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Rambo in Afghanistan

John Rambo gets an Afghanistan history lesson.
all I saw was a Puma helo disguised as a Hind :lol:

Factual incorrection here Alexander the great did infact conquer afghanistan, so did Genghis khan and also Britain as well (half of it though)
I guess you were there to witness it all.
Why do you attack him now? It's true,Alexander the Great conquered what is now Afghanistan and his successors ruled for about 200 years. The mongols went down there,didn't they conquer it? The British so and so...
Why do you attack him now? It's true,Alexander the Great conquered what is now Afghanistan and his successors ruled for about 200 years. The mongols went down there,didn't they conquer it? The British so and so...

LOL where did you learn your history lessons? Alexander didn't conquer Afghanistan. His army died in great numbers en route to South Asia.
Where did you learn yours? Which part do you doubt of the above?

Alexander never conquered any part of South Asia. Like I said, most of his soldiers didn't even make it to the end destination.
LOL post some neutral source. Secondly, Alexander wasn't a Greek. He was Macedonian.
Ah ok we have a professional troll here. Should have guessed it by your nickname :rolleyes1:
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