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Rafales arriving July

Rafales are formidable fighter-jets. That said, it depends on which Air Force operates them. If operated by an Air Force such as Pakistan Air Force, it would prove to be deadly for it's adversary. It all depends on the Air Force's doctrinal structure, operational planning and fighter pilot's training. It would be interesting to watch the indian Air Force operate Rafales. Having a state of the art fighter-jet is one thing, operating, planning, fighter-pilot training and generating high sortie rate is a totally different cup of coffee altogether.
Rafales are s good as Air Power gets aside F35 or F22

assuming you have capable pilots that can make full use of it's properties..



so what happened on 27 Feb?...never mind you can never logically explain what happened. Like China V India

but then explain to us this below statement...

“ If India had had Rafale at that time, the IAF would have destroyed at least 12 of them. Rafale will boost the morale of the IAF,” AY Tipnis told a New Delhi security summit on Wednesday. - former IAF chief Tipnis


* proven to be incorrect as PAF laser guided bombs showed other wise.

Govt of India has no budgets to spend on Rafale.

india has no money for toilet seats..
Let them have false sense of superiority and confidence. Another Feb 27 awaiting for them than. Though it will be even worst against China.

anyways having said that, Rafale is not a joke. It will be serious threat to PAF in couple of years time when IAF pilots would had mastered them. We need F16Vs to counter them. Atleast a squad of them equipped with AIM-120D will be enough to deter any eventualities. Meantime, Block-3 with PL15s will complement the F16s perfectly.
Ofcourse serious threat PAF and PLAAF older generation fighters but by time rafale is in PLAAF will be operating three or four times the number of fifth gen fighters ..
IAF currently barely matches PAF which is minnow ..PLAAF is in a different category altogether ..the reason why you see the muted response ..modi even said the chinese are right in their claims

I have beem saying this for five years that IAF isnt taking PLAAF seriously which is fatal mistake..
This isnt the 1990s -2010..when PLAAF had nothing beyond f7s..
Currently PLAAF fields the j10s built in 500+ numbers and huge fleet of AESA equipped flankers which unlike indians ones have no spare part or operational issues..chinese flankers may use a russian airframe design but its whole new aircraft
Pakistan should not downplay it; it's a threat and there has to be some counter procurement that must be done. s400 is arriving by the end of next year and rafael induction is starting this year. This will shift the balance of air superiority in India's favor in very short period of time.
Ofcourse serious threat PAF and PLAAF older generation fighters but by time rafale is in PLAAF will be operating three or four times the number of fifth gen fighters ..
IAF currently barely matches PAF which is minnow ..PLAAF is in a different category altogether ..the reason why you see the muted response ..modi even said the chinese are right in their claims

I have beem saying this for five years that IAF isnt taking PLAAF seriously which is fatal mistake..
This isnt the 1990s -2010..when PLAAF had nothing beyond f7s..

a) India is humouring China with big trade deficit, not joining quad etc etc......but that worked till the infrastructure activities at the border are nill. Now, after Modi came to power, infrastructure activities like road building really picked up........China did not like those infrastructure activities.
b) Also, India does not have money to spend a lot on defence.
Pakistan should not downplay it; it's a threat and there has to be some counter procurement that must be done. s400 is arriving by the end of next year and rafael induction is starting this year. This will shift the balance of air superiority in India's favor in very short period of time.
The only short term counter seems to be f16b70

What will be the kickback fund distribution?

Xardari wants 10 percent
The only short term counter seems to be f16b70

With economic condition and sanctions; forget about it. Unless Pakistan compromise on key issues. Mainly relating to CPEC, China. Or if there is a deep pocket bradar involved, the idea many at PDF are pitching from few years now.

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