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Rape accused dragged out of jail and lynched in Nagaland, India.

What should happen to you, if you are falsely accused of rape?

Note: Obviously I don't know if this man was guilty or innocent. That is precisely why a proper trial is needed.

Set free and be given a million $ for my suffering ?
LOL....a worthy idea. Just not realistic.

What if there was No DNA evidence and it was only that man's word against that women's word. What should happen then in your view ?

Provided the claim of the crime is true.

Definitely thought provoking if it's a false claim.
I am glad we agree on me getting a million $. Can we agree on 100 million $ ? :P
I typed out a sentence more about disagreeing with the quantum, but thought it would be unnecessary. The spirit is what is important. Should it be 1 million, or 1.1 million? There is no "right" answer.

But the fact is that you should be set free, and compensated for any unnecessary jail time. Not dragged to the public square and lyched.
We don't need a White Savior .... we are quite capable to handle our own sh!t.

I dont think we are doing a good job Son.

I watched the Documentary , its gut-wrenching . Pls watch it of you can. It does not show `you` in a bad light , and neither should it matter even if it did. I thank that lady who made it , for whatever reasons . The heads MUST roll and there should be no mercy for the rapists.
Thank you British Lady who made the documentary.
Govt banned it coz they dont want any more freedom to people to protest.
I typed out a sentence more about disagreeing with the quantum, but thought it would be unnecessary. The spirit is what is important. Should it be 1 million, or 1.1 million? There is no "right" answer.

But the fact is that you should be set free, and compensated for any unnecessary jail time. Not dragged to the public square and lyched.

....and yet it happens ....... :coffee: . Tribals are forced to become naxals, baluchis are bombed and killed, bombs are dropped on afghan marriage parties, kids starve in africa and India ............ and sanctimonious west targets India to make a movie on rape and womens issue without taking a long hard look at their own society.

Welcome to the real world.

Your patronising take on the "spirit of justice" is wasted on Indians since they are inherently part of our cultural values. Justice is not uni dimensional, its multi dimensional. That is why US cooks up WMD and avenges for WTC bombing by attacking two nations. Ever tried your condescending speech there ? How about when cops beat up an gujarati grandfather and paralyzed him ?

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