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RAFALE IN ANGER: 10 Dispatches From A War Cockpit

Well contrary to your belief..paf seems asleep for quite a long time..other than JF-17 there is nothing else in their planning for near future
and plz don't say that Jf-17 can take on rafael
J-31 future is uncertain
and the NG program by air chief is a long term solution which is definitely appreciated but we need something now in 3-4 years..not after 10 years
Where did i say JF-17 can take on rafale? And its Rafale and not Rafael which is an Israeli company. By this jet i meant Rafale in India is going to change the dynamics and PAF will actually have to come out of their comfort zone to counter this. F-16 and JF-17s alone wont cut it.

Primary deployment of the Rafale would be definitely in North Eastern sector not Western sector.

China? India has no intention of raising the level of conflict with China anymore than it already has and neither does China. With Pakistan its altogether a different game. More than 70% of your assets are fixated on Pakistan....No?
A single Rafale replaces several legacy aircrafts (@Vergennes @Taygibay @Abingdonboy gentlemen you can expound more on this)
Therefore every omnirole rafale you get, performs several functions in a single platform for much lower unit mission cost. So even with 126 numbers (~7 squadrons), it is like replacing 10-12 squadrons of legacy fighters like MiG 21/23/27 and even Jaguars.
So its not just a question of making up numbers, but huge qualitative and technical jump, a fighter like Rafale brings in.

Yes Currently! more are being manufactured.

Just so you know the Rafale replaced 7 types of aircrafts in French Air Force and Navy. (Mirage IV, Jaguar, Mirage F1, Mirage 2000, Crusader, Etendard, Super-Etendard).
Where did i say JF-17 can take on rafale? And its Rafale and not Rafael which is an Israeli company. By this jet i meant Rafale in India is going to change the dynamics and PAF will actually have to come out of their comfort zone to counter this. F-16 and JF-17s alone wont cut it.

China? India has no intention of raising the level of conflict with China anymore than it already has and neither does China. With Pakistan its altogether a different game. More than 70% of your assets are fixated on Pakistan....No?

Dassault Rafale wont come in that 70% share.
It is just another level.
Where did i say JF-17 can take on rafale? And its Rafale and not Rafael which is an Israeli company. By this jet i meant Rafale in India is going to change the dynamics and PAF will actually have to come out of their comfort zone to counter this. F-16 and JF-17s alone wont cut it.
to bhai PAF konse surprise k lye itne saalo se wait kr rahi he???do u seriosly have any idea of their short term future plans?
maybe at some other thread, can you please detail the roadmap for J-17 in near to medium term timeframe.
One thing done smartly is that JF-17, assumes the role of several previous generation platform roles and given its cost effectiveness, can be produced in numbers. So it is worthy of putting R&D efforts for modernization to keep it abreast with latest technology.
How is that planned, would be of great interest to aviation enthusiasts!
maybe at some other thread, can you please detail the roadmap for J-17 in near to medium term timeframe.
One thing done smartly is that JF-17, assumes the role of several previous generation platform roles and given its cost effectiveness, can be produced in numbers. So it is worthy of putting R&D efforts for modernization to keep it abreast with latest technology.
How is that planned, would be of great interest to aviation enthusiasts!
You can visit the JF-17 info pool thread. You wont find any more detail on road map better than on that thread. JF-17 is already in block 2 category while block 1 are being upgraded to block 2 standards. However there is only marginal changes between the two blocks. The real deal will be block 3 which will house an AESA radar, IRST and new generation AAM.
I hope and pray we eventually get three digit figure of this bird my friend. That's all I gotta say.
The wheels are already in motion.......

+ ironically, thanks to their needless provocations and hubris, the Chinese have sealed the deal for France ;) . They thought they were dealing with the same old impotent India.

Well contrary to your belief..paf seems asleep for quite a long time..other than JF-17 there is nothing else in their planning for near future
and plz don't say that Jf-17 can take on rafael
J-31 future is uncertain
and the NG program by air chief is a long term solution which is definitely appreciated but we need something now in 3-4 years..not after 10 years
The PAF can't respond because of basic economic realities.


