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Radical Myanmar monk joins hands with Sri Lankan Buddhists

@wolfschanzze Well good enough! But you didn't answer my question how will you deport 35 cr Muslims who won't convert to Hinduism and accept Hindu Rashtra or Uniform code?
@wolfschanzze Well good enough! But you didn't answer my question how will you deport 35 cr Muslims who won't convert to Hinduism and accept Hindu Rashtra or Uniform code?
Most muslims will convert back when they are given a option of good quality of life, just like christians convert people with lure of money Rice bag Christians.
Muslims fear Apostasy and In Hindu dominated nation like India you cannot carry out death penalties to Muslims who want to convert to Hinduism therefore they can convert without fear of death under the protection of Hindus.
Just like you converted nations to islam,likewise we will convert them.The ones who don't want to convert well there are other options don't want to say it just yet. :)
Well Muslims in Sri lanka call themselves Sri Lankan Muslims.. Why should they identify themselves from the language they speak ? First they identify themselves through their nationality that is Sri Lankan then their ethno/religious identity which is Muslim

Tamils are a distinct ethnic group, And so are the Muslims.. And all Muslims dont speak Tamil as their first language.. So why should they call themselves Tamil

You cant equate Demographic characteristics of India to Sri Lanka.. They are different countries with different history and culture
Nope...You are mixing Nationality with linguistic ethnicity.....Then why these Sinhalese,Tamils Malay tags???...Or is it applicable only for Ceylon Muslim population??
If thats the case...why malay speaking Muslims are identify as Malays??..I am not talking about moors or Sinhalese speaking muslims...what about Tamil speaking eastern Muslims(of Tamilnadu ancestry)???
Nope...You are mixing Nationality with linguistic ethnicity.....Then why these Sinhalese,Tamils Malay tags???...Or is it applicable only for Ceylon Muslim population??
If thats the case...why malay speaking Muslims are identify as Malays??..I am not talking about moors or Sinhalese speaking muslims...what about Tamil speaking eastern Muslims(of Tamilnadu ancestry)???

Again language does not construe ethnicity.. You seem to be confusing yourself with the demographics of South India with others.. Ok leave SL for a moment and take Pakistan a country with 95% Muslim and within that community there are many ethnicities.. Just because almost all of them speak Urdu that does not mean everyone of them identify themselves as Sindhi's ?

Malays identify themselves as Malays is because they are a distinct ethnic group.. With their own customs and language.. Why is that so hard to comprehend ? So does the Moors.. The lineage of those people are clear.. Maybe conversion to Islam by the local populations of South India was en-mass, Where people who were Tamil/Malayali to begin with converted thus holding on to thier ethnic identity and language.. No such thing happened in SL.. Atleast not in large scale.. Almost all were migrants that assimilated in to the SL society through marriage

So they in turn have their distinct ethnicity intact.. Again language hegemony does not come in the pic there where ethnicity supersedes the languages spoken, Unlike in South India, Where language seem to be the main identification

Your question about Tamil Muslims is not clear ?
Again language does not construe ethnicity.. You seem to be confusing yourself with the demographics of South India with others.. Ok leave SL for a moment and take Pakistan a country with 95% Muslim and within that community there are many ethnicities.. Just because almost all of them speak Urdu that does not mean everyone of them identify themselves as Sindhi's ?

Malays identify themselves as Malays is because they are a distinct ethnic group.. With their own customs and language.. Why is that so hard to comprehend ? So does the Moors.. The lineage of those people are clear.. Maybe conversion to Islam by the local populations of South India was en-mass, Where people who were Tamil/Malayali to begin with converted thus holding on to thier ethnic identity and language.. No such thing happened in SL.. Atleast not in large scale.. Almost all were migrants that assimilated in to the SL society through marriage

So they in turn have their distinct ethnicity intact.. Again language hegemony does not come in the pic there where ethnicity supersedes the languages spoken, Unlike in South India, Where language seem to be the main identification

Your question about Tamil Muslims is not clear ?
Modern ethnicity is purely based on language spoken,not just in south india,throughout the entire Indian sub continent...

