure to charge offenders or investigate reported crimes," said Narula.

That same year, 68,160 complaints were filed against the police for activities ranging from murder, torture, and collusion in acts of atrocity, to refusal to file a complaint. Sixty two percent of the cases were dismissed as unsubstantiated; 26 police officers were convicted in court.

Despite the fact that untouchability was officially banned when India adopted its constitution in 1950, discrimination against Dalits remained so pervasive that in 1989 the government passed legislation known as The Prevention of Atrocities Act. The act specifically made it illegal to parade people naked through the streets, force them to eat feces, take away their land, foul their water, interfere with their right to vote, and burn down their homes.

Since then, the violence has escalated, largely as a result of the emergence of a grassroots human rights movement among Dalits to demand their rights and resist the dictates of untouchability, said Narula.

India's "Untouchables" Face Violence, Discrimination

that was a scenario 48 years ago oldie, and only 25% of indians are below poverty line rather than your exaggaration of 90%, do you have a continues habit of posting age old exaggarted crap and ruining threads, this whole bullshit you presented here wont fetch you any respect here, now untouchability is a heinous crime , i have read in newspapers about some cases where people were imprisoned for 10 years for this crime and nobody supports caste system here people have better things to do than to listen to maharajs and sadhus(even these guys have changed ), and almost 80% of cases are solved due to media scrutiny, dalits now know that media is their real and reliable saviour than police, wake up uncle and gape at the new india:hitwall::hitwall:
jana not all hindus are aryans , only some sects of north indians are aryans, the caste system was introduced by brahmans and not by vedas, but let us go ahead now people here are creating a whole new religious angle here rather than posting something useful

To be more accurate,it was introduced by King Manu i think form his state affairs text Manusmiriti which was also disrespectful to women too.

Brahmins exploited the system just like elites in those times did.

For example Church monks in England at that time thought that the peasants were servants of God and must do the monks bidding,as they were the messengers of God.

Also Aryan is an ethno-linguist group,nothing to do with race.
From this....

Originally Posted by Al-zakir View Post
Well as I have clearly stated this fact many time about Hinduism is that it is a sub human monkey level practice otherwish it only un imaginable to us how one group of human possess haigher status then over other based on caste. If this was due to criminal behavior then one can understand but having done this over caste system is pure sub-human practice.

To this ...

Originally Posted by Al-zakir
your secular non sense is not going to work unless you completely wipe out this monkey level practic.

I am also glad you edited your first comment .. rather than apologizing. It says a ton more if you do something than say something.
This land lord happen to be higher caste hindu and a dalits can never be landlord under caste system. Thus it is a irreversible process of descrimination against dalits. :angry:

your secular non sense is not going to work unless you completely wipe out this monkey level practic. :tdown:

well you cant judge the whole india on the basis of one single landlord, i agree untouchability is there in some parts of india but it isnt rampart, i myself dont know about my gotra and class, dalits have reservations in every major engineering college, they have reservations in hospitals, they have reservations nearly everywhere, and regarding secularism, india is the only nation perhaps, which has been ruled by people of all religions and class, what do you guys know about us, we made you guys independent because we took mercy on you, today even if one illegal bangladeshi slum settlement here is even tried to be removed here uproars begin, then everybody irrespective of their religion supports you guys because of mercy, now do i have to present a bigger certificate of secularism?:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
From this....

Originally Posted by Al-zakir View Post
Well as I have clearly stated this fact many time about Hinduism is that it is a sub human monkey level practice otherwish it only un imaginable to us how one group of human possess haigher status then over other based on caste. If this was due to criminal behavior then one can understand but having done this over caste system is pure sub-human practice.

To this ...

Originally Posted by Al-zakir
your secular non sense is not going to work unless you completely wipe out this monkey level practic.

I am also glad you edited your first comment .. rather than apologizing. It says a ton more if you do something than say something.

Well Genius, I edited the post because some Hindu members denied the caste system as part of hindu religion. But I am still concern about this monkey level practice between humans. :angry:
Well Genius, I edited the post because some Hindu members denied the caste system as part of hindu religion. But I am still concern about this monkey level practice between humans. :angry:

what makes it a monkey level pratice. is it practised in monkeys????
Hindus are Aryans and India is called aryavarta. Mind it there is no aryan/dravidan devide.

Arya means one who is intellectually superior.

Dravina Means one who is materialistically superior.

And with invaders some evils like parda system, so called honor killing etc. also came in India.

Oh come on gimee a break. :hitwall:
This is how world looked like million years ago.

