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Radical Myanmar monk joins hands with Sri Lankan Buddhists

Chances for recent South Indian ancestry are probably higher among Srilankan muslims...
for eg-Srilankan Muslim Tamil dialect is entirely different and sounds akin to Tamilnadu dialect than eezham dialects...

Any Sinhalese Muslims among them???..I mean the converts from local Sinhalese population,just like Sinhalese Christians....

There may be converts for sure. But not in significant numbers.. Mostly through intermarriages i supporse. Early Arab settlers married local Sinhalese and Tamil women

Some do consider themselves Sinhala Muslims. Very few though and especially from those in the Central districts as i mentioned earlier some of them do have Sinhalese family names.. But almost all Muslims in the island with the exception of some in the East are trilingual.. Fluent in Sinhala, English and Tamil

One reason they were instrumental in winning the civil war, As majority of the Military intelligence were Muslims

About the spoken Tamil.. Yes it's predominant among the Eastern Tamils who were brought in as slave labor by the Dutch.. Mainly from the Malabar and Corommandel Coasts in South India
Burmese Buddhists have adopted the same sort of rhetoric which BJP, RSS, and other Hindu radical groups have been using for decades. Indian influence over Burma is another factor. Sri Lankan monks are being corrupted by these same forces.

Several states are to blame. First of all Burma for its oppression and denial of basic rights to Muslims and Christians. India and its puppet Bangladesh for allowing, encouraging, and supporting the mistreatment of Muslims in Burma. International blame game and support networks which attempt to oppress Muslims worldwide are also to blame such as Israelis, Communists, and American Evangelical Conservatives.

In Sri Lanka, this is a slap in the face of Muslim Tamils who supported the government against Hindu Tamil tiger rebels (which were known to target mosques). International sanctions should be placed on all those promoting religious hatred in Burma and Sri Lanka, and they should be declared terrorist organizations and outlawed.
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Hardline Buddhists in Myanmar, Sri Lanka strike anti-Islamist pact - Yahoo News


Buddhist monk Ashin Wirathu, leader of the 969 movement, looks on as he attends a convention held by the Bodu Bala Sena (Buddhist Power Force, BBS) in Colombo September 28, 2014. REUTERS/Dinuka Liyanawatte

COLOMBO (Reuters) - A Myanmar monk accused of inciting violence against Muslims and a hardline Buddhist group in Sri Lanka said on Tuesday they would work together to rally other Buddhist groups and defend their faith against militant Islamists.

Ashin Wirathu, who once called himself "the Burmese bin Laden" said the agreement with Sri Lanka's Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) or "Buddhist Power Force", was the first step in a broad alliance against conversions by Islamists in the region.

The deal gave no detailed indication what the groups were planning to counter what they said was the risk of Buddhists becoming "victims of conversions by extremists", but the agreement could stoke anti-Muslim attacks in both countries.

Violence against Muslims in Sri Lanka, where Buddhists make up 70 percent of the 21 million population, has risen since 2012, mirroring the events in Myanmar.

In June, sectarian clashes erupted in two Muslim-majority towns on Sri Lanka's Sinhalese-dominated southern coast during a protest march led by the BBS.


Monks from Buddhist organization Bodu Bala Sena attend a speech by Ashin Wirathu at a BBS convention …

Wirathu is known for his anti-Islamic sermons, and his "969 movement" has been accused of running a hate campaign against Muslims in Myanmar, where at least 240 people have been killed since June 2012.

"Both Bodu Bala Sena and 969 movement have felt that they must now come forward to derive practical and meaningful ways to address these burning issues which cannot be left for politicians to deal with," the agreement said.

The groups will work on building networks among Buddhist societies and pool resources to fight for the faith, it said.

Wirathu was the guest of honor at a convention of the Sri Lankan group on Sunday where it announced the plan to work together ahead of a presidential election in Sri Lanka that could be held as early as January.

"The aim is to create an international Buddhist force the way we have a Buddhist force nationally in the country," said BBS Secretary-General Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara said about the pact struck with Wirathu's movement.
TBF.. Sinhala Buddhist nationalism evolved pre independence as a national movement for independence and then manifested itself in to a movement of fear mongering in the 1950's and Sinhala supremacy.. Way before any of these BBS or Islamaphobia came in to the pic..

What fuels this thought process is the fear of the destruction of the Sinhala race, Which is a global minority as oppose to Muslims and Tamils who are although minorities in the island are massive in global terms.. So that eventuality of the Sinhalese becoming a minority in their own land feeds in to that fear

It is now from the likes of the BBS and the JHU as it was then by the nationalist monks like Dharmapala and those who assassinated SWRD

Dharmapala is not a sinhala nationalist monk as often depicted. But he worked for economic prosperity of sinhala buddhists who were at that time were discriminated. Ideologically he targetted Muslims and Chrisitians whom he considered alien. Dharmapala is a product of the time.

