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Rafale far more superior compared to China's 4th and 5th generation fighters: Air Marshal Nambiar

See this video

before you use so many missles,you are already dead.

Rafael must be superior to any other fighter jet, It has to be, India bought it
LCA made in india is ahead of F22 20 years!
Come on guys... too much trolling now.

Rafale IS a very good fighter and the best weapon it will have is Meteor missile and MBDA stuffs. China also will have long range and ramjet missiles. PL-15 has over 200km range and dual pulse rocket engine to improve terminal energy and kill probability with improving datalinks and active radar. The fighter can shoot and run but much better than previous PL-12 versions.

PL-21 and PL-XX will have longer range and at least one of them is ramjet powered. So basically similar capability. Rafale using SPECTRA did not work in NATO tests reportedly but who really knows? I think US did exercise with French against some old previous soviet nation's S-300 and already ESA types of radar can easily defeat SPECTRA. Very useful against older style equipment but already not that useful. When 10 years pass, will be even less useful unless they find new ways to improve it.

While Rafale may be very good, there's no way the air chief can know exactly how it will do against J-10B, J-10C, Su-35, J-16, and J-20. Not today and not what these fighters and other AWACs and SAM digital equipment can handle tomorrow or 10 years later. So this statement can be believed only by those who really want to but reasonable non-Indian person will know this is a bit rich of a statement to make. Maybe this guy does have very very detailed information about PLAAF fighters but now he say it, it's like admiting he has super top secret info. More likely just saying this for morale boost and boost Rafale advertising to make people accept Rafale fighter easier. Otherwise maybe people will think Rafale is too expensive or something but if people believe 36 - 100 Rafale is silver bullet to kill all of PLAAF, it is easier to spend big money on it. China will remain quiet on this and just observe. State media will not issue statement saying whether PLAAF can handle Rafale. We know nobody can or want to fight real war. Only talk about it and feel good about themselves. But honestly, I really doubt PLAAF worrying about Rafale and only a few squadrons. By time IAF gets all their Rafales, there will be hundreds of F-35s in USA and Japanese bases and ships just to China's east. That's a real worry.
While Rafale may be very good, there's no way the air chief can know exactly how it will do against J-10B, J-10C, Su-35, J-16, and J-20. Not today and not what these fighters and other AWACs and SAM digital equipment can handle tomorrow or 10 years later. So this statement can be believed only by those who really want to but reasonable non-Indian person will know this is a bit rich of a statement to make. Maybe this guy does have very very detailed information about PLAAF fighters but now he say it, it's like admiting he has super top secret info. More likely just saying this for morale boost and boost Rafale advertising to make people accept Rafale fighter easier. Otherwise maybe people will think Rafale is too expensive or something but if people believe 36 - 100 Rafale is silver bullet to kill all of PLAAF, it is easier to spend big money on it. China will remain quiet on this and just observe. State media will not issue statement saying whether PLAAF can handle Rafale. We know nobody can or want to fight real war. Only talk about it and feel good about themselves. But honestly, I really doubt PLAAF worrying about Rafale and only a few squadrons. By time IAF gets all their Rafales, there will be hundreds of F-35s in USA and Japanese bases and ships just to China's east. That's a real worry.

Sensible post, I must say.

On point, both PLAAF and IAF know each other's capabilities. Suffice to say, we are worried about a two front situation, a single front - not. The problem with the single front is that we shall always need to cater for two fronts (although my personal opinion is that both China and India are too matured to go against each other in a war again, there is just too much to gain from collaboration on economic and trade fronts, and a lot to lose in confrontation, notwithstanding the public posturing).

The recent IAF statements are meant to apply pressure on the GoI to act. Unfortunately, the bane of democracy means that a population of 1.3 Billion, will always have 1.3 Billion opinions, often at loggerheads with each other. That is where PRC has the advantage, right or wrong, a decision is made and implemented. Over here, a decision is made and then scuttled. Implemented and then scuttled :blink:

Thanks for a sensible post. Refreshing, in a long time.
Come on guys... too much trolling now.
Rafale IS a very good fighter and the best weapon it will have is Meteor missile and MBDA stuffs. China also will have long range and ramjet missiles.
reasonable non-Indian person will know this is a bit rich of a statement to make. Maybe this guy does have very very detailed information about PLAAF fighters but now he say it, it's like admiting he has super top secret info. just to China's east. That's a real worry.
yea , air Marshall has a tea stall outside air force station , he knows nothing , but you know more about rafale and the scenario , arright ?
Sensible post, I must say.

