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Rafale Fighters India is Buying Can't Match Chinese Fighters: Russian Envoy

It's Rafale, not optimus prime.

Real air combat effectiveness will not be known, whether Rafale or Su27, until they meet up. Perhaps IAF can release DACT results for Rafale and Su-30MKI along with MiG29s thrown in?
Su-27 did not compete in the MRCA competition. We already have Su-30MKI, which is a very evolved version of the same family. Russia fielded the mig-35, which lost.

Whoops! My bad, sorry about that. I really should keep up to date on these types of deals :(. Still, the Russian's are angry and India is making a better decision.
If mig 35 was even close to Rafael all things considerd,then we would have picked it, considering the past experience with russia.

India wanted a western fighter to buy leverage at the same time. This is why in my view, Typhoon was the best bet since it would have gotten India the leverage with Germany, Spain, Britain and Italy in one go.
Aah.. still bitter about Mig35 losing out to Rafale!.. btw.. I thought Su27 is Russian fighter.. why is he name dropping here?
India wanted a western fighter to buy leverage at the same time. This is why in my view, Typhoon was the best bet since it would have gotten India the leverage with Germany, Spain, Britain and Italy in one go.

Do you know what happens to a man with 4 wives ? or a wife with 4 husbands ? :lol: Nothing good.
Now thats called good salesman, no matter what my thing is better than yours:rofl::rofl:
IMO the ambassador needs to work out the closure of FGFA deal with India quickly... Before Putin visit, On November 5, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin will arrive in New Delhi to ensure that Mr Putin visit is as successful (read lots of new MOU's and signing of deals). Ambassador Alexander M. Kadakin should quickly check the ground realities and stop harping about their own product to be the best and rest all to be sub standard. One should understand that in a free market world, if the features of your product is liked along with meeting the test requirements, a good economic selling out package and TOT then most countries would always love to buy that product.

Rafale did that and thats why its closer to being signed with lot more back deals then what everybody thinks. the back deal is not pertaining to MMRCA alone but rather sweetening the deal where some more shopping is getting finalised which will come out in public domain soon.

Rafale and FGFA is altogether different. The reluctance to divulge enough information and access to FGFA is the chief reason now bcz of which India is delaying the FGFA basic contract signing. Its unfortunate that after Admiral Gorshkov/Vikramaditya, MMRCA Mig 35 and even SU30 MKI engine overhaul solutions (support from Russia) which is still not solved, all this has made us look at more reliable defense partners.
You hear Saab saying lets do something for LCA MK2 but you dont hear that from Russia saying lets collaborate on that rather the ambassador may say Mig 21 is still the best. That's the kind of preposterous logic.

Anyways, if Russia is so sore may be why not offer a good packaged deal in what may really interest india and may get approved rather quickly- say Submarines with aip may be let india buy 10-12 nerpa and may be ask india to put its own reactor in that. just saying not sure if a nuclear submarine is allowed to be bought like that. As such i feel Mr Modi would rather like Made in India with 100% TOT and offset as much as possible to boost local industry. hence a good possible deal like that may get a quick approval. hence may be identify 10-15 such deals and close it with a gud package. thats win win for both.
Russians have been coming out with some truly retarded comments lately after losing defence deal after defence deal. It would surely be productive to take the time for some introspection and understood why they keep failing instead of coming out with this level of BS.

FGFA deal is going ahead no matter what-the Rafale and AMCA deals have no bearing on that.

Is it true that rafale and su27 come in total different catagory...
su27 is for air superiority which our mki's are thr for, and rafale is more for bombing....?

if thats true then y are we compairing apples with oranges
ahahahhahaha......now what will Indian members on here say about this? So far judging from their comments they are rather reserved in their response. Had it been a E.U/U.S official who made such comments then im sure Indians here will be screaming all over here screw the U.S or to hell with the E.U etc. But when it involves their patron Russia, they go silent or just make modest statements like Russia should offer better deals to India and whatever.lool. I understand though , they still have this soviet love for Russia.:cheesy: anyway i understand since they still rely on Russia for most of their defence needs. of course everybody knows rafale is superior to Sukhoi 27. Just Russian sour grapes.

Anyway, we all know Russia is sore about India getting closer and closer to the west/U.S, since they have been losing lots of contracts which used to by default go to them. So they are sad/angry India seems to be shifting quite slowly but surely out of their orbit.:lol: India should do what is in their best interests, and im sure moving closer to the U.S/E.U/west will serve India interests more than otherwise. So India should discard any Russian objections to this. Russia shouldnt blackmail India in anyway, since India owes nothing to Russia. There are no friends in politics, only interests. I said this before on here, India will find it more and more difficult not to take sides or know where it priorities lies in future, it will either have to be with us in the west/U.S or Russia/China in coming decades. They can't be in both at the same time, and they will come to terms with this in coming decade.

UNTIL then expect Russia to keep whinning about such deals as india getS closer to the U.S/west in future.:enjoy:
Poor Russia.:(
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rafales have both options of A2G and A2A. The omnirole is why they add more versatlity.
the flanker and rafale are two different categories by weight and sheer need of roles and scope while engagement of targets and missions.
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