Dharmapala is more of a Buddhist activist. He spent most of the latter part of his life in India as a buddhist monk. Actually he preferred india to SL. Not the sinhala nationalist anyone would expect.

The sinhala buddhist identity is more of a reaction to English educated Sinhala christian elite. The colonial british created a sinhala elite educated in English, who think in English who always gave prominence for european values and europe. There were Sinhala only in skin color. They did not stop there but insulted treated badly the swabhashika ppl. At that time speaking in sinhala was enough to treat someone as low. The sinhala buddhist movement started as a reaction to it.
Contrary to popular beliefs the sinhala nationalistic movement were supportive of Hindus.

There are more reasons that lead to SWRD's coming into power than nationalism. But yes politicians used sinhala racist elements and whipped up racism.

About the global minority thing, sinhalese are not the only global minority in the world. Insecurity does play a role here. But anti islamic wave is not the same as tamil-sinhala issue. That is the local manifestation of islamophobia. Insecurity is the prime reason racism occurs in every nation including liberal democracies in west. That is not limited to sinhalese.
There may be converts for sure. But not in significant numbers.. Mostly through intermarriages i supporse. Early Arab settlers married local Sinhalese and Tamil women

Some do consider themselves Sinhala Muslims. Very few though and especially from those in the Central districts as i mentioned earlier some of them do have Sinhalese family names.. But almost all Muslims in the island with the exception of some in the East are trilingual.. Fluent in Sinhala, English and Tamil

One reason they were instrumental in winning the civil war, As majority of the Military intelligence were Muslims

About the spoken Tamil.. Yes it's predominant among the Eastern Tamils who were brought in as slave labor by the Dutch.. Mainly from the Malabar and Corommandel Coasts in South India
Anyway..Its only in Srilanka where Muslims are recorded as a separate ethnicity,though they are speaking the very same language as that of Tamils(Tamil Hindus/Christians)...
Anyway..Its only in Srilanka where Muslims are recorded as a separate ethnicity,though they are speaking the very same language as that of Tamils(Tamil Hindus/Christians)...

Well in SL Muslims are not homogeneous like it is in South India.. There are distinct ethnic groups within the Muslim community itself as i have explained numerous times

Moors (Arab)
Eastern Muslims (South Indian)
and Malay (South East Asian and does not speak Tamil)

Language should not define ethnicity or should be hegemonic as in Tamil Nadu
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Misleading headline

Radical Myanmar monk joins hands with Sri Lankan Buddhists - Yahoo News

COLOMBO (Reuters) - A radical monk who heads a movement accused of stirring violence against Muslims in Myanmar has announced a partnership with a hardline Buddhist group in Sri Lanka to defend their religion.

The declaration by Ashin Wirathu, who once called himself "the Burmese bin Laden", was the clearest signal to date of a push to spread the ideology of his controversial 969 movement beyond Myanmar to build a front against Islamist militancy.

"Today, Buddhism is in danger. We need hands to be firmly held together if we hear alarm bells ringing," he told a convention that was held at an indoor stadium in the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo, on Sunday.

"I'd like to announce that 969 and I will join hands with Sri Lanka's Bodu Bala Sena to protect Buddhists all round the world," he said, referring to a group that has been accused of tyrannizing the minority Muslim community in Sri Lanka.

There was a sectarian clash in June in two Muslim-majority towns on Sri Lanka's Sinhalese-dominated southern coast during a protest march led by the BBS.

In his eight-minute speech, Wirathu thanked Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa for granting him a visa, despite protests by some Muslim groups in the island nation. Critics fault the president for failing to rein in the BBS' activities.

Wirathu, escorted by black-clad special security personnel, was welcomed at the Buddhist convention by traditional drummers and sat in the front row amid thousands of local monks.

He told the gathering that Buddhism was under siege, mainly from Muslim extremists, and said both his group and BBS use non-violent means to safeguard their religion.

"It's the responsibility of the monks as Buddha's sons to teach bad and uncivilized people to become good and civilized," he said. "If there is danger in one place, other countries need to help and protect them."

He did not spell out how he would work with BBS.

The BBS convention was held amid mounting speculation that there will be an early presidential election in Sri Lanka, possibly as soon as January, in which Rajapaksa is expected to run for a third term.

BBS Secretary-General Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara said in a speech his group would dictate the outcome of the election and future of the country thanks to its grassroot support.

Each of the 5,000 monks at the convention should create a vote bank of 1,000 at village temples to secure 5 million Buddhist votes, he said.

The predominantly Buddhist Sinhalese account for 70 percent of Sri Lanka's population of 21 million.

