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Rape fear keeps US students out of India: Nancy Powell

the size comparison was started by you and do you want to expose the shortcoming of people from the failed state india further?

The eating habits and prostitution points were started by someone in your gang called anjaneyashruti

do you have a problem in correlating and tracing the discussion points on top of protecting the rapists?
Well whatever I did it to stop your trolling, what is our shortcoming that we are bigger than you in size?
Eating habits, we eat vegetarian,in meat we only eat chicken,mutton,fish,prawns.While you eat everything im not criticizing you im telling you to stop trolling cos I can troll too.
Who is protecting rapists, your mind is on drugs to think people in India protect rapists,there are laws and court to do that.You call Indians low IQ infact down syndrome babies whose IQ is less than 50 have mongoloid facies its in every medical book even your English to Chinese translations of medicine books in china.Do you want more...?
Well whatever I did it to stop your trolling, what is our shortcoming that we are bigger than you in size?
Eating habits, we eat vegetarian,in meat we only eat chicken,mutton,fish,prawns.While you eat everything im not criticizing you im telling you to stop trolling cos I can troll too.
Who is protecting rapists, your mind is on drugs to think people in India protect rapists,there are laws and court to do that.You call Indians low IQ infact down syndrome babies whose IQ is less than 50 have mongoloid facies its in every medical book even your English to Chinese translations of medicine books in china.Do you want more...?

Dont expect for me to feed you troll on subjects which are worthless discussions beyond the realm of this thread
If you keeping going on those I have no other choice but to report you on grounds of "off topic" trolling and posting of no value to the thread!
Dont expect for me to feed you troll on subjects which are worthless discussions beyond the realm of this thread
If you keeping going on those I have no other choice but to report you on grounds of "off topic" trolling!
Yeah that's what I know when you lost it you report as 'off topic' or 'topic worth no value' but when you post random things it is worth right?Some biased reporting it is and no wonder the moderators favor Pakistani and Chinese.
Count the number of posts you trolled and how many I posted,with logical explanations.
The problem is not only in India but in many countries even in developed countries.
Instead of demeaning each other one should look for solutions together and help in getting optimal policies to counter this social evil.
Yeah that's what I know when you lost it you report as 'off topic' or 'topic worth no value' but when you post random things it is worth right?Some biased reporting it is and no wonder the moderators favor Pakistani and Chinese.
Count the number of posts you trolled and how many I posted,with logical explanations.

I post my comments with valid questions that can be drawn on facts and news supports
Can you answer post no 83 and 102?

You people from a failed state have failed to respond! Troll!
The problem is not only in India but in many countries even in developed countries.
Instead of demeaning each other one should look for solutions together and help in getting optimal policies to counter this social evil.
Look we don't deny rapes happen nor we don't protect as the Chinese posters here suggest, if not our laws are tougher and conviction rate higher than china or Pakistan for such crimes.
We only respond to trolls who got nothing other than post off topics and
I post my comments with valid questions that can be drawn on facts and news supports
Can you answer post no 83 and 102?

You people from a failed state have failed to respond! Troll!
Can you respond to the failed state question first, who says it?and how and why?
@wolfpack You are new to this forum. Learn to ignore the trolls. :D

As for our laws, laws doesn't mean anything if there is very poor implementation of it. Remember, the effectiveness of every law is what that matters most.
Look we don't deny rapes happen nor we don't protect as the Chinese posters here suggest, if not our laws are tougher and conviction rate higher than china or Pakistan for such crimes.
We only respond to trolls who got nothing other than post off topics and

how are the following be irrelevant and the answers to your failures to reply:
Only india has train carriages designated for women only (not in China nor USA). Why?
Only in india that their officials are telling the raped victims to marry the rapists. Not in China nor usa
Only in india that their authority were telling their women how to dress and not to stay out after dark, not in China nor USA
Only in india women are thrown with acid or arsoned. Not in China or usa
Only in india that child marriage are allowed. Not in China or usa
Only in india that rape victims as young as a few months old and as old as 80-year old nannies get raped! Not in China, may be in usa but not as frequent
Only in india that rapists extend their claws to victimize foreigners so frequently! not in China.
Only in india that has so many rape/gangrape-toruture-homicide combo so frequently. Not in China
Not as many in usa
Only in india from Asia which is amongst the toppers on the list of rapists countries

Can you respond to the failed state question first, who says it?and how and why?

the above are enough to justiify india as the failed state although I have plenty more!

