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Rail minister dies as COVID-19 continues to hit India

I hope you dont need proof of some of them bestowing highest national honour on someone who gives you nightmares. When you want to cover-up, do the basic work at least.

Just suck it up. No one cares about your pleas and accusations. India is right now a covid nightmare. It will remain a covid nightmare if it continues to point fingers.
As expected, instead of joining in the global fight against Covid, hindutva leaders simply seek to play puerile games with the lives of billions. Any decent PM would have resigned after the migrant workers debacle, never mind every other failure of public health management that has transpired since. Blaming TJ, hiding deaths through false certification, denying community transmission for months (again playing on the xenophobia "let's blame foreign people flying in or those returning from Umrah" card)....it's a brutal indictment of the incompetence of chai merchant and his government. However, he will not resign, the media will continue to shield his failures and the Indian people will vote for him in their droves. This is the nature of the Indian people - they will cut off their nose and shoot themselves in the foot to spite their faces and do any minor damage to Muslims/Pakistan/China that they possibly can. The Indian people actually deserve Modi for another 20 years. Match made in heaven.
As expected, instead of joining in the global fight against Covid, hindutva leaders simply seek to play puerile games with the lives of billions. Any decent PM would have resigned after the migrant workers debacle, never mind every other failure of public health management that has transpired since. Blaming TJ, hiding deaths through false certification, denying community transmission for months (again playing on the xenophobia "let's blame foreign people flying in or those returning from Umrah" card)....it's a brutal indictment of the incompetence of chai merchant and his government. However, he will not resign, the media will continue to shield his failures and the Indian people will vote for him in their droves. This is the nature of the Indian people - they will cut off their nose and shoot themselves in the foot to spite their faces and do any minor damage to Muslims/Pakistan/China that they possibly can. The Indian people actually deserve Modi for another 20 years. Match made in heaven.

Give me some popcorn. Let's see how India gets out of this one. Even with a vaccine India is doomed.
I think you have comprehension issues.
The matter of being servile or cheerleading has nothing do with India's situation vis-a-vis Covid.
If it makes you feel better, India's position is worse than the worst you can wish.
Now lets see if you get the "point".
Have some shame man. As a private citizen you're allowed to throw the book at Modi and everyone else who has destroyed your image as a nation once renowned in Asia for healthcare. I can understand the supposed "free" media kowtowing to RSS whims, but surely hordes of Indian private citizens should now be calling BJP out for the utter failure that it is.
Have some shame man. As a private citizen you're allowed to throw the book at Modi and everyone else who has destroyed your image as a nation once renowned in Asia for healthcare. I can understand the supposed "free" media kowtowing to RSS whims, but surely hordes of Indian private citizens should now be calling BJP out for the utter failure that it is.
Wow, I seriously did not know that India was once renowned for healthcare.

But, I repeat, the point of China Virus being China Virus has NO CONNECTION with the current Covid situation of India. May be you will get it this time.
Wow, I seriously did not know that India was once renowned for healthcare.

But, I repeat, the point of China Virus being China Virus has NO CONNECTION with the current Covid situation of India. May be you will get it this time.
Prior to Covid, India used to lecture other Asian nations on the quality of its doctors, healthcare facilities and research. One must admit, there probably was some truth to it. After all, medical expertise is a significant export from the subcontinent in general. In any case, that reputation - however based on reality it was or was not - is now significantly damaged.

Regarding your repeated ululations of "China virus", notwithstanding the evidence of the virus emerging in Europe before it emerged in China, I think it should preferentially be termed the "india virus" because it is your country's incompetence that is sustaining it in Asia and dragging Asia's performance indicators down. I would go further. It should be regarded as the "secular democratic republic of India virus", just to remind us all of various key features that are otherwise easily forgotten regarding your country of origin.
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