The BBS also proposed a policy framework on Sunday under which Sri Lanka would be declared a Buddhist Sinhala nation rather than a multi-ethnic nation.

send these idiots to do one month community service in BodhGaya! they will learn the real meaning of Budhism! But then pacifist Buddhists are the most easy target in this cruel world. So on second thought let them do what they are doing!
This was coming, in future it will be worse as the world gets polarized and anger against Islamic terrorism grows.
Eventually the whole world will become a "US versus THEM" situation.

Stop day-dreaming fool.

That's true. All religions/cults originating from India are violent in nature

That's what you learned in your Shakha?
LoL,whats day dreaming?We rule the nation,don't like it go to Pakistan.There is no place for your likes in bharat.
LoL,whats dreaming?We rule the nation,don't like it go to Pakistan.There is no place for your likes in bharat.
How will you send 35 crores of us to Pakistan? You couldn't even do it in 1947 when were were less than 3 crores:haha:
How will you send 35 crores of us to Pakistan? You couldn't even do it in 1947 when were were less than 3 crores:haha:
In 1947 we were not in power, How did your prophet make Mecca and other places into islam, that is how we are going to do it :haha:
Taking a leaf out of your book ;)
The new Geo Political scenarios in West Asia and around the world are going to make it happen.

Before you say anything, you have two choices and one choice is to migrate to Middle east,Pakistan,Bangladesh or any islamic nation or meet your maker.
The other one is of peaceful mutual settlement depending on your will to embrace your ancestors faith.
Well in SL Muslims are not homogeneous like it is in South India.. There are distinct ethnic groups within the Muslim community itself as i have explained numerous times

Moors (Arab)
Eastern Muslims (South Indian)
and Malay (South East Asian and does not speak Tamil)

Language should not define ethnicity or should be hegemonic as in Tamil Nadu
Who said that south Indian Muslims are homogeneous??
In Kerala they are..
mappila muslims(local Malayali converts)
thangal sects(Yemeni ancestry)
sayyid sects(uzbek ancestry)
Thulukar(Tamil ancestry)..
but unlike in Srilanka they are all called and identify themselves as Malayali Muslims...
1.The source of this Muslim - Buddhist conflict is an Arakanese Rakhine woman,Mra Raja Ling. She is a refugee living in Dhaka but travels regularly to her handlers in Burma.She is married to a BD Rakhine. She is the Secretary of the BD Rakhine Association. She is also chief of the women's wing of NUPA whch is a Rakhine insurgent group suspected to be behind the Ramu affair and anti-Muslim riots in Arakan.Just before the Ramu temple affair she had visited Burma. And almost always when she visits Burma there is a Buddhist-Muslim clash.

2. The Ramu temple incident is now taking its toll in SL, Indonesia, Burma and BD itself. There is tension elsewhere where Muslims and Buddhists have been living in peace and friendship for centuries.
Who said that south Indian Muslims are homogeneous??
In Kerala they are..
mappila muslims(local Malayali converts)
thangal sects(Yemeni ancestry)
sayyid sects(uzbek ancestry)
Thulukar(Tamil ancestry)..
but unlike in Srilanka they are all called and identify themselves as Malayali Muslims...

Well Muslims in Sri lanka call themselves Sri Lankan Muslims.. Why should they identify themselves from the language they speak ? First they identify themselves through their nationality that is Sri Lankan then their ethno/religious identity which is Muslim

Tamils are a distinct ethnic group, And so are the Muslims.. And all Muslims dont speak Tamil as their first language.. So why should they call themselves Tamil

You cant equate Demographic characteristics of India to Sri Lanka.. They are different countries with different history and culture
In 1947 we were not in power, How did your prophet make Mecca and other places into islam, that is how we are going to do it
Taking a leaf out of your book
The new Geo Political scenarios in West Asia and around the world are going to make it happen.
Before you say anything, you have two choices and one choice is to migrate to Middle east,Pakistan,Bangladesh or any islamic nation or meet your maker.
When is it going to happen? Which year? RSS has been talking about it since 20th century.
When is it going to happen? Which year? RSS has been talking about it since 20th century.
It took 60 years to dismantle the Nehru family and the communists who distorted history and brainwashed Hindu masses,Since Indian Independence was hijacked by Nehru and other secularists from S.C. Bose and Hindu Mahasabha.
Now it is done, in next 5 years Nehru family will be reduced to nothing and the remaining vestiges broken.After that another 5 years will see Hindu Rasthra being Implemented,it could speed up too taking into account the entry of ISIS and other Islamic terrorist groups and India joining the fight against Terrorism.
Once the temples are released from Government custody as the court case is already on and will be won.
The Hindu temples will work for Hindu Renaissance as Tamilnadu alone generates 6000 crores every year from hindu temples and that is only one state, think of how much money will be generated from Temples all over India and that will be used to build schools, temples, hospitals and stop Missionary and islamic conversion and reconvert people back.
Ours is a long fight ;)
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