@wolfpack You are new to this forum. Learn to ignore the trolls. :D

As for our laws, laws doesn't mean anything if there is very poor implementation of it. Remember, the effectiveness of every law is what that matters most.

that is nothing special from this troll @KRAIT and the hordes of trolling indians from a failed state
anything that exposes the indian's deep rooted social ills are trolling!
you pathetic people have defined "trolling" in a different light!
I thought you are the very few very few posters from your country who still has a conscience!
Good for your comeback and admission!
I don't run away from the fact that India has serious problem regarding safety of women. But I also take proud at number of people who are taking initiatives to remove this problem. Turning a blind eye on social evil leads to destruction and moral degradation of society. Having said that, instead of being too much philosophical, I believe in practical solutions.
Security guard on trial in China for 'hundreds' of rapes - Telegraph

22 Nov 2013

A 38-year-old man from eastern China has gone on trial accused of committing "hundreds" of rapes over a 15-year period and recording his crimes in notebooks

Man keeps raping 100s of women for 15 years and gets caught finally. And yes this happened in China.

that scumbag deserves the most severe sentencing
can you do simple math troll? that number per year is less than failed state india in a month
you have rapes reported every 20 minutes

and you have been spending your time looking for rapes in China - what a loser!
Rape in China
The Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women's rape crisis center, RainLily, provides counseling and medical support to sexual violence victims.
Chairman Mao proclaimed that "women hold up half the sky" and the Party-led state claims to have liberated women. Nonetheless women still generally face a double standard when it comes to rape.

Statistics for rape cases are hard to quantify worldwide, and China is no exception. The U.S. Department of State reported 31,833 rapes in China in 2007, though the Chinese government has not released official statistics for that year. In 2005, the last year for which official Chinese statistics are available, the official number was merely 15,000. :hitwall:

"Only one out of ten cases happened is likely to be reported," said Luo Tsun-yin, a social psychologist at Shih Hsin University in Taiwan, and some estimate that the ratio is even greater. Even if a case is reported, the woman may be pressured by the authorities, her family or the attacker himself to recant.

The majority of these crimes are committed by someone the victim knows. "In the idea of the ‘rape myth,' the victim and rapist are said to be strangers, but what we saw from real-life cases were mostly acquaintances," said Zhang Qi, whose graduate research at the Chinese Academy of the Social Sciences centered on media reports of rape. Her MA thesis looked at hundreds of Chinese legal newspaper reports of rape cases in 2004, finding the following data, below.*

Traditional Chinese culture often holds that the woman bears responsibility for an act of rape. This can be seen in many areas of the world which share China's cultural tradition.

"We don't see a lot of research in this field in mainland China," Luo said. "In this aspect, we need to compare all the research from different regions, including mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and even Singapore, which are all Chinese communities… Although we have different political and economic systems, the cultural views are similar."

While the topic is troubling worldwide, it is particularly taboo within Chinese culture. An old saying notes that "to die of hunger is a small matter, but to lose your chastity is a huge matter," and still resonates in contemporary culture. Traditional gender stereotypes see males as possessing a sexual drive that the desire-free women must resist. In this view, if a woman is raped, she must have brought it upon herself.

"A woman may be viewed that she should be responsible for being raped because she aspired to date or go to a man's premises; or that she took the risk of being raped as she went out alone late at night or drank alcohol; or that she enticed others to rape her with her behavior or dressing," said Linda Wong, Executive Director of the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women in Hong Kong.

The perception that a raped woman is dirty or ruined further compounds the stigma, even within a woman's own family. Luo studied one case in which after a girl was raped, "her family wouldn't put her clothes together into the washing machine when they washed the clothes. They divided them from the other family members, because they thought she was dirty."

Wong believes that these attitudes point to a larger inequality in Chinese culture. "Violence against women is rooted in patriarchal gender relations where women are assigned roles based not on their capacity but norms and values that perpetuate male dominance and superiority," she said. "The gender inequality is embedded in all levels of the society such as employment, education and social status."

The lack of well-rounded sex education doesn't help matters. On the Chinese mainland as well as on Taiwan, sex education is largely cursory and focused on the biological aspects as opposed to the social. "Taiwan does not have much sex education," Luo said. "So students turn to pornographic material. They implant a lot of wrong information in them, such as ‘no means yes' and ‘all girls want sex.'"

The laws pertaining to rape, while not blind to the crime, largely follow cultural perceptions. For example, the definition of "rape" is quite narrow. "Only women can be victims in China—males cannot be counted as victims," Zhang said.

These laws haven't seen change in a decade or so. "The Criminal Law in China was issued in 1979, and revised in 1997… to combine the crime of fornication with an underage girl into the crime of rape," Zhang said. "Some judicial interpretations took place during 2003 and 2004. No news was heard from modification of laws since then." Sentences for rape range from three years in prison to a death sentence, though there are loopholes to the latter.

"The punishment can be a death penalty with a two-year reprieve and forced labor, which in Chinese law means a sentence can be adjusted depending on the performance of the criminal during the two-year period," Zhang said. "In recent years, there has been a decline in the use of the death penalty, so rapists are mostly given a death penalty with a two-year reprieve and forced labor."

