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Ramadan Karim | 2014


Why are you not fasting ?
I don't believe in fasting, i can say.

Many people fast, let's look at Erdogan but he accepts bribe money. Also his ministers, accepts bribe money. They falsely accused Generals and imprisoned them and stuff like that. Now are they going to be better human beings then me because they fast ???

I believe in goodness, being helpful to people, not to harm innocent respect your elders and relatives.... i don't believe we should follow the practices that have given to us 1400 years ago. That's what i believe. :)
Fasting isn't necassarily bad. Body cleans itself with it. But proper fasting, like starvation therapies, 10-30 days, on nothing but water.

Also, i've read that if you have some sort of cancer, you can starve it out if you are lucky, as cancer cells have more proteins than normal cells, and a starved body will firsty go after the cells with more proteins, effectively destroying the cancer.

oh and beloved pious Muslims:

You can count on me in this month for offering you oppurtunities to prove your faith. We can start with my breakfast today, white coffee and apple strudel:



Happy holidays! :partay::agree:
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I don't believe in fasting, i can say.

Many people fast, let's look at Erdogan but he accepts bribe money. Also his ministers, accepts bribe money. They falsely accused Generals and imprisoned them and stuff like that. Now are they going to be better human beings then me because they fast ???

I believe in goodness, being helpful to people, not to harm innocent respect your elders and relatives.... i don't believe we should follow the practices that have given to us 1400 years ago. That's what i believe. :)
wth man...whats wrong with you! That guy..ur PM or whatever is gonna go to his own grave..get judged for his own actions. How does his actions affect yours? You have your own relation with your creator. You're acting like as if fasting is some sort of order given by Erdogan, and since you disagree with him, you're not gonna fast.

You get judged for your own actions, he for his. And being good to people, doing random acts of kindness isn't a compensation for your Ibadah. Brother you should fast. Don't treat it like an option, or a matter of liking. I say, you fast, and also be a good person, kind to people, have high moral values, reject evils like bribes, and in the end you are a better man than erdogan. Otherwise whats the difference between him and you. Both of you would be following 'selective' islam, doing what you like, ignoring what you don't.
wth man...whats wrong with you! That guy..ur PM or whatever is gonna go to his own grave..get judged for his own actions. How does his actions affect yours? You have your own relation with your creator. You're acting like as if fasting is some sort of order given by Erdogan, and since you disagree with him, you're not gonna fast.

You get judged for your own actions, he for his. And being good to people, doing random acts of kindness isn't a compensation for your Ibadah. Brother you should fast. Don't treat it like an option, or a matter of liking. I say, you fast, and also be a good person, kind to people, have high moral values, reject evils like bribes, and in the end you are a better man than erdogan. Otherwise whats the difference between him and you. Both of you would be following 'selective' islam, doing what you like, ignoring what you don't.

I'm just stated my mind, i have no intentions to start a discussion in this very thread.

Mübarek Ramazan to you all.
Samosay lay ker ao.. bhang walay pakoray, dahi bhallay president house say mungwao, fruit chart regal chowk say..roza kholnay mien 30 min hain....:agree:
@Irfan Baloch
Even if I cared... fasting where I am would be suicidal... it's extremely hot and humid.
And I'm pretty sure suicide is a sin :D

I'm drinking 5 liters of cold water everyday. Ask @Targon He's a native of this red planet
@Irfan Baloch
Even if I cared... fasting where I am would be suicidal... it's extremely hot and humid.
And I'm pretty sure suicide is a sin :D

I'm drinking 5 liters of cold water everyday. Ask @Targon He's a native of this red planet

don't insult Ramadan please.

and don't post crap here

if you don't like Muslims and Ramadan, leave
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