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Rajiv Gandhi assassination: Date set for hanging

There is no use it talking to a Sri Lankan Sinhala in this issue.
If the three had to die by hanging, its a sacrifice they make to the cause which mattered more than their life.
They will be remembered as heros, not the cowards(SL Army) who shelled hospitals/Schools during the war

and the other fact is that North India, gives a **** about TAMIL NADU and her interest, but are interested to reap the benefits that are economically achived in TN and spend the money got out of TN to North India's cause.
lol...what looks like "brutal" truth to you is nothing but the brutishness the lankans have always exhibited towards the tamils....its because of this reason ltte was required...during its time the tamils were not respected but they were feared....now that fear is gone....dont misuse it...not good for you...or your nation's peace....

Some truths are bitter aren't they? The truth is if there is another war - like you keep threatening - the Sri Lankan Tamils would be completely destroyed in the island. They were about 12.6% of the SL population before the war began - I expect that is down to something like 6-7% of the Sri Lankan population today. Another 25 year war and that % is only going to go down. If you at all interested in the welfare of Sri Lankan Tamil (which you are not it appears) you would be trying to work for peace and economic development in the island so that that community can repair itself. The SL state on the other hand is well ready for another war with a large standing army.

if im not mistaken then there are muslims,christians and hindus among tamils....no ?

Muslims are considered a separate ethnic group' in Sri Lanka composed largely of Moors and Malays.
if im not mistaken then there are muslims,christians and hindus among tamils....no ?

I can't agree with samv, this won't happen such thing near future;)

nope, things are difference here. Muslims are consider as an ethnic, that's the name we use for them (They are actually moors).

Im sleepy now, if I see this tread active tomorrow, I'll explain about it.
Well..they are criminals for me & I wouldn't want them to get away with what they did. Good riddance !

i appreciate your pov as i dont think you are a tamil.....but my pov stands.....

they need to die because if not this will set a precedent but they do not die as criminals....

---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 PM ----------

There is no use it talking to a Sri Lankan Sinhala in this issue.
If the three had to die by hanging, its a sacrifice they make to the cause which mattered more than their life.
They will be remembered as heros, not the cowards(SL Army) who shelled hospitals/Schools during the war

true that !

and the other fact is that North India, gives a **** about TAMIL NADU and her interest, but are interested to reap the benefits that are economically achived in TN and spend the money got out of TN to North India's cause.

my request....no need to bring in north india....they are also indians and their pov may differ..there is no use in blaming them...as you need to be a tamil to understand the whole emotional angle to this problem...which they are not...no use in blaming them....
i appreciate your pov as i dont think you are a tamil.....but my pov stands.....

they need to die because if not this will set a precedent but they do not die as criminals....

---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 PM ----------

true that !

my request....no need to bring in north india....they are also indians and their pov may differ..there is no use in blaming them...as you need to be a tamil to understand the whole emotional angle to this problem...which they are not...no use in blaming them....

The POV for a murder can't be justified.. never ever..
why dont you listen to the "bs" told in Tamil nadu when we were hearing the bs spread about in lanka about "no warcrimes against tamils" and the lankan soldiers are angels poppycock....

Most of what the Indian Tamils are fed is BS by Tamil extremists like Vaiko and Nedumaran and ultranationalist Tamil newspapers. Indian Tamils are welcome to believe and do what they want because they are not a part of Sri Lanka. They are welcome to run around screaming about Sri Lanka, set themselves on fire and burn effigies of the Sri Lankan president. It's kind of amusing to watch really. Doesn't change the fact that many of them are misinformed about Sri Lanka and Sri Lankan issues. Many Indian Tamils are illiterate as well and are easily swayed by emotional propaganda and Tamil nationalism. That is why in Tamil Nadu film actors and actress are voted into power and votes can be bought with free grinders, tvs and washing machines.

they did "disappear"....its not like they did not....

Did they? Then more should have been 'disappeared' I think.

just because teh Indian tamil politicians did not do anything you go about blasting the shyt out of your own countrymen... ? what a lame excuse...

The Indian Tamil politicans who are screaming like banshees today could have pushed the LTTE to reach a negotiated settlement. Instead many of them OPENLY SUPPORTED the LTTE. Tamil Nadu was a base for LTTE operations. Now they are whining because the LTTE was defeated and shedding crocodile tears for Tamil civilians. Quite amusing really. Why not start by freeing the Sri Lankan Tamils kept locked up in 'refugee camps' in Tamil Nadu for the last two decades?

same thing im saying...you discriminate once again a whole bunch of people and treat them as second class citizens based on their ethnicity you will see bloodshed once again....history bears witness to that....

What discrimination?

the struggle aint over....unless the tamils get a fair deal in lanka as equal citizens...

Tamils will get what the SL state is prepared to give and what the majority of Sri Lankans (regardless of ethnicity) are happy with. Indian Tamils like you have no say in the matter.

If the three had to die by hanging, its a sacrifice they make to the cause which mattered more than their life.
They will be remembered as heros, not the cowards(SL Army) who shelled hospitals/Schools during the war

They killed an former Indian PM. Heroes huh? Bloody disgrace.

and the other fact is that North India, gives a **** about TAMIL NADU and her interest, but are interested to reap the benefits that are economically achived in TN and spend the money got out of TN to North India's cause.