In Pakistan they have Sindis,Punjabis,baluchis,kashmiris,pashtuns.They are all based on their languages..A Punjabi speaking sikh or a Christian is classified as a Punjabi in Pakistan..
Tamil Muslims..y
i meant eastern Tamils..but they are classified as a separate identity,even though they spoke the same language and have the same ancestry as that of Tamils...

Sorry..Eastern Muslims...
In Pakistan they have Sindis,Punjabis,baluchis,kashmiris,pashtuns.They are all based on their languages..A Punjabi speaking sikh or a Christian is classified as a Punjabi in Pakistan..

You don't really understand Pakistan.
Burmese Buddhists have adopted the same sort of rhetoric which BJP, RSS, and other Hindu radical groups have been using for decades. Indian influence over Burma is another factor. Sri Lankan monks are being corrupted by these same forces.

Several states are to blame. First of all Burma for its oppression and denial of basic rights to Muslims and Christians. India and its puppet Bangladesh for allowing, encouraging, and supporting the mistreatment of Muslims in Burma. International blame game and support networks which attempt to oppress Muslims worldwide are also to blame such as Israelis, Communists, and American Evangelical Conservatives.

In Sri Lanka, this is a slap in the face of Muslim Tamils who supported the government against Hindu Tamil tiger rebels (which were known to target mosques). International sanctions should be placed on all those promoting religious hatred in Burma and Sri Lanka, and they should be declared terrorist organizations and outlawed.
Australians, west and others have opted the same too.

@wolfschanzze Well good enough! But you didn't answer my question how will you deport 35 cr Muslims who won't convert to Hinduism and accept Hindu Rashtra or Uniform code?
Brain washing ?
Modern ethnicity is purely based on language spoken,not just in south india,throughout the entire Indian sub continent...

In Pakistan they have Sindis,Punjabis,baluchis,kashmiris,pashtuns.They are all based on their languages..A Punjabi speaking sikh or a Christian is classified as a Punjabi in Pakistan..
Tamil Muslims..y
i meant eastern Tamils..but they are classified as a separate identity,even though they spoke the same language and have the same ancestry as that of Tamils...

Sorry..Eastern Muslims...

Thats the thing mate.. Thats what differentiates SL Muslims.. Moors are multi lingual so they dont have a mother tongue per se and Malay's consider Bhasa Malayu as thier mother tongue.. So they have no reason to identify them selves as Tamil

And i dont agree on your point on Pakistani's as well.. They clearly identify themselves on ethnicity within the Muslim nation irrespective of the language.. Baluchs, Punjabi's etc

About the Eastern Muslims in SL.. Yes you do have a point there.. Maybe it's for political purposes.. Relations between Tamils and Tamil Muslims have not been very rosy throughout history in SL.. Especially during the war.. Where Eastern Muslims were ethnically cleansed from the North and East and massacred in droves by the LTTE

And i dont think modern ethnicity is based on language when there are distinct differences in culture and race
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Bottomline is......'Extremism can only be countered by extremism'......sad reality of the world!
.......The Buddhists have no other choice.....it's a battle for their survival...
Really getting tired of this world,extremism,corruption, hate and pure dumbness everywhere.....thats why i escape into history,video games and movies.
Bottomline is......'Extremism can only be countered by extremism'......sad reality of the world!
.......The Buddhists have no other choice.....it's a battle for their survival...
Absolutely right. If people of a particular community think that they are responsible for each other, then they are responsible for each other's mistake too.
Misleading headline

Radical Myanmar monk joins hands with Sri Lankan Buddhists - Yahoo News

COLOMBO (Reuters) - A radical monk who heads a movement accused of stirring violence against Muslims in Myanmar has announced a partnership with a hardline Buddhist group in Sri Lanka to defend their religion.

