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Ramadan Kareem 2013

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Taqwa's meaning is fear, clinging to obedience to Allah and abandoning disobedience to Him. It is the sum of all good.
Ibn Juzayy

Interesting post. A long time ago, I too thought of using the Qur'an only for religious matters and treating the Ahadeeth as sources of knowledge, but not from a religious aspect.

But the question arises; how would you manage the Qur'an which itself is a Hadith? And what about your Salah since that is also a tradition passed down from the Prophet (Sal Allahu Alaihi Wasallam)?

As for being compiled years later, that part is true. But, the Prophet's narrations had already begun to be noted down during his lifetime and referenced. Only the compilation into a larger volume(s) occured later on.

This is true to my limited knowledge only. Only Allah knows best.

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What if we should just treat Hadith, less as a matter of Faith & more a matter of 'History' in that we employ the tools that Historians employ to determine what the Prophet (PBUH) might have said or done at a particular poin

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/members-club/263204-ramadan-kareem-2013-a-16.html#ixzz2ZFOQPhAr
@Armstrong you summed up everything . No doubt , if we calculate the Life of Holy Propher PBUM and Hadees afiliated to him, then he must be talking while sleeping. Even then Hadees will not finish. Its a fact Hadees been fabricated in courts of kings, just to provide religious immunity or getting support of their social acts. Setting up the criteria is tough job .
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To the best of my knowledge, Quran Al Hakeem is the most authentic source to go and then comes the Hadith as long as the Hadith does not contradict the original source which is the Holy Quran.

My point is that use whatever makes sense to you as long as it is in line with Quran.

But use it for your own spirituality and to reform yourself.

Do not try to reform the whole World.

On the day of Judgement you will only be asked to account for yourself and yourself alone.

I have not come across anywhere that you will be questioned about the behavior and conduct of your neighbor or your in laws or for that matter anyone else.

So why do these Mullahs want to reform everybody else in the whole World except themselves ?
@Armstrong Damn if you do, damn if you don't. Koranist ideas appeal us because, all the wrong interpretations which were made or are made is due to the these hadiths. Yet we can not live without hadiths, if we do we would be branded kaafirs, simple is that.
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@Armstrong - the point you have raised has been raised before and the questions you have asked have been asked before. Consider the following:

1. That some people fabricated Ahadith was realized very early on. That is the reason why the Science of Hadith was developed (Arabic 'Ilm' = Science). You have to study this branch of knowledge to appreciate the care, time, and patience taken for grading Ahadith. A whole datbase has existed for the last 1300 years pertaining to the names of people who transmitted Ahadith and their reputations. Every hadith has a chain of narrators and Muhadatheen have carefully sifted this data to 'grade' different Ahadith. So, this branch of knowledge can not just be brushed aside because some among us feel it difficult to deal with a hadith or two.

2. Right from Sahaba (R.A.) onwards, Muslims have been very concerned about the authenticity of primary sources. The care taken to develop the methodology and its application can not be rivaled by anyone else. Remember that copies of Quran made on orders of Hazrat Usman (RA) exist even today. Three such copies are in existence today, after 1400 years. So, the same people could not have been neglectful of the importance of Hadith.

3. The difference in Fiqh result from three sources. A) Slight differences in methodology as applied by original Imams of Fiqh. B) The zealousness of their followers who forgot the trust and regard that the said Imams had for each other. C) Personal issues and egotistical behavior of those who wish to promote divisions to create spheres of influence. In the first case the primacy belongs to Quran, then Hadith, then practice of Sahaba, and then Qiyas of the Faqeeh. In the second case, the followers strove against others to 'establish' their schools of fiqh - for example a student (Abu Yusuf?) of Imam AbuHanifah gained a post during early years of Abbassid caliphate and used his influence to establish Hanafi Fiqh. The third case is illustrated by the strivings of such people as Ibn-Taimiyyah, Wahab, Maudoodi, etc... The Brelvi - Deobandi dispute is also a good illustration. If you find time, do read the background of Brelvi-Deobandi dispute. You would find that some people purposely enjoyed creating rifts and did not have any qualms in lying to achieve their end. In other words egotistical behavior and the desire to create spheres of influence had more to do with spreading sectarianism than primary sources.

I hope to have pointed in a direction that would take you further in your exploration, if you so wish. In any case, do keep in mind that science of Hadith has little to do with sectarianism.

3. Do not allow detractors of Hadith confuse you. Once you go down that path, there is no end. Their logic is ultimately self-serving and clearly points to intellectual dishonesty or laziness. If you approach this subject in a respectful way, you will find all the answers that you are looking for.

4. History is based mostly on a bunch of stories of mostly dubious origin. Rest assured that the standards employed in compiling Hadith is far above those used for constructing a historical narrative. Speculation has very little to do with our religion, and a lot to do with how history is written, at least as far as non-availability of authentic documents is concerned. Do not confuse History with Hadith. Otherwise you would be placing Judge Waqadi (early historian) on the same plane as Imam Bukhari; and that would be just so wrong.

5. In all of this, the most important factor is what you yourself are and how you approach this subject. Observe and you would realize what I am trying to tell you. Beware of people who wax lyrical about religious matters, but are shockingly non-observant.

I have tried my best in a short time. If I made any msitakes, I am sorry.
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Oh, I forgot to add something v important:

Sufi masters almost always discredit sectarianism. The only exceptions are the Sufis who rise among religious scholars. They may stick to their prejudices. But overwhelming number of sufi masters discount bookish learning and detest egotistical argumentation. My Sheiks sahib has drilled into our heads that one may find ones leaning towards this or that school of thought in matters of fiqh, but the important thing is to always be an Aashiq-e-Rasool and Aashiq-e-Khuda.

Love is what opens higher dimensions of religion, and that one can never find in books and argumentation which are basis of sectarianism. That is why a majority of Sufi masters have little or no education. Their knowledge arises not from books but from heart.
To the best of my knowledge, Quran Al Hakeem is the most authentic source to go and then comes the Hadith as long as the Hadith does not contradict the original source which is the Holy Quran.

My point is that use whatever makes sense to you as long as it is in line with Quran.

But use it for your own spirituality and to reform yourself.

Do not try to reform the whole World.

On the day of Judgement you will only be asked to account for yourself and yourself alone.

I have not come across anywhere that you will be questioned about the behavior and conduct of your neighbor or your in laws or for that matter anyone else.

