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Railway Stations in Pakistan

Those who know the regilion dont fight for its practice, they just adhere to its beliefs.
But those dont know the religion, they fight for its practices and knows nothing about its beliefs.

Hindusism is not about any specific god, any specific practicies or any specific race of people.
Its all about you, your beliefs and your karma, thats it, how do you go about it is your personal matter :)

Bring it on :)
Karachi mangroves Mangroves and rain forests. Its Pakistan's little amazon.
Karachi mangroves Mangroves and rain forests. Its Pakistan's little amazon.
Awesome a mini world in itself :)

Have seen Sunderbans and mangroves of Andamans i have to say these looks dwarfs, probably due to geographic closeness to middle eastern region. None the less bridges in mangroves forest or water pathways in magroves forest are always very very adventurous :)
Awesome a mini world in itself :)

Have seen Sunderbans and mangroves of Andamans i have to say these looks dwarfs, probably due to geographic closeness to middle eastern region. None the less bridges in mangroves forest or water pathways in magroves forest are always very very adventurous :)
@ShowGun check this.....Funny Story!!!
There is high contrast, between the overloaded pakistani trains that we saw many times vs these barren railway stations.
Very confusing ... is traveling by train in paksitan more cumbersome or costly vis-a-vis other modes of transportation?
There is high contrast, between the overloaded pakistani trains that we saw many times vs these barren railway stations.
Very confusing ... is traveling by train in paksitan more cumbersome or costly vis-a-vis other modes of transportation?
Refer to my Post 34 (which right now remained Un-challenged )
Since the advent of MOTORWAY in Pakistan -- Most cases prefer Private Bus Services because of their unmatched Standard Service...like "Air-Conditioned Daewoo" introduced "Air Hostess" concept many years ago and many more are following their path


Wow!!!. ..we do have many super luxury bus services, but none have lady hostess ..:(

Are hostess required to wear burka?
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