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Rail Minister Suranjit’s APS held with Tk 70 lakh

Its time for you to explain how it is "very symbolic" when Awami League regime kept Suranjit ministerial post just day after his farcical resignation.

I am not interested in what awami league did or did not in this case. The fact that a politician resigned from his position shows progressiveness in Bangladeshi politics. This corrupt politician will be replaced by another one, but one finally resigned, hope it sends a trend in Bangladeshi politics that when you are caught red handed, you have to vacate your post.
I am not interested in what awami league did or did not in this case. The fact that a politician resigned from his position shows progressiveness in Bangladeshi politics. This corrupt politician will be replaced by another one, but one finally resigned, hope it sends a trend in Bangladeshi politics that when you are caught red handed, you have to vacate your post.

His resignation for one day is farcical and you along with Awami fanboy club still paddling the line " "resigned from his position shows progressiveness". You still dodging the question how resignation for one day shows progressiveness?

A person like Suranjit taken bribe for hundreds of crores taka and caught red handed in broad day light and you call his action "progressive"?

Suranjit who is entrusted to be a minister of Bangladesh yet lobbied with external influence in indian for his post and you call that progressive? He has violated his oath outright.

Well, you and Awami fanboy club should ponder how you and your "progressive" deception being exposed.

Nothing better can be expected from people with corrupt and mercenary heritage.
Perplexing news : Surungit back again as a minister with put portfolio .

I liked this comment from some Amdem guy:

Amdem said:
By reappointing Suranjit Sengupata, Sheikh Hasina closed the lid of Pandora's box. She is worried that many things will come out during investigation or in many other ways that will bring her government in disrepute. It is a clever way of saving her government.
His resignation for one day is farcical and you along with Awami fanboy club still paddling the line " "resigned from his position shows progressiveness". You still dodging the question how resignation for one day shows progressiveness?

A person like Suranjit taken bribe for hundreds of crores taka and caught red handed in broad day light and you call his action "progressive"?

Suranjit who is entrusted to be a minister of Bangladesh yet lobbied with external influence in indian for his post and you call that progressive? He has violated his oath outright.

Well, you and Awami fanboy club should ponder how you and your "progressive" deception being exposed.

Nothing better can be expected from people with corrupt and mercenary heritage.

you a bit thick aren't you?

politicians don't resign in Bangladesh, this is probably the first time a minister resigned in bangladesh due to corruption. Hopefully it sets a trend for corruption. If that is not progressiveness i dont know what is.
politicians don't resign in Bangladesh, this is probably the first time a minister resigned in bangladesh due to corruption. Hopefully it sets a trend for corruption. If that is not progressiveness i dont know what is.

Suranjit got back his position as Awami regime minister. And you are dodging the question - how his resignation for one day shows progressiveness?

I liked this comment from some Amdem guy:

By reappointing Suranjit Sengupata, Sheikh Hasina closed the lid of Pandora's box. She is worried that many things will come out during investigation or in many other ways that will bring her government in disrepute. It is a clever way of saving her government.
By Amdem, USA @ thedailystar.net

So Awami League regime proved itself to be most corrupt and blatntly looting in broad day light. And as news indiactes all these corruption with indian influence and instruction.
Suranjit got back his position as Awami regime minister. And you are dodging the question - how his resignation for one day shows progressiveness?

I liked this comment from some Amdem guy:

By Amdem, USA @ thedailystar.net

So Awami League regime proved itself to be most corrupt and blatntly looting in broad day light. And as news indiactes all these corruption with indian influence and instruction.

I did not know that he was revived again of his ministry position:lol:. Awami League has lost the plot:shout:
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