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Wrong move by the Sri Lankan government. All LTTE members should be kept behind bars for at least 10 years.

well I don't think like that, These people are Sri Lankans who brainwashed/Used by a terrorist group. We should let them to know what is life, they should enjoy life like other Tamils who live around the country.
lol.....you killed most brutally and now you are acting like a saint....please...lol....

I don't think the Sri Lankan government was brutal enough with LTTE members. LTTE cadres should all be behind bars or given the death penalty in my opinion. The Sri Lankan government is making a big mistake by letting LTTE cadres back into civil society and is being far too lenient on them.

---------- Post added at 09:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 PM ----------

well I don't think like that, These people are Sri Lankans who brainwashed/Used by a terrorist group. We should let them to know what is life, they should enjoy life like other Tamils who live around the country.

No, they should be made an example of what happens to terrorists. It's not like they were stupid people who had no idea about what the LTTE was up to. You take up arms against the state and kill people left and right and you should face the consequences.
I don't think the Sri Lankan government was brutal enough with LTTE members. LTTE cadres should all be behind bars or given the death penalty in my opinion. The Sri Lankan government is making a big mistake by letting LTTE cadres back into civil society and is being far too lenient on them.

lol...discriminate them again like you did pre-83 and see another prabhakaran rise from the ashes and fight another war for 25 years...looks like you people did not learn your lesson and are getting too high on your success....lankan you have just killed the present crop of ltte leaders...the tamil spirit is still alive....
I don't think the Sri Lankan government was brutal enough with LTTE members. LTTE cadres should all be behind bars or given the death penalty in my opinion. The Sri Lankan government is making a big mistake by letting LTTE cadres back into civil society and is being far too lenient on them.

---------- Post added at 09:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 PM ----------

No, they should be made an example of what happens to terrorists.

Now they are ex-ltte members, that belong to history. So far things are ok, just reported few incidents who were joined to rob gangs. But most of rehabilitated ex-ltte members back to normal life.
lol...discriminate them again like you did pre-83 and see another prabhakaran rise from the ashes and fight another war for 25 years...looks like you people did not learn your lesson and are getting too high on your success....

LTTE cadres should be given the death penalty and not released back into society.

If there is another war, Tamils will be basically wiped out in Sri Lanka. Their society has already been devastated.
LTTE cadres should be given the death penalty and not released back into society.

if there is another war, Tamils will be wiped out in Sri Lanka.

hahaha.....there comes out the true sinhala chauvinism that was struggling to come out from beneath the veneer of co-existence....

Now they are ex-ltte members, that belong to history. So far things are ok, just reported few incidents who were joined to rob gangs. But most of rehabilitated ex-ltte members back to normal life.

For now...

---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:37 PM ----------

hahaha.....there comes out the true sinhala chauvinism that was struggling to come out from beneath the veneer of co-existence....

Not any chauvinism, it's the brutal truth. Another 25 year war would completely destroy the Sri Lankan Tamils. Do you think otherwise?

Let's wait till this year's census - I bet Sri lankan Muslims now outnumber Sri Lankan Tamils.
Answer is simple, there are plenty of ex-ltte members in the society. Converting a terrorist member back to a civilian is not that easy,but we have done it with in 2 years!
HOW MANY HAVE YOU MEET IN REAL LIFE DUDE, the very fact that SL people are said to believe that LTTE and Tamils are rehabiliated is itself a lie. There is no much of a LTTE left in SL to fight back, the reason is that you have created a blast crater in every Tamils life in SL.
There is no one left in the Tamil, almost every surrendered LTTE is killed
HOW MANY HAVE YOU MEET IN REAL LIFE DUDE, the very fact that SL people are said to believe that LTTE and Tamils are rehabiliated is itself a lie. There is no much of a LTTE left in SL to fight back, the reason is that you have created a blast crater in every Tamils life in SL.
There is no one left in the Tamil, almost every surrendered LTTE is killed

What a load of BS lol Is that what they tell you in Tamil Nadu?