China? India has no intention of raising the level of conflict with China anymore than it already has and neither does China.
Yes China, most of the Rafale SQNs will be deployed under the Eastern Air Command.

Frankly, Pakistan is entirely taken care of.
Its kinda funny that everyone missed how the author dismissed Chinese ACC and its air wings capabilities without evening mentioning Lianingngs and J 15.

Kudos to author.

Quality article from Indian Media.

What's so funny? Pakistan is already making a 5th gen fighter moron, some research would do your thick head some good.

Nothing funny mate. Indians are butt hurt. Please advise some good burnoil / or something for the *** burning.
go to the mbda website and tell me they only sell missiles. they also sell spectra. its could be a case of buying the entire package for all 36 jets

Yeah, as fireworks specialists would, MBDA makes the flare dispensers!
And they integrate their product with SPECTRA as one possible answer
by the suite in combat situations; it also takes care of chaff. They also
worked on the IR indeed as a missile seeker maker would know how ...
but they don't make the whole of SPECTRA itself which is led by Thalès.
To give you an idea of scale, programming alone ( all done by Thalès )
ended with as many lines of code for SPECTRA as for the rest of the
aircraft including maintenance, combat system, FADEC, FBW et al.

Most aspects of the Rafale deal with India are confidential and only known to those with access to the IGAs signed between India and France. Expecting nobodies on an internet forum to know these detaisl is rather asine.


I'll make it clear again, it is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone in these open forums to provide you with the information you seek, not only does no one know if they did they would legally be barred from telling you so it will not be a fruitful endeavour for you to to continue you on with.

:sad: Then I'm not a nobody and yet can legally say ;
That Meteor is included and so is the SCALP, that the Litening
pod and its Spice 250 collateral from Israel are onboard with
an HMD/CS coming too, with Dash or Targo or Scorpion likely.
Integration of the Astra and Brahmos are validated with the
latter in store for the mini version i.e. provisioned not acted.

Most of this was vetted by multiple media sources esp. Aero
mags and some is found if you speak the language and can
spare the fee : Example here on the Op. maintenance format chosen by the GoI.

I'm not so sure of that. Hindustan also needs to develop its Tejas and will likely buy some F-16's as well. Not to mention 5th gen fighters will need to be procured too. So unless Hindustan wants to increase its fleet size, Rafale numbers are likely to remain no more than 126 max, but most likely 72 or around about that number considering how terribly the deal went.

Forget the F-16 for Surya's sake!
Finish the Local Chariot of the Gods Attempt first!

A single Rafale replaces several legacy aircrafts (@Vergennes @Taygibay @Abingdonboy gentlemen you can expound more on this)
Therefore every omnirole rafale you get, performs several functions in a single platform for much lower unit mission cost. So even with 126 numbers (~7 squadrons), it is like replacing 10-12 squadrons of legacy fighters like MiG 21/23/27 and even Jaguars.
So its not just a question of making up numbers, but huge qualitative and technical jump, a fighter like Rafale brings in.

True. As Vergennes stated, it replaces 7 older types in missions it can accomplish
thus fielding the entire spectrum of air power jobs in its tactical book. That will be
fully realized by the very F3-R+ standard with Meteor and Thalios coming online.
That was the omnirole envisioned by the original program and it was achieved.

The difference with other fighters becomes one of flexibility. You can choose any
aircraft in your inventory that is available. If you need it to carry special equipment
all parts can be swapped in 1h30 or less. Typically, the squadrons at Saint-Dizier
pick planes from ESTA 15.7 Haute-Marne without caring if the plane is theirs
nominally or not. The Gascogne guys use 2-seaters and since they do nukes, enough
of the Bs will be kept for their use but Rafale 123 by tail number [ a C model ] can
fly with Provence 7-1 one day and instruct a young apprentice pilot with ETR 2/92
Aquitaine the next.

What you mean is thus true that any plane can do anything and you only need the
number of available cells to be there to do the job any given time. It explains why
the AdlA has managed with a sub-optimal dimensioning of its spare parts cycle.
Availability is low overall but minimum jets still fly every day so the contract's fulfilled.

And have a great day all, Tay.
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