So why do these Mullahs want to reform everybody else in the whole World except themselves ?

what do you say about ayah
"The believers, men and women, are protectors of each other: they enjoin what is right and forbid what is evil."[Tauba, 9:71]

"Whoever amongst you sees an evil should change it with his hand. If he is unable to do that then with his tongue. If he is unable to do that, then with his heart, and that is the weakest level of Iman." [Muslim]

"Let there arise out of you a group inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong. They are the ones to attain success."[Aal-e-Imran, 3:104]
@Armstrong you summed up everything . No doubt , if we calculate the Life of Holy Propher PBUM and Hadees afiliated to him, then he must be talking while sleeping. Even then Hadees will not finish. Its a fact Hadees been fabricated in courts of kings, just to provide religious immunity or getting support of their social acts. Setting up the criteria is tough job .

it is not hadith its fiqah. hadith and sahee books of hadith are accepted by all muslims. without doubt. and if you ever bother to read a book of hadith you may know that there are 2602 ahadith in sahee bukhari. and there are a total of 2,200 hadiths (without repetition in sahee muslim. so you are wrong again that hadith are more then the age of Mohammad s.a.w.w. yes there are fabricated ahadith as well. but sihah sita or sahee books of hadith are agreed by all sects of muslims. except shia. they have their own hadith books. (they say abu bakar.r.a umar. r.a ama ayesha r.a and other sahaba are murtad hence they dont take any hadith quoted by these sahaba)
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Interesting post. A long time ago, I too thought of using the Qur'an only for religious matters and treating the Ahadeeth as sources of knowledge, but not from a religious aspect.

But the question arises; how would you manage the Qur'an which itself is a Hadith? And what about your Salah since that is also a tradition passed down from the Prophet (Sal Allahu Alaihi Wasallam)?

As for being compiled years later, that part is true. But, the Prophet's narrations had already begun to be noted down during his lifetime and referenced. Only the compilation into a larger volume(s) occured later on.

This is true to my limited knowledge only. Only Allah knows best.

Mr Hadees was started being collected in time of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW Sahaba first used to right it and also learn it orally than transfer it to others just like Quran but for sometime Sahabas were stopped from righting Hadees and was asked to learn orally and transfer it to other people than when ayat came what HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW speaks is from ALLAH and he doesn't speak from himself Sahabas were told to right Hadees again and they started doing some Sahabas had written froms of Hadees and all others learnt them orally Mr and after death of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW Sahabas used to transfer it some written some orally than before death of Sahabas many of them asked their students to wright the hadees they have told them and they did and soon after time of Sahabas first major collection of Mutta also came into existence than came Masnad e Ahmad bin Hanbal which has 40000 Hadees and than others followed them Mr and @HAIDER HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW only spoke right in what every condition he was Hadees are not fabricated and you can't follow most orders of Quran without following Hadees because no detail of orders is given in the Quran Mr first know Islam than talk o I remember you are a Shia @Pakistanisage @Armstrong and others

it is not hadith its fiqah. hadith and sahee books of hadith are accepted by all muslims. without doubt. and if you ever bother to read a book of hadith you may know that there are 2602 ahadith in sahee bukhari. and there are a total of 2,200 hadiths (without repetition in sahee muslim. so you are wrong again that hadith are more then the age of Mohammad s.a.w.w. yes there are fabricated ahadith as well. but sihah sita or sahee books of hadith are agreed by all sects of muslims. except shia. they have their own hadith books. (they say abu bakar.r.a umar. r.a ama ayesha r.a and other sahaba are murtad hence they dont take any hadith quoted by these sahaba)

These guys basically want to deny Quran because their is no details of most orders in the Quran and Quran itself says follow HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW several times but these guys want to refuse Quran that is why they as the first step deny Hadees

To the best of my knowledge, Quran Al Hakeem is the most authentic source to go and then comes the Hadith as long as the Hadith does not contradict the original source which is the Holy Quran.

My point is that use whatever makes sense to you as long as it is in line with Quran.

But use it for your own spirituality and to reform yourself.

Do not try to reform the whole World.

On the day of Judgement you will only be asked to account for yourself and yourself alone.

I have not come across anywhere that you will be questioned about the behavior and conduct of your neighbor or your in laws or for that matter anyone else.

So why do these Mullahs want to reform everybody else in the whole World except themselves ?

You have to follow Hadees Mr yes you will be accounted for yourself but that includes weather you stopped some one from doing evils or not what you did about those who were under you like family and other office guys and other people on which you have the authority Mr its not that easy which you are trying to make
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Oscar why not learn Classical Arabic first & explore the Koran from every conceivable angle by appreciating what the meanings & implications of a word or a verse in the Holy Koran would be by understanding the nuances of the language it is written in & their historical context !

On the Hadith bit - What would you say if I were to make the observation that the first known collection of Hadith (one of the Sahih-al-Sitta), unless I'm mistaken, dates from around 197 After Hijri - Thats easily a 100 + Years after the Prophet (PBUH)'s death ! Furthermore we do know of countless attempts (some successful..others not) of deliberate fabrications of the Ahadith throughout Muslim History.

Even though I'm a Sunni of Hanafi Fiqh, like most Pakistanis, of late I've been drawn to the Koranist School of Thought - the ones who reject Hadith altogether & only try to find the answers in the Koran & the Koran Alone ! Naturally the simplicity of that & the rationale behind it appealed to me but at the same time what I found most irrational was the notion of how one may interrupt the Koran anyway one pleases without any Prophetic context to it ! Therefore what would you say if I said that maybe both we - the Sunnis & Shias & they - the Koranists, are missing the point here; Hadith should neither be rejected altogether, as if we don't need them or that because there are fabrications there & so they'd all be tainted in one way or the other, nor should they be elevated to such a level that we find ourselves utterly bogged down in them. What if we should just treat Hadith, less as a matter of Faith & more a matter of 'History' in that we employ the tools that Historians employ to determine what the Prophet (PBUH) might have said or done at a particular point in time just as Historians tell us what Julius Ceaser or Pompeii said at the floor of the Roman Senate at a particular point in time. Consequently we afford the same 'doubts' & the same 'stringent' criterion that we employ to any other Historical Evidence & instead of making the Prophet (PBUH) 's purported words out to be, perhaps unconsciously, 'another source of Divine Instructions' we treat it as a part of 'Historical Narrative' that may or may not be 'correct' given the same doubt, the same respect & the same 'authority', if we may, as the one given to any other 'Historical Narrative' whether it, allegedly, comes out of the mouth of a Prophet or (say!) a General/Politician from the Antiquity Era ! Which is not to say that I'm somehow advocating the Prophet (PBUH) 's stature & the respect that he holds in our hearts is the same as that of any other Historical Figure & that we value his words & the words of another on parity but that it is impossible to tell whether the Prophet (PBUH) actually did utter those words & did the said things, at a particular point in time, as is being purported or alleged simply because of the inherent deficiencies in determining most things 'Historical' !