Religon aside but you (pure) indians orignally are distant species.
You do got mixed up a lot after 1947, when many Muslim women and children were left behind and after Russian invassion when you cross bread with northern alliance Afghanis like Abdullah Abdullah.
Today, India have Chinese looking people but those were part of Asian plate.
If you don't know the plate which joins Indian island and Eurasian continent is in Pakistan.

thread is getting away from its subject matter so i suggest you to read the history of world.
Oh come on gimee a break. :hitwall:
This is how world looked like million years ago.

Religon aside but you (pure) indians orignally are distant species.
You do got mixed up a lot after 1947, when many Muslim women and children were left behind and after Russian invassion when you cross bread with northern alliance Afghanis like Abdullah Abdullah.
Today, India have Chinese looking people but those were part of Asian plate.
If you don't know the plate which joins Indian island and Eurasian continent is in Pakistan.

thread is getting away from its subject matter so i suggest you to read the history of world.

This map is like 100 million years back, when Humans didn't even exist. The ancient history of human race is not the same as the ancient history of the earth.
what makes it a monkey level pratice. is it practised in monkeys????

It is not human level practice when men are treated unequally based on brith identity. This inhuman practices has been going on for centuries yet Bharat manage to get away with it by kissing west.

How come your so called biggest secular demorcay allwoing this anti human activity in 21st century is beyond my comprehension. :angry:
Oh come on gimee a break. :hitwall:
This is how world looked like million years ago.

Religon aside but you (pure) indians orignally are distant species.
You do got mixed up a lot after 1947, when many Muslim women and children were left behind and after Russian invassion when you cross bread with northern alliance Afghanis like Abdullah Abdullah.
Today, India have Chinese looking people but those were part of Asian plate.
If you don't know the plate which joins Indian island and Eurasian continent is in Pakistan.

thread is getting away from its subject matter so i suggest you to read the history of world.

Oh how lovely, BATMAN here is arguing with a map, which by the looks of it, seems to be drawn by a kid. Btw its "Antarctica" not Anarctica <--- shows how accurate the map is :P

BTW BATMAN would you please tell me how Indians are a seperate species when the indian plate is supposed to have been joined with Asia 10 million years ago and early Homo Sapiens only emerged about 250,000 years ago?
Please enlighten us with your infinite wisdom as to how you came to the conclusion in your completely unscientific gibberish.

PS: It is much better to not say anything scientific if you're gonna pull stuff from thin air and which can so easily be refuted.

As for the incident, the most unfortunate one. Hope GOI is taking active steps to help the impoverished and surpressed.
This land lord happen to be higher caste hindu and a dalits can never be landlord under caste system. Thus it is a irreversible process of descrimination against dalits. :angry:

your secular non sense is not going to work unless you completely wipe out this monkey level practice. :tdown:

You are complete Idiot . You don't have any Idea of India and you are vomiting your garbage here. The days are gone when Higher caste people used to exploit dalits. Now this practice is largely done by people of middle castes(who has got power recently). Let me tell you that you people always criticise "Brahmins" that they are ruling India and suppressing dalits but the reality of India is different from that. Now a days people of middle caste are new landlords and they are exploiting dalits due to their economic dependence on this landholders. Brahmins has no dominance in almost 99&#37; of India.
It is not human level practice when men are treated unequally based on brith identity. This inhuman practices has been going on for centuries yet Bharat manage to get away with it by kissing west.

How come your so called biggest secular demorcay allwoing this anti human activity in 21st century is beyond my comprehension. :angry:

you didnt reply to my earlier post, your answer was there, btw the government cant be blamed for everything, there is a lot of difference between the people who say that "something must be done" and people who say "we must do something" , our scheduled castes are sensible enough to know what government has done for them(dalits have more facilities in government institutions than general public)our dalits dont want your concerns so why dont you post something more useful or shut your mouth rather than showing your ignorance:hitwall::hitwall:
It is not human level practice when men are treated unequally based on brith identity. This inhuman practices has been going on for centuries yet Bharat manage to get away with it by kissing west.

How come your so called biggest secular demorcay allwoing this anti human activity in 21st century is beyond my comprehension. :angry:

Not one person on this thread has said that this practice is allright. It is a human deficiency that by trait some richer folks force the poorer to keep serving them. The government has rules against such people. It is the people that have to still follow them. Same was the case with the civil rights movement in your new country. I do not want to even start what happens with the rich Zameendars and the poor Kisans in some parts of the country I live in. And there is no caste system to blame for that.

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