Although if I had my way, I would've had more surrendering LTTE cadres 'disappear'

And the LTTE had ample opportunity to come to a peaceful settlement of the conflict but they chose not to. And the champions of the Tamils (like the Tamil Nadu politicians) did nothing to push the LTTE to come to a negotiated settlement. Now they and people like you are crying over split milk.

Don't blame anyone else for the "blast crater" in the lives of Tamils.

You take up arms against the state and engage in terrorism to create a monoethnic Tamil-only country out of Sri Lankan territory and you pay the consequences.

It's just too bad previous SL governments didn't have the guts or the will to take out the Tamil separatist movement.
well I don't think like that, These people are Sri Lankans who brainwashed/Used by a terrorist group. We should let them to know what is life, they should enjoy life like other Tamils who live around the country.
what is the brainwashing man, every LTTE if you had a chance to speak with, you would realize that you have zero knowledge in politics, science or any subject you name it. The very fact a Tamil joined LTTE is not because of brainwashing, its because of the descrimination that created the heatred in the first place.
HOW MANY HAVE YOU MEET IN REAL LIFE DUDE, the very fact that SL people are said to believe that LTTE and Tamils are rehabiliated is itself a lie. There is no much of a LTTE left in SL to fight back, the reason is that you have created a blast crater in every Tamils life in SL.
There is no one left in the Tamil, almost every surrendered LTTE is killed

just search how many people rehabilitated, some many child soldiers are there.
Don't judge things from one side, just listen to both sides news, at least you ll able to realize something.

---------- Post added at 10:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 PM ----------

what is the brainwashing man, every LTTE if you had a chance to speak with, you would realize that you have zero knowledge in politics, science or any subject you name it. The very fact a Tamil joined LTTE is not because of brainwashing, its because of the descrimination that created the heatred in the first place.

Google god will help. just search.
Not any chauvinism, it's the brutal truth. Another 25 year war would completely destroy the Sri Lankan Tamils. Do you think otherwise?

lol...what looks like "brutal" truth to you is nothing but the brutishness the lankans have always exhibited towards the tamils....its because of this reason ltte was required...during its time the tamils were not respected but they were feared....now that fear is gone....dont misuse it...not good for you...or your nation's peace....

Let's wait till this year's census - I bet Sri lankan Muslims now outnumber Sri Lankan Tamils.

if im not mistaken then there are muslims,christians and hindus among tamils....no ?
what is the brainwashing man, every LTTE if you had a chance to speak with, you would realize that you have zero knowledge in politics, science or any subject you name it. The very fact a Tamil joined LTTE is not because of brainwashing, its because of the descrimination that created the heatred in the first place.

No excuse for terrorism.
What a load of BS lol Is that what they tell you in Tamil Nadu?

why dont you listen to the "bs" told in Tamil nadu when we were hearing the bs spread about in lanka about "no warcrimes against tamils" and the lankan soldiers are angels poppycock....

Although if I had my way, I would've had more surrendering LTTE cadres 'disappear'

they did "disappear"....its not like they did not....

And the LTTE had ample opportunity to come to a peaceful settlement of the conflict but they chose not to. And the champions of the Tamils (like the Tamil Nadu politicians) did nothing to push the LTTE to come to a negotiated settlement. Now they and people like you are crying over split milk.

Don't blame anyone else for the "blast crater" in the lives of Tamils.

just because the indian tamil politicians did not do anything you go about blasting the shyt out of your own countrymen... ? what a lame excuse...

You take up arms against the state and engage in terrorism to create a monoethnic Tamil-only country out of Sri Lankan territory and you pay the consequences.

same thing im saying...you discriminate once again a whole bunch of people and treat them as second class citizens based on their ethnicity you will see bloodshed once again....history bears witness to that....

It's just too bad previous SL governments didn't have the guts or the will to take out the Tamil separatist movement.

the struggle aint over....unless the tamils get a fair deal in lanka as equal citizens...
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