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Rape, torture by landlords forces Karnataka villagers to flee

Why Bharatis here isn't giving me a clear answer about caste system and descriminate associate with it by higher caste over lower caste Hindu?

Note: Caste system is intergal part of Hindu religion. It is not man made or practices by some powerful feudal lord. So prove me why hinduism is not a sub human level practices?
If it is case then it has been done by Individual and criminal but here we are taking about caste system that is intergal part of Hindu religion.

When will you guys leave your caste system and promote yourself to human level? :coffee:

when you leave terrorism. what is the first thing you learn in zoology or botany or if you are in software ever heard of patterns. keep an open mind its in your dna just use it.
Care to explain the bolded part? How does Hinduism promote Caste System?!

Where is the Caste system come from if it is not part of hindusim? Now this dalits were raped and forced out of their villages by some higher caste powerful hindu. Does it mean that higher caste hindu has given autority by hindu god to descriminate over lower caste hindu?

I will be foolish to say "jihad" is an integral part of Isalm (the version that scares others)..
Jihad is not only part of Islam but one of the most important of Islam.
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Why one group of hindu dominate over another group accordance with Hidnu religion? Isn't sub human level?

I need to know what is the significant with caste system in hindu religion. It is so sick that when dalit die, a bramin won't touch his body because he belongs ot lower caste. Now wher is the humanity here punk? Should all human be same?

Let me ask you this - why do some religions claim they are better than others and make a discrimination of "us" versus "them"? And then some deranged, misguided low-lying sub-humans take that as the sanction to harm people of other faiths? Shouldn't all humans be the same?

Didn't mean this to be an offensive post btw. Just trying to make this guy realize the folly of his own argument.
Here, landlords hold sway. They allegedly rape and torture women of lower castes while the men work as bonded labourers, paying off debts accumulated over generations.[/B]

So since lower caste hindu can not upgrade them self to higher caste then these landlords has made a regular practices to rape their women while men work in the field.

This represent a sick society of most rural Bharat. :angry:
Again .. September 11th .. Florida .. burning Qurans .. I would love to see you uphold your most important obligation to your religion then come debate about how inferior other religions are.

You are free to leave if you done with it. :wave:
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hi, i am new here....but let me try to answer Al-zakir 's question.....caste system has no mention in our holy books...the vedas ..u can google and verify this....caste system is basically a social evil accumulated over centuries...it would definitely take time to eradicate...and as far as the GOI is concerned they are doing all they can to remove this....the actual problem lies in the minds of the people....in villages and the like ...they stick to tradition quite rigidly....this may take time but rest assured it will be done.....
ps. I live in bangalore .....there is little to no mention of this in the news....i presume this is an isolated incident..........
Since no Bharati come up with any credible solution to justfy sub human practice of caste system then we have it take it for granted that higher caste hindu has religious right to descriminate over lower caste hindu. :coffee:
Care to explain the bolded part? How does Hinduism promote Caste System? I will be foolish to say "jihad" is an integral part of Isalm (the version that scares others)..Am i foolish like you? no!!! ..little knowledge is a dangerous thing, either ask if you don't know..or read up ..but don't make assumptions ..you make yourself sound like a bigot!

:blink::blink::blink::blink: :disagree:

You notice that Hindus are not condeming this incident but if it did take place in pakistan or another muslim country then they would have populate this thread like cockroach with bunch of firey condemnation, anger and what not. Bloody Hypocrite. :angry:
Why Bharatis here isn't giving me a clear answer about caste system and descriminate associate with it by higher caste over lower caste Hindu?

Yes! Caste system being an integral part of Hinduism is still under debate.

But caste system is an quintessential property of any advanced society or civilization.

Tell me which society on this planet,whether Secular,theocratic,Democratic,Authoritarian etc don't have these divisions in the society?


Even in nature ants and termites have caste system

There are solider ants,workers ants,ants who take care of the eggs and the Queen ant.

But discrimination or disparaging people based on caste is never found in any Hindu scripture i.e the Vedas or Bhagavat Gita.

Discrimination based on caste is a symptom of rural or backward society ,

just like the below example:

I don't recall anywhere in the Quran saying that Blessings of microcephalics having God-like powers.

Note: Caste system is intergal part of Hindu religion. It is not man made or practices by some powerful feudal lord. So prove me why hinduism is not a sub human level practices?

Its a common misconception theocratic supremacists do,associating Hinduism with caste based discrimination,and propagate to the masses.

Just like Islam has nothing to do with killing innocent people by blowing themselves up.Hinduism has nothing to do with Caste-based discrimination.

You notice that Hindus are not condeming this incident but if it did take place in pakistan or another muslim country then they would have populate this thread like cockroach with bunch of firey condemnation, anger and what not. Bloody Hypocrite. :angry:

Are you that slow?:what:

Any member's post here indicates that they condemn the issue, its implied and understood.
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You notice that Hindus are not condeming this incident but if it did take place in pakistan or another muslim country then they would have populate this thread like cockroach with bunch of firey condemnation, anger and what not. Bloody Hypocrite. :angry:

I Condmn this act.. I am Hindu by Birth now sleep tight..:wave:
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