I would imagine that maybe such a view could be our salvation out of this incessant Sunni-Shia BS with each side bringing their religious scholars, their own narration of the Hadith & their own world-view that they've developed from the aforementioned two, to advocate the 'righteousness' of their conviction when compared with the other ! Because even when it comes to Shias & Sunnis...we've got dozens of sects within these sects who've engaged in this fruitless competition for 1400 years.

What if we're able to give more currency to the Koran & less legitimacy to the Ahadith as some sort of an infallible source of Islamic Knowledge ? But instead treat the Ahadith as one treats any other 'Historical' piece of evidence - Something that could or couldn't be correct & there isn't a need to assume, at lest unconsciously, that the Prophet (PBUH) came with multiple 'Words of God' instead of the One Book that we all have in common.

I'd like your thoughts too @Talon @Developereo @Hyperion @LoveIcon @RazPaK @Secur @niaz @DESERT FIGHTER @Chak Bamu @Areesh @Abu Zolfiqar @mafiya @chauvunist @Rafi @darkinsky @HAIDER @Raja.Pakistani @Spring Onion @TaimiKhan @Pakistanisage @Aeronaut @RazorMC @Marshmallow @cb4
MR you are clearly mistaken when it comes to collection of Hadees Mr Hadees was compiled in time of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and also learn orally by all sahabas than they were stopped for sometime but than they ayat came which which said HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW doesn't speak from himself what ever he speaks is from ALLAH than Sahabas were told to right Hadees again and at the death of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW their were some written forms of Hadees and mostly learnt orally by Sahabas than Sahabas kept transferring it in their time both written and also orally and before their death many asked their students to right them and many did which include HAZRAT Abu Hurraira and than after their death soon came first major collection that is Mutta of Imam Malik than came Masnad e Ahmad bin Hanbal which has 40000 Hadees in it and than other books and without Hadees you can't follow most orders of the Quran mr @Talon @Developereo @Hyperion @LoveIcon @RazPaK @Secur @niaz @DESERT FIGHTER @Chak Bamu @Areesh @Abu Zolfiqar @mafiya @chauvunist @Rafi @darkinsky @HAIDER @Raja.Pakistani @Spring Onion @TaimiKhan @Pakistanisage @Aeronaut @RazorMC @Marshmallow @cb4
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2. What is the main reason of this upheaval (fitna)
3. Where this fitna started from
4. Hadith & Sunnah's significance
5. Quran has everything explained in it?
6. Authority of Hadith o Sunnah according to Quran
7. When and who started the compilation of Hadees and how it was preserved


These days there is a secession, upheaval or chaos (fitna) is been spread among Muslim’s to take away them from Hadith (hadees). They call them selves "QURANISTS". And unfortunately, some Muslims are believing in this Fitna. It’s about "not accepting the authority of Hadith and Sunnah" by saying that Quran is enough for us. And it have all the answers so why to look toward hadees. And even to put doubts in the mind of innocent Muslim’s they trying to create different doubts about Hadith.

(3:164): "Indeed Allah has already done a favor to the believers, when He raised amongst them a messenger from themselves to recite to them His verses, purify them and teach them the book and the wisdom."

This aya explains one of the most important responsibilities of the beloved Blessed Prophet: to teach the Book. This responsibility consists of not just teaching the pronunciation and reading of the Book [as that is already covered in the first responsibility, i.e. ‘to recite to them His verses’], but more importantly, the meaning of the Qur’an. It would be meaningless for a Muslim to try to understand the meaning and message of the Qur’an without the Blessed Prophet as a teacher to explain it to us.
Proficiency in the Arabic language alone cannot help us grasp the meaning of the Qur’an. Remember, the ýaúóba, who spoke fluent Arabic, always turned to the Blessed Prophet to understand the deeper meanings of the Qur’an. The Qur’an’s words and its meanings were explained both verbally and practically by the Blessed Prophet. These sayings and explanations of the Blessed Prophet are called Hadith and provide us with the the most authentic commentary of the Qur’an. Therefore, Allah’s promise to preserve the Qur’an meant preservation of the Hadith as well.

By the grace of Allah all mighty, I will try to clear this topic as much as I can. Rest is on Allah to give some one hidayh. My main goal would be to prove the authority of Hadees through Quran, and to elaborate the Quranic text I will use hadith too. But main focus will be Quran. Then I will try to clear few doubts that they make about Hadith. But because there is no limit to the human stupidity. So if I will make the main goal of this subject just to replay to those questions then it will start a never-ending chain of questions and answers, and we will not be able to give our main topic time at all. Therefore, those doubts and arguments will be cleared Insha’Allah in the topic itself.

2. What is the main reason of this upheaval (fitna)
The main reason of this upheaval to take place in the mind is the weak faith toward the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him). When someone lack in clarity in Aqeeda and Iman (Faith), & have confused or damaged concept of Toheed and Risalat, Then instead of finding the connection between them, they try to make Toheed (oneness of Allah) superior by decreasing the value of Risalat (Prophet hood) of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him).
Ofcource, Toheed is superior and it comes first. Mixing both will be wrong. Toheed can never become Risalat and Risalat can never become Toheed. However, make one thing clear, Risalat is not something against toheed. Toheed and Risalat are not two separate things, but actually, Toheed and Risalat are connected to each other. We cannot separate them. We cannot understand Toheed without Risalat and we cannot understand Risalat without Toheed. Therefore, if someone is giving importance to Toheed and not to Risalat then he is not on the right path at all.

In Quran, Allah narrates the story of Hazrat Yakoob AS when he asked his sons that whom they will worship after His Death. And definitely, there is something very important in this question and answer that Allah made it the part of Holy Quran, which is the book of whole human kind. Now look at the conversation.
(2:133)"Were you present (at the time) when death approached Ya‘qub (Jacob) when he asked his sons: ‘Whom will you worship after (my passing away)?’ They said: ‘We shall worship your God, the God of your ancestors Ibrahim (Abraham) and Isma‘il (Ishmael) and Ishaq (Isaac), Who is the One and Only God; and we (all) shall remain obedient to Him.’"