But there is evidence that things are changing. Several domestic and international groups, including government-sponsored ones such as the All-China Women's Federation, are pushing for societal and legal change.

"There have been a number of government initiatives, and there is a very strong movement from the [All-China] Women's Federation to try and press for more resources for women who are the victims of sexual assault or rape," said Sara Davis, the executive director of AsiaCatalyst, a nonprofit organization that assists NGO startups in Asia.

There are several centers where women can receive emergency care and support as well. Many major cities have crisis hotlines, and crisis centers provide counseling and resources to assist victims. Other organizations, including the Federation mentioned above, seek to address a variety of women's issues in China.

The outrage surrounding high-profile cases may also lead to growing awareness of the issue. Early last April, a case involving five "girl hunters," men who waited outside schools for potential victims, went to trial and awaits a verdict. Four government officials, a school teacher, and a taxi driver were charged with raping several young girls and forcing them into prostitution gangs. Last year, riots protested a cover-up by Guizhou police when they declared a girl's death a suicide when in fact she had been raped and murdered.

But despite the legal changes and the growing number of resources available to victims, many agree that social change is most needed.

"The progress in culture and society may not have caught up with the progress in legislation," Luo said.

Wong agreed. "The support services such as psychological counseling, medical, health and legal services are indeed necessary, but these address practical rather than strategic gender needs. They will not put women in greater control of themselves in their own context. They will not change attitudes, behaviors and power structures," she said.

But all remain hopeful for the future.

"We're seeing a lot of changes in China right now, in terms of growing awareness of human rights and rule of law… it's true that it's a very patriarchal society and that women's rights are not taken very seriously, but that can also change pretty quickly," Davis said. "Cultures are very powerful but they are not immutable. Cultures change all the time."
US-China Today: Rape in China
how are the following be irrelevant and the answers to your failures to reply:
Only india has train carriages designated for women only (not in China nor USA). Why?
Only in india that their officials are telling the raped victims to marry the rapists. Not in China nor usa
Only in india that their authority were telling their women how to dress and not to stay out after dark, not in China nor USA
Only in india women are thrown with acid or arsoned. Not in China or usa
Only in india that child marriage are allowed. Not in China or usa
Only in india that rape victims as young as a few months old and as old as 80-year old nannies get raped! Not in China, may be in usa but not as frequent
Only in india that rapists extend their claws to victimize foreigners so frequently! not in China.
Only in india that has so many rape/gangrape-toruture-homicide combo so frequently. Not in China
Not as many in usa
Only in india from Asia which is amongst the toppers on the list of rapists countries

So, if train carriages are designated for women only? how is that failed? we also have 50% seats reserved for women and elder people in buses and public transportation, how is it failed infact we reseve 50% while you don't, besides we are a conservative ,traditional nation,So naturally women feel more among other female company for that we have females only compartments.Your ally Pakistan females covers themselves in burkah is it not retrograde?Your people do not even get up to give your seat to women or elders in public transport , while we do.

Who tells people to marry rapists, you are out of your mind.

Indians value their culture and tradition,we are not overtly westernized as you Chinese adopted usa.we still have our values and respect elders our parents still live with us in our homes unlike you people who put your parents in old age homes, why was the rule passed in china that children have to visit old parents atleast once every year recently?You abandon your parents we don't.

Our women dress modestly,Our people don't pride in wearing thongs or bikinis like Chinese or USA.What is there to cover in body 95% is naked for you guys? only a tiny bit is covered in bikinis as if that matters instead of going buck naked, it seems there is no difference between the cave man and modern man in dressing, while the cave man didn't have clothes, you people have clothes yet refuse to wear it citing western, liberal,sexual freedom what not.Going out in dark,everyone advises to be cautious, how many muggings and rapes happen in usa do you know?I happen to know how many people solicit prostitution in china if you go out in night.

The definition of child marriage changes, child marriages are illegal and the person is put in jail in India.The legal age is 18 yrs for female and 21 for male.In middile east child marriages are accepted.
What about teenage mothers, date rapes in Usa. I don't understand why you are clubbing both china and usa as countries in same league, are you on same and equal footing as USA?:rofl:

Pedophillia is big in USA, atleast not so much in INDIA. How would people know when your news is censored by CCTV so don't compare our media freedom to report with communist censorship.

As if foreign women are not raped in other parts of the world great logic, ever been out of mainland china?:disagree:

I will tell you what china has no homicide,rape, its one of the safest but the world tells otherwise.That is what happens when you learn about world from CCTV programmes.

Yeah yeah anything more... China and USA are equal but then americans say otherwise.

Now what was it you asked me to answer?
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