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Rape accused dragged out of jail and lynched in Nagaland, India.

I dont think we are doing a good job Son.

I watched the Documentary , its gut-wrenching . Pls watch it of you can. It does not show `you` in a bad light , and neither should it matter even if it did. I thank that lady who made it , for whatever reasons . The heads MUST roll and there should be no mercy for the rapists.
Thank you British Lady who made the documentary.
Govt banned it coz they dont want any more freedom to people to protest.
The rapists she interviewed is on death row, unlike UK where child rapists are let off with few years prison times. And would Ireland allow how an Indian woman was allowed to die because Irish law didn't allowed abortion?
....and yet it happens ....... :coffee: . Tribals are forced to become naxals, baluchis are bombed and killed, bombs are dropped on afghan marriage parties, kids starve in africa and India ............ and sanctimonious west targets India to make a movie on rape and womens issue without taking a long hard look at their own society.

Welcome to the real world.

Your patronising take on the "spirit of justice" is wasted on Indians since they are inherently part of our cultural values. Justice is not uni dimensional, its multi dimensional. That is why US cooks up WMD and avenges for WTC bombing by attacking two nations. Ever tried your condescending speech there ? How about when cops beat up an gujarati grandfather and paralyzed him ?

Sigh. You missed the point completely. I did not say anything about the "spirit of justice" I used the word "spirit", to refer to the spirit of my answer, my response, my post. I said that I agree with you in spirit, although the quantum of compensation can be debated.

The rest of your post are strawmen, irrelevant to the topic.
I dont think we are doing a good job Son.

I watched the Documentary , its gut-wrenching . Pls watch it of you can. It does not show `you` in a bad light , and neither should it matter even if it did. I thank that lady who made it , for whatever reasons . The heads MUST roll and there should be no mercy for the rapists.
Thank you British Lady who made the documentary.
Govt banned it coz they dont want any more freedom to people to protest.
Indian government changed the rape laws .. where as Liberal UK doesn't have balls to acknowledge that their middle class minor girls are being gang raped and British government is too fcuking impotent to help them.
The rapists she interviewed is on death row, unlike UK where child rapists are let off with few years prison times. And would Ireland allow how an Indian woman was allowed to die because Irish law didn't allowed abortion?
The rapist is on death row for murder, not rape. Rapists are not given death sentence in India either. Until a couple of years back, the maximum punishment was ten years. It was increased after the bus rape case, and I think now second time offenders can be given death.
Sigh. You missed the point completely. I did not say anything about the "spirit of justice" I used the word "spirit", to refer to the spirit of my answer, my response, my post. I said that I agree with you in spirit, although the quantum of compensation can be debated.

The rest of your post are strawmen, irrelevant to the topic.

Oh no, I did get your point. You petty attempts to teach "law and justice", you however have completely missed my point.

The rapist is on death row for murder, not rape. Rapists are not given death sentence in India either. Until a couple of years back, the maximum punishment was ten years. It was increased after the bus rape case, and I think now second time offenders can be given death.

They were on death row for man slaughter, or worst a second degree murder by a single juvenile who actually got away with 3 years in a remand home.
Nobody should be lynched by a mob, everybody has a right to a fair trial under due process of law.
Hence I said ... why do we need a White Savior. Some british cunt in her quest for BAFTA or some other award was allowed to stir up emotions to this level?
Hence I said ... why do we need a White Savior. Some british cunt in her quest for BAFTA or some other award was allowed to stir up emotions to this level?
I guess today the mood of many people here is to diss that woman, no matter what the topic. Please do that in the thread dedicated to that. Your questions to me and my responses had nothing to do with that woman or her documentary.
They were on death row for man slaughter, or worst a second degree murder by a single juvenile who actually got away with 3 years in a remand home.
The adults are also on death row. Because the girl died. If she hadn't, then as per the law, they would not have been sentenced to death. And the juvenile getting away with 3 years is also a miscarriage of justice. The poster I was responding to was saying that the British let people away too easily. But if this happened in Britain, the juvenile would be tried as an adult. They have a provision for doing that, on a case by case basis. India doesn't. If Ajmal Kasab was under 18, he would also have been given 3 years in a remand home. There are quite a few things wrong in our legal system.
Every bengali Muslim is now a Bangladeshi in India????

That is what you get for welcoming BD's and providing cover for them from your own citizens. You get branded as one of them. Life's not Fair.

The adults are also on death row. Because the girl died. If she hadn't, then as per the law, they would not have been sentenced to death. And the juvenile getting away with 3 years is also a miscarriage of justice. The poster I was responding to was saying that the British let people away too easily. But if this happened in Britain, the juvenile would be tried as an adult. They have a provision for doing that, on a case by case basis. India doesn't. If Ajmal Kasab was under 18, he would also have been given 3 years in a remand home. There are que a few things wrong in our legal system.

You again missed it. ONLY the adults are on death row, but their crime was only Rape.

The Murderous act was committed by the juvenile (Mohammad Afroz) who is NOT on death row. He is probably out by now, enjoying his freedom.
bonglodoshis need to stop flooding our country and committing crimes.
You again missed it. ONLY the adults are on death row, but their crime was only Rape.
Wrong. Just plain wrong. Stop making up facts to suit you.

The adults were all found guilty of rape, murder, destruction of evidence and unnatural offences.

They were sentenced to death under setcion 302. They were also sentenced under other sections, but not to death. Only murder, and that too murder in a grotesque manner, shall get death penalty. If you read the judgement, the discussion was all about whether the murder was grotesque enough.

The judjement says:

The convicts, namely, convict Akshay Kumar Singh @
Thakur, convict Mukesh, convict Vinay Sharma and convict
Pawan Gupta @ Kaalu are sentenced to death for offence
punishable under section 302 Indian Penal Code. Accordingly,
the convicts be hanged by neck till they are dead.

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Wrong. Just plain wrong. Stop making up facts to suit you.

The adults were all found guilty of rape, murder, destruction of evidence and unnatural offences.
It was the minor who inserted the rod and ripped out her intestine.
Indian government changed the rape laws .. where as Liberal UK doesn't have balls to acknowledge that their middle class minor girls are being gang raped and British government is too fcuking impotent to help them.

Well go on and make a documentary about them so. The UK govt wont ban it like ANY Indian Govt. who is scared of any more protests , which might weaken them. The turds havent been hanged , its 2015 now , nearly 3 years. Both govt failed to do so. If our common friend gets raped and murder , god forbid , will we not protest? Dont mind what the Govt say. They put themselves first then Nation. Most of them anyway.
I had the same opinion as you before I watched the documentary. But at last sanity prevailed. One must Rise above Nationalism and be a good thoughtful human first. not saying you are wrong , I just want to say get your priorities right .
My thoughts , leave them or take them!!
It was the minor who inserted the rod and ripped out her intestine.
Read the judgement. The judges cite several precedence setting cases that have ruled that everybody involved in the commision of such a murder, would be equally guilty of murder. You can find all the discussion about that in the written judgement. All four were sentenced under section 302, for murder.

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