Now pay attention to above verse of Quran. Near death time of Prophet Yakoob As. He asked his sons a question that "whom they will worship after him?"
Straight forward and easy answer would be "we will worship Allah".
If we were there, we would give this answer. But no. It would be a wrong answer. Because look at what Hazrat Yakoob As's son's replied. They said "We will worship your God. and the God of your ancestors Ibraheem As, Ismaeel As, and Ishaaq As".
So actually, they did not try to separate Toheed from Risalat. They told there father that they came to know about God through God's Prophets.
So this was the answer that Allah liked so much that Allah made it the part of Holy Quran. This is what Allah is teaching Muslim Uma. To not to separate Risalat from Toheed. Cause prophets are the people who passed us the teachings of Allah not only by Allah's words but also by their actions and sayings. Cause if just Allah's words were enough then there was no need of choosing prophets and making them sin less. Allah chose Prophets and make their characters sinless so that people will be inspired by them and then they will listen to them. And once the character of a Prophet is above any doubt then the message he is spreading also becomes above any doubt. And very importantly, "when a character and the words of prophet are above all doubts then there is no border saying that only the words of Allah that prophet tells are above doubt and rest we don’t believe. But whatever Prophet says becomes above doubts."

And Allah says
(4:64): And We have not sent any Messenger but that he must be obeyed by the command of Allah. And, (O Beloved,) if they, having wronged their souls, had come to you imploring the forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) had also asked forgiveness for them, then (owing to this mediation and intercession) they would certainly have found Allah Most Relenting, Ever-Merciful.

Allah says in above verse that it is the command of Allah to obey a Messenger. Look at the verse again, where did Allah says just to obey only the words of God a messenger tells? And not even that Allah also telling that if someone committed any sin then THEY WILL COME TO YOU TO ASK THE FORGIVENESS OF ALLAH. and MESSENGER HAD ALSO ASKED FORGIVENESS FOR THEM. THEN THEY WILL FOUND ALLH MERCIFUL.
Tell me. IF Allah is giving importance to what Messenger says then who are people not to give importance to his words? Those who still think that hadith have no authority. They should think again. Its Allah's command to obey whatever Messenger says. Means when Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) is saying something (hadith), doing something (sunnat), allowing something, stopping something. And people listen to him and do whatever he says, then they are not just obeying him but actually, they are obeying what Allah ordered them in Quran.

And Further Allah says.
(4:150,151): 150. "Surely, those who disbelieve in Allah and His Messengers and seek to discriminate between Allah and His Messengers and say: ‘We believe in some and deny the others,’ and intend to find a way in between (belief and disbelief),..They are the ones who are in fact the disbelievers. And We have prepared a humiliating torment for the disbelievers."

In above verses Allah mentioned 3 things about disbelievers. 2nd one is "and seek to discriminate between Allah and His Messengers".
It can’t be mean that Messengers are actually Allah (nouzubillah) because that would be shirk. So what it means then? ya it’s very clear it means that it’s the character of disbeliever who says that I believe in Allah and not his messengers. Means that whoever believes in the authority of Allah's words and he not the authority of his messenger's words is also disbeliever.
So now the people who give importance to Quran and not to hadith. They should check themselves where they stand. In believers group or non-believer’s group?

Make it clear. Once Allah chose someone as his Prophet, He can never go wrong and follow his own desire or the devil. And same is with our prophet (peace be upon Him)
Allah says
(53:2): "He who bestowed on you his companionship (The Messenger) has never lost his way, nor has he (ever) strayed from the right path."
So whatever he talks is for sure the right path.
Allah says
(7:157): (They are the people) who follow the Messenger, the Prophet (titled as) al-Ummi, whose (eminent attributes) these people find written in the Torah and the Injil (Gospel); who enjoins on them virtues and forbids them vices, declares wholesome things lawful and impure ones unlawful for them and removes from them their heavy burdens and yokes (i.e., shackles) weighing upon them (due to their acts of disobedience and blesses them with freedom). So those who will believe in this (most exalted Messenger [blessings and peace be upon him]) and venerate and revere him and serve and support him (in his Din [Religion]) and follow this light (the Qur’an) that has been sent down with him, it is they who will flourish and prosper.’
Reading the above verses tells us that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) never lost his way and Allah then tells that He (Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) allow and forbid things and whatever Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) says (other than Quran) is hadith and sunnah. And who ever believes in his authority is actually on the right path. Now who doesn’t admit his authority, can he also be on right path?
No, he cannot. Therefore, it is as important to follow Sunnah and hadith as it is important to follow Quran. Cause it is the order of Allah.

3. Where this upheaval (fitna) started

Make it clear that not to accept the authority of haddes is not something new.
This fitna took place in the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him). The founder of this thinking was a person from Tribe Tamim. His name was "Abdullah bin zil-khowesra al-tamime". He was the first person to challenge the authority of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
In Hadees his whole story is mentioned.
It was narrated that Abu Saeed Al-Khudri said: “When he was in Yemen, ‘Ali sent a piece of gold that was still mixed with Sediment to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon Him) and the Messenger of Allah distributed it among four People: Al-Aqra’ bin Habis Al-HanzalI, ‘Uyaynah bin Badr Al- Fazari, ‘Alqamah bin ‘Ulathah Al ‘Amiri, who was from Banu Kilab and Zaid At-Ta’i who was from Banu Nabhan. The Quraish” — he said one time “the chiefs of the Quraish” — “became angry and said: ‘You give to the chiefs of Najd and not to us?’ He said: ‘I only did that, so as to soften their hearts toward Islam.’ Then a man with a thick beard, prominent cheeks, sunken eyes, a high forehead, and a shaven head came and said: ‘Fear Allah, Muhammad!’ He said: ‘Who would obey Allah if I disobeyed Him? (Is it fair that) He has entrusted me with all the people of the Earth but you do not trust me?’ Then the man went away, and a man from among the people, whom they (the narrators) think was Khalid bin Al Walid, asked for permission to kill him. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon Him) said: ‘Among the offspring of this man will be some people who will recite the Qur’an but it will not go any further than their throats. They will kill the Muslims but leave the idol worshippers alone, and they will pass through Islam as an arrow passes through the body of the target. If I live to see them, I will kill them all, as the people of ‘Aad were killed.”
(Sahi Bukhari, no 3414, Sahi Muslim, no 1064, Sunan e Nisai)

