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Rainbow over Wagah: First ‘India-Pak Pride Meet’ celebrates LGBTQIA+ community virtually

Virtual event

Todays virtual tomorrow for real. See how they celebrate in Auss and in Europe and its an eye opener and if we tried to stop the rally guess what EU will say we are not respecting the human rights and you will loose GSP status and we will agree to that too.
Someone should ask our gay Pakistanis asking for peace with the Indians.
They actually decriminalised same sex relations whilst destroying the rights of Kashmiris.
If you are gay at least be a patriotic queer. It’s one sin less.
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Those today I'm feeling male, tomorrow I'll feel girly.. are the absolute worst.. gender fluid or whatever.

Such obnoxious personalities too with these people... Repulsive by their very nature.. and gross.
This highlights the importance of trade through Wagah border. The potential of this trade can uplift millions from poverty regardless of their gender and orientation.
population depopulation, plus increase of disease and cost of healthcare. plus these ppl become psychopaths from psychological issues.

Rome fell not only due to debt usury but also this kind of immorality. Sodomy is not just sex it is soul reversing you have nerve in your lower back when someone strikes you in the anal it touches the nerve and damages your mind. This is how elites keep ppl in mind control plus affecting your soul i dont know how to explain it but they call it kundalini effect. i also believe it is a way to get possessed by jinn.

Who is going to pay the doctor to stitch those ***** ppl's anal, if they start leaking because the a ss seal is broken. Do you want your taxes paying for this sin.
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