On point, both PLAAF and IAF know each other's capabilities. Suffice to say, we are worried about a two front situation, a single front - not. The problem with the single front is that we shall always need to cater for two fronts (although my personal opinion is that both China and India are too matured to go against each other in a war again, there is just too much to gain from collaboration on economic and trade fronts, and a lot to lose in confrontation, notwithstanding the public posturing).

The recent IAF statements are meant to apply pressure on the GoI to act. Unfortunately, the bane of democracy means that a population of 1.3 Billion, will always have 1.3 Billion opinions, often at loggerheads with each other. That is where PRC has the advantage, right or wrong, a decision is made and implemented. Over here, a decision is made and then scuttled. Implemented and then scuttled :blink:

Thanks for a sensible post. Refreshing, in a long time.

Thank you. Often too rare to find sensible posts on this forum filled with 80% trolls and chauvinist type people.

I think a country worry about conventional military forces and wars for very good reasons and political power. But real life war between peers will end in nuclear warhead exchange. So really conventional forces and war is best for threatening and pushing against each other but pushing carefully. Like USA vs China in South China Sea. China knows conventional war today is result in defeat and losing all that ground and equipment and hitting USA that hard means they want to have huge benefits for winning so may become nuclear. This is why there is focus on developing and improving domestic weapon industry so one day conventional can match USA and maybe one day further can overtake. But that all depends on economy, stability, trade, savings, industry. Still important to start somewhere. So India really doesn't worry about war with China or Pakistan. But it does want to keep improving conventional weapons so the politicians have more to threaten and back them up when pushing in political talks. I think we will never see these things used. They are just for the "one day in future" and for bargaining power to stop others from starting a fight.

Yes Indian politicians need to use democratic model to deal with how to manage a LARGE country like China. CCP has huge advantage and this can also mean less time and resources spent discussing. The party plans and goes ahead with things they think is right but of course there are corrupting forces involved. Hopefully small but beyond certain point, no matter how big the man, he can't escape the bullet if he negatively damages the country. So that model is what it is. We cannot have a say but so far it's been good for us until now.

I already can see a lot of talk in India and online about this Rafale deal. Maybe all very fair and transparent but always going to be large groups saying things and making things up. Truth is very rare these days anywhere in the world. So what we know is India wants to make some fighter purchase and it wants to develop AMCA. Therefore if AMCA becomes a fighter in future, we know it is better than Rafale and Su-30MKI otherwise no point. Rafale must serve slightly different role to Su-30 and could be purchased to get certain technologies that benefit IAF and maybe even domestic industry. There is talk about getting some partnership cooperation with SNECMA for Kaveri changes and making Rafale domestically. The biggest thing people ignore is Thales components and MBDA missiles. These can change entire deal and give IAF and Indian industry huge boosts. I honestly think Rafale deal is to get domestic industry attached to a very experienced and competent aerospace giant. Domestic production and improvement to IAF is secondary long term but short term very important. Two front war will not happen unless India takes over Kashmir or invades Pakistan. China will not support Pakistani invasion of India because they will lose Indian market for many Chinese manufacturing. So China will only defend Pakistan. Therefore two front war will only be Indian choice and I don't think they will choose that.

One day we will solve these problems when future generations are more educated and understanding. Then Asia will become more stable and can improve our conditions to match Europe. But that day is long away.