The name of this person was "abdullah bin zil khowersa al tamime". He used to say his prayer, recite Quran and all other things that Muslim’s do. His only thought that took him out of Islam was that he raised his finger and challenged the authority of Prophet Muhammad. And Prophet also said that among his offspring will be people who will recite Quran but they will be out of Islam and he further said "if I live to see them I will kill them like the people of aad". We all know about "Ashra Mubshra" (10 people who were given the news that they will be in heaven by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) in this world). So when Prophet tells a person that he will be in heaven. We believe that he will. So if Prophet says about the people who are out of Islam. Can we even imagine that they are still Muslims?
Today! see the People who don’t admit the authority of hadith and sunnah today. Aren’t they same like Prophet said? they talk about Quran, which to a normal person feels very religious. They appear very religious, like Muslim’s and they never talked about non-muslims instead their actions just spread fitna among muslims and its there life's goal to take people away from Hadith and Sunnah where as Allah said in Quran

(33:21):"In truth, in Allah’s Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) there is for you a most perfect and beautiful model (of life) for every such person that expects and aspires to (meeting) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah abundantly."

According the the above verse of Quran, Allah made Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) a model of muslim then the question is, what is model made for if not to follow? And to be very clear. Allah did not say that Prophet Muhammad's teaching of Quran is model. Instead, Allah said that he himself (peace be upon Him) is the model. So tell me whatever he said (hadith) and did (Sunnah) are to follow or not to follow? Answer is "ofcource they are to follow cause that’s why Allah made him the model and told us that he never is out of the right path".

About that person "abdullah bin zil khowersa al tamime"! Allama ibn e tamila says in his "Majmooa Fatawa" that "this person was the first "Biddati" (bad inovator) in the history of Islam".
And then like the Prophet Said some people who had the same thought did appeared in the time of Hazrat Ali (the 4th kalaph of islam), and that group was called as "khawarji". Hazrat Ali (RZ) fought against them. They use to say the same thing. "That authority only belongs to Allah."
To a normal person, this thing seems very good. No doubt. However, if you use some thinking, you will know that the real reason behind saying this was not to submit yourself to Allah. However, there main goal was not to accept the authority of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him). Then with time this fitna appeared in different shapes and groups. Recently this fitna appeared with a new name "Pervazi". This group says the same as "khawaraj" use to say. That Quran is enough for us and there is no need of Hadith or Sunnah now.
Do not get confused by their appearance or words, whoever will try to challenge the authority of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) is out of Islam. No matter they recite quranic verses or anything. Whoever will follow them will also be out of Islam.

4. Hadith & Sunnah's significance

a) Hadith Significance
Before going to the topic, let me clear few things first.
1st: There were more than one ways that Allah sent his revelations to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him). They are mentioned in Quran
Allah says
(42:51): "And every man does not have the faculty that Allah should speak to him (directly) except by Revelation, or from behind a veil, or by sending some angel as a messenger to reveal with His permission what Allah may will. Surely, He is Most High, Most Wise."
Means there are ways that Allah sent his revelations that even angels are not aware of, it is when Allah speak directly to a prophet or form behind a veil.

2nd: It is mention in seerat books that angel Jabreel AS visited Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) about 12 to 24 thousand times. (Here let us assume its 12 thousand). And each time 3 to 10 verses of Quran were reviled. (Here let’s assume that just 1 verse was reviled at a time).
And Quran have 6346 verses. So if angel Jabreel as came to prophet Muhammad 12000 times and 6346 times it was just Quran then what about the rest 5654 times? Jabreel As didnt came all those 5654 times just to have little chit chat or just to kill time. Jabreel AS is a messenger so each time when he came to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him), it was a message from Allah. So where are those messages? And do not forget, message through an angel is just one way of sending revelations. Other 2 ways are when Allah speaks directly to the Prophet or from behind a veil (as he spoke to Prophet Moses). So where 5654 messages from Jabreel As and messages from Allah when he spoke directly and from behind a veil gone?
(Don’t forget this number 5654 is only true when we assumed that Jabreel AS came to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) just 12000 times and each time just 1 verse of Quran was reviled. Reality is Jabreel AS came to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) more than 12000 times and the least number of verses reviled at one time were 3 and most number was 10).

The answer is. Blessed Prophet received two types of divine revelations.
One is, the spoken [matluww] and the second, the unspoken [ghair-matluww].
Matluww revelation is Quran and ghair-matluww is Hadees and Seerat.
An indication of the roots of the unspoken revelation can be found in the ayas of the Quran. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:
(2:143): "... And We appointed the Qibla (the direction of Prayer), which you used to face before, only to bring to light (by trial) who would follow (Our) Messenger and who would turn back upon his heels. And this (change of Qibla) was indeed a hard task, but not for those whom Allah blessed with guidance....."
To gain a broader understanding of this aya, it is important that we look into its historical background.
Shortly after the migration to Madina, the Blessed Prophet and the ýaúóba ? were told to pray towards Masjid al-Aqüó in Jerusalem. Masjid al-Aqüó became the qibla of the Muslims for seventeen months. After seventeen months, the order to pray towards Masjid al-Aqüó was abrogated and Muslims were ordered to pray towards Makka. This order was established through the following aya:
(2:144): "(O Beloved! (Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him)) We have been watching your radiant face turning frequently towards heaven. So We will indeed make you turn towards that Qibla (direction of Prayer) with which you feel pleased. So turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque now. And, wherever you are, (O Muslims,) turn your faces towards it. And those who have been given the Book definitely know that this (commandment of changing the Qibla) is the truth from their Lord. And Allah is not unaware of the works they are doing."

So in (2:143) Allah mentions the first order, which was to face towards Jerusalem, as His own order. This impresses upon the reader the fact that Allah himself was behind the order to face Masjid al-Aqüó. But when we read the Qur’an we do not find any such aya in which Allah ordered the Muslims to pray towards Jerusalem.
The fact is that this order came from the Blessed Prophet and not from any aya of the Quran. The aya does not say, “The Blessed Prophet enacted the order…” rather it says, “We appointed the qibla….”
The proof is so self-evident it does not require any further clarification. This clear statement from the Qur’an regarding the order given by the Blessed Prophet? demonstrates a fundamental belief about the aúódõth of the Blessed Prophet ?: that they are a form of revelation. And this is what is known as the unspoken or unrecited revelation.

