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The analysis put out by most Indians continues to hit rock bottom.

Strikes in Azad Kashmir using the Reaper … :lol:
We should encourage them to do this. Would be a sight seeing reaper getting shot down by Anza 😃
It’s not the drones which are being bought, infrastructure, spares, maintenance, weapons, ground stations, SATCOM etc need to be paid as well.

Well , maybe you are right. But still I look at drones as Pack of waves. They are only worthy ( in case of a country like Pakistan with good air defence) when used in large numbers on a single specific area. A drone that cost purchase+logistics+weapons above $100 million doesn't fulfill this specific conditions and requirements. Indian can risk a $60 million Su-35 in Pakistani airspace, India can not risk a $250 million Rafael in Pakistani airspace and India can certainly not risk a $100 million drone in Pakistani airspace. You needed small powerfull drones.
Well , maybe you are right. But still I look at drones as Pack of waves. They are only worthy ( in case of a country like Pakistan with good air defence) when used in large numbers on a single specific area. A drone that cost purchase+logistics+weapons above $100 million doesn't fulfill this specific conditions and requirements. Indian can risk a $60 million Su-35 in Pakistani airspace, India can not risk a $250 million Rafael in Pakistani airspace and India can certainly not risk a $100 million drone in Pakistani airspace. You needed small powerfull drones.
These are for surveillance purposes mostly and if need arises then as a A2G platform. Predator-C Avenger UCAV is something IAF wants but what happened to it I don’t know, will be good if IAF goes for it.
We should encourage them to do this. Would be a sight seeing reaper getting shot down by Anza 😃
Its use as an offensive weapon system is limited to uncontested airspace. The Indians know this (and if they didn't, we kicked them in the nuts to make them understand on February 27th, 2019).

Most of this is just empty chest thumping as part of their project to continue brainwashing the domestic audience.

The Reaper will however be an excellent surveillance and intelligence asset, operating from Indian controlled airspace and not coming anywhere close to violating the no-fly zone (because Pakistan WILL shoot it down it it does).
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Turkish drones won't stand a chance against country with proper air defense system unlike Armenia or Libya
Does "proper air defense" means houthi in sandals?
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Indian Procurement is just bizarre, all three services require the exact same numbers of the exact same drones at the exact same time? Just like IAF got 22 Apaches and IA got 6!?

Really strange and does indicate Indian services still very much about pride, ego and oneupmanship.

Very bizarre.
Yes.... It's really sad.... We are not as lucky as Pakistan to get everything for free of cost....

No India gets millions of its own people killed

Then gets aid from Africa because of the disaster within India

Then acts big because it bought some drones from the U.S
No India gets millions of its own people killed

Then gets aid from Africa because of the disaster within India

Then acts big because it bought some drones from the U.S

At least we are buying drones to deal with enemies.... We are not loosing citizens in drone attacks for helping western countries on war on terrorism....

For taking help from African countries.... What is wrong with that??? Aren't they countries coming forward to help you in your bad times??? Or Pakistani fanboys now refuse to recognise them as a countries or feel offended if they offer you a simple helping hand???? Sorry India is not like that....
At least we are buying drones to deal with enemies.... We are not loosing citizens in drone attacks for helping western countries on war on terrorism....

For taking help from African countries.... What is wrong with that??? Aren't they countries coming forward to help you in your bad times??? Or Pakistani fanboys now refuse to recognise them as a countries or feel offended if they offer you a simple helping hand???? Sorry India is not like that....

Yaar you can't lose millions due to your own stupidity at the Kumb mela

Then unleash devastation upon your own country and be reliant on aid from across the world

Then act big when buying drones

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