China needs a stable and wealthy Pakistan. It will help China give access to muslim acceptance and so help keep western regions more stable and it will give China a access point to arabic land's resources and markets. China needs a cooperative India for trade and peace in Tibet border regions. War is last thing it wants in this side. China's big headache is USA and Japan. Even Taiwan has become more restrained in anti-China talk compared to years ago. No war for Taiwan unless they say they are independent China. CCP will not allow that so they won't say because they know CCP not afraid to go in if it really comes. Japan hopefully becomes more integrated with Asia and less with USA when North Korea problem disappears in future. Then USA have less reason to be here and a stronger China will try to push them out of Asia. By then, India and China should become more wealthy than today and less aggressive to each other. Asia may become stable and stronger but North Korea is vital point and another one is Kashmir.

yea , air Marshall has a tea stall outside air force station , he knows nothing , but you know more about rafale and the scenario , arright ?

What do you mean. I'm saying air marshall probably does not have all the information to say that. But I don't know much about Rafale or J-20. I know air marshall does not know much about J-20. So what he says is more likely just for political audience and trying to make people accept and welcome whatever Rafale deal becomes in whatever shape and form. I never said I know more about Rafale but what I wrote are accepted online like the USA exercise and SPECTRA and how it is very unlikely IAF marshal will know everything about J-20 and all PLAAF. Come on of course he doesn't just like PLAAF doesn't know everything about IAF and RAfale too. But PLAAF doesn't ever say they can handle all of IAF. Only IAF marshall as one person allegedly say that about PLAAF. Your attitude and tone is just like some other unreasonable Chinese posters too defensive and joking. Only the other guy think about this critically and accept that there's right way of thinking about the situation. Everyone else is here just picking on each other and joking around.
600 km missile would not be allowed to be exported, according to missile control treaty.

Congratulations on 4++ fighter.
India. Is now a member of the middlemissle
Not comparable to 5th gen stealth jets, biggest problem is hanging weapons load-out on wing, which increases RCS a lots more than 5th gen stealth jets like J-20 is and long rrange SAMs of China is good target practice for your 10 gen out of this universe RAFALE @Storm Force ;):enjoy:

It's OK we have long range sams too . Five regiments intact

And I put my money on French technology all day over Chinease technology

True fifth generation only exists in USA

China getting better but rafale will be major threat
Sensible post, I must say.

On point, both PLAAF and IAF know each other's capabilities. Suffice to say, we are worried about a two front situation, a single front - not. The problem with the single front is that we shall always need to cater for two fronts (although my personal opinion is that both China and India are too matured to go against each other in a war again, there is just too much to gain from collaboration on economic and trade fronts, and a lot to lose in confrontation, notwithstanding the public posturing).

The recent IAF statements are meant to apply pressure on the GoI to act. Unfortunately, the bane of democracy means that a population of 1.3 Billion, will always have 1.3 Billion opinions, often at loggerheads with each other. That is where PRC has the advantage, right or wrong, a decision is made and implemented. Over here, a decision is made and then scuttled. Implemented and then scuttled :blink:

Thanks for a sensible post. Refreshing, in a long time.
If India get upper hands against China, there will be no peace.
It's OK we have long range sams too . Five regiments intact

And I put my money on French technology all day over Chinease technology

True fifth generation only exists in USA

China getting better but rafale will be major threat

A poor 5th generation fighter will easily beat a good 4th generation. J-20 just needs the WS-15 engine and it will be able to compete with F-22 in every area.

Think of it this way- an early SU-27 would have nearly always beat a late-model F-4.
The real decision will not be of AM Nambiar but of the test when such system (man and machine combo) will be pitched against each other in real environment.
The better combo will speak itself.
See this video

Indeed. No internal weapon. Unless Rafale want to go to war with J-20 with 300rds of bullet and no missile.
While J-20 can carry 4 BVRAAM and 2 VRAAM while still maintan very low RCS and beat Rafale....

Rafale carry a huge aerial of weapon on pylon under wing lights up just like Xmas tree in a dark room under radar. :enjoy:
lol Rafael maybe good but still it isnt anywhere close to the contemporary 5th gen fighters of the world.
Pakistan herself tested it in 2006 and rejected her.
India. Is now a member of the middlemissle

It's OK we have long range sams too . Five regiments intact

And I put my money on French technology all day over Chinease technology

True fifth generation only exists in USA

China getting better but rafale will be major threat
Sounds like a 160 kmph indian express railway level threat to China HSR of 300 kmph.
And it is expensive and inefficient gov purchasing !Who said indians are poor?!

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