Really?? How do you think we got ourselves involved in the Sri Lankan mess in the first place? If you really think that & are of the opinion that these scumbags are your heroes, then maybe you should stop commenting about matters that are important to us Indians & restrain yourself to speaking only about TN.
Some truths are bitter aren't they? The truth is if there is another war - like you keep threatening - the Sri Lankan Tamils would be completely destroyed in the island. They were about 12.6% of the SL population before the war began - I expect that is down to something like 6-7% of the Sri Lankan population today. Another 25 year war and that % is only going to go down. If you at all interested in the welfare of Sri Lankan Tamil (which you are not it appears) you would be trying to work for peace and economic development in the island so that that community can repair itself. The SL state on the other hand is well ready for another war with a large standing army.

these statements only prove that large scale war crimes happened during this war which you lankans are in denial about....and these statements again prove that you people still consider only the sinhalese as the citizens of lanka and tamils are to be treated again like second class which was the original cause for this conflict.....i dont see much hope....

look ..asking for accountability and justice to be served to those aqffected by the warcrimes of the lankan soldiers cannot and should not be washed away by the talks of peace and development...only those accountability can render the above two feasible....
LTTE cadres should be given the death penalty and not released back into society.

You are saying that you are ready to kill 10,000 to 15,000 men & women.

If there is another war, Tamils will be basically wiped out in Sri Lanka. Their society has already been devastated.

Good luck with eliminating 12% of your population.
The POV for a murder can't be justified.. never ever..

a murderer was murdered... nothing abhorrent here....as i said these three should be hung not for the murder of that turd rajiv..but for the others killed and that it will set a bad precedent....
my request....no need to bring in north india....they are also indians and their pov may differ..there is no use in blaming them...as you need to be a tamil to understand the whole emotional angle to this problem...which they are not...no use in blaming them....
I am not frustrated with the North Indians, I have been to SSB for NAVY selection and I'll be the only one from TN most of the time and I have had a good time with the rest of the North Indian Candidates who appeared for the SSB. I have made them understand what LTTE is all about and every one has had the empathy to realize the cause and birth of a seperatist faction.
Its the North Indian population which does not know what the Tamil cause is about that accuses the LTTE, and that frustrates me.
They killed an former Indian PM. Heroes huh? Bloody disgrace.

a disgrace of a pm who had the bloods of countless tamils on his hands....not to mention his already sikh-blood tainted hands....he was better off in the burning fires of hell...
a murderer was murdered... nothing abhorrent here.....

If that be your argument, surely you can have no beef with the Sri Lankans for doing what they did. Murderers were murdered, weren't they?
Most of what the Indian Tamils are fed is BS by Tamil extremists like Vaiko and Nedumaran and ultranationalist Tamil newspapers. Indian Tamils are welcome to believe and do what they want because they are not a part of Sri Lanka. They are welcome to run around screaming about Sri Lanka, set themselves on fire and burn effigies of the Sri Lankan president. It's kind of amusing to watch really. Doesn't change the fact that many of them are misinformed about Sri Lanka and Sri Lankan issues. Many Indian Tamils are illiterate as well and are easily swayed by emotional propaganda and Tamil nationalism. That is why in Tamil Nadu film actors and actress are voted into power and votes can be bought with free grinders, tvs and washing machines.

Did they? Then more should have been 'disappeared' I think.

The Indian Tamil politicans who are screaming like banshees today could have pushed the LTTE to reach a negotiated settlement. Instead many of them OPENLY SUPPORTED the LTTE. Tamil Nadu was a base for LTTE operations. Now they are whining because the LTTE was defeated and shedding crocodile tears for Tamil civilians. Quite amusing really. Why not start by freeing the Sri Lankan Tamils kept locked up in 'refugee camps' in Tamil Nadu for the last two decades?

What discrimination?

Tamils will get what the SL state is prepared to give and what the majority of Sri Lankans (regardless of ethnicity) are happy with. Indian Tamils like you have no say in the matter.

same arrogant sinhalese mindset that gave 25 years of bloodshed to your nation....and that will take you to your doom again....

---------- Post added at 10:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 PM ----------

If that be your argument, surely you can have no beef with the Sri Lankans for doing what they did. Murderers were murdered, weren't they?

why did they turn murderers ?...because they were the ones who were murdered first....as i said you need to be atamil to empathise with them..which i guess you are not....you are welcome to have your opinion.. and mine will not change as will majority of tamils...for us rajiv was a murderer who met his own fate.....like his mom met hers at the hands of khalistanis
They killed an former Indian PM. Heroes huh? Bloody disgrace.
Really?? How do you think we got ourselves involved in the Sri Lankan mess in the first place? If you really think that & are of the opinion that these scumbags are your heroes, then maybe you should stop commenting about matters that are important to us Indians & restrain yourself to speaking only about TN.
Never had we send our peace keepers with out UN approval to another forign soil. IPKF was a mistake that the politically incompetent FORMER PM did, and thats the reason he had to die, and do not say the BS that they were just doing peace keeping.
and do not leacture me on what I should or should not talk.
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