There are many verses of Quran that indicate the unspoken revelation. I'll just mention few without explaining them.

(9:25): "Assuredly, Allah has helped you on a great many occasions and (in particular) on the day of Hunayn, when the superiority of your (numerical strength) exhilarated you. Then that (numerical superiority) could not prove to you of any avail, and the earth, despite its vast expanse, narrowed for you, and then you turned your backs in retreat."
..Nowhere in Quran it is mentioned what help.

(9:40): "If you do not help him (the Holy Messenger, then what!). Indeed, Allah helped him (also at the time) when the disbelievers drove him away (from Makka) whilst he was the second of the two (emigrants). Both were in the cave (of Mount Thawr) when he said to his Companion: ‘Do not grieve. Allah is surely with us.’ So, Allah sent down His serenity upon him, and strengthened him by means of such armies (of angels) that you could not see, and He made the word of the disbelievers the lowermost, and Allah’s Word is (always) the uppermost and exalted. And Allah is Almighty, Most Wise.
..If you don’t get help from hadees then you will never know who was the second person.

(80:1-2): "A feeling of uneasiness came upon his (holy) face, and he turned aside his (radiant) face, because a blind man approached him"
..Now without knowing hadees. you can never understand what this incident was.

There are many examples like this, so I’m skipping the rest. Just want to make a point that to understand Quran we need hadees o sunnah. Otherwise we can never understand what Allah is telling in his book.

b)Sunnah's significance:
I can say many things about the significance of Sunnah, but my words can never be as good as Allah's words. So I will just post few verses of Quran where Allah called the actions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him), His (Allah's) own actions.

1. (8:17): "It is not you who killed the disbelievers (who initiated war against you) but it is Allah Who killed them, and, (O Glorious Beloved,) when you smote (them with pebbles), it was not you who smote them, but Allah smote, (so) that He confers upon the believers great favors from Him. Allah is indeed All-Hearing, All-Knowing."

2. (48:10): "(O Beloved!) Indeed, those who pledge allegiance to you in fact pledge allegiance to Allah alone. Allah’s hand is over their hands (in the form of your hand). Then whoever breaks his pledge breaks it only to his own harm. But he who fulfills what he has promised to Allah, He will bless him with immense reward."

Now a very simple question. Who's hand actually smote the pebbles? and on who's hand Muslims were pledging allegiance to?
Answer is very simple...it was the hand of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him). But Allah says that it was not him on both occasions but it was Allah himself, just to tell us that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) was not doing those things on his own, but it was an order from Allah himself. That’s why Allah said that it was not you but it was I.
And same like the above mentioned, all the things Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) performed were because of revelations from Allah. And Allah even mentioned it in Quran

3. (53:2-5): "2: He (pbuh) who bestowed on you his companionship, has never lost his way, nor has he (ever) strayed from the right path. 3:And he does not speak out of his (own) desire. 4: His speech is nothing but Revelation, which is sent to him. 5: (The Lord) of Mighty Powers (directly) conferred on him (perfect) knowledge,"

Pay attenction to above verses now. Where did Allah said that "He (pbuh) dosnt speaks of Quranic verses out of his own desire and that is sent by Allah?" no where. Allah said that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) does not speak out of his own desire" means Allah is not telling about just Quran. Infect Allah is telling that "What ever Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) says is revelation. Because in the first verse mentioned, Allah before any thing else first clarifies that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) never lost his way and he is always on right path. Concentrate on the word "NEVER". It means not only when he is telling Quran but also on other times. Means Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is always on right path. So if he is always on right path then it means every time he speaks either it is Allah's words (Quran) or his own words. They are never wrong. Because he is not speaking because of his desire but when ever he is speaking, he is speaking because Allah conferred on him knowledge and revelation that is sent to him.
Now who ever says that Quran has authority and Hadees dosnt. Where did they get there reference from? Because obviously Allah havent used the words "Quran only" when telling us that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) what ever speaks is because of a revelation and knowledge that Allah sent to him.

5. Qurah have everything explained in it?

The biggest Question that people who deny the authority of Hadees o Sunnah, raise is by mentioning the following 2 verses of Quran improperly

1. (16:89): "....... And We have revealed to you that Glorious Book which is a clear exposition of everything and is guidance, mercy and glad tidings for the believers."

2. (6:154): ".......and (revealed it) as explanation of everything and as guidance and mercy, so that they might believe in meeting with their Lord."

This is true. Quran have explained everything in it, BUT only when you obey Allah's order to follow Hadit and Sunnah too (as i explained in above subjects).
If someone will cut the hadith and sunnah aside and will follow just Quran and still hope that it will explain everything. Then he is totally wrong.
With reading just Quran and not the hadith and Sunnah we cannot even understand the basic orders of Allah. For example

1. (5:1): "O believers! Fulfil (your) promises. The quadrupeds (i.e., cattle) have been made lawful for you except those (animals) that will be announced to you afterwards. (But) when clad in ihram (the Pilgrim’s sacred dress), do not presume hunting lawful. Surely, Allah ordains what He wills."

And in different places of Quran the animals which are allowed to eat are, camel, she camel, cow, bull and goats of some kind.
Now if you will ignore the hadith and sunnah and just stick to the Quran then a question raises. The above mentioned animals are not the only animals in the world. There are many more like. Dog, cat, tiger, lion, bear, rabbit, sparrow and the list goes on and on and on, now what about them? Are they eatable? Or not eatable? or some are and some are not? which ones are and which ones are not?
Quran doesn’t tells this detail. So if not to look to hadith o sunnah now then what other way we have? And nauzubillah if we will not look toward hadith o Sunnah for further guidance then the above mentioned verses of Quran go wrong. That Allah is saying that everything is mentioned and here we can name thousand animals, which are not mentioned. So what the people who deny the authority of sunnah say now?

There are many examples like that which we can found in Quran, im just gonna give 2 examples and then move on to the next subject

2. In Quran Allah gives us order to say our prayers. Qayam, Ruku and Sajda both are mentioned in Quran. But they are just mentioned. Nowhere in Quran we can get the detail that what should we do first. Qayam, Ruku or sajda? If Qayam first then how to stand? on one foot or both feet? In Ruku how much we should bend? in which direction?

So if we will not contact Hadith o Sunnah, we will never know the right way of saying prayer, without Hadith o Sunnah, we can’t even say our prayer.

3. In Quran Allah ordered us to give Zaqat (charity). Without hadith o Sunnah how will we know when to give Zaqat? and How much zaqat on different things? mean if someone have gold, and other person have silver and then some other person have wheat. will they all pay same amount of Zaqat or what? Quran doesn’t gives details about these matters. So if not hadith o Sunnah then what other way of knowing all this?

6. Authority of hadith according to Quran
Before going further in this topic, i would like to ask a question to the people who deny the authority of hadith o sunnah. Question is, There are many verses of Quran in which Allah tells us (muslims) to obey Him(Allah) and Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) aswell. And obeying Allah means Obeying every thing Allah said in Quran and obeying Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) means obeying every thing that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said and did. So thats why we accept the authority of hadit o sunnah, i mean Quran is our reference to accept hadith o sunnah. But they (who deny) dont admit the authority of hadith o sunnah and only Quran then where in Quran Allah said not to admit the authority of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?
There is no place in Quran Allah said only to accept quran and not to hadith or sunnah. It is just a self made concept of some so called muslims. Quran infect tells at so many places to obey Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that i cant write them all here. So i am just going to write few and you will see your self that when it is the matter of obeying, Allah added the name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with his name. Means we have to obey the authority of both.

Allah says in Quran

(3:32): " Say! Obey Allah and the Messenger. Then, should they turn back, Allah does not love the disbelievers."

(3:132): "And obey Allah and the Messenger; that ye may obtain mercy."

(3:164): "Indeed, Allah conferred a great favour on the believers that He raised amongst them (the most eminent) Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) from amongst themselves, who recites to them His Revelations, purifies them, and educates them on the Book and Wisdom though, before that, they were in manifest error."

In above verse Allah tells us the duty of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), one is that he recites him the revelations (means recites Quran). But look at rest of them.
a. Purifies them,
b. educates them on the book and wisdom

(So how can some one purifies a person and educate him if that person will not accept his authority? Reciting Quran is not enough unless Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) educate them too with the help of Quran and WISDOM. what is wisdom? obviously the word and actions of Holy Prophet. So as we have to admit the authority of Quran, we also have to admit the authority of his Wisdom.)

(4:61): "And when they are asked to come to what Allah has revealed (the Qur’an) and to the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him), you will see that the hypocrites turn away from you."

(subhanAllah! indeed Allah knows every thing. In this verse Allah said that when hypocrites are asked to come to Allah and His Messenger (pbuh). They will turn away from you (means Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)). Means they will never say no to Allah but cause they are hypocrites so they will say no to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). same like the people who admit the authority of Quran but say no to hadith or sunnah.)

(4:65): “So, (O Beloved,) by your Lord, they cannot become true believers until they make you a judge in every dispute that arises amongst them, and thereafter they do not feel any resentment in their hearts against the judgment that you make, and submit (to your decision) gladly, with total submission.”

(Again! Allah didnt said that until they will make Quran a judge in every dispute. Allah gave this authority to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He (pbuh) will judge according to the rules that Allah made but words will be his(pbuh) own. which are called hadith)

(4:80): “Whosoever follows the Blessed Prophet(pbuh) has followed Allah. ”

(5:92): "Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and beware (of evil): if ye do turn back, know ye that it is Our Messenger's duty to proclaim (the message) in the clearest manner."

(16:44): “....And, (O Glorious Messenger,) We have revealed to you the Glorious Reminder (the Qur’an) so that you may explain clearly to people that have been sent down to them and that they may meditate.”

(Very important! Allah said that He revealed Quran so that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will explain it to people. Now Quran is Allah's word. so What is the explanation of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is then? Ofcource its hadith o Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). And if hadith o sunnah was not there, It would be impossible for us to understand Quran because Allah who sent that quran knows better, thats why he made it the duty of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to explain it. So if one will not accept hadith o sunnah then how can he accept and understand Quran?)

(24:54): "Say, :Obey Allah and obey the messenger. But if you turn away, then on him (the messenger) lies (the responsibility of) what he is burdened with, and on you lies (the responsibility of) what you are burdened with. And if you obey him, you will get the right path. The duty of the Messenger is no more than to convey the message clearly."

(Pay attenction to what Allah said "And if you obey him, you will get the right path" . Allah didnt said "just obey Me or My Quran", Allah said to obey His Messenger (pbuh) whom Allah made a model for us. And he is the one who will show us the practical implimentation of Quranic verses by his words (hadith) and actions (sunnah))

(24:63): “Do not take the call of the messenger among you as a call of one of you to another. Allah definitely knows those of you who sneak out hiding themselves under the cover of others. So, those who violate his (messenger‘s) order must beware, lest they are visited by a trial or they are visited by a painful punishment.”

(Allah says! who violate Messenger's order will be visited by a pain ful punishment. Allah didnt said that who violate Quran. So if Messenger (pbuh) is mentioned it means what every Messenger orders. Either its Quran or Hadith o Sunnah)

(59:7): “……And whatever the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) gives you, take that and whatever he forbids you, abstain (from that) ……..”

(Pay attenction on the word "Whatever". In whatever, Every thing is included. Quran and both Hadith o Sunnah)

Their are so many verses other then the above mentioned which says the same thing. To obey Allah and His Messenger (pbuh) both. Obeying Allah means obeying His Book. And obeying His Messenger (pbuh) means Obeying his every word. (which are both Quran and hadith). Allah didnt differentiate any where in Quran to follow just Quran and not the hadith o Sunnah.

7. When and who started the compilation of Hadees

People who deny the authority of Hadith says that "hadith was written 2 centuries after Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). So if we can not accept bible which was written 60 years after Prophet Esa As, then how can we accept Hadith?" Plus "Hadith was written by non arabs, so we can not accept it"

This is totally wrong. In reality, compilation of hadith started in the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on His own order.
During the end of his life, the Blessed Prophet ? abrogated this restriction and gave permission for everyone to write his aúódõth. He said, “Write! There is no harm.”
(Tadrõb al-Rówõ, pg.286)

Once he said, “Preserve knowledge by writing it.”
(Jómi‘a Bayón al-‘Ilm, pg.72)

‘Abd Allóh ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘ôü said that the Blessed Prophet told him, “Preserve the knowledge.”
He replied, “How should I preserve it?”
He said, “By writing it.”
(Mustadrak ûókim, 1/106)

This is why many collections of aúódõth were compiled during the lifetime of the Blessed Prophet (pbuh)
For example, there is the al-ýaúõfat al-ýódiqa [The Authentic Scroll] in which ‘Abd Allóh ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘ôü ? wrote all the aúódõth of the Blessed Prophet. He himself said: I wrote whatever I heard from the Blessed Prophet ? and memorized it. Some members of Quraish discouraged me from recording the aúódõth. They said, “Do you write whatever you hear from the Prophet? He is a man; sometimes he jokes and sometimes he gets angry like any other person.”
What they meant was that the Blessed Prophet ? may get angry or joke and say what he did not mean to say, therefore one should not write down everything he says. ‘Abd Allóh ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘ôü brought this to the Blessed Prophet’s ? attention. The Blessed Prophet pointed to his lips and said, “I swear in the name of Allah, in whose hands is my life, that nothing but truth comes from these two lips.”
(Sunan Abo Dawud)

It is known that Abñ Huraira ? recorded the largest collection of aúódõth, which was also documented. Imam Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr narrates on the authority of ûasan ibn ‘Amr, who says:
I narrated a úadith to Abñ Huraira ? but he rejected it. I said, “I have heard this úadith from you.”
He said, “If you have heard this úadith from me, then I must have it written down.” He held my hand and took me to his room. He showed me his library of books that comprised of his narrations from the Blessed Prophet ?. He found the úadith I had narrated in the books. After that, Abñ Huraira ? said to me, “Did I not tell you that if I narrated any úadith to you I must have it written down?”
(Mustadrak ûókim, 3/584)

Anas ? also wrote down his collection of aúódõth. Sa‘õd ibn Hilól says in the Mustadrak of ûókim: When we asked a lot of questions, Anas ? pulled out a big bag, opened it and would say, “These are the aúódõth that I have heard from the Blessed Prophet ?. I wrote them down and have already shown them to the Blessed Prophet ?.”
(Mustadrak ûókim, 3/664)

Sayyidina Abu Huraira (RA) reported that an Ansari man used to sit in the Prophet’s assembly. He heard from him his ahadith and loved them much, but he could not remember them. So, he complained about it to Allah’s Messenger (SAW) saying “O Messenger of Allah (SAW) (SAW) do hear from you the hadith and love them, but I do not remember them” So Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said “Seek help with your right hand “ and gestured with his hand that he should write them down.
(jamia Turmazi, vol 2, no 575)

Narrated Abu Huraira:
When Allah gave victory to His Apostle over the people of Mecca, Allah's Apostle stood up among the people and after glorifying Allah, said, "Allah has prohibited fighting in Mecca and has given authority to His Apostle and the believers over it, so fighting was illegal for anyone before me, and was made legal for me for a part of a day, and it will not be legal for anyone after me. Its game should not be chased, its thorny bushes should not be uprooted, and picking up its fallen things is not allowed except for one who makes public announcement for it, and he whose relative is murdered has the option either to accept a compensation for it or to retaliate." Al-'Abbas said, "Except Al-ldhkhir, for we use it in our graves and houses." Allah's Apostle said, "Except Al-ldhkhir." Abu Shah, a Yemenite, stood up and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Get it written for me." Allah's Apostle said, "Write it for Abu Shah." (The sub-narrator asked Al-Auza'i): What did he mean by saying, "Get it written, O Allah's Apostle?" He replied, "The speech which he had heard from Allah's Apostle ."
(Sahi Bukhari, Vol 1, no 2329)

There are so many Hadith's in this regard that i can not cover all of them in this short subject. I just wanted to clear the point that writing hadith was not some thing happen 200 years after Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) but it actually started in the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)'s time on his command.
So Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was written and narratted by his companions. Companions narratted those hadith to the next generations.
Now i'll just write the names of compilers of some famous books of hadiths just to clear the fact that most of those people were arabs.

In the life of Prophet till the end of first century, it were the companions of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who narratted and taught hadith to the next generation. After them there were so many Muhaddis (compilers of Hadith), that it is literally impossible to write names of every one. Im just writing the name of some famous ones just to give an idea.
Muhadseen(compilers) . . . . Tribe . . . . . . Year of death (hijri)
1. Imam Malik . . . . . . . .ZeSabah . . . . . 179
2. Imam Shafi . . . . . . . .Qureish . . . . . 204
3. Imam Humaidi . . . . . . .Qureish . . . . . 219
4. Imam Ishaaq bin Rabuiya. .Banu Tamim . . . .238
5. Imam Ahmad bin Hambal. . .Banu Shaiban. . . 214
6. Imam Darmi . . . . . . . .Banu Tamim . . . .255
7. Imam Muslim . . . . . . . Bano Qushair. . . 262
8. Imam Abo Dawood. . . . . .Bano Azlaa . . . .275
9. Imam Turmazi . . . . . . .Bano Saleem. . . .279
10.Imam Haris bin abi salma .Bano Tamim . . . .282
11.Imam Abo Bakar Bazzar . ..Bano Azar . . . . 292
12.Imam Nasai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303

Now Some non Arab muhadseen
1. Imam Ibn e Abo Shaiba. . ...................235
2. Imam Bukhari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .256
3. Imam Ibn E Maja . . . . . . . . . . . . .273
4. Imam Ibn e Khuzaima . . . . . . . . . . . .311

So now we know that it were the companions of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who started the compilation and naratting of Hadith and it was passed on from generations to generations. And to make it even more authentic. Aulma created another branch of knowledge known as "Ilm ul Asmaa o Rajal", where the name and life of each and every narattor was searched and saved in books so that no lier can clame some words as hadith by making them by him self.

The benefit of hadith started right after the death of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) when people didnt know where to burry his (pbuh)'s body. So Respectable Abo Bakar RZ said that he heard from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that "Allah's Prophet is burried at the place where he dies". From that day till now and till the day of judgment, Hadith and sunnah are like light in darkness for us. And by this light we understand Quran and other things of life.
May Allah help us in understanding and gaining the knowledge of Quran o Hadith. Aameen @Aeronaut @Oscar @Armstrong @HAIDER @RazPaK @Secur @Talon @mafiya @Pakistanisage @Chak Bamu @TaimiKhan @RazorMC @Areesh @Abu Zolfiqar @Rafi @darkinsky @LoveIcon @niaz @DESERT FIGHTER @Hyperion @Raja.Pakistani @Spring Onion
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