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Rafale Locks on F-22 And Typhoon

First 36 will be followed by at least 90 more

i wish i shared your optimism.

Rafale's task is only to kick open the door ; knock out the AWACS and the Tankers
along with their escorts

Then the MKI's will be all over the place

counting chickens before the eggs hatch, are we?


This is an Interview by Dassault chief

Our enemies dont have jets More capable than Mirage 2000-5

you expect the dassault chief to say otherwise. look up what Russians say about there jets, even Saab shows thier promos of JAS 39 knocking out s400's and Su35's in single missions.

make no mistake, I am one of the biggest fan of rafale, but MoDin it's current state, - Not so much.
And a F-5 beats them all:
i wish i shared your optimism.

What is the cause of your Pessimism

counting chickens before the eggs hatch, are we?

No ; just seeing the reality as it unfolds itself

Welcome to REALITY ; where feelings do not matter

but MoDin it's current state, - Not so much.

This is the most purposeful MoD in Ten years ; the drift of the last five years
has been halted and the MoD has been turned around ; in every possible way

Of course They dont have a MAGIC wand

Clearing up the accumulated mess takes time

But Now the future roadmap is well laid out to Make India stronger

Not really.

Pakistan will receive deliveries of the 5th generation J-31 between 2020-2025. It will make mincemeat of the 4.5 generation Rafale.

A fifth Generation Plane is known NOT by its External shape or Design ALONE

What really matters is what is INSIDE the plane ; the Avionics

This is where China is Far behind The West and Russia

Why did China Buy SU 35 from Russia ; to Take on F 15 ; F 16 ; F 18
of Japan and Taiwan and US Navy
This is where China is Far behind The West and Russia

Why did China Buy SU 35 from Russia ; to Take on F 15 ; F 16 ; F 18
of Japan and Taiwan and US Navy

What's your reasoning behind your claim regarding the avionics? Do you have any technical data upon which your conclusion can be drawn?

The Chinese purchase of the Su-35 does not seem to be motivated by a need for capability; their existing fleet of J-10B/C, J-11B, J-15, and J-16 can perform more than their fair share of countering the F-15/16/18.

This nonsense again? There is nothing the J-31 or J-20 possess that will allow it to do anything of the sort.

@Taygibay @Picdelamirand-oil @Vauban @PARIKRAMA

Frankly, we don't know enough about what's in the J-20 or FC-31 to make such a judgment in the first place.
Pitching in likes of F-22 to WVR dogfight is like mocking the aircraft's capabilities. They were never suppose to be engaged in any such fight, rather never let any aggressor come so close by and if that ever happens so, the pilot should eject out of humility.
And a F-5 beats them all:

Then you missed the F15E that should have been between it and the Typhoon.
Those in TEI were from the Seymour Johnson AFB, NC. :D

Frankly, we don't know enough about what's in the J-20 or FC-31 to make such a judgment in the first place.

We do by deduction as continuing engines and jets imports from Russia in general
but more importantly, their national situation :

J-20 is in LRIP and will be procured as J-10 was. FC-31 is not planned for PLAAF.
I'll trust the Chinese brass.

Unless we discover later the same discrete induction route of the J-10 was copied,
the GyrFalcon can be discounted for now beyond its value as a prototyping effort.

Grat evening all, Tay.
We do by deduction as continuing engines and jets imports from Russia in general
but more importantly, their national situation :

J-20 is in LRIP and will be procured as J-10 was. FC-31 is not planned for PLAAF.
I'll trust the Chinese brass.

Unless we discover later the same discrete induction route of the J-10 was copied,
the GyrFalcon can be discounted for now beyond its value as a prototyping effort.

Grat evening all, Tay.

No you cannot as just because China cannot produce engines here and now does not mean it will have the same problem 5-10 years down the line. China is the richest country on this planet(in PPP) and is still growing 3 times as quick as the US - this wealth is developing some of the most advanced technology on the planet as we speak.

You Frenchies need to stop making a fool of yourselves and stop pretending that a 4.5 gen Rafale has any chance against a 5th generation J-31. The only time any Rafale pilot will know that he is being engaged by a J-31 is the few second his radar warning receiver bleeps before he his plane gets destroyed.

Please have a good day.
Then you missed the F15E that should have been between it and the Typhoon.
Those in TEI were from the Seymour Johnson AFB, NC.

We do by deduction as continuing engines and jets imports from Russia in general
but more importantly, their national situation :

J-20 is in LRIP and will be procured as J-10 was. FC-31 is not planned for PLAAF.
I'll trust the Chinese brass.

Unless we discover later the same discrete induction route of the J-10 was copied,
the GyrFalcon can be discounted for now beyond its value as a prototyping effort.

Grat evening all, Tay.

Hi, Tay;

Engine imports are not necessarily telling of the state of the J-20/FC-31 programs; these engines could be used anywhere, from supplementing existing fighter fleets that historically rely on Russian engines to refurbishments. The PLAAF/PLANAF has not imported any jets aside from the Il-78 tanker and a couple of Il-76 transports to replace their old stock.

Granted, the FC-31 has not entered selected, but their brass has not made any decisions on the tender yet.
The PLAAF/PLANAF has not imported any jets aside from the Il-78 tanker and a couple of Il-76 transports to replace their old stock.

??? But : http://tass.ru/en/defense/837662 ?
Am I missing something or are you?

Read you later.

You Frenchies need to stop making a fool of .ourselves and stop pretending
that a
4.5B.S.gen Rafale in-service fighter has any chance against a 5thB.S.generation J-31 prototype.

There, fixed that for you!
The J-31 is an empty shell, its ghost hasn't arrived yet!
Sorry, Tay.


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You Frenchies need to stop making a fool of yourselves and stop pretending that a 4.5 gen Rafale has any chance against a 5th generation J-31.
Other than so-called VLO features in what areas does the J-31 actually outclass the Rafale by such a margin that it can be assured of a kill? Avionics? Propulsion? Sensor fusion? None of the above?

The Rafale has features that no other plane outside of the F-22/35 have and is being continuously developed, the notion that China has somehow developed a Rafale beater when it hasn't even produced a contemporary engine, let alone a next genertion engine is ludicrious to say the least. If China had done so they would have a 4.5++ gen fighter of the same calibre of the Rafale and would then make the jump to 5th gen, instead we are expected to beleive they have leap-frogged that stage just because you want it to be true SO badly.

And I bet this F-22/35/Rafale beater is only going to cost $30mn too? @Vauban

A little bit of critical reasoning is needed before making such tall claims.
??? But : http://tass.ru/en/defense/837662 ?
Am I missing something or are you?

Read you later.

Hi, Tay;

The climate under which alleged Su-35 purchase precipitated does not suggest that the end-goal of this deal was to secure new technology. Judging from the minuscule quantity (in light of a country of China's size), the continued development & production of J-15/16/11D jets, and the persistent rumor that the Chinese are retrofitting the Su-35s with their own avionics and weapons, geopolitics and an interplay of bilateral economics are far more likely the driving forces behind this deal than is a need for new capabilities.
OH! I'm not sayin' China is not developing fast nor that a ghost won't be found,
just that it won't happen tomorrow ... unless you mean Indian tomorrow like.

Seeing the 35s as a stop-gap measure makes sense too. Still, that means a gap
exists ...

... but mainly, of the Chinese products, the J-31 is the less credible as a weapon.
That's all!

Have a great day, Tay.
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