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Yes.... It's really sad.... We are not as lucky as Pakistan to get everything for free of cost....

Exactly and Even after paying for all that you shoot down your own helicopter killing your own IAF personnel.
No they are not

According to our resident Caliph

The Caliphate has drones capable of going into space

The Turkish Raiders at Mesosphere

That puts Caliphate ahead of all nations in space weaponization

Backward nations like USA, China, Russia and India all rely on ground launched ASAT missiles for space weaponization

Either that or it could be just some religious ethno-nationalist delusions
No one argued against don't know why you Indians are always so butt hurt about the minuet things.As far as backward Nations are considered you can definitely leave India on that list.
Well , maybe you are right. But still I look at drones as Pack of waves. They are only worthy ( in case of a country like Pakistan with good air defence) when used in large numbers on a single specific area. A drone that cost purchase+logistics+weapons above $100 million doesn't fulfill this specific conditions and requirements. Indian can risk a $60 million Su-35 in Pakistani airspace, India can not risk a $250 million Rafael in Pakistani airspace and India can certainly not risk a $100 million drone in Pakistani airspace. You needed small powerfull drones.
India is purchasing these drones for improving its C4ISR capabilities

You are confusing UCAVs with ISR drones
Just great - Everyone knows that MQ-9 is the best drone available at the present day but since India is getting it, it is being trolled here...
India will never have a courage to use them for surgical strikes, the 'Abhi-non-done' episode is 'PIA' fir them.
'Burnol' is the only remedy for Indians for their discomfort.
The US defense industries are tearing apart the buyers! The reaper class Turkish drones cost around 6 to 7m $ at the factory gate….
Americans are smart they boosted Indians made them rich now they will take back 20x from India and sell fear!

gg AMerica!
Just great - Everyone knows that MQ-9 is the best drone available at the present day but since India is getting it, it is being trolled here...

The thing under debate in the overall price package of the drone, not the capabilities. The drone is very much capable.
The thing under debate in the overall price package of the drone, not the capabilities. The drone is very much capable.

Price includes additional sensors, infra, training, maintenance support contracted for a decade.
Its same as rest of weapon imports from foreign sources.
Simmilar to Rafale where India has already built facilities for additional 3 squadrons.
And in consequences would lose number aerial asset.

Now one can understand why the drama of drone attacks on an indian base was conducted by these clowns ....
nahh, will be shot down, cant do that

Man, they need excuses...yeah the ever lame excuses for defence purchase and earn good money in personal account. The denial on 26th Feb and hard beating on 27th Feb, 2019 made them to defend corruption in Rafale deal. The drama and false flag attack on IAF facility and then using the so-called terrorism term in IoK, is all good to convince Indian masses to accept defence purchases. India's intentions along with the very biased supporting selling by US, is directly aimed at Pakistan and China and that's the reality. For IoK, India has crossed every limit of savagery and barbaric acts since, 37 Kashmiris are martyred in last month alone. IoK is under continuous lockdown and massacre continues since then. They don't need MQ9 reapers or there's no way to operate freely.
Just great - Everyone knows that MQ-9 is the best drone available at the present day but since India is getting it, it is being trolled here...

Not the drone quality but may be, operated by India is more of a concern.
Not the drone quality but may be, operated by India is more of a concern.

Unsure, what do you mean by operated by India.

If I look at the history then Pakistan armed force was having more deadliest types of equipment than the Indian armed forces but failed to capitalize.

All are human and individual capability and planning - and sometimes luck...

A hater mindset is only caused for such thoughts against your enemy. Does not matter who is your enemy, never underestimate your enemy's capabilities.
Unsure, what do you mean by operated by India.

If I look at the history then Pakistan armed force was having more deadliest types of equipment than the Indian armed forces but failed to capitalize.

All are human and individual capability and planning - and sometimes luck...

A hater mindset is only caused for such thoughts against your enemy. Does not matter who is your enemy, never underestimate your enemy's capabilities.

By going through your post, you are 100% sure what I said and you have explained India very well especially, the hate part.
Exactly and Even after paying for all that you shoot down your own helicopter killing your own IAF personnel.

Happens sometimes.... if I haven't heard wrong Pakistan airforce has lost F16 in friendly fire during zia rule....
Happens sometimes.... if I haven't heard wrong Pakistan airforce has lost F16 in friendly fire during zia rule....

Easy tiger, last time you sent a high end (Israeli) drone over I think part of it is now a table top at PAF base Mushaf....
Unsure, what do you mean by operated by India.

If I look at the history then Pakistan armed force was having more deadliest types of equipment than the Indian armed forces but failed to capitalize.

All are human and individual capability and planning - and sometimes luck...

A hater mindset is only caused for such thoughts against your enemy. Does not matter who is your enemy, never underestimate your enemy's capabilities.

FEB 27th
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