The declaration by Ashin Wirathu, who once called himself "the Burmese bin Laden", was the clearest signal to date of a push to spread the ideology of his controversial 969 movement beyond Myanmar to build a front against Islamist militancy.

"Today, Buddhism is in danger. We need hands to be firmly held together if we hear alarm bells ringing," he told a convention that was held at an indoor stadium in the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo, on Sunday.

"I'd like to announce that 969 and I will join hands with Sri Lanka's Bodu Bala Sena to protect Buddhists all round the world," he said, referring to a group that has been accused of tyrannizing the minority Muslim community in Sri Lanka.

There was a sectarian clash in June in two Muslim-majority towns on Sri Lanka's Sinhalese-dominated southern coast during a protest march led by the BBS.

In his eight-minute speech, Wirathu thanked Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa for granting him a visa, despite protests by some Muslim groups in the island nation. Critics fault the president for failing to rein in the BBS' activities.

Wirathu, escorted by black-clad special security personnel, was welcomed at the Buddhist convention by traditional drummers and sat in the front row amid thousands of local monks.

He told the gathering that Buddhism was under siege, mainly from Muslim extremists, and said both his group and BBS use non-violent means to safeguard their religion.

"It's the responsibility of the monks as Buddha's sons to teach bad and uncivilized people to become good and civilized," he said. "If there is danger in one place, other countries need to help and protect them."

He did not spell out how he would work with BBS.

The BBS convention was held amid mounting speculation that there will be an early presidential election in Sri Lanka, possibly as soon as January, in which Rajapaksa is expected to run for a third term.

BBS Secretary-General Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara said in a speech his group would dictate the outcome of the election and future of the country thanks to its grassroot support.

Each of the 5,000 monks at the convention should create a vote bank of 1,000 at village temples to secure 5 million Buddhist votes, he said.

The predominantly Buddhist Sinhalese account for 70 percent of Sri Lanka's population of 21 million.

The BBS also proposed a policy framework on Sunday under which Sri Lanka would be declared a Buddhist Sinhala nation rather than a multi-ethnic nation.
since when did buddhists become so damn violent.
since when did buddhists become so damn violent.

Though i don't agree to their means and rhetoric.. It's reaction to whats going on around the region and the wider world.. And they're getting a hearing from the wider populace, Though a small minority still at least in SL . It's a failure of both communities in dialog in recent years, Two communities that have been living in peace for thousands of years.

A reason maybe the overt exposition of Arabic culture among some SL Muslims in recent years like wearing face veils among women etc.. Something that is alien and foreign till few years ago making the wider population jittery, And the infiltration of certain radical elements threatening the more mainstream Islam that was practiced in SL.. there have been reported attacks on mainstream mosques and Sufi's by these elements

So yeah.. It is more of a case of fringe organizations backed by certain political elements feeding on these fears generated by certain groups, Than actually animosity among communities
Though i don't agree to their means and rhetoric.. It's reaction to whats going on around the region and the wider world.. And they're getting a hearing from the wider populace, Though a small minority still at least in SL . It's a failure of both communities in dialog in recent years, Two communities that have been living in peace for thousands of years.

A reason maybe the overt exposition of Arabic culture among some SL Muslims in recent years like wearing face veils among women etc.. Something that is alien and foreign till few years ago making the wider population jittery, And the infiltration of certain radical elements threatening the more mainstream Islam that was practiced in SL.. there have been reported attacks on mainstream mosques and Sufi's by these elements

So yeah.. It is more of a case of fringe organizations backed by certain political elements feeding on these fears generated by certain groups, Than actually animosity among communities
i just always thought of buddhist as simple and peaceful people.
i just always thought of buddhist as simple and peaceful people.

Yeah by far.. But they are also nationalists especially in SL where Buddhism is intertwined with nationalism. It's a case of fear mongering